Brigham Young University
Bertha I. Polk
SERIES I., No. 3. ((tuarterlf.) PRICE 76 CENTS.
Its Origin and Its Destiny.
% Serial §tboitt3i ia i\it Steirg 0f i)^z ^nmn gliirirk.
Jer. XXXII. 11-15
Series I.. No. 3. March 20, 1H91,
Annual Subscription $3.00.
" Thus salth the Lord God; I will also take of the high-
est branch of the high cedar, and will set it; I will crop
off from the top of his younj? twigs a tender one, and will
plant it upon an high mountain and eminent:
In the mountain of the height of Israel will I plant it j
In a land of Trafflck; In a city of Merchants; In a fruitful
field; By Great waters."— Ezek. xvii. 22, 23. 4. 5.
C. A. L. TOTTEN, U. S. A.
"TRUTH AGAINST THE WORLD" (Motto of the ancient KUMREE).
"We can do nothing against the truth" (St. Paul); "Great is Truth,
and mighty above all things" (Esdras); "Buy the Truth and sell it not"
(Solomon); "Truth is stranger than fiction" (Byron); "What is Truth?"
(Pilate); "I AM THE TRUTH" (Assertion of THE CHRIST).
Send Address and Advance Subscriptions, to
The^ E^dixor of*
p. O. Box 1333.
New Haven, Conn.
_^.<>.^ ♦<», too» am Of Sltcalria." ■^"> —
mt ^tmtxxm ^t the loltj ge^irU*
^Jx$ ^0mma Within the ^ommtt.
First Lieutenant Fourth Artillery. U. S. A. ; Professor of Military
Science and Tactics, S. S. S. of Yale University;
Author of " Strategos; " •' An Important Question; " " Facts,
Fancies, Legends, and Lore of Nativity;" Etc.
Editor of " Our Race," Etc.
" Thus saith the Lord God, I will also take of the highest branch of the high
cedar, and will set it, I will crop off from the TOP of his YOUNG TWIGS a
TENDER one, and will plant it upon an high mountain and eminent. In the
mountain of the height of Israel will I plant it."-Ezek. xvii. 22-23.
Copyrighted, 1887, 1891,
(All rights reserved.)
British and Colonial Publishers
are requested to courteously honor the integrity
of this copyright; —
de causa Fraternitatis.
SINCE New Year's Sunday, Sept. 22d, 5888 a. m.,—
WILL LEAD Our Race, who have inherited
*' The Sluggard is wiser in his own conceit than seven
men that can render a reason." Prov, xxvi, 16.
Study No. 3
THE Our Race Series.
Tl^e Pbilosopl)!y of history.
"Produce your cause, saith the Lord; Iring forth your
strong reasons, saith the King of Jacob,
'' Let them, bring them forth, and shetv us ivhat shall
happen; let them sheio the former things, what they be,
that we may consider them,, and know the latter end of
them : or declare us things to come/' Isa. xli. 21-22.
Study Number Three.
David's Daughter, - Jeremiali's Ward.
The Romance within the Romance.
Preface, . •....•• .
Introduction, ......... xvii
PART I. — Htstorico-Introductory.
The Thread of the Romance,
The End op Days,
The Feast of Kings,
The Battle of the Kings,
The Celts, II
The Eastern Question,
The New School of History,
The Magnitude of the Topic,
An Age of Faltering Faith,
The Scripture Forecast,
The Times op the Gentiles,
The Cradle Land op many
Creeds, ....
The Rival Champions,
Russia versus England,
Is Britain " Israel,"
Modern Prophets,
The Days op Fulfilment,
Additional Guarantees,
Jacob's Zodiac, ....
The Cosmopolitan Land,
The Heart op Empire,
The Call from Ur,
The Sceptre and the Birth-
right, ....
Israel becomes a Nation,
Schooled in the Wilderness,
The Conquest op Palestine, . 53
The Nation's Development, 54
A Query, 55
Sown in many Waters, . 55
Dan the Pioneer op Israel, . 56
Dan's Ubiquity, ... 58
The Summit Reached, . . 59
The Kingdom Severed, . 61
The Stone Cut Out, . . 62
Cast out but not Forgotten, 63
The Five Empires, ... 67
Geographical Philology, . 70
Israel Redivivus, . . .71
Assyrian Testimony, . . 73
Forging the Chain, . . .74
The Overland Route, . . 75
A Wandering Race, . . .87
Dan and His Ships, . . 89
Meath, ,..'... 90
The Lost Tribes, ... 91
Gaels prom Galilee, . . 94
A RESUMfi, .... 99
Aryan versus Shemitic, . . 102
The Jews Never Lost, . 104
David's Sceptre Lost, . .107
The Saviour's Testimony, . 109
The Tribe of Benjamin, . .111
The Scarlet Thread, . . 122
A Crucial Test, . . .124
A Double Dilemma, . . 126
;!aptors and Captives, . . 130
/Contrasted Situations, . 131
The Wolf and the Fold, . 133
An Interim, .... 136
The Ships op Tarshish, . . 137
Delenda Est, .... 138
The Islands op the Blessed, 143
No More a People, . . 145
Unnumbered and Unsealed, . 147
The Rise of Babylon, . 150
Picking up the Combination, 152
PART II.— Tea Tephi.
Malus Ordo S^clorum, . 157
Jeremiah op Anathoth, . . 159
Jeremiah op Libnah, . . 161
Cemented Frienships, . .164
Genealogy op Tea Tephi, . 165
Jeremiah Commissioned, . . 167
A New Year's Gift, . . 169
The Great Passover. . .170
The Second Commandment, , 172
Zerah versus Pharez, , . 174
Beginning op the End, . 175
Fall of Zebudah's Line, . 178
The Cedars op Lebanon, . 181
Contemporaries op Zedekiah, 187
Not Without Honor, . . 190
David's Daughter, . . .192
A Mirage en Route, . . 195
Jerusalem Destroyed, . . 202
The Last King op Judah, . 206
The Kingdom, . . . .209
A Prisoner op State, . . 211
Out op the Pit, . , . 215
The Sceptre Safe, . , 218
Jeremiah Favored, , . . 222
At the Old Homestead, . 224
Saxon Folk Lore, . . . 225
Mother Goose for Grown Folk, 227
The Hill House Estate, . 230
Called Back to Ram ah, . 232
Flotsam and Jetsam, . , 234
Plans and Preparations, . 237
Concealed Treasures, , . 238
The Thread Recovered, , 241
Waiting at Mizpah, . , . 254.
A Rival Claimant, . . 246
Ishmael Usurps the Sceptre, 849
The Daughters Rescued, . 252
Johanan Revolts, ... 253
Editorials, .
. 257
®ur flDotto*
mA Irut (f)nc Pa« in W^mm.
'' The words of ivise men are heard in quiet more than
the cry of him that ruleth among fools." EccL ix. 17.
To the Agnostic the problem of existence must
remain inscrutable, for so long as he is true to his
own definitions he can no more contemplate himself
than the stream can rise above its fountain head.
Nevertheless his quandary is as repugnant to the
human mind as is the vacuum to Nature, the plain-
est evidence of which lies in the fact that the greatest
self-styled Agnostics of the day rank highest among
those who have actually fought their own creed
most desperately in their vain efforts to arrive at
truth by human means alone.
Blind to the inconsistency of their own efforts,
and insistently declining the external assistance of
Revelation, which their own position necessarily
makes the sine qua non of any higher knowledge,
they have been self-doomed, in every age, to play
the roll of
" Restless spirits, hedged in, dissatisfied."
We doubt if Dante dreamed of fate more des-
perate than the " Shade " of a Philosopher who had
destroyed himself !
Remove, however, the narrow, and unwarranted
limitations of this suicidal school of thinkers, and
we may soar at once in unfettered freedom far
above the earth-source of our being. There are
other laws than those of gravity.^ Water may be
/i/Ud though it cannot Hft itself, and in every rain-
bow does the sunlight demonstrate how high above
its cradle upon earth the Spirit of the stream may
float. The chief fault of Agnosticism is its unwil-
lingness to try this matter by its own inherent rules,
and its obstinate rejection, as unknowable, of all
that will not yield to rules originated by itself.
Upon the same principles the folly of the owl
would dispute the wonders of the spectroscope, and
reject the possibility of analysis conducted upon
methods that it could not understand except by
faith ; for the light of the body is the eye, without
it we were still in darkness though the world were
bathed in sunlight, nor could we have any concep-
tion of its character, unless revealed to us by others.
This is the common sense basis of all practical life,
the sum of our experience ; and to resist its applica-
tion to the final problem of problems is simply to take
a captious exception at the last moment and array
one's self against the teachings of. the whole
sequence that leads up to — God.
Deny these premises and the most ambitious pen
may be defied to offer any logical and satisfactory
solution to the problem of existence ; admit them,
and the outline of its rational treatment is within
our reach.
Now from the modern point of view the outcome
of Human Progress is centered in the Anglo-Saxon
Race, and we have already adduced sufficient alien
testimony (See Study No. i) as to the present fact,
and its future consequences, to admit it calmly as
a premise no longer to be fairly disputed.
But the Philosophy of Our History, its raison
d'etre, is beyond the compass of the broadest intel-
lect unless the mind is aided by a true conception
of the Origin and Destiny of '' Israel." For if
Agnosticism is logically brought face to face with
the reductio ad absurdum, then *' Revelation " is, by
the converse, rendered metaphysically necessary, and
therefore proved. And finally, as upon this recti-
fied foundation, tzvo peoples — Israel of Old, and
the modern Sons of Isaac — cannot both occupy the
'' Superlative," and remain distinct, it follows that
they must be One, and if so, we must bridge the
''time of punishment and schooling " which divides
their histories, and show that all the chapters of the
scroll are in reality consecutive /
''.Then answered I and said, I beseech thee 0 Lord,
let me have understanding. For it was not in my mind
to he curious of the high things, hut of such as pass hy
us daily, namely, wherefore Israel is given up as a re-
proach to the heathen, and for vjhat cause the people
whom thou hast loved is given over unto ungodly nations,
and why the law of our forefathers is brought to naughty
and the written covenants come to naught.
''And we pass away out of the world as grasshoppers,
and our life is astonishment and fear, and we are not
worthy to obtain mercy,
" What will he then do unto his name, whereby we
are called ? Of these things have I ashed.
" Then answered he me, and said, The more thou
searchest, the more thou shalt MAKVEL/'
IL Esdras (IV. Apoch.) iv. 22-26.
The mystery of the *' Lost Tribes of Israel " has
for many years formed an enchanting subject of
Anglo-Saxon speculation. No other people have
sought for them so assiduously, nor have any others
had' such excellent opportunities to prosecute the
search far and wide, as they have, in their endless'**
But all of the inhabitable sections of the Globe
have now been searched, and still the solution of
the mystery has not been reached. To true Bible
students, however, the subject has not yet lost any
of its interest and now that there remain no new
countries for examination, the investigation has ■
been suddenly forced to take a novel and most
startling line of operations.
As a literal fact the period of just 2520 solar
years intervened between the generation of
" Israel's " disappearance, and that which marks her
rediscovery. It was at this time (1837-68 A. D.),
that John Wilson advanced the surmise that per-
haps the whole Teutonic race owed its origin to
this missing people, and initiated that subjective
review of the evidence which has narrowed down
the modern field of search, and has brought to light
so many waymarks of decided weight.
But from the Bible standpoint (and to those most
interested in the study it is a deeply sacred subject
—or else it is of no special account !) the Teutonic
theory falls short of satisfying the most pressing de-
mands of a liberal exegesis. Hence little by little
its limits have been still further narrowed down
until at last it has been focused upon the Anglo-
Saxon race alone. John Wilson was the ** forerun-
ner" of Edward Hine, to whom forever belongs the
credit of this final circumscription, and whose pub-
lic labors date from 1868-70.*
* The author of the present volume was well acquainted with Mr.
Edward Hine, the latter having been his guest for the first several
weeks following his arrival in this country (whither he came in No-
vember, 1884, for a brief but unsuccessful lecture tour). Hine heard
Wilson lecture but once, at " Witness Hall," Alderstreet Gate, Lon-
don, in 1842. The impression then made was deep and lasting. In
1868 he was induced to begin his own public career, and in 1870 pub-
lished his first work, " Twenty-seven Identifications of the English
Nation with the Lost House of Israel."
Coincident with its appearance, the death of Wilson was an-
nounced. As Mr. Hine remarks in a note to Vol. i. No. i, of his
" Life from the Dead," 1873 — Wilson " died in ignorance of the fact
that one was prepared to give a fresh start to the work he had com-
menced in 1837, the work of his life. From the time I heard his
lecture to the time of my publishing, I had never either seen or
heard of Mr. Wilson (!) a circumstance I much regret, because truth
must give me boldness to declare that I possessed many corrections
to make and many improvements to offer upon his method of hand-
ling the subject."
In all such matters dates are of far more importance than men
commonly believe, for they severally ring chimes upon the dial of
Whatever is demanded and satisfied by the purely
Teutonic theory is equally shared by the Anglo-
Israelitish Identity, while the latter is pointedly for-
tified by facts and arguments which gain increased
force pari passu with the failure of the broader
hypothesis. Indeed in the light which reserves this
possible origin to the English Speaking Race alone,
the early chronicles and traditions of the Western
Isles acquire a new and deep significance.
In our present study we shall endeavor to search
out the Philosophy of Israel's History during the
whole Post-exilic period, and in the more sober col-
ors of calm retrospect point out its bearings on her
modern descendants — upon Our Own Race — now
chief among the nations of the earth. In the prog-
ress of our investigations we shall linger awhile at
the most enchanting chapter of the whole Romance
— the one which lies intermediate between Israel
Lost and Israel Found, and yet the one which binds
the whole together, and promises to future students
the most absorbing lines of supplementary corrobo-
the true chronology which lend them credence and authority with
those who look beneath the surface of History. But even were there
room enough upon the earth to contain the volumes which might be
written upon the infinite phases of truth and inspiration, it is no
place, here, to go further into the matter.
''Prove all things; hold fast that which is good.
" Faithful is He that calleth you, who will also do
it." ' //. Thess. V. 21, 24.
The Romance Within the Romance
The Philosophy of History.
The Scattering of the Holy People.
'^ The kingdom is already prepared for you: watch.
** Take heaven and earth to witness; for I have broken
the evil in pieces, and created the good; for I live, saith
the Lord.
^'Mother, embrace thy children, and bring them up
with gladness, make them fast as a pillar; for I have
chosen thee, saith the Lord.
^^ And those that be dead will I raise up again from
their places, and bring them out of the graves; for I
have called my name upon them.
" Fear not, thou mother of children: for I have chosen
thee, saith the Lord.
'^ For thy help will I send my servants, Esay and
Jeremy, after whose counsel I have sanctified and pre-
pared for thee tivelve trees laden 2vith divers fruits, and
as many fountains flowing with milk and honey, and
seven mighty mountains, whereupon there grow roses
and lilies, whereby I will fill thy children tvith joy."
IL (IV.) Esdras n.' 16-19.
The Thread of the Romance.
In the complicated problem of the competition
of races, for whose final solution the Anglo-Saxon
peoples have not only been reared but have been
disciplined so long, and for which end they are with
almost providential partiality still maintained, still
being so severely schooled, the '' Eastern Question "
is the dominant factor, — a constant which may not
be eliminated, and one whose weight has always
hitherto been strangely overlooked.
But it is not only the ruling factor in the current
equation of universal history, it has always been
the central topic around which the scheme of
human progress has arranged itself.
A claim so broad naturally sounds strange in
ears that rarely listen with responsive interest to
the details of a question which to Americans, par-
ticularly, is foreign and remote ; yet this would not
have been the case had not a partial blindness cir-
cumscribed our vision.
If, with the favored glance of inspiration — the
coup d'ceil of prophetic foresight, — man could but
have looked out beyond the age in which he lived,
or with a broader statesmanlike induction have
drawn more just conclusions from the records of
the past, he would have understood the philosophy
of his earthly destiny far better, and have seen its
certain trend across the scroll of time.
But the age of darkness has of late been yielding
to a twilight which promises a broader outlook.
Light has infused itself into the mental atmosphere
and its mists are lifting. Already many have been
wise enough to distinguish the main current of
human affairs from its confusing eddies and its
numerous accidental undertows, and with a sharper
vision have been able to look away from where the
stream is influenced by shoals and banks, and by
the entanglements of fen and marsh, and thus to
grasp its surer flow from ages gone, through present
ones, towards the ocean of the future.
To such the story of man's progress now assumes
an altogether new and startling import, and its
whole plot is redeveloped upon novel lines. It is
true, indeed, that its incidents are all familiar ones,
but they seem to work themselves into the compre-
hensive mosaic of existence without accident, and
upon the broader scheme of what the gods dispose,
rather than upon the narrow one of human propo-
No nation fits by chance into the plan thus seen ;
each has a special and peculiar place, unique and
suited to itself alone. The crucible tries all alike
and whether it be by virtue of some special genius,
or by dint of sore experience, by race proclivity, or
through some neutral trait of sheer endurance, they
all pass through the fire, and each one flows, into
the mould prepared for it, and so becomes a nat-
ural, necessary element of one great living cyclo-
But the role of '* Israel " — chief among these
nations, and chosen out of all to act as the promi-
nent character in the human drama — deserves our
closest study if we wish to catch the ruling motif oi
the mystery before us : and to understand this role
we needs must pass in brief review the main chap-
ters of the '' Controversy of Zion," or those which
deal most intimately with the so called " Eastern
Whatever aspect it may have to others of the
human race, it is to Anglo-Saxons, by inheritance, a
subject of paramount importance, and this is capa-
ble of significant demonstration to its halves in
either hemisphere — the Greater Essex and Wessex
of these modern days.
The subdivisions of this question are, to each of
them, of chief concern among all the military, relig-
ious, and social elements of race survival which are
now before mankind in general, and in their true
solution lurks the secret of man's universal future
upon earth.
6 the philosophy of history.
*' The End of Days."
It is hardly possible that the nineteenth century-
will close before this momentous subject shall have
had its final discussion upon the battle-field.
Yearly it becomes more and more apparent that
" the inevitable conflict " cannot be delayed much
longer, and no one can view the world's growing
unrest over Eastern affairs without feeling some
concern in issues that will surely prove themselves
to be indeed world-wide and everlasting in their
influence, be the ultimate solution either Anglican
or Russian.
It is therefore of vital importance that all who
speak the English language and now enjoy the laws
and liberties of English lands, should dispassion-
ately study the bearings of this absorbing topic in
order to be individually convinced whether or not it
is a fact that in its solution hangs the destiny of
their posterity, and what the chances of the conflict
If it be indeed a subject of such general Anglo-
Saxon interest, then even we, of Greater Wessex,
who live upon this hither hemisphere, although we
are so far removed from European strife, may haply
find ourselves to be involved when the crisis of that
conflict comes which is to shape the empires that
survive it.
It is the purpose, therefore, of the present volume,
to take up the consideration of this absorbing
topic, and to discuss it from the standpoint of the
literal identity of the Anglo-Saxon Race with the
descendants of the Lost Tribes of Israel.
From the wide interest already manifested in
"Jeshurun's Pilgrimage Towards Ammi, from Lo
Ammi," and with which we opened this series of
studies upon '' Our Race, Its Origin and Destiny,"
and which was preliminary hereto, we do not doubt
that there are many readers who are willing to pro-
ceed with us still further, and who will gladly lend
us their assistance to swell the constituency we
desire to reach.
This constituency is as wide as Anglo-Saxondom
itself, and to its members the theme cannot but
come with all the power of a gospel. It is founded
upon two Testaments, the Old and New, and draws
its vitality from their literal interpretation.
The identity thus advocated is by no means a
mere theory. It is rather a belief, firm and wide
sweeping, and one which has a growing school of
thoughtful men already working earnestly thereat,
and anxiously elaborating its messages of truth.
To others it is a subject so new and startling, and
one which accumulates around it so much that is
enticing to the interest, that in it one may almost
hope to find solution to the long vexed problem of
But if '* Faith is the substance of things hoped
for," here is certainly the continent whereon true
Faith may build.
At any rate our theme affords a thread upon
which the events of universal history may be so
consistently and so simply strung, that, to say the
least, it enables one to memorize their sequence,
and to keep them all in. mutual view far better
than upon any other scheme dependent on the
accidents of merely human diplomacy and state-
Be this solution then mere romancing or not, it
sheds a light upon the controversy for the " Gate of
Commerce," which bespeaks for it a candid hearing
in every Anglo-Saxon quarter, while for acknowl-
edgment as truth it is content to wait.
Upon the other hand, however, if this grand iden-
tity be a literal fact, and therefore shall at length
defeat all else which would gainsay it, it is momen-
tous beyond all other human issues, and it fills the
Saxon story with a PHILOSOPHY almost too grand
to grasp. •
The Feast of Kings.
" Wheresoever the carcass is there will the
eagles be gathered together ; " and conversely we
may predicate, that wheresoever these hungry birds
of prey are noticed to be congregating, there we
may expect to find a feast prepared.
For years there has been unusual clamor among
the hungry heraldic birds, emblazoned on the stand-
ards of European nations nor with uncertain flight
have they winged their way towards the east, and
poised or circled round the central lands of all the
earth : —
It is in these regions that ^' the sick man of
Europe " now lies dying — with his heart on Palestine
and, it is towards these very same regions that the
eyes of " Judah " turn — in these days of the Restitu-
tion— in the hope that when once more ** the Land "
is repossessed by its rightful owners their wander-
ings may end.
Even Science herself becomes an irredentist
when she contemplates this central land, and at
the date of this writing (Feb., 1891), is seriously
proposing to make the longitude of Jerusalem '' the
universal zero," and its meridian the "Standard,"
one for time, chronology, and geographical pur-
['*Ar. V. Tribune, February i, 1891.]
* "reckoning from JERUSALEM.
"The much-vexed question of a primary meridian and universal
standard of time has again been brought to the fore in an interesting
and rather promising form. Last June, it will be remembered, the
International Telegraphic Conference at Paris discussed the matter,
and indirectly intimated that the meridian of Greenwich would not
be acceptable to all nations as the standard. A vote was also passed
approving the efforts of the Academy of Sciences of Bologna, Italy,
to find a satisfactory solution. The Bologna Academy has now for-
mulated the results of its studies and deliberations, and the Italian
Government has sent a summary thereof to all the countries inter-
ested with a request for judgment on the scheme.
" The plan of the Bologna scientists is, briefly stated, to adopt the
meridian of Jerusalem as the primary, and to make the universal
day begin there at noon. Thus the universal day and the chronolog-
The fact is the land of Palestine is fatidical, and
it is idle for the world to shut out the recognition
of its growing prominence, or to close its memory
to the place this ''land of origines " has always
occupied in human destiny, and to which it is
assigned in prophecy yet unfulfilled.
Let us examine the matter more closely.
'' The Battle of the Kings."
In its very opening chapter military history deals
with the Eastern Question and perhaps with the
Western one when we shall understand its origines
sufficiently !
"The Battle of the Kings," five against four in
the vale of Siddim, involved the possession of Pal-
ical day would be made to coincide almost exactly ; a result which
has for many years been earnestly desired. One of the strongest
arguments in favor of this scheme is that it would admit of the
establishment of an international observatory on the prime me-
ridian." (One possessing a land amplitude of more than 90° run-
ning through comparatively accessible regions, and Jerusalem itself
being practically neutral ground and likely to remain so.)
" Thus for practical scientific purposes this meridian is highly
satisfactory, while from the point of view of international pride and
etiquette it is to be preferred before any other. It would seem odd
to begin saying so many degrees east or west from Jerusalem, and
we should have largely to remake our charts. But once universally
adopted, the system would prove of incalculable convenience. Some
standard of reckoning for all the world is coming to be a necessity,
and, for the reasons we have given, that proposed by the Bologna
Academy seems decidedly preferable to any other that has yet been
offered to the world."
estine. At its outcome the great empire of the
Hittites was weakened and soon after swept away.
But neither the kings who conquered under
Chedorlaomer nor those who failed under Bera, the
King of Sodom, nor Lot, who suffered in their fall,
considered that the die of war is always weighted
by the God of Battles. Hence Abraham as the
final factor in this opening chapter of terrestrial
conflict, pursued and smote the victors near Da-
mascus, and rescued Lot, his persons and all of his
So decided was this victory that Melchizedec —
mysterious figure on the stage of history — appeared
with bread and wine, and, having blessed Abraham
in the name of the most high God, and ascribed all
victories to him, returned into its gloom forever.
From that day down to this, Palestine has been
concerned, at least remotely, in all the wars of his-
tory— in its international conflicts. So, too, accord-
ing to the prophets, there, within the limits of the
Holy Land, upon the broad plains of Samaria, is
ultimately to be fought man's greatest, final battle
— that of Armageddon, in whose closing scene
according to the prophets the God of War himself
is yet to take such crushing part.
The Celts.
In the mean time, and while momentarily refer-
ring to the disappearance of the Hittites, it is inter-
esting to suggest, as a possible solution of the
Aryan migration, into whose stream in later centu-
ries '' Israel " in particular was again engulfed and
temporarily " lost," that perhaps in them, the C/ieta
or Hittites, already moving westward in these
Abrahamic days, we shall find the key to the mys-
tery of the Celts themselves.
Their earliest appearance on the stage of history
is through the Caucasus region, but it is more than
probable that the stream which came down through
its gates was but a rill deflected from the broader
one, which, moving up from India in still earlier
days, entirely circumvented Central Asia on its
eastern boundary and thence skirted westward into
If so it was into a branch of this Aryan current
that even Abraham himself became entangled while
sojourning in Palestine, and it is but a repetition of
history to find the major section of his descendants
passing out, a dozen centuries later, through the
Gate of Dariel, to be sifted on the surface of the
broader and more Lethean stream.
Nor will it necessarily militate against this
scholium to the Aryan hypothesis, to find that the
remnant of the lesser Palestinic rill was driven out
of Heshbon in the days of Joshua, and reappears in
Spain, with Cheto-Aryanic birthmarks !
That there is some such logical and satisfactory
solution of the Philological difficulty surrounding
Israel's Celtic impress when she reappears with Aryan
vestments in the west, we are confident, and in the
mean time it is to be remembered that one of the
strongest arguments for the identity of OUR RACE
with the " lost one " is its very lapse in language !
It is a mistake to expect, if this identity be
founded upon facts, that a closer study of our
present language will ever reveal its Hebrew origin ;
we should expect the very reverse because, " with
stammering lip " and with '' a tongue unknown" to
their ancestors must Israel be found if ever resur-
rected in these latter days.
The Philological difficulty is not therefore to
show how closely the elements of early English are
allied to Hebrew and the Chaldee dialects, but
rather how and why tkej differ.
Some similarities we may expect to find, but to
magnify them is an error and is perhaps to mis-
understand their common use in primitive days.
In the mean time let it be clearly understood
that the vantage ground in this branch of the gen-
eral argument is plainly on the side of patent facts
— dissimilarity of speech, and that the nearer we
shall find our An-gael-ish roots accordant with the
Celto Aryan the more literally will the actual predic-
tion of the Hebrew prophets be fulfilled. (Isa.
xxviii. II.)
But the Seers of Israel also predict a later day in
which '■' the tongue of the stammerers shall be ready-
to speak plainly " (Isa. xxxii. 4), and our principal
object in the present series of studies is to suggest
the nearness of this period.
"The Eastern Question."
When Turkey, now in death throes, yields up
the ghost of national existence, his carcass will
attract as to a carrion feast the imperial and double-
headed eagles that from their lofty eyries have been
watching him so long. With beaks and talons
sharpened for this grim partition they have waited
many days, but '' the end of days " draws on apace,
and perchance, at last, the tirrtes, themselves, are to
be shortened.
There is to be no casting of lots for whole gar-
ments at this funereal feast, for even were impa-
tience not to rule thereat, the lack of garments
would. Long ago the Porte was reduced to sub-
lime poverty and has for years but masqueraded in
national affairs. Turkey is to-day a pauper clothed
in borrowed rags, a nation merely suffered to exist,
and how long she will be thus suffered to eke out so
precarious an existence, is but another way of put-
ting the many sided " Eastern Question."
In our day, therefore, when the whole world is so
intently waiting for the gauntlet of universal war
to be thrown into the international arena, this sub-
ject of the Eastern Question cannot but be one of
general and vital interest, and as exciting news is
ever and anon arriving from the far-off lands
wherein its issues are to be decided, it is opportune
to review the past ere we are hurried into too
absorbing contemplation of its closing scenes. Let
US therefore scan the programme ere the curtain
As we shall treat our topic from a novel stand-
point we merely ask the candid sufferance of a brief
and patient attention. For a general, or even a
tacit belief in our propositions we perhaps can
hardly dare to hope, but we may promise at the out-
set to enlist the interest in a theme which involves
the whole Romance and Philosophy of History.
The New School of History.
But even more than this ; for as our studies will
culminate at the central era of man's '^ week of pro-
bation," so too their interest concentrates thereat,
for it is at this period that we shall meet the
Romance within the Romance, the story of David's
Daughter and of Jeremiah's Ward.
This charming mystery forms the central chapter
of what indeed is all a mystery — man's Origin and
Destiny — nor, until thoroughly cleared up can we
even begin to realize the far reaching philosophy
of the plans of Providence.
Bridging as it does the eastern and western
phases of history, and forming the essential link in
its continuous evolution, assigning, too, unto our
own Race so prominent a part in what was foreor-
dained, and what is literally fulfilled to date, it has
always formed the most attractive feature in the gen-
eral drama, and ere we proceed further in our stud-
ies of the Anglo-Saxon Riddle we must co-ordinate
its incidents as fully as the data at present col-
lected will allow.
It is our belief that history must be rewritten ab
initio, and upon lines that not only recognize
" Israel " as the chief of nations, but pick her out
among her modern neighbors ; and as we are writ-
ing chiefly to, and our efforts are patronized almost
solely by those who are both earnest for the truth,
and are quite as anxious first to try it by the
ancient standards, it is hardly necessary to fortify
our proposition further than by an appeal to the
closing prophecy of Moses.
Standing before his people upon the one hundred
and twentieth anniversary of his birth, with eye
undimmed and unabated natural force, skilled in all
former knowledge, a prophet whom the Lord knew
face to face, and with his prophetic vision rendered
extra keen by the approach of death, he summed
up human history in a sentence which condemns
the entire modern library.
" When the Most High divided to the nations
their inheritance, when he separated the sons of
Adam, he set the bounds of the people according
to the number of the children of Israel.
" For the Lord's portion is his people; Jacob is
the measure of his inheritance." •
This sentence stands as the rock foundation of
the Temple of History — of true history ; if the
walls of the present edifice do not run down there
"ISRAEL." t^
to they are reared in mud with slime for mortar,
and their fate was predicted on the plains of Shinar.
If upon the other hand, the Spiritual Stature of
Moses did not warrant his authority in these prem-
ises, if in fact he was not '' a prophet " according to
the definitions of more faithful generations, but
merely the Lycurgus of his people, with no other
commission than Genius signed in due time for
a Solon or a Shakespear, if indeed any of the apolo-
gies of modern criticism, from whatever school they
emanate, are to be accepted, then it matters little
whether there be a temple of history or not, for at
best it can but be a transient tabernacle of vanities
as ephemeral as the sparks that flash around its
many altars.
In this case one had best be bolder than his
generation and anticipate the philosophy of the
coming one, for if simple *' knowing " is no longer
legitimate, why pause we in agnosticism, the logical
tendency of which is, sooner or later far more than
mere negation ?
This barren middle ground will not satisfy the
intellect of coming ages, and already the drift of
agnosticism is into antao^o-Gnosticisvn. The process
has always been first doubt, then positive denial !
'' Israel."
There h but one way to avoid the logical out-
come of agnosticism, and that is to retrace our
steps and become even more faithful gnostics than
our ancestors. Already we have light enough to
guide our steps, and with every one retraced it will
The Chaplain of Frederick the Great summed up
the matter in a single word which demonstrates the
superhuman prescience of Moses : —
'' Doctor," said the monarch, '' if your religion is
a true one it ought to be capable of a very brief and
simple proof ; give me its evidence in a single
word ? "
With unhesitating emphasis the chaplain
answered : " ISRAEL ! "
A century has transpired since this conclusive
and unanswerable reply, — and more than ever is its
force apparent ; for in the interval the scales have
fallen from the eyes of Clio's deeper students, and >^
they perceive a new significance to the answer.
When given it pointed chiefly to" the"' " Jews,"
and to their standing testimony in favor of the
truth of prophecy.
The instance however was more consummate
than the pastor dreamed, for it comprehended dot//
"kingdoms" into which Abraham's seed is now
divided, and while meaning " Judah," strong enough
alone to silence if not to satisfy the king, points
out to us the broader section who have since
been found !
The distinction between *' Israel " and " Judah "
and a thorough grasp of the shades in which Scrip-
ture uses these two terms, must be mastered and be
*' ISRAEL. 19
kept in view by students of the new school of
history. The former is the broader term, and
although it sometimes stands for the equivalent of
Hebrew it more often means particularly its '* Ten
Tribed Kingdom" — there is no instance in which
"Judah"is made to cover other than the " Two
Tribed Kingdom."
Of the two Kingdoms God speaks collectively
when he says '* This people have I formed for
myself, they shall shew forth my praise," and he
prefaces the sentence with their severality. — *' Ye
are my witnesses."
It is in the testimony of these Huo witnesses that
our topic finds its arguments irresistible, and it is our
particular aim in the present Study to make this
distinction as clear as the historic fact, and thus
shew forth its double weight. *
According to Dr. Dice Brown's analysis the
period of '' Israel's " blindness as to her own origin
and destiny is naturally divided into three stages :
First, from the time of the early fathers up to a
century after the Reformation ; with much his-
torical research he has pointed out by detailed exam-
ples and quotations, that the early fathers, without
exception, believed, not in the temporal restoration
of the Jews, but only in the spiritual or allegorical
meaning of the prophecies, referring everything to
the Church. During the second stage, which lasted
down to about 1840, the temporal restoration of the
Jews, and their national conversion, was believed in
by many writers, and as vehemently opposed by
others. But no writer seemed to have noticed the
distinction between the Houses of Israel and Judah.
The third stage was inaugurated by John Wilson's
book on the Ten Tribes, a little volume which ap-
peared during that stirring period when the " Mid-
night Cry " of 1837-44, awakened Adventists and
Irredentists of every phase, and set the Saxon Race
particularly, to work at lamp trimming and filling !
In this stage we now live, and beneath the light
of thousands of the volumes that have followed
Wilson's. The distinction between the two Houses
is being admitted by increasing numbers, although
even now the vast majority of the Church and par-
ticularly of its ministers are ignorant of this elemen-
tary fact. Dr. Brown points out that this blindness
was evidently a part of God's scheme for the tem-
porary effacement of Israel, and that it is only in
recent years that OUR Race has so developed as to
correspond in every detail with the prophetic picture
of Israel, and hence the time has arrived for the
complete removal of the blindness. He finally
shows how distinctly this blindness on the part of
the Church and its ministers, God's ** messengers
and servants," was prophesied by Isaiah, and the
first opening of the eyes and ears of His servants,
when the time for it had come.
This time has now arrived.
the magnitude of the topic. 21
The Magnitude of the Topic.
It is well nigh impossible to unfold the details
of this subject in a single volume, for whole libraries
may scarcely compass them.
Around it empires rise and fall.
It involves the whole history of the past, an'd
peers forward into all that, teeming with events, the
future shall unfold.
It comprehends the whole story of man, and is
summed up in his ultimate earthly destiny.
We shall, therefore, merely touch upon a few of
its prominent salients, trusting that by association
of ideas they will in due time expand themselves
into the gigantic proportions which belong to the
topic. We hope merely to sow seeds which later
on may quicken into wide and spreading sugges-
tions in such luxuriant soil : for the impression
which this subject makes upon the mind does not
pass away, and the history of events, as in the near
future we opine that they are certain to develop,
will help these seeds to life.
An Age of Faltering Faith.
We all have mental fields that have lain fallow
and uncultivated since very early and religious
childhood. Albeit we were then ignorant of the
so called true and false, we were at least innocent of
disbelief ; our faith had not yet learned to falter.
It is through one of these fields that we now ask
our readers to pass the harrow, if so be that there-
upon some still surviving germs of childlike faith
may quicken into life.
More and more in these practical, modern days it
has become a custom to eliminate God from the
affairs of men, — not only from the minor ones of
personal life, but even from any direct concern with
the incidents of general history.
Rarely, if ever, does the secular press interest
itself at all with policies which look further than
the councils of some European diplomat, and while
its judgments are ostensibly based upon the
moral law, they seek to rest upon a natural one
rather than upon a code which truly came from
Sinai and from the fingers of Jehovah.
Even the religious press stammers as it pro-
nounces the dictum, "right prevails; " fights shy of
the prophecies as miry ground, spiritualizes all for
which it cannot find such patent literal footing as
shall satisfy the liberal school, and divides the meta-
phors of the Scriptures into the tenets of as many
sects as there are days in the civil year.
Further and further into by-gone days the God of
Scripture is being relegated. That he ever inter-
feres with the affairs of men, or condescends to write
between the petty lines of history, but few individ-
uals literally believe, and it is certain that no nations,
as such, bow down to such a creed, abiding by it in
all of their concerns.
To most of us, be the kingdom of Heaven what
it may, that of Earth is Hke unto a certain ruler who
went into a very far country and decided to reinain
"' Science, so called," has essayed to take out new
naturalization papers for the human race, and has
derived its breath, as well as its body, from the
latent potentialities of dust itself !
If such a process is legitimate, and shall be con-
tinued to its logical conclusion, Biblical faith is
already doomed, and inspiration re-defined, must
be admitted as merely a form of poetic imagina-
We challenge this whole process, and shall un-
dertake to show that events are literally following
the lines already mapped out for them in Holy
Writ, and that they hasten towards the final con-
summation which is the solution of the contro-
versy of Zion.
The Scripture Forecast.
To review the Eastern Question is to rewrite his-
tory itself ; let us, however, glance at the chapter
headings as they are laid down in the Bible, for
there the subject opens, and therein is explicitly
set forth the sequence of events towards which we
are all inevitably trending.
The prominence of Palestine commences with the
call of Abraharn^ Leaving the idolatrous temples
of Chaldea behind him, he journeys out of Ur and
first at Bethel calls upon the Lord.
Isaac and Jacob succeed him in their turn, but, as
strangers, simply sojourned in the promised land.
At last, in the days of famine, Jacob and his sons
abandoned it and went down into Egypt. For
the next 255 years its history is a blank, and in this
interval the vast Hittite empire endeavored to re-
unite its scattered monarchies in Palestine.
But in due time Joshua and his hosts appeared,
and its cities, one by one, succumbed unto the
Lord of Hosts.
That these cities were mighty, archaeology with
the spade in these our days, has demonstrated to
the echo. They are as true as Troy, and lend cre-
dence to the Bible, as at least a history of facts.
The glory of the Hebrew empire culminated
under Solomon, divided at his death, and waned
until it disappeared.
Circa 739, B.C., the era of Nabonassar, the four
great empires of Daniel's vision, arose simulta-
neously upon the chart of history. But though
their origines thus synchronize, they were destined
to come into power successively.
Now it is noticeable that around about their sim-
ultaneous era of foundation, or, as Daniel puts it,
"' In the days of these kingdoms," another kingdom,
stone, and small, and yet the seed of a veritable
mountain of endurance, was also' to be set up — if
with King Agrippa we give any heed unto the
Its establishment was to be effected '* without
lands," that is, without human agency or intention,
ind by Him who originally had divided the
Earth among the descendants of Adam, and had
set the boundaries of all people according to the
destined number of the Sons of Jacob.
Of this kingdom we shall speak anon, for it has
been strangely lost to the sight of historians that
just such an empire was at this time actually set up,
in a place apart, and that it has continued indepen-
dent of all foreign rule from those days to the present
time, nor ceased thenceforth to grow, expanding
with its endless days.
The Times of the Gentiles.
The four great Gentile Empires of Daniel's
dream have been too plainly manifested to be mis-
taken, and in turn each of them has campaigned in
the Holy Land.
The golden hosts of Nebuchadnezzar marched
into Jerusalem. The silvern helms of Media and
Persia glinted in the sunlight of Samaria. The
brazen arms of Alexander came up against the city,
and the iron heel of Rome ground down its very
blocks to powder.
Host and horseman, phalanx and legion divided
the spoil, and while the final destruction delayed
those who were despoiled destroyed their King and
They would have robbed him even of his title
had not Pilate curtly prevented it.
The truth of his remark — " What I have written,
I have written," was at once hewn into the Gentile
heart, for the '' stone kingdom " was already beyond
the pale of Palestine, and the exiled Saxons were '
not slow to recognize its purport.
But in the Land of Lofty Origines an era of aban-
donment now succeeded, for soon the Romans
sowed the plowed-up land with salt and left it deso-
Then came to brood upon the land the '' abomi-
nation of desolation " spoken of by the prophets—
the Mohammedans swarmed into its sacred pre-
The Saracen empire succeeded.
Like an Euphratian flood the Turks flowed in.
Next the Crusaders wrested it from the Infidel.
And from them Saladin took it.
Then the Tartars.
Next the Moguls.
Now the Ottomans.
To-morrow, unto whom shall this land fall ?
The Cradle Land of Many Creeds.
All the dominant creeds of humanity have
sprung, directly or indirectly, from the Holy Land,
or have been cradled there.
Braminism, Judaism, Christianity and Mohamme-
Of the three latter there can be no doubt, their
aspect is towards Jerusalem. The Hebrew origin
of Braminism is somewhat less apparent. But
in discussing its tenets, and its remarkable tangen-
cies to what all true believers in the Bible consider
to be proofs of its Shemitic origin, and all non-
believers regard as equal proof that it is rather
parent to all modern creeds, we must not forget the
derivative suggestiveness of Br am from A-Bram,
no-r fail to couple this with the fact that it was
" eastward, into the east country with gifts, away
from Isaac his son, while he yet lived," that the
Father of the Faithful sent his children by Ke-
turah !
The Indian Empire of Great Britain is of Hebrew
origin through descent from these early Keturan
outcasts, nor have they lacked signal favors of
Jehovah's blessing. They, too, had knowledge of
" the promise," and looked also for the Redeemer,
but they were sent away thus early, lest they should
confuse the inheritance.
Nevertheless, in the fulness of time their wise
men saw the promised Star, and hence they sent
their representatives — the Magi — to Bethlehem,
even kings of the East bearing gifts !
What more natural, if any of these religions be
the true one, if all of them have traces of the truth,
that thither to this primary site of Adam's banish-
ment, to Mount Golgotha, where he was buried and
where the second Adam died in expiation of prime-
val sin, in God's own time, all men return ?
What wonder if to all, at least in body raised and
spirit quickened, it shall be, in time to come, the
land of new and truer birth ?
The Rival Champions.
We are in the latter times.
It is idle, be there a God or none, to believe that
the human race, having already tasted the ideas of
modern civilization, Christianity and liberty, is
much longer going to stand the terrible strain of
that eternal vigilance which makes its couch upon
a bed of bayonets.
It is more than idle not to- see, as the whole
world does see, that, underlying all the interna-
tional animosities of European dynasties, the pri-
mary one which lies at the core of all dissension is
rather the one concerned in the ultimate destiny of
the terrestrially central land of Palestine.
It stands at the gate of universal commerce.
It is a land bounded by natural lines of communi-
cation, the focus of international trade, and the
world's strategic point !
The people who next win possession of it will
have it to hold forever, and those who hold it will
hold the key to earthly greatness and superiority.
Already do her children think upon her ruins, and
take pleasure in her dust, for the Jews are swarming
thither in unprecedented numbers, and the iron
horses of modern traffic, foreseen of old against the
days in which we live, are gathering there to carry
them from Joppa to Jerusalem.
The world already recognizes that it stands upon
the threshold of events which, when they shall have
yet this once relaid the lines of empire, will have
burned them in far too deeply ever after to be lost
as boundaries that may not be passed, and the irons
are now hot wherewith to do the burning !
Strategically, England must possess Palestine, or '
her vast empire will be severed in twain.
But, say the Prophets, its next possessor must be
"' Israel," who alone is destined to supplant the
crescent of the Infidel by the Lion of the Tribe of
Judah. Not a spiritual Israel, but a literal one, by
true inheritance, return, and genealogy, or else the
whole Bible, jot and tittle, history, morals and
prophecy, is a fond delusion.
This is a: question to be settled by beings who
have flesh and blood ; it must be reasoned on with
common sense, and whether we approach it upon
Scriptural lines or not, there is but one reading to
the signs about us.
The whole trend of modern European politics
points to the ultimate occupation and possession of
the Holy Land, either by Russia or by England,
and the more closely we read the prophecies of old,
the more light do we obtain upon, events which are
now shaping themselves in no uncertain proportions.
But there are numerous other claimants in the
field, the Jews, the Rothschilds, Rome, and many
private corporations. f >r.^,
From the Biblical standpoint the Jews of course,
will share the land, but may not hope to rule it and
possess it to the exclusion of the greater Ten-tribed
section of the seed of Abraham (Ezek. xxxvii. i6).
From the secular standpoint they will undoubtedly
form a large element in the population of at least
Jerusalem. But while there are no prophetical
grounds whereon to anticipate the self-erection of a
purely Jewish rule in Palestine, there are positive
international impossibilities against its serious con-
templation from a secular one.
So, too, without " the temporal power," which is
forever lost to Rome as at present constituted, the
Palestinic aspirations of the Papacy are futile to
the last degree. Nevertheless, in the transition stage
of Palestine's affairs, we have grounds on which to
anticipate the passing influence of Rome. We
seek things permanent, however, and in this discus-
sion must look on beyond the mere events of the
near future to days when the problem of this cen-
tral land shall have been solved with the consent of
all concerned.
And so, moreover, are futile all private or incor-
porated schemes to colonize, reclaim, and repossess
the Holy Land. All such efforts must be subordi-
nate to some great Power — the days of '* East India
Companies " and of all similar concerns are past.
Nor can a general international protectorate suc-
ceed unless it be in the form of some simple guar-
antee to maintain "Israel," as such, in sole and
independent right to her inheritance. '* The Land
is mine," saith the Lord God of Israel, and he has
promised it unto the seed of Abraham for an ever-
lasting possession.
Hence, unless we do violence to the united testi-
mony of the Scriptures, there can be no doubt
among religious men as to the final lines upon which
the re-assignment must be made.
Russia versus England.
Russia is the only nation in the modern category
that has preserved its ancient name as known unto
the prophets. Its Czar is *' Gog, of the land of
Magog, the prince of Rosh, Meshech and Tubal."
Against some descendants of this line of Gogs,
ruling all the Russias from the yet unshaken throne-
seat of his forefathers, God has declared Himself in
no uncertain terms (Ezek. xxxviii., xxxix.), and
identified him as a ruler of " Israel's " most ancient,
most persistent, and final enemy.
In view of these predictions, plainly set forth
upon the pages of the Holy Writ, the present atti-
tude of the Czar and of his subjects upon '* Jewish "
matters, has already engaged our close attention
in Study No. 2, nor, since the publication of that
volume have we seen any reason to modify our
exegesis, based upon the infallible guidance of the
In the mean time the whole world has awakened
to the enormity of Russian intolerance, and while
its petitions have been treated with disdain, has
failed to see the Kismet that is overruling Musco-
vite designs, and also to heed the only source from
whence the true philosophy of what is going on
may be obtained.
And Russia, at the same time quite as blind as
all the rest, moves heedlessly unto her fate.
Nevertheless, all this is quite in accordance with
the general diagnosis of Insanity. However it
originated, man's disbelief has now become congeni-
tal, and it seems to be impossible for him to under-
stand and act upon the warnings plainly set forth
in the Word of God.
Russia, in particular, is following out her destiny
to the very letter, and if there be the faintest
shadow of reality to '' the strange sequence of co-
incidences,"— as we perforce designate them, — which
rules her policy, there certainly can be no difficulty
in pointing out her ultimate opponent — nor is there
whether we pay heed to prophecy or not.
The spirit that actuates Russia is fully set forth
in the will of Peter the Great, and whether this
famous paper originated with the great Czar, or
with Napoleon, it should be read over in the light of
these ancient chapters of Ezekiel. Russia, there-
fore, cannot be " Israel " herself ; nor by the prem-
ises whereon we argue, can Russia enter Palestine
to have it as an everlasting possession.
There remains then simply to discuss the Anglo-
Saxon claims to Hebrew origin, and to determine
whether the eastern Saxons of the modern world
literally possess the '* Sceptre " and the '* Birth-
right " ; — in other words,
Is Britain "Israel?"
And we have greatly mistaken both our theme,
and audience of Anglo-Saxons, if a topic so exalted
fails to sink into their hearts.
No people upon earth so delight to call them-
selves the ^' spirituar' seed of Abraham as do
Americans and Englishmen, — but surely blood de-
scent is better than a dream, no matter how ideal,
and the facts of '' literaV' identity afford a firmer
continent whereof to form " the Adam " of such as-
pirations and wherein to breathe the breath of lives!
Max O'Rell, viewing the English speaking people
through a French Lorgnette, made great sport of
them a year or so ago in a book which created
quite a controversy. In the closing chapters of
" John Bull and his Island," he attempts to ridicule
the pretensions of a growing class of Englishmen,
who, denying they had aught to do with Judah and
the Jews, still arrogantly claimed that they were of
the stock and lineage of Abraham, and inheritors
with the western Anglo-Saxons of the United States
of Joseph's birthright, and that England and Amer-
ica have " the double portion " meted out to Ephraim
and Manasseh, the sons of him who was beloved
above his brethren !
But Max O'Rell found little good in anything
outside of Paris. However, his very ridicule awak-
ened many to the purport of their possible descent,
and forced them to search diligently in the records
if perchance the faith of some might after all be
founded upon fact.
And with the result that the interest in this novel
line of study has won at last the attention of a far
broader and more serious class among the English
speaking race than that which naturally feeds upon
the wonderful alone.
There is certainly more of mystery involved in
our own story than in that of any other race on
earth, except perhaps ''the Jews," nor can we rise
from the perusal of the mere badinage of Max
O'Rell without a clearly defined desire to solve, if
possible, the Riddle of the Saxons.
Who are these people, that, dwelling in their
islands and colonies which belt the earth, dwell so
alone as " not to be numbered among the conti-
nental nations," although from Dover they can see
Calais ?
Certainly the universities have thus far failed to
answer this with any satisfaction ; nor 'Can they
blame the laity for taking part in questions of such
moment while they quarrel with each other, nor
will it make any difference to the majority of men
whether they condemn the intrusion or not.
Oxford is not England, nor is England Anglo-
Saxondom, and the matter now before us is not
only Racial, but must be settled by the common
sense and the consensus of those most concerned.
In its general aspect we have already discussed
this question in former studies, but have set our-
selves the task in this to try it more particularly
against the Philosophy of History.
Modern Prophets.
Some years ago we visited a western town, then
the site of vast and growing railroad interests. We
were the guest of its founder, and one who was
still its largest land owner. He told us the history
of the town. When he first saw its locality he had
been struck with its unique fitness for a railroad
centre. There were no important railroads within
miles of it in those days. But he foresaw, by that
special instinct which makes of some men railroad
potentates, its certain destiny, so purchased the
entire tract, laid out a city there and named it for
his daughter.
Subsequent events have demonstrated the cor-
rectness of his judgment. Railroads, population,
and wealth have followed his preliminary surveys,
and to-day the city of Sedalia is one of Missouri's
chief commercial centres. Its founder was the late
General G. R. Smith, whose coup (Toeil was re-
markable for its piercing business foresight.
Now we take it as indisputable that there is an
underlying scheme of Philosophy in History, that
the story of human progress follows laws which are
as rigid as those that guide a river, and that the
stream has never flowed backwards, but in spite of
shallows, sinks, and rapids, forever seeks the sea of
ultimate and universal prosperity.
Let us conceive of one, so gifted in the craft of
statesmanship that he could scan a globe as readily
for settling nations to their best advantage, as men
of even our short years and mental calibre, lay out
the foundations of a railroad metropolis. Such an
one would be a god, and if his foresight were con-
ferred upon a mortal the latter would be a prophet.
He could anticipate and write the skeleton of his-
tory, particularly if he knew the genius of races.
Assisted by whatsoever that may be which men
have heretofore regarded as inspiration he would
be accepted as a Seer, and his books, preserved and
handed down, would, from their first appearance, be
received as prophecies. Through the years of un-
fulfilment they might remain neglected, but in due
time events would justify their author's foresight,
catch up with his predictions, and keep apace there-
after with him.
Such agreement, moreover could not but con-
vince the wise men of concurrent generations that
the credentials of the early prophet were bona fide
and that his collateral advice— the main object
probably of his mission— merited acceptance.
The Days of Fulfilment.
We are just about overtaking Israel's latter
prophets in these present days, for the lines of his-
tory are shaping themselves so noticeably upon the
Biblical scheme, that so soon as the clue is given
the mind — '^ sana, in corpore sano'' — cannot fail to
accept its own convictions and fall into accord
We admit the foresight of such an one as General
Smith, the Prince of Sedalia, because he profited
thereby, and we laud his business tact and financial
ability, nor would we hesitate to follow his advice
within the scope of human ventures.
But, if the vast Bible scheme to subjugate the
earth, and people it with chosen and selected stock,
and thence to draw material for heaven itself ac-
cording to some well digested plan foreseen from
the beginning in all its bearings, is after all the
truth, then just such methods as we see about us
may be reasonably expected, will be realized in due
time as the outcome of superior intelligence, and
win our fullest recognition.
The Bible itself gives a most liberal definition to
the object of prophecy. It is chiefly of ex post
facto value, and like as we honor human counsel
and the predictions of mere *'old folk'* experience
when fulfilled, so credit should certainly be ac-
corded to the promulgations of God's prophets
when their words minutely come to pass. *' Now I
tell you before it come to pass, that when it comes
to pass ye may believe that I am He!' says Christ,
who is himself the spirit of all inspiration.
If history supports prediction it is reasonable to
believe the prophecy was spoken with authority, for
it is superhuman to speak as Israel's prophets spake,
and have events, foreseen for scores of centuries,
minutely come to pass. Hence when the thing pre-
dicted is literally fulfilled the character of the
speaker together with his object in the utterance
must be allowed.
Additional Guarantees.
Moreover to increase the weight and support the
claims of authenticity there must naturally extend^
between the days of its promulgation and those of
its fulfilment, a suitable period of waiting, and the
longer this period the better may the objection
of collusion be refuted.
Now the volumes of Israel's prophetic writers
have been in existence for at least some 2,520 years,
and have been handed down unaltered in the full
light of corroborating records. They have even
greater age than the works of Homer and Herodo-
tus and are at least as intact as the accepted classics
of the Greeks and Romans. To those however who
understand the genius of the Hebrew Cult they are
far more reliable than any classics, even if their
divine origin be called in question, for as " sacred "
volumes they were guarded by the most peculiar
provisions, and a special science charged itself with
maintaining the strict integrity of their letters, no
matter what license may have wrought as to their
spirit and interpretation. The most arrogant
schools of infidelity and the least reverent of the
Higher Critics have never failed to recognize the
import of these safeguards, and whatever of doubt
they may have endeavored to cast upon the Canon
of the New Testament, they have certainly agreed
in according quite enough of antiquity to the Books
of the Old to satisfy our present demands.
Thus the "waiting time" of Moses and the
Prophets is fully sufficient to guarantee their inspi-
ration if it can be shown that they are now, at this
present, being accurately and consummately ful-
filled. And the reaction of such a conviction is cal-
culated to nivest the entire canon with authority,
since jointly and severally the separate volumes of
the whole Bible bear similar testimony, and are
bound together by harmonies which cannot be dis-
turbed without logical suicide.
In the opening Study of this Series we took a
general survey of our topic and drew our authority
indiscriminately from the volumes' thus involved.
In the Second we developed a few chapters of the
Hebrew Chronology in order to demonstrate the
reliability of the records as to the contemporaneous
history of the events recorded. In a future
Study we hope to set forth this Chronology in a
consecutive chain from the Beginning down to cur-
rent times. In our present undertaking we shall
continue to study it, but from a single standpoint
only, and shall endeavor to show that " the Eastern
Question " is primarily concerned in Israel's des-
tiny, is a notable theme of her Prophets, and is so
blended into Anglo-Saxon destiny that the Histo-
rians of the latter may be regarded as the succes-
sors of the prophets they confirm, and the Saxons
as the sons of those whose history they continue.
Our survey will thus extend backward over many
centuries, but the present generation needs only to
scan them from its own surroundings, for it lives and
moves and has its being in an age of such unpar-
alleled fulfilments, as to promise the resurrection of
the very dead in faith if haply they have ears to hear
with those who are to waken first. (Rev. xx. 5, 6).
Jacob's Zodiac.
If therefore we are living in what is not only
the most momentous day of history but in what is
pre-eminently the Age of Fulfilment, the children of
our generation are peculiarly favored, and their
religious responsibilities are vastly augmented.
For upon them and us rests the judicial acceptance
or rejection of the very best evidence which it is
possible to adduce as testimony to a religious
hypothesis. It is evidence which has been pre-
pared, elaborated, and sealed up, at the beginning
of the trial ; evidence towards which the whole con-
duct of the case has led up and conspired, and evi-
dence in which they themselves, who are now called
upon to break the seals are the prima facie wit-
nesses !
Our predecessors sojourned only in the days of
prophecy ; they saw, as in a glass but darkly, and
Dlessed was their faith ; but we confront the facts
:hemselves, and see them face to face.
It is undeniable in so far as Christians are ad-
dressed that the eyes of all the generations gone
Defore have longed to peer into the pages that the
:urrent politics of many nations are now writing,
md shall we still continue to scan them with but
>mall concern and dwell as carelessly upon this
;hreshold of '' the end of days," as if the pen of
nspiration had never propounded riddles on the
nystery of existence } And it is a mystery inscru-
:able, unless one follows in the footsteps of the
In order, therefore, to better interpret the trend
)f hurrying events, we shall invite the reader's
ittention to a brief but somewhat closer survey of
:he Philosophy of Israel's national development.
This has never been fully, nor indeed to our
knowledge, ever been at all, duly considered in dis-
:ussing the destiny of nations, and yet it is a field
A^hich promises rich harvests ; for if the Bible be
;he Word of God it is the sole treasure house of
;hat Philosophy which alone can solve the problems
)f our destiny, and if it be not this why stand we
n discomfort mid ephemeral things?
From the standpoint, however, whence, accord-
ng to our own views, we are convinced the true
jcheme of human progress can alone be compre-
lended, we reassert that Moses in his closing address
:o Israel, consummately summed up the subject.
We have to argue " line upon line, and line upon
upon line, precept upon precept, here a little, there
a little," for so prone are we to overlook the gen-
eral aspect of an argument, that unless at times it
is reiterated, the conclusion loses all its force.
Hence our repetition of this comprehensive quota-
tion from Moses. His summation is as follows:
When the Most High dividecj to the nations their
When he separated the sons of Adam,
He set the bounds of the people — according to
the number of the children of Israel.
For the Lord's portion is his people. Jacob is
the lot (Zodiac) of his inheritance.
That is, from the very beginning, the end — the
temporal end of a temporal beginning — was in the
cognizance of Him who chose a special people by
whom to mould the destiny of all the rest.
Upon the premise of an overruling Providence,
such a scheme alone is reasonable. For otherwise
all human progress is but an epimethean freak of
accident and chance.
From the Bible standpoint, however, there is no
room for chance, and the plan of regeneration is
promethean. It sweeps onward with unerring con-
fidence, and comprehends the whole of travailing
Let us then draw near and overlook the arena
where the earlier scenes were laid, that we may bet-
ter understand the significance of the closing acts
)f the human drama which now conspire towards
he same sacred localities.
The Cosmopolitan Land.
The geographical situation of Palestine is
lotably striking, particularly to the student of the
nodern atlas. In our days of perfect familiarity
^ith terrestrial geography, it requires no effort of
)rophecy or international statemanship to predict
or Palestine an ultimate supremacy over all the
ands of the earth.
It is pre-eminently '' the central land."
This is its Hebrew significance. The " Navel " of
he Earth, a land of birth !
Its very name is thus prophetic, for those who
ised it at the dawn of history were cramped within
00 narrow confines to perceive its central situation
imong the then unknown and yet to be inhabited
Moreover this land has always been a central one.
-''or as the clouds of darkness have rolled back from
)ff the surrounding terra incognita, before the ex-
)anding thrust of Empire, and the glance of explora-
ion, it has maintained a central place in interest
md locality, and has always been a thoroughfare of
From the days of Abram's call down to the pres-
:nt one in which the same spirit calls us finally
lomeward, the clouds of error have also receded,
:ontinually further and further, from before the
piercing light of truth's bright constellation set upon
its central hills.
No matter what has been the actual course of
earth's benighted ships of state, Jerusalem has been
the cynosure towards which all the needles of prog-
ress have forever pointed. Study the history of the
world, it matters not in what age, and Palestine is
there— a prominent fact ^id factor, oftentimes, of
course, only as it were accidentally, but none the
less so in reality, and this even though the land
itself lay wholly desolate — a place of Sabbaths.
The Heart of Empire.
All the empires of the old world either fought
there or marched and trafficked through it. This
they were forced to do of sheer necessity — a need
which grows in magnitude once more in these com-
mercial days of ours.
Even in the days when Latin pride wrote, '' all
roads lead to Rome," the road from Jezreel to Jeru-
salem was a central part of the one great central
highway between the two eccentrically located
halves of Caesar's domain.
Jerusalem is, in fact, the very heart of Daniel's
image of universal empire.
Conceive this image stretched out prone upon the
map. Its head on golden Babylon, its silver arms
and breast on the Media and Persia of Darius, its
brazen belly on the Greece of Alexander's day, its
heavy iron legs stretched out on either side of Tra-
jan*s Rome. Then the heart of this vast image — ■
made of flesh — throbbed faintly at Jerusalem.
Thence all its arteries went out, and thither did the
poisoned blood return.
Traditionally this land was the chosen home of
Adam, exiled from Eden ; there he died. From it,
as in an ever widening circle, the antediluvian orb
was probably completely populated. 'Twas thence
the Dove plucked olive promise when the Deluge
was assuaged, and then, the first of living things to
trust itself upon the earth thus born anew, it lighted
upon Olivet and built her nest in cool Gethsem-
It was the land of Promise and of Peace.
It is the land of Destiny.
Tradition further testifies that after the Deluge
Shem buried there the *' chest of Noah,** containing
the records of the former earth, and that the
Sabeans, Abraham, and some of the prophets, had
due access to them. There they rest and wait for
re-discovery to-day.
Of course in legends and traditions such a land
abounds; with romance, poetry and prophecy its air
is full. But the land lacks not authentic history of
vastly more importance !
The Call from Ur.
Chaldea for a time became the seat of empire
and the cradle of the race ; but it was also the site
of Babel and confusion.
However, Nimrod's rebellion was in vain, and the
inevitable laws of progress reasserted themselves.
Babylon, destined to be the head, the intellect
alone, could not compass human government. It
is with the heart only that man believeth, and
therefore ruleth, unto righteousness. So while the
head had precedence, the heart of the Gentile em-
pire hardened, until at length upon it as an altar,
the heart of Him who saved the race was broken
at Jerusalem.
In due time, therefore, looking towards the plan
of regeneration. Abraham was called out of Chaldea,
and unto him, in Palestine, the vision and the
promise of its future greatness, and of its ultimate
supremacy and permanent possession by his seed,
was explicitly vouchsafed.
These promises were made to him by Jehovah
full 3,806 years ago. He was then but a sojourner,
dwelling there as in a strange country.
They were repeated, and amplified successively
to Isaac, and to Jacob.
The latter patriarch divided this promise into
thirteen parcels, and, with divine commission, dis-
tributed them among his sons. And as a special
favor unto Joseph, he gave to him a ''double por-
tion," in that he adopted each of the two sons of
the latter as his own first-born — that is " as " or in
lieu of '' Reuben and Simeon "—and conferred
upon them, in particular, the signal blessings of the
the sceptre and the birthright. 47
The Sceptre and the Birthright.
There is no gainsaying the fact, and the un-
broken record of it, as preserved in Holy Writ, that
unto Judah was the Lawgiver promised, a sceptre in
perpetuity, and from generation to generation with-
out lapse. It was a temporal sceptre, placed in th-e
hand of David in due time, and secured to his pos-
terity forever ; a sceptre whose de facto retention
was to continue until He came whose right it is
thenceforward to maintain it.
Shiloh as such, the Millennial Prince of Peace,
has not yet come to rule the nations in the sense in
which he is to come. He came to suffer only, and
to leave a sword upon the earth. This is clearly
evident from his very last conversation with the
disciples just previous to his ascension.
Hence David's Sceptre must be still in existence,
somewhere, and swayed over a temporal, literal,
lineal Israel.
The integrity of Jehovah's oath demands this,
and the confidence of human faith looks for its ful-
filment to the very letter. Never through the
darkest chapters of Judah's regal history was this
plain promise doubted, and it was too solemnly
reiterated upon the very eve of the Babylonian cap-
tivity to admit of subterfuge and spiritualization
among those who have inherited the Book of life,
and pretend to base their hopes of resurrection
upon collateral promises !
But in the meanwhile the sons of Joseph were to
inherit all the temporal blessings of general head-
ship over his brethren, as well as mediately, in the
universal day, over all the nations of the earth.
Prosperity, financial and commercial, the fatness
of the earth and the fulness thereof was Joseph's
portion, nor can the law, which has also had the ful-
filment of this promise in its keeping from the
death of Jacob to the present time, have had its
force abated in a single jot or tittle if so be we are
to preserve our *'' faith" intact, and have a sub-
stance for our " hope."
We do not therefore fear to face the plain and
literal responsibilities involved in such conclusions,
and are satisfied that we can justify our position to
those who will accompany us candidly into the
premises ; and it is manifest to us, as it must be to
all who view the problem of existence from agnostic
standpoints, that unless such plain and uncondi-
tional statements in the Holy Writ shall admit of
sometime positive demonstration, it is in vain that
we delude ourselves and say that we believe in
The history of Joseph in Egypt, a story so dear
and so familiar to Anglo-Saxon childhood, is a type
which we may fairly expect to be repeated in that
of his descendants, and in them we shall certainly
find when we discover them, the genius of their father.
Nor need we prosecute the search beyond our-
selves ! for it is remarkable that the story of the
English speaking peoples who lock up the surplus
of the world's accumulated wealth, exactly counter-
parts, upon a grander scale, that of Joseph, whose
financial ability made Pharaoh the literal owner of
the land of Egypt, and who is the Biblical example
of a prosperous man.
But we are not seeking mere counterparts nor the
children of miraculous conception from the stones
beneath the feet of those who throng the thorough-
fares of Salem, and if we of Anglo-Saxon parentage
are indeed the lineal descendants of so great an
ancestry, the past is not only earnest of still greater
future, but the present must be related to that past
by links that demonstrate the chain of evidence.
Israel Becomes a Nation.
But a long period of preparation was impera-
tively necessary to accomplish so gigantic and far-
reaching a scheme of universal conquest as then lay
mapped out only in the councils of destiny. Let
us therefore continue our review of its clear cut out-
lines and development.
With God a thousand years are but a day.
His mills grind slowly,
But they grind exceeding small.
And so, while we poor mortals are lost, amazed
amid the wheels of time, to Him, who hath wound
up the cycles of eternity, the story we are sketching
had but just begun.
Seventy souls went down with Jacob into Egypt,
and for Joseph's sake were kindly entreated and
favored by the Pharaohs who knew him. The land
of Goshen was assigned to them, and there they
grew into a mighty nation.
Skilled in all the arts and sciences of Egypt, they
became its chief reliance. They formed the bulk of
its army, of its practical artisans and workmen of
every description and industry, and were its actual
wealth producers.
But Egypt grew both jealous and oppressive, for
it soon began to fear the consequences of having so
powerful a foster nation growing up within its bor-
Nevertheless, a higher and ever watchful provi-
dence had the nation of Heber under its solicitude,
and turned this very change of policy into a bless-
ing in disguise. The muscles of virtue are not all
developed in prosperity, and severe discipline was
needed ere successful exodus could be accomplished.
Hence, when one arose who knew not Joseph, in
oppression's school they learned the *'tale of jDricks."
But there is a limit to endurance, and Israel was
not chastened beyond it. The lash of the task-
master overreached itself and gained for the chosen
people an unlooked for leader out of their adversity.
However, a generation more was added to their
discipline, while their leader himself was taught
new lessons in the wilderness of Midian at Jethro's
For although skilled in all the wisdom of Egypt,
and polished in all the manners of the court of
Pharaoh, an equally long sojourn in the wilds of
Arabia was essential ere the experience of Moses
was sufficiently ripened for the task before him.
The circumstantial harmony with which the sev-
eral independent threads of this story work into the
common plot is beyond criticism, and the unobtru-
sive philosophy which binds the whole together is
circumstantial evidence of the highest order that
the facts related are set forth in the literal simplicity
of truth.
At last the day of bondage ceased, '* for God
heard their groaning, and remembered his covenant
with Abraham, with Isaac, and with Jacob. So God
looked upon the children of Israel and had respect
unto them."
But although the day of their deliverance from
Egypt had arrived, they were not yet equipped to
undertake the conquest of the Central Land.
Schooled in the Wilderness.
Moses, than whom no greater general has ap-
peared on earth, though reared to be a king, dis-
dained the diadem of Egypt, and now returned to
be the Michael of his people.
He led up out of Egypt three and one-half mil-
lions of souls, and successfully convoyed them with
an army of 603,550 fighting men.
For full forty unparalleled years they also trav-
elled in the wilderness of Arabia, both taught of
God and disciplined by nature.
This pilgrimage was but an advanced and neces-
sary grade in their national education, and it was an
essential prelude to the task which lay before them
at their journey's end.
Thereby alone they underwent a course of lessons
whose purpose was of broader scope than mere bond-
age compassed, and were also gradually initiated into
the principles of Theocracy and self-government.
It was prolonged for an entire generation, and
thus an opportunity was afforded for the full devel-
opment of their own race peculiarities.
In the mean time they forgot the flavor of Egyp-
tian flesh pots.
From the military point of view one cannot
expand too much upon the magnitude of this
march. Indeed men of the so called liberal school
of thought prefer to deny that it occurred rather
than admit it, and perforce explain its deep signifi-
cance, its bearing upon the integrity of the Bible,
and its patient, deep laid, confident philosophy.
But to him who had formerly led the ever victo-
rious armies of Pharaoh into the heart of Africa so
far as Meroe, which was named for him, organiza-
tion, administration, logistics, all of generalship in
fact, was a fully comprehended science.
For this end Moses had been reared amid the
incidents and opportunities of Egypt and Midian.
His career is a fact in History, nor has there risen
since, within or out of Israel, his equal as a states-
man and a general.
The Conquest of Palestine.
Joshua, schooled under such a teacher, was his
able successor, and with a host at length fully dis-
ciplined and equipped for their undertaking, crossed
the Jordan and made easy conquest of this favored
central land of all the earth.
Was there no philosophy in this?
It was consummate conquest !
Was there no statesmanship therein ?
Certainly it was innocent of all human diplo-
macy, for it was a policy that could afford to wait.
The patience of this progress towards the land of
promise proves that its strategy was providential
and its leadership divine.
No mere soldier of ambition would have dared to
waste his years of opportunity beneath the frowns
of Sinai, and the years of Moses were already more
than normal before the Exodus began.
Nor could patriotism alone have compassed such
a tireless undertaking.
It was not merely the migration of a race, nor an
aimless escape of a crude people from bondage.
Far from it, for the whole spirit of the enterprise
marks it as a deliberately planned efTort — an exam-
ple, without compeer, of national training looking
towards a remote object, and patiently persisted in
unto the time appointed.
Thus Israel struggled towards the central land and
took her place among the nations of the earth.
Has this vast conquest ceased to far reach yet ?
Has the spirit of a people such as this expired ?
Has the seed of Abram lost vitality, and shall
another race inherit Joseph's birthright ?
But if preparation such as this were necessary to
fit Israel for the conquest of the Holy Land, what
limit and what term of yetirs shall one assign
wherein to fit her to possess the earth — her ultimate
inheritance ?
The Nation's Development.
But let us continue our review.
The wilderness was Israel's apprenticeship as a
In the next 456 years — from the Elders to the
death of Solomon — they served their time as crafts-
men at the science of self-government, and passed
to the degree of " perfect masters."
Under Barak and Debora, Gideon and Samuel,
the people went through a long colonial period.
Under Saul they at last confederated.
Under David they were fully welded into a con-
stitutional monarchy and the idea of union became
a fact.
And then, at last, came Israel's golden age. The
man of war was gathered to his fathers, Solomon
sat upon the throne of David '* and his kingdom
was established greatly."
These were the glorious days of '' all Israel."
Solomon's long reign of forty years was profoundly
peaceful and prosperous. '' He surpassed all the
<ings of the earth in riches and wisdom," and ^'all
:he kings of the earth sought his presence." These
ire but stray quotations — one must go to Chroni-
:les and Kings for all of them.
A Query.
And why should we not credit them literally ?
Is not such history as this — history which has
:ome down to us in a sequence widely corroborated
)oth in sacred and secular annals — as worthy of
relief as what we dig up on a broken brick at
Babylon, or find upon the crumbling obelisks of
Egypt ?
The navies of Solomon made voyages as long as
iny that are made to-day. " Once in three years
:ame his merchantmen, bringing gold and silver,
vory, apes and peacocks "—all emblems of a civili-
sation advanced to the degree of luxury.
These navies sailed about the then known world,
md were a ruling factor in a policy too vast to be
)f human origin and too remote in its results to be
Sown in Many Waters.
By means of Solomon's navies the borders of the
^arth were colonized. This is a literal fact, and the
;eed thus sown was planted for a purpose far
beyond the compass of this great King's merely
human wisdom. One of the most prominent results
and characteristics of Solomon's *' reign of com-
merce " was the growth and development of this
colonizing idea. And yet it is a feature which has
never been appreciated at its full significance.
From Spain to India we find the traces of Solo-
mon's supremacy — his ministers gathered tribute at
all the gates of commerce, and sent the streams
towards the temple at Jerusalem.
" Why did " that most adventurous tribe of Israel,
" Dan, abide in his ships?"
There was philosophy in it — the philosophy of
history — such philosophy as the finger of divine
providence writes between its faintest lines.
We grant that they were blind to this themselves,
but none the less it shaped the very destiny of
" Israel's empire."
The prominent idea of this whole period, 456
years, of Israel's story, is written underneath its
lines in sympathetic characters just appearing in our
Dan the Pioneer of Israel!
This tribe abode in ships in order that, in the
councils of the Almighty, when the day of trouble
came, as shortly come it did, he might escape in
them, reach his colonies abroad, and there regather
strength for the final reconquest of his birth inher-
itance f
The exodus of Dan commenced in Egypt, and
Fanis was his youthful port.
All through the period we have scanned his enter-
prise continued, and beneath the fostering care of
Solomon it culminated.
To these same colonies, grown greater as the
:enturies rolled on, came also all the other tribes
disguised and lost, not only to each other, but to
themselves as well, and there, too, all renewed their
Meanwhile the isles and colonies kept silence, by
:ommand of God, lest any should betray the secret
till the end of days. (Isa. xli. i.)
Verily this is a chapter of Israel's history which
iias been but poorly comprehended.
Men have not dreamed of its significance, for else
it had been published to the stars.
In it were laid the lines which make the future
return of Israel's sons a glorious possibility — a vital,
growing and momentous certainty, — for they look
towards a greater return, a far more comprehensive
exodus than that which Moses led.
When it shall come to pass, and Israel shall come
up out of the North Country and out of all the
places where her children dwell to-day, the renown
of it shall cause that earlier exodus, in spite of all
its grandeur, to grow pale; nor shall men boast of it
thereafter — but rather of this latter one of which it
was the type — the coming crusade !
58 the philosophy of history.
Dan's Ubiquity.
If in a simple survey such as this we could afford
to devote more space to each chapter of the story,
the present one might be expanded into volumes,
for Dan has left his way marks everywhere, and
from that early age to this, upon the ever widening
ripple of exploration the keels of his ships were first
to find new fields for enterprise.
We might show ample arguments to prove that
Samson, of the tribe of Dan, was Hercules.
That Colchis with its golden fleece was but a
colony of Dan.
That the Greeks, called Danai by their earlier
historians oftener than by any other name, were
sons of Dan.
That Macedama. was another colony of this same
That the Lace<^rt';/monians actually acknowledged
their descent, and sent presents and brethren to
Jerusalem bearing letters sealed with the tribal arms,
and that their genealogy was acknowledged by Jon-
athan, the high priest, as a matter of record in the
sacred archives.
That Spain was ruled by Solomon's prime minis-
ter, whose tomb is there to-day.
That all the Black Sea region was colonized by
That Ireland was judged by the Tuatha de Dana-
ans from the Halls of Tara, and that Simeon, his
Fraternal shipping tribe, was the father of the Welsh,
ivhose language phonetically is almost Hebrew still,
md who, called by their earliest name, were known
in England as the Simonii !
We can only touch the headlines of this topic
here, but it can be most fascinatingly elaborated, and
:onviction thrives upon its study. It is along these
highways which Dan pioneered into the wilderness
that we may trace him to our midst.
We do not claim to '* demonstrate " this subject —
it is one which, like all genealogical topics, must
find credence for its locus standi^ in arguments that
are sui generis.
With Locke, the great master of ratiocination^
we are content to try it by its '* own rules," and are
confident that if it stands this test, the consensus of
the Saxon Race will follow us at length, and on it
pass their final verdict — Stet, et scire facias !
The Summit Reached.
Thus, seated upon his throne of ivory and gold —
that lion-guarded seat, " the like of which there was
not made in any kingdom " — for it was founded
upon Rock and rendered priceless by a stone not
fashioned with hands, even by Bethel, the Jewel of
Empire — and wielding the perpetual sceptre of
David, his father, Solomon's commerce and enter-
prise swept far out beyond the confines of the cen-
tral land, and fetched a compass over all the earth.
The vision was an earnest of the future which in
our days has materialized ; for Israel's wider, grander
promised land is the earth itself, a land whose cen-
tre is everywhere, and whose borders limit every
Solomon's reign was the type of Israel's universal
and millennial one , his commerce and enterprise col-
onized the borders of the then known earth with
the hardiest, the most adventurous, and the best
fitted to survive of all his merchant princes — seed
sown in many waters, and yielding fruit each after
its own kind, for God gave it life within itself.
In the midst of all this glory, his mission com-
pleted— a mission which even Solomon's great wis-
dom failed to penetrate, — he too was gathered to
the dust, and the golden age of Israel ended.
How brief have golden ages ever been ! The
lifetime of a single king and the Augustan age is
But how shall it fare with this in which we live
to-day? May we, in spite of all its dangerous
phases, still have faith in Israel's vitality, and trust
that in this Victorian age there is a remnant des-
tined to survive its subtle forms of spiritual death,
its fascinating allurements and its wild temptations?
We may and must. The times of trouble spoken
of by the prophets of OUR RACE are close upon
us, but beyond them they have told us of the prom-
ised rest.
We are in greater modern Egypt still, but the
preparations for the Exodus are almost made, and
if we would escape the angel of destruction, we
must be girt about and keep the Passover.
The Kingdom Severed.
Taxation of the people had reached its oppres-
sive limit at the death of Solomon, and as their
protests met with no redress Israel withdrew into
her tents, and left the house of Judah to itself.
Luxury was the moth that fretted even the pur-
ple of Jerusalem, and the finger of Jehovah wrote
the verdict — '' SCATTERED ! "
Neverthless, He tempered the wind unto the
sheep thus shorn and driven from the fold, in that
He caused it to be recorded then. " This thing is
of ME " — i. e., it is for a purpose broad as Adam's
fallen race, — and what that purpose was the Race
to whom I write is pregnant with to-day !
Thus the Davidic empire broke in twain, and
^or the next 255 years the Hebrews existed as a
Jual kingdom.
These two monarchies were as absolutely severed,
md as politically separated, as are France and
Spain to-day, or as England and America, and we
ire distinctly told that this check in Israel's career
vas an important part of God's own policy toward
:he people whom he had chosen to be his agents in
:he regeneration of all mankind.
It is in the light of subsequent events alone that
;he 7notif must be sought, nor short of the explana-
ion which the Anglo-Saxon descent from Israel
offers, can any adequate reason be assigned to the
The "Stone" Cut Out.
Revolted Israel — the ten-tribed kingdom — wilful
in idolatry, and schismatic in her rulers and religion,
went from bad to worse until the " Sin of Samaria
was full."
During her 255 years of independent existence
(3029-3284 A.M.), this people gradually lost most of
its Mosaic lore, and exchanged the laws of Jehovah
for those of Baal.
Ephraim had thus returned unto his idols, and the
Lord commanded his prophets to ** let him alone ! "
Strange counsel maybe, unless we bear in mind
the fact that some diseases best cure themselves by
running through their periods without medicine.
We are perhaps in such a state to-day ; for, nause-
ated with the illogical results of the Higher Criti-
cism, the people have almost ceased to study the
sacred writings in the spirit of faith, and are doubt-
less being prepared to see the truth anew and from
the standpoint hidden from the pulpit.
At any rate this treatment prevailed with
Ephraim, and as a spoiled child, an unruly heifer,
and a silly dove, left temporarily to his own devices
and ruin, the climax of his rebellious fever quickly
Of course, there was no help in Baal, so at last
the crisis came.
The Assyrian descended upon them, and in the
jays circa, 3257-3377 A.M., which chronologically
mark the national — origines of Babylon, Persia,
Macedonia, and Rome, the deportation of the now
famous " Lost Tribes " was begun, continued and
Four kingdoms arose, and Israel — the fifth king-
dom— was '' cut out " of Mount Lebanon, and cast
iway upon the mountains of Medes !
But God said, Ephraim is '' a pleasant child, a
lear son," " how shall I give him up? "
There was no such intention in Jehovah's plans.
Ephraim was the Prodigal Son ; the Saviour's par-
ible exactly counterparts this incident in Israel's
listory. God foresaw his full conversion in the Isles.
No sooner had the captivity been consummated
han a mutual turning of both Ephraim and Jehovah
owards each other was begun. Omniscience had
oreseen and planned the whole incident for won-
Irous purposes.
Punishment has no other object than to chasten
md reclaim, then use the chosen instrument, retem-
)ered in adversity, for grander and more universal
)rojects among all mankind.
Cast Out but not Forgotten.
Let us select a few plain statements of Hosea
whose whole book treats exclusively of the inci-
lents and motives of this captivity), in order to sub-
tantiate our exegesis.
''Therefore," saith the Lord, "behold I will
hedge up thy way with thorns.
'' And make a wall, — that she shall not find her
" And she shall follow after her lovers — but she
shall not overtake them ;
'* And she shall seek them — but shall not find
them :
" Then shall she say, / ivill go and return to my
first husband :
'* For then was it better with me than now! "
'' Therefore, behold I will allure her,
''And bring her into the wilderness, and speak
comfortably unto her.
"And I will give her vineyards from thence,
" And the valley of Achor for a door of hope.
"And she shall sing there, as in the days of her
" As in the day when she came up out of the land
of Egypt.
"And it shall be at that day," saith the Loid,
" That thou shalt call me Ishi {i. e. my husband):
" And shall call me no more Baali (/. e. my lord).
" For I will take away the names of Baalim out of
her mouth.
" And they shall no more be remembered by
" And I will sow her unto me in the earth :
'* And I will have mercy upon her that had not
obtained mercy.
•'And I will say unto them that were not my peo-
3le, Thou art my people :
'* And they shall say, Thou art my God."
W ■?(■ 77 "VV" VV TV W
•* My heart is turned within me, — my repentings
ire kindled together ;
'* I will not execute the fierceness of my anger, —
'' I will not return to destroy Ephraim :
" For I am God and not Man — the Holy One in
the midst of thee."
* * * -jf * * *
'* O Israel, thou hast destroyed thyself — but in me
is thine help.
•' I will be thy king — where is there any other
that may save thee in all thy cities?"
X- -Jf ^ * ^ -x- *
•' The iniquity of Ephraim is bound up, his sin is
* ^ ^ if 4f ^ ^
'• O Israel, return unto the Lord thy God : — for
thou hast fallen by thine iniquity :
" I will heal their backsliding — I will love them
" For mine anger is turned away from him.
" I will be as the dew unto Israel :
" He shall grow as a lily, — and cast forth his roots
as Lebanon.
" His branches shall spread.
" And his beauty shall be as the olive tree, and
his smell as Lebanon.
''They that dwell under his shadow shall return ;
** They shall revive as the corn, and grow as the
" The scent thereof shall be as the wine of Leba-
*' Ephraim shall say, ' What have I to do any
more with idols.*
" I have heard him and observed him :
*' I am like a green fir tree. From me is thy fruit
'' Whoso is wise — and he shall understand these
'' Prudent — and he shall know them.
'* For the ways of the Lord are right, and the just
shall walk in them.
*' But the transgressors shall fall therein."
W^hat lover ever wrote with more passionate com-
passion than is written here to us ?
But to return to the days of Israel's captivity.
They went out desolate, with none to help them,
for they had forsaken God, and dreamed not of his
tender mercies. They drank unto its dregs the cup
which they had filled, and bade farewell — a parting
not yet terminated — to the pleasant land of Leba-
But the Holy One of Israel went with them,
though he walked unseen.
the five empires. 67
The Four Kingdoms and the Fifth.
Let it now be noted that it was to be in these
^erydays, as Daniel announces, that God was also
:o set up the origine of ** the Stone Kingdom,"
vhich at the termination of the times of the Gentile
s yet to succeed to the fourfold image of man's
"utile empire.
It was to be small at first and very insignificant ;
erected as it were without the help of human hands,
)r rather even in spite of them, for if we judge as
nen are prone to do, it seems as if the Kingdom of
;srael had been plucked up by the Assyrians and
)lotted out.
It has required more than a score of centuries for
he world to perceive that Assyria was merely an
igent in Jehovah's hand, and was simply charged
vith transplanting Israel to the borders of a wilder-
less wherein God's own ulterior purposes were to
)e set in operation.
Soon after this transfer came the fall of Assyria
md the revolt of Media, and ere the Medes and
Persians reappeared upon the stage as principals in
;he human drama "■ Israel " had disappeared !
But she had merely walked into the waste places
kvhere her God could plead with her alone, and bet-
ter mould the mountain as it grew ; for such indeed
was the unpretentious birth of the Kingdom set up
by the God of Heaven.
The chronological chart of history will be scanned
across in vain to find that other J:han these four
great empires took their rise at this important era,
or that other than Israel, the Ten-Tribed Kingdom,
was cut out of any national mountain which could, as
the fifth and final monarchy of earth, have had
aught in common with the Seed of Abraham, and
with what concerns the promise made him by Jeho-
Nor could the era chosen for this' deportation
have been more beautifully adjusted to circum-
stances calculated to further God's remote inten-
It was not only necessary to remove Israel to far
off lands, but so to ordain or take advantage of the
subsequent events of general history as to afford
special and local opportunities for her more quiet
disappearance from thence into a wilderness beyond.
Nor was it until fully steeped with oblivion as to
her own lofty origin that the Spirit of God moved
upon the face of the waters, which soon engulfed
her, and bade new continents appear whereon a bet-
ter covenant might rest.
Hence, in the shortly succeeding revolt of Media
from Assyria, which followed immediately upon the
murder of Sennacherib, and which God brought
about within a decade after its original subjugation
{vide Study No. 2, page 150), these deported tribes
escaped themselves from Media, whence their exit
was relief, and from Assyria, whose shackles had
been loosened.
They were not even missed, for all the world was
:razed with war and busy with its own affairs.
" Speechless they stood
And stricken as if every peal announced
The crash of worlds * *
And for one dreadful hour, one of heaven's hours,
None from his seat arose, or station stirr'd
Or moved his lip or trembled. Terror froze
Their hearts insensible, until a sound,
More terrible than thunder, vibrated
Through every spirit, Jehovah's awful laugh,
Mocking their fears and scorning their designs,
The laughter of Eternal Love incensed.
It pass'd ; and then as suddenly the sky
Was clear."
This was God's awful Passover among the nations,
md when the morning dawned " Israel," cu^ out,
lad disappeared ! Her greater exodus was through
he mountains of the Caucasus — the pass of Dariel
md by the fortress still called the '' Gate of Israel."
And as they passed they became lost to records ;
hat is, consecutive history, both secular and sacred,
ost them in the northern wilderness, even as Egypt
or a time had lost them through the sea.
But were they lost to Abraham and to the Prom-
se? Did they /^r?>// in the wilderness?
Then from the dust of each of those who fell,
here sprang ten thousand Scuits, and Scots, and
5cythians, and Cymri-Saxons, called indeed '' in
-saac's name ! " For immediately, and in this very
ocality the hordes of " stone-men " {i. e. Saxons)
began to appear, and from thence, westward, the
course of true " Empire " took its certain way.
They were the sons of God, self-styled, or Gothei.
In the wreck of things they had preserved but
one idea, the unity of God, from whose recognized
paternity, they might not wrench themselves.
In it they trusted thenceforth, and born anew
with such a creed at heart, they were prepared
to recognize the Son of God himself, who came in
time to find these " lost sheep " of his Father's
Nor were they hard to find, although in apostolic
times they seemed to have lost every conscious trace
of that form whence they had been hewn.
Yet none the less in every form their many
names reflect the one of " Ammi," and in their new
identity, for temporarily they have a double one,
they cling to its significance !
Thus in God's providence was Israel's little king-
dom set up in the days of origines ; and thereafter,
free forever from all Gentile sway, they sought the
Isles where Empire is to stay.
Remarkable Geographical Philology.
In the very centre of Palestine — the land of
Isaac's sons — from which these Ten Tribes had
been deported, lay the tribal inheritance or State of
" Issachar! " And in the very centre of this inheri-
tance stretches the already famous, and yet to be
more famous Battle-plains of Jezreel, or Esdraelon.
rhere, south of lovely Hermon's lesser range, lay the
ity of Bethshan.
Why was it also called in elder days Scythopolis?
There, east of dread Gilboa's giddy heights, lay
^uccoth — the city of the Scoths or Scots, or *' dwell-
;rs in Booths," so named in commemoration of
hose early Scots, or "wanderers" under Moses, —
lay, earlier named by Jacob who called himself
L Syrian — the synonym of " Scythian," and a wan-
lerer, and founded Succoth when he returned from
^adan-aram. Succoth is to-day called Sak-ut !
There, too, a few miles further to south, lay the
"S\\.y o{ '' Issachar^' (\\\\^.^ as phonetic in its Saxon
uggestions as the others.
Is there nothing remarkable in this galaxy of
lames and roots, — ancient, mediaeval, and modern,
—all occurring within a radius of five Anglo-Saxon
niles in that very region whence " the wandering
ace " set out upon its final pilgrimage, and whither
hey must yet return ?
This region was the ^' objective point " of every
incient invasion of the Holy Land. It was central,
ertile, broad, and of easy access. Especially in all
)perations of Eastern Armies it became the final
)ase of internal operations.
So too at the termination of such operations it
vas the place of concentration and departure.
\nd here it was that Israel in chains, had seen the
ast of her native land.
The ruins of these cities exist to-day. They lie
there sconced among the so-called " Mountains of
Israel," in the very site whence the then but lit-
tle ** Stone Kingdom " was so marvellously '' cut
These facts are new to the theory which they
support, and they lend to it a credence far too
weighty to be lightly put aside. They are of vast
moment in tracing the Saxon genesis and point us
to the Rock whence we are hewn, if we be worthy
of such lofty genealogy.
Yes, new to-day upon the true mosaic of the
page of history — but the day will come when they
shall be very old, and for Armageddon's battle,
very famous.
Israel Redivivus.
But the centuries rolled on, and we must hasten
with them.
Ring down the curtain then, and shift the scenes.
Return we to our modern standpoint whence to
catch the vista in reverse.
Appear Herodotus — the Father of History, and
all the secular college that sit at his feet.
He tells us that, in his day (450 B. c), a warlike,
virtuous, and powerful race, called the Cumbri,
lived around the northern coasts of the Black Sea,
and centrally at the Crimea. The Russian muse-
ums of to-day are filled with the undoubtedly
Hebrew relics of this people. By a strange coinci-
dence the first great Anglo-Russian war, which had
:s origin in disputes about Jerusalem, was finally
ettled in this very region !
Herodotus further tells us that this people had
riginally come from Media, the which he adds,
owever, had not been their birthplace, and he puts
hem there, in Media, i. e. as sojourners only, circa
00 B. C.
Whence came they into Media ?
Who were they ? for they have many names, and
re mysterious in history ?
Assyrian Testimony.
In the explorations of Assyria, the tablets of Tig-
ith-Pileser, Sargon, and Shalmaneser, have been dis-
overed. These corroborate the scriptural account
f Israel's deportation. They are now in the Brit-
)h Museum. To quote but little from the story of
he monuments, one of them reads to this effect.
'* I, Shalmaneser, descended upon the cities of
lamaria," " and took captive the Beth Khunireey
I left none of them," " 27,280 families," '\ I put
hem in the cities of the Medes."
The tablets of all these conquerors refer to Israel
nder the name of Beth Khtimree — Kumri, Cumri,
r Omri.
Now, Omri was that king of Israel who built the
hief or capital city of Samaria, and did most to
orrupt and centralize this schismatic people.
The city is known to us by the Greek name of
he Land itself — to wit ; Samaria; but it was known
to the Babylonians and Assyrians as Khumree.
Thus : to them Khumree was the capital of Beth
Khumree, just as Samaria was the capital of Samaria
to us.
In this connection we should also note that
Omri, the great king of Israel, from whom it thus
took its Assyrian name, was originally a Captain of
the tribe of Issachar to whose central location in
the land of Isaac we have already invited attention.
This tribe of Issachar has a most weighty bearing
upon Israel and her many names, as may be plainly
Beth is the Hebrew for house ; Cumri is the same
for priest of Baal ; also a very significant deriva-
tion, since it was for Baal or Druidic worship, that
the Lord cast Israel out !
Forging the Chain of Evidence.
The Bible sends Israel into captivity for the sin
of Samaria. They were Cymri — hence God cast
them out.
Tiglath-Pileser, Sargon, and Shalmaneser, all knew
these people as the " House of Baal " or the Khum-
Herodotus preserves this name, Cumbri, which
links their history, and traces them to where with
united testimony both the Scriptures and the mon-
uments place them.
Sharon Turner, " the father of Anglo-Saxon histo-
ry," working backward from the western isles, shows
s that the Angles, Jutes, Saxons, Danes and
iormans were all kindred, all Cimri, all Scythians,
11 Scots, all from the Crimea, and the Asian Minor
nd Black Sea region of Herodotus !
The Overland Route.
Little by little the centre of their civilization
/"orked its way across Europe, '* setting up way
larks ** as they went, and as they were commanded,
ke as "Jack" — the very nickname for Isaac, and
he patronymic of our own section of the Race it-
elf — did with his '' bag of beans," in the legend
^hich our Anglo-Saxon ancestors carried with them
ito England.
Here and there they rested upon the banks of its
lany rivers. And recalling there — these weary
•ilgrims in that northern wilderness, with no Sinai,
nd devoid of Pillar as a guide — the peaceful Jor-
!an, " River of Descent," that still flowed placidly
•etween its fallowing banks so far away, they strove
>erhaps to keep alive the fast fading legends of
heir own most lofty pedigree.
But '* Israel " had plunged into the Celtic stream
,s soon as she had passed the ** Gate of Dariel," and
'ari passu with her progress west, she lost her own
Not so, however, did the Spirit of Prophecy
I'hich had foreseen the end from the beginning,
ose sight of '■' Ephraim."
Nor need the children of this " wayward son "
experience an insurmountable difficulty in their
efforts to unravel the story of their past.
For instance : in discussing the changes in the
names of the tribes who peopled Britain, Yeatman,
in his '' Shemetic Origin " (page 208), codifies a por-
tion of the testimony; we quote the whole chapter
as follows :
^^ But if the derivation of one word from another
is a difficult matter to determine, there are some
changes which maybe attested by witnesses of such
a character that we cannot well dispute their
authority ; and in endeavoring to trace the tribes
who settled in England from the northeast, or
rather from the north and east, to their original
homes in Asia, it will be necessary to show the
changes which have been made in their names —
changes which arise sometimes from their advent
into a new country, and sometimes, perhaps, by the
mere lapse' of time.
Thus we find that the Galli or Gael, who kept
the name of Gaul in France, retains the Latin name
Gael in Scotland only, assumes the Greek form Kelt
in Ireland, Welsh and Cornish in the west of
England, and Angle in middle and east Eng-
The Jute or Goth of England went through no
fewer nor less important changes, and we must
trace him in turn through the varieties, Jute, Goth,
Qjetae, Massagetae, Gothones, Guthes, Skuthes,
jcythae. This is obviously, therefore, a generic, and
lot a tribal name. So, again, by a tribal name of
hese same Goths, Dannan in Ireland, Dani in Scan-
inavia and England, and also in Ireland Daci,
^hraci, Scythae. And again, Dani, Doni, Donian,
Caledonian, Macedonian, Dones, Tones, Teutones,
tc. So Cymry in Wales to Cimbri in Scandinavia,
Cambri and Sicambri, Cimmerii, and, like Daci, to
'hraci and Scythae. So Sassen, Saxon, Axon,
imbrones, Sassones, Sacae, Scythae. So Scythae to
So the Goths became Jutes, Whites, Fights, Ficti,
icti each in their turn. Perhaps it will be best to
iverse the order and trace these names from the
cythians, the name by which they were called
efore we knew them.
First, then, to prove that the Scythians and
■oths, or Getae, are identical. Herodotus, writing
50 B.C., at a time when the change had not been
) far distant but that the truth might be known
istinctly, avers that the Goths or Getae are the
cythians. Strabo, Pliny, Ptolemy all rank the
etae as Scythians. Thucydides (ii. 96) mentions
le Scythians in connection with the Getae in
reece. Trogus, who flourished fifty years B.C.,
lys Tannas, king of the most ancient Scythae,
'ught with Vexores, king of Egypt. Valerius
laccus (lib. v.) calls this first-named king. King of
le Getae.
Trebellius Pollio : '*In Galliem Scythae autem id
est pars Gothorum Asiam vastabant id a Claudio
Gothico Scytharum diverse populi Pincini Truhengi
Austro-Gothis praedae."
Dexipus (who Grotius asserts wrote in the reign
of Gallienus) entitled his work the " History of the
Wars between the Romans and the Gotho-Scythic
PrisCLis uses the words as if synonymous.
Goropius called the Goths w^hom Valens placed in
Maesia, Scythians ; they were afterwards called
Maeso-Goths, or Massagetae.
Procopius (temp. Justinian) writes '* of all the
other Gothic nations, who were also called Scyth-
ians in ancient times."
Anastatius in Hist. Chronograph :*' When many
Scythians, who are called Goths, had passed the
river Ister in the time of Decius, they wasted the
Roman Empire."
Ammianus Marcellinus (lib. xxxi.), recording the
death of Decius, calls the Goths '' Scythae."
Theophanes, writing A.D. 300: "For that the
Scythians in their own tongue are called Goths."
Trajanus Patricius states the same thing in his
history of his own time.
Georgius Symmachus : "The Scythians are also
called Goths in their own language."
Jornandes speaks of the Goths, Getae, and Scyth-
ians as the same people.
Isidorus, in his chronicle of the Goths in Spain,
thus writes : — " Gothorum antiquissimum esse
sgnun certum ut quod ex regno Scytharum est
Procopius (lib. i. c. 2) says the whole Scytha^
'ere anciently called Getic nations ; and he calls
le Foederati, so well known in the Lower Empire,
roths ; Suidas calls them Scythae.
Most, if not all of these authorities are taken
■om the valuable work of Pinkerton, which con-
lins a mine of wealth upon the subject. That
Titer is little noticed now, but nearly every histo-
an has utilized his labors, which were immense,
id his work is logically correct, though his deduc-
ons are absurd. His great object was to prove
lat the modern Germans were identical with the
oths. He only proved the identity of the ancient
ermans, of which there can be no doubt, for all
istorians unite in asserting that the so-called Ger-
lan tribes were Galatae or Keltse. Modern re-
:arch, and especially Dr. R. G. Latham, has proved
lat the modern Germans are not relatives in blood
> their predecessors of the same name, but are of
irmatian origin. With all his learning and powers
discrimination, Pinkerton fails to understand this
ct, hence his labors were useless for the object he
id in view.
That the Goths and Getae are identical, many
riters combine to prove. So clearly is it es-
blished that there can be no rational doubt
)out it.
Suidas, a Greek writer of the tenth or eleventh
century, states that Dio, writing 230 A.D., called his
history of the Goths " Geticon."
Spartianus (writing about A.D. 300), Vita Cara-
calla, '* Gothi Getae dicerentur," Hist. Ang. Scrip.,
p. 419; and in his life of Aristum Gela (p. 427) he
writes, " Geticus quasi Gothicus."
Claudian, in his poem on the Gothic war, calls it
''De Bello Getico."
Sidonius Apollinaris in the fifth century calls the
Goths, Getae, and the Ostrogoths, Massagetae.
Ausonius (Idyl. 8) speaks of the Getis.
Orosius (lib. i. c. 6), *' Getae qui et nunc Gothi."
St. Jerome (Epis. ad Galat.) says the Goths were
anciently called Getae.
Eunodius, in his panegyric to Theodoricus, king
of the Goths, calls his people Getici.
Procopius, temp. Justinian, says that the Goths
are a Getic race.
Jornandes entitled his history " De Getarum sive
Isidore Origines (lib. xx. c. 2) says the Getae and
the Goths are the same.
That the Getae were Thracians. Dr. R. G.
Latham asserts this to be the case.
Voconius, Ovid, and Strabo all assert that the
Thracians and the Getae spoke the same language.
Ihre proves that the Getae and the Thracians were
known by each other's names. Of course this may
be taken with the limit that the Getae were only a
portion of the Thracians.
Strabo (lib. vii. c. 3, s. 2), " The Greeks consider
he Getae to be Thracians."
Herodotus (iv. 93), " The Getae are the most val-
ant and just of the Thracians."
Menander writes, "All the Thracians truly, and
specially above all the Getae (for I myself glory in
>eing descended from the race)," etc.
The Getae were living side by side with the Daci,
lot only in Thrace but along the whole course of
he Danube, and even in Scandinavia. Strabo
sserts that they spoke the same language in Thrace
lib. vii. c. 3, s. 12) as undoubtedly they did in Den-
aark, and that they were the same people. That
he Daci and the Dani are the same people is clear
rom Denmark having been anciently called Dacia.
)acia is, in fact, Thrace, so called by people who
^ere unable to pronounce the theta.
Sir Isaac Newton (Chron., p. 1125) writes, ''The
ncient inhabitants of Dacia (Transylvania, Mol-
avia, and Wallachia) were called Getae by the
ireeks, Daci by the Latins and Goths by them-
elves/' — C Sons of God ! ").
There can be no doubt that the Daci or Dani, as
/ell as the Getae or Gothi, were all of the race
ailed Cimbri. The Cimbri were also Cimmerii,
nd so of Thracian origin also, or the Thracians
rere Cimmerians, it matters not which.
The Thracians were the widely extended race
ailed the Pelasgi, a name which it is asserted is
aken from the Stork, and means, like Scythian, a
wandering nomadic race. It is clear from Homer
that active communications were established be-
tween the Thracians and the Trojans, who were
probably of Pelasgic race. The Thracians were
anciently called Peske and Aria, which would inti-
mate an Asiatic origin connected with those districts.
In the Trojans, Mysians, Maconians, Mygdonians,
Dolconians, Daci, Bibrice, Scordisci, Edones, Estae,
Cicones, and other Thracian races, may readily be
traced tribes connected with the Cimbri and with
The Cicones, who were also Galai and Briantes
(British tribes had the same -name), fought with
Ulysses after the fall of Troy ; and it is asserted
that the Cimmerian Briges of Thrace went into
Asia Minor and became the Phrygians. They were
the Brigantes of Britain.
The chief part of European Scythia, which in-
cludes Thrace, had been possessed by the Cimmer-
ians. They possessed all the land on the south of
ancient Scythia, about the Tyra and the Danube.
On the banks of the Tyra lay the monuments of
the Cimmerii who had fallen in the great conflict
with the Scythians. •
That the Cimbri were the same as the Cimmerii
is asserted by Plutarch, who states that it is related
that the Cimbri and the Cimmerii were the same
people (Vita C. Marius). He also affirms that the
Teutones, Cimbri, and other nations who were
banded together were all called Celto-Scythian.
Strabo (lib. vii. c. 2, s. 2) states that the Greeks
ailed the Cimbri, Cimmerii.
Herodotus (iv. 13) cites Aristeas the Preconosian,
'ho lived before Homer, in proof that the Cimmerii
ved on the South Sea till pushed forward by the
cythae, and he states that they were in Europe
efore the Scythians, who subsequently occupied
heir territory. The whole of the nations north of
he Greeks were at one time called by them Thra-
ians, including the Cimmerii, and the Cimbric
'hersonesus was at one time called the Taurica or
'hracian Chersonese. That portion of the Cim-
lerii who lived near the Palus Maeotis invaded
^sia Minor, 1284 ^-C, and in 624 B.C. they seized
he kingdom of Cyaxares, but after being masters of
; for twenty-eight years they were driven back by
Uyattes, king of Lydia. About 66$ B.C. they were
riven out of the Crimea by Scythian hordes, in all
irobability the ancestors of the Saxons, then called
he Sacae. It was then called the Chersonesus
jcythica. Soon, or after this date, the Cimmerii
disappear from history, probably to emerge again
s the Cimbri of Scandinavia. In 629 B.C. they
ook the city of Sardis.
That the Cirrimerii or Cimbri were Kelts, is
•roved by the fact that Homer places them where
ither writers place the Kelts. Apion, a celebrated
listorian, born in Egypt in the reign of Trajan, dis-
inctly calls them Kelts (De Bello Civ., lib. i. p. 265),
nd again (in lUyr., p. 1 196) he writes of *' those
Kelts who are called Cimbri." Dion Cassius speaks
of them as Gauls. Plutarch and Lucan call the
slave who was ordered to slay Marius both a Gaul
and a Cimbrian. This, of course, was after their
journey through Gaul. Posidonius, Strabo, and
Plutarch assert that the Cimbri or Cimmerii came
from the German Ocean to the Euxine.
Sallust and Cicero point to Gaul as the home of
the Cimbri. Caesar fixes them south of the Marne
and the Seine (Bello Galli., lib. i. i. lib. ii. 4).
Diodorus Siculus deals with them as a Gaulish
people (s. 32). Strabo, who only wrote from hear-
say, places them between the Rhine and the Elbe.
Velleius Patercules had learnt something more ; he
calls them Gallic, and puts them beyond the Rhine.
Ptolemy pushes them northwards ; and Pliny, whose
knowledge was more extended (iv. s. 28), states that
they were as far northwards as Norway.
Appian states that the Teutones, as well as the Am-
brones who accompanied the Cimbri, were also Kelts.
Plutarch relates that the war-cry of the Ambrones
was similar to that of the Ligurians, as both found
to their surprise ; and the Ligurians were undoubt
edly a Keltic race.
Dr. Latham considers them of the Gaulish rather
than the Gothic branch.
Ariovisti spoke Gallic to the Romans, who under-
stood it.
Mallet writes, " Les Celts ont ^t^ connus ancien-
nement sous le nom g^n^ral de Scythes."
Aristotle calls the British tin Celtic.
Niebuhr attributes to Johannes Miiller consider-
able credit for having proved the Cimbri to be Celts
(Lecture on ancient Ethnography, 1853, ii. 326).
Mr. H. L. Long considers the Cymry as the first
wave in the tide of the human race, which, rolling
continuously from Asia and the East, reached
eventually the coast of Britain.
Zeuss proves that the language of the Gauls and
the ancient Britons, or the Cymry, was identical,
with only dialectical differences ; and philologists
generally agree in attributing the Cymric language
to the Belgge. That this was akin to the G^lic
branch is admitted by the Irish Kelts, who allege
that all the peopte who invaded Ireland spoke the
same language (Canon U. J. Bburke).
We see from the accumulated testimony of
Homer, Appian, Posidonius, Strabo, Plutarch,
Sallust, Cicero, Caesar, Diodorus Siculus, Velleius
Paterculus, Ptolemy, Pliny, Dion Cassius, and Lu-
can, that the Cimbri who descended upon Italy
about 100 B.C. came through Gaul, and the country
they possessed above Gaul is bounded by Caesar
southward of the Marne and the Seine, by Strabo
westward of the Elbe, and by successive writers,
as their acquaintance grew, up to Norway on
the north. In fact, each writer places them as
far north as he knows anything of the Northern
country, thus undoubtedly identifying them with
Scandinavia and the Norsemen ; and they concur
ill stating they came down to Italy from the
Ihre remarks that the ancients comprised all the
people in the oblique ascent from the Caspian to
the farthest point of Scandinavia under the general
name of Scythians: and our own Bede calls Scandi-
navia, Scythia. Their own traditions prove that
they originally came from the south. According to
the Gothic annals, the first migration came to
Scandinavia in the time of Serug, great-grandfather
of Abraham, under their king, Eric. The Welsh
records relate that they came from the summer
country. The chronicles of the Swedish kings com-
mence with a people on the banks of the Tanners-
quil, Dannerstrom, or Danube, who were governed
by Odin. The Icelandic Eddas and Sagas state
that Odin, the great god of the Scandinavian Goths,
led his people into Scandinavia from Scythia on
the Dannerstrom.
Herodotus, who lived some four hundred years
before the Cimbric invasion of Italy, places the
Getae on the south of the Danube, and the Scythae
on the other side ; the Tyssa Getae north of the
Euxine (lib. iv. s. 121), and in the heart of Scythia
(s. 11); the Massagetae, on the north and east of
the Caspian ; Pliny and Strabo all over the west of
the Euxine ; and the latter through half of Ger-
many, thus fully corroborating the native tradi-
It may be asked how it is that a. nation is known
,t one time as the Cimbri, at another as the Scyth-
ans, at others as the Getae, the Keltae, the GalH,
he Daci, the Dani, the Gothi, the Sacse, the Saxoni,
Scandinavian, Norsemen, Teutones. It would
eem that there are two reasons which can be given.
\.lthough this people (call them Kelts if you will)
lave that general appellation, yet they are a confed-
ration of many tribes, each of which has a distinct
Lame of its own ; and that many of these names
re variations of one and the same, whilst others
iiffer because, perhaps, as it was a Keltic custom in
ime of war to choose one leader over all, his name,
Y rather the name of his tribe, became for the
ime the name of the whole clan, thus Omri —
Chumree, Cymri. So at one time they are
jmbri, at another Ambrones or Saxons; now
Icythae or Skuthes to the Greeks, and Goths or
letae to the Latins. The mode is explained by
ialmasius (De Lege Helenes, p. 368). Skuthes,
(guthes ; dropping the s, Guthes, Gethes, Gothes,
re the same words, s in Greek being but a servile
stter, and may be omitted at pleasure, as Skimbri
or Kimbri ; so that Goths, Getae, Scythae, Sacae,
>axones, etc., are all one and the same name."
Thus far the quotation from Mr. Yeatman, begun
pon page j6, and which from corroborated authors
light be swollen into whole volumes.
Still On— A Wandering Race.
On, thus, by all the Dons and Dans of early Euro-
pean Geography, and naming them, as it moved
towards the ocean, this stream of pilgrimage de-
scended, ploughing its way through the Celtic flood
which had preceded it, and pioneered by sons of
Dan, until at last it paused awhile in the Kymbric
Chersonesus, and on the shores of Denmark— Dan's
last resting place.
In the royal museum of Copenhagen there is, and
has been for more than 275 years, a golden trumpet
known throughout Denmark as the '' Danish
This remarkable relic is said to be a genuine
trumpet of Zion. Its weight is L02 ounces, and it
measures two feet nine inches in length.
The surrounding circumstances, its lily and pome-
granate chasing,, and the tracing of its Hebrew in-
scription, strongly sustain the position, and up to
the present time there has not been the slightest
scientific doubt as to the genuineness of this relic.
This trumpet was discovered partly concealed in
the ground, by a farmer's daughter in 1630, in the
diocese of Rypeny.
How did it f^nd its way from Jericho to Jutland?
It came with Dan across the continent !
But these wayworn pilgrims, trending ever west-
ward, lost and left it there— a '^ way mark " eloquent
in silence,— for taking ships again they were at
home once more upon the sea, and ploughed the
English channel, free at last to reach their '' little
sanctuary," and dwell alone in safety.
UPON eagle's wings. 89
Dan and His Ships.
But it was only a very small portion of Dan that
)ok this weary overland journey to the land of
ritJiam, which is the Hebrew for '' Covenant ! "
These were of that small colony that had gone
3rth before the days of Solomon to hew the cedars
\ Lebanon, and the oaks of Bashan for Dan's
ivies, and had been caught there, when the
.ssyrian came down upon the straying fold of
The bulk of Dan's tribe was, in those days, upon
le sea, and when the Ten Tribed Kingdom fell,
\ which they were a part, they escaped in their
Their base of operations was at once transferred
om Joppa to their several distant colonies.
Chief among these were those of Ireland, where,
>ng before, the Tuatha de Danaans had already
ittled and grown mighty.
On, through the Gates of Hercules, and out into
le Western Sea, these earliest of pioneers had
Dught new waters for adventure.
Iceland, Greenland, even America were not un-
nown to them, nor were the golden halls of Monte-
uma left wholly out of their wild tales of Ro-
lance. Indeed, if we follow the investigations of
lanasseh Ben-Israel, even Peru contributed her
'easures to the Temple of Solomon.
Dan lived in ships ; the ocean was his safe retreat ;
adventure was the spirit of his life ; to pioneer his
mission, and to plant the flag of Israel's empire
round the world, his well earned reward.
But here again Phonetic Hebrew, taken from the
text itself, and treasured in the very place-name of
'* the little sanctuary " that Israel found in distant
isles, comes to our aid with remarkable force.
In the eleventh chapter of Ezekiel the Prophet is
informed (vs. 15-16), that although '' Israel " had
been driven out by " Judah" with a view to her
obliteration, God had by no means lost sight of her,
but had promised her the perpetual aegis of his
It has been suggested to the writer by one to
whom he owes many interesting identities, tliat
perhaps to the Hebrew adjective, oj^d, here so
pointedly used (for '' /////^," and pronounced 7/uaf,
the final / having the value of ///,— hence meatJi),
we may trace the original name of that particular
county, or kingdom, of Ireland where Dan already
was,— MEATH,— and to the Capital of which,—
TAR A, — the Royal Remnant of Judah was also
soon to be gathered.
It was indeed ** a meath sanctuary" (v. 16), situ-
ated upon the very " border of Israel " (v. 10),
and to it in due time, for special judgment, as reiter-
ated in v. 1 1, the several '' Remnants " came (v. 13).
But to return to the days that marked the begin-
lings of these judgments ultimately to be changed
nto blessings for the entire human race:
The Lost Tribes of Israel.
The Ten Tribes of Israel were ^' lost'' to the
;hroniclers of sacred and secular history, as they
)assed through the gate of the Caucasus, and en-
ered into the northern wilderness beyond. And
here, too, we will leave them in the wilds awhile,
ed on by Ephraim, with whom God declared that
le would ultimately plead, as with a son, — ** a dear
on," one no longer cast away, — and whom he
wore to regather into final favor, even in spite of
limself, and in a manner that he wot not of.
There are stranger things in Saxon history than
ire dreamed of in the boldest flights of human phi-
osophy and imagination, and '' Israel " went out to
:eep a tryst with God as surely as she did in earlier
lays when journeying toward Sinai.
The prophecy of Hosea, and the books of Esdras
hould be read in this connection ; indeed the bulk
)f Hebrew prophecy is occupied with the fate and
uture circumstances of this henceforth missing
)eople. So much so that hitherto, and so long
lereafter as the subsequent ignorance of their fate
md lack of interest in their rediscovery continues,
hese books find few perusers and fewer still who
mderstand them.
Their exodus from Palestine via Media, at this
mportant juncture in man's affairs, synchronizes, as
we have elsewhere shown, with the rise of the four
Gentile empires, which were in turn to essay the
problem of human government — and which in turn
have failed to compass it.
In the meanwhile it was expressly predicted both
by the earlier and later prophets that a period of
seven '' times " (well known to have signified 7 x 360
= 2520 years) was to pass over "Israel" ere her
incognito should be penetrated, and — she having
already resumed her place of prominence among
the nations, — ere her sons should be fully recog-
nized by every one as the manifested '* Sons of
God." It has been a long waiting period, but one
not without many remarkable parallels in the his-
tory of God's dealing with the seed of Abraham.
This apparent exit of the major part of God's chosen
people from the stage of international politics is as
remarkable as it is complete, while their actual!
growth in power and influence among the nations
of the earth, which since that day has been un-
checked, is even more astonishing.
But this blindness, both of " Israel" and of Gen-
tile nations as to " Israel " is not to be final.
Of this we are assured if we but scan the outlines
of their destiny as laid down in the prophecies.
For in the place where they were cast away as
not my people (" Lo-Ammi "), even in the islands
of the North and West, there they are, according
to the same scriptures, to take upon themselves a
new n?.me and be called at length the "■ Sons of
rod " ('• Ammi **) as well as Saxons — or the Sons
f Isaac !
There they were to stammer till they learned a
ew language, but a better one,
" For English is the human voice ! "
And strangely here the very text of the Bible
Dmes to our aid, in that the Hebrew word trans-
ited "stammering" in our version is just that one
hich has given Commentators no end of trouble,
hereas, if instead of guessing at the meaning they
ad rendered the original, we should have had an
[entity upon the very surface of the Bible capable
f silencing ipso facto every philologic difificulty
lat centres round the demonstration of our true
escent !
Language is no test of race ; it demonstrates
ontact only but not origin, and here in plain lan-
uage we have the Spirit tell us that,
*' With GAELIC lip, and with another (unknown)
Dngue will I speak unto this people ! " (Isa. xxviii.
The Hebrew word •')?'? Laeg or Leag, here em-
loyed, conceals, in a manner quite common to the
eeper cabalistic uses of the language "^^ the modern
ame of the very "lip" or speech for which we
ave exchanged our ancient one ; for when studied
* Compare the well known play upon the words Laban and
labal, which reverse each other (Gen. xxiv. 29; i Sam. xxv. 25).
in all its aspects, and stammered at as it were in
various ways, behold, upon reversing it, the riddle
solved — Gael !
There, too, they were to be accepted in the bonds
of a far better covenant, and there is but one other
of which Isaac, their ancestral godfather, was the
special type !
Gaels from Galilee.
" We know that the Hebrews differed among
themselves in dialect, as in the case of the Ephra-
imites and of the Galileans, showing that even thus
early they corrupted their speech by contact with
other people. The number of languages must have
been either in accordance with the number of
nations, or of families, or of individuals. Of the
first, there were sixteen, and about seventy families.
''The Irish traditions (Milesian Story) curiously
seem to confirm the latter theory, for it is stated
that Gaelic was derived from seventy-{two) lan-
guages." *
" There is little doubt," says Yeatman, " that Pales-
tine is the cradle of the Gael, for, amongst other di-
visions, it contained an Upper a-nd a Lower Galilee,
and a Gaulonitis ; and above, to the north, is Galatia.
Here, too, is to be found Gadeses (whence, later,
* Septuagint ! The very number, by the way, of the transcribers
of the Hebrew Scriptures into Greek, from which possibly, not the
tradition is taken, but the number of translators selected, for a com-
mon reason.
western Gades or Cadiz), probably the original
form of the name Gadhelion, so well known amongst
It was perhaps from their familiarity with these
names that '' Israel," while in. Media, taught even
the Armenians of those days to call themselves
"Gaels by the Sea, or Galileans;" or else, as
already intimated (page 76) it was a common Celtic
designation, and therefore naturally found wher-
ever the Keltic or Chetic, i.e. the Hittite, stream of
population flowed.
'* That the Gallic or Gaelic is a dialect of the
primary language of Asia, has received the sanction
3f that celebrated philologist, the late Professor
Murray, and in his prospectus of the ' Philosophy
Df Language * he states ' that the Celts were the
iborigines of Europe, and their language the aborig-
nal one.* Hence it is that it is found to underlie
ill the civilized languages of Europe, and, in fact, to
3e the basis of the dominant languages of the
/vorld. Like the country from which it comes, it is
It the same time Gael and Punic, Pelasgian and
Etruscan, Latin and Greek, and, as we shall pres-
ently show, it is also Cymric, Gothic, and English.
*' But are there no means of bridging over the gulf
vhich separates Galilee from the British Isles ?
lothing to show by which route the Gael arrived ?
Certainly by careful attention every step of the way
nay be indicated by the names of places along the
oute— that is, of one route, for the Gael came by
land as well as by sea. He came along the Mediter
ranean round to Genoa and Marseilles, and then
across France by the Loire and the Garonne, till he
reached the English Channel, and was quickly trans-
ported over to the Land of Tin ; and he undoubtedly
entered Ireland through England, as unquestionably
he also reached Ireland by sea — that is, through the
Straits of Hercules and from Cadiz — and overflowed
again into Britain through Scotland, meeting once
more in the heart of Britain, as his kindred branch,
the Cymric, met in the heart of Italy." — Yeatman.
From such a fountain therefore, and out of such
another Gaelic stream, it was, that '^Israel" de-
rived her " stammering tongue ; " no wonder that
her children lost their way, and finally, were ** lost "
themselves, to Judah left behind !
But the days of their concealment have transpired,
and, no longer wholly lost, they stand once more
before the curtain, manifested in a glare of light.
They are identified by language, by religion and
by inheritance ; by geographical way-marks, by race
proclivities, and by prophecies fulfilled.
They bear the sign of the cross not only on their
foreheads but, like as it was made above the heads
of Ephraim and Manasseh when Jacob blessed and
adopted them, so too to-day it marks the centre of
their very name — Saxon — and baptizes them as
veritable sons of him who was the very Son of God.
As truly as they are called in his name Christians
so truly are they called in Isaac's Saxons.
And they have always called themselves the
" Sons of God."
Ortellius says, " The ten tribes went north and
west of Media, to a country called Arsareth, where
on entering they took the name of Gau-thei'' or
Goths, i. e. Gau or Ga, " the Sons, or people,"
77/^2 ''of God!"
Rome knew them, and their leader, Alaric — '' the
Scourge of God ! "
The Get.^ were the same people, i. e. the Deci,
or DACI, from deka, Ten, the number of their tribes !
In '' the Isles " they called themselves the Ga-ELS,
Wa-ELS, and the An-Ga-ELS, names all derived
from Goedel " sons of God," like Goths from
And their generic name to-day — ''Englishmen"
or An-ga-el-ish-men is rich unto redundancy in its
subtle references to these predictions. It may be
freely read to mean A^-ish-men, " These men are
indeed," — i. e. an emphatic redundancy — Ga — •
"the Sons of," El— " the Living God "— (Hos. i.
10; ii. 16.)
But it is' useless to enlarge upon these issues
here ; they have been treated at exhaustive length
by scholars whose works are within easy reach of
all who seek the truth ; our only purpose is to cite
them once in briefest concert that their Hebrew
harmony may be perceived.
These things, however, are of course admittedly
occult, and to the more common school of so called
*' learned men " have only the weight of ""foolish-
So be it !
But there are two definitions of foolishness, which
like Nabal and Laban are opposites in their estimate
of " the things of the Spirit " (i Cor. ii. 14 ; iii. 19),
and '' because the foolishness of God is wiser than
men " (i Cor. i. 25, 23, 2!, 18) it is not expected
that any save those who are both i7i Israel and also
of\\. (John i. 47), will be wise enough to discern
their significance (Dan. xii. 10) — the rest wilP' stam-
mer " to the end.
It is certain that we cannot become true Gaels —
" Sons of God " — until we learn to reverse our
'* stammering lip " (Leag), and when we do, the
very ** stammering stone," (the *'stan clidden," as
the Gaels sometimes called it, but more often the
Leag Phail) — ''stone wonderful," or ''stone of des-
tiny," will itself speak Gaelic eloquence to those
who have inherited it, for this stone itself is the
hearthstone of our " little sanctuary." In the mean
time, therefore, we speak in riddles only, but to the
" wise " such parables are plain.
Finally, in this connection, it is a remarkable fact
that another name for this honored heirloom of
Our Race, to wit : the " Leag-Gael," or Gael
Stone, is one of those cabalistic Hebrew compounds
which read the same both forward and backward !
Moreover, — lest even " the wise," themselves,
should be tempted to consider this, also, to be a
''mere coincidence," and so not appreciate as per-
haps intended, and as at least significant, it may
also be here disclosed that the most common name
for this very same stone, to wit : — the LlA Fail, is
anagrammatically similar in structure, it being bal-
anced about the letter F, and reading the same both
forward and backward, while the letter F, itself, is
the logogram of the English word *' a Fish " (Icthus),
which is the most famous symbol of the Scriptures !
A Resume.
We have now brought our survey of Israel's influ-
ence over the ** Philosophy of History " down to
the days which marked the loss of the " Ten
Tribes," and, from the heights whereon we favored
moderns stand, have endeavored to decipher some
of the more prominent writings on the walls of
time which have escaped all former generations.
The Scroll of History is a vast palimpsest, beneath
whose trivial and superficial details many principles
of progress lie concealed, and where, too, all its Ro-
mance lurks. The light of modern thought brings
out these buried lines, wherewith it is in potent
sympathy, whenever those who use it seek the truth,
and are actuated by its spirit. But its rewards are
promised only to the earnest, or the ** wise and pru-
dent," for this light is but a cause of greater blind-
ness unto those who, having eyes still will not see.
What powers of flight are awakened, for instance,
in the wings of thought, by a clear perception of
the central situation of Palestine, still barren and
still waiting for its rightful owners, amid the arable
lands now occupied -by man ! And how instinct-
ively, in such a light, the mind follows the prophets
in their expectations for the future of such a favored
country! Although at present, almost ** no man's
land," yet it is *' the desire of all lands."
But for whom is it reserved?
We have long been wont to admit the sort of in-
direct influence exerted through the ages by the
Decalogue and Hebrew Scriptures, and the sharper
one, direct in action, pressed upon modern times by
Christianity — the outcome and fulfilment of the
elder Testament : but now the outlook broadens as
we find in " Israel " the ruling character all through
the drama.
Hence our interest naturally deepens, as this pos-
sibility materializes, and as the new skeleton,
whereon her history may be clothed, articulates in
proportions so heroic.
In our sketch, which has necessarily been brief,
we have glanced at her cradling as a nation, her
schooling in the wilderness before the primary occu-
pation of the land of destiny, her growth thereafter,
and the dominance of her imprint upon other lands,
thus early, through the colonizing policy of Sol-
omon. We have also seen "the Ten Tribes" —
Israel's major portion — vanish from the stage?
Now it cannot be that here their mission was com-
pleted, and tliat thenceforth their posterity were of
A R^SUMfe. lol
;o little concern, as ^' children of the promise," that
:hey have been suffered to become, if not extinct,
it least of even less importance than the Sons of
!shmael, whose trace of Abrahamic blood still pre-
jerves them, as surely as it does the Jews !
A supposition such as this does violence to Holy
^rit, and to hold it is to apologize for every form
)f disbelief !
It cannot be, and Christianity be true. For both
nust stand, or both must fall together, since they
jach subsist upon absolutely parallel promises and
Drophecies. (See Study No. i, p. 51-153-)
Hence more than ever in our day we must find
* Israel," how lost soever she may be, or logically
^ive up the case — the whole of it — and join the
•anks of utter infidelity as to the matter of Revealed
But, thanks be to Him who giveth Faith a sub-
itance for her hopes, we do not stand. in any danger
)f so desperate an alternative.
For the thread run through the story of Pr.ogress
Dy the identity of the Anglo-Saxons with these Lost
Tribes, is a cord of no mean strength, and bids fair
:o lead us through the labyrinth of History with no
incertain steps.
Grant the premises, if only a courteous and un-
biassed hearing, and the charm of the solution thus
)ffered becomes irresistible.
But, per converse, may not so entrancing a solu-
:ion of this long vexed subject, — a solution which
embraces and harmonizes so many features of hii
tory hitherto at hopeless variance, and one whic
avoids the reefs whereon so many earnest wilHn
men have wrecked their faith, — may not such a soh
tion tend in a sense to fortify the premises then
selves, and lead us back to primitive beliefs ?
This we leave our readers to determine.
If the claim is true the consequences which d(
pend upon it are inevitable, and the Saxon Race wi
be participators in a Crusade, ere the cycles ar
much older, which will fill their measure of Re
If it be not, then let it be disproved, and at an
rate the romance of the Saxon myth will lose bu
little of its interest, and the search for " Israel
none of its fervor among Bible students.
To ^ay the least, the finding of such a cluster c
cities as Scythopolis, Succoth, and Issachar, neste^
together in the Territory of Issachar the centre
State of Isaac's Sons, and whose king, Omri, (Khunr
ree in the original Assyrian tablets), gave the nam
of Cymria to Samaria, is not a little remarkable.
Aryan versus Shemitic Origin.
It is with ^* line on line, and precept upon pre
cept, here a little, and there a little," only tha
one can storm the walls of conservatism an(
prejudice which hedge in every branch of moden
A truth so radical as the one which it is ou
ndeavor to present must fight its way at every
:ep. Max Miiller and the Oxford School have
uight the Aryan genealogy so long, that one who
ares to preach, as true, the Shemitic origin of our
lace stands in imminent danger of whatever fire
in be focused on him ! But the Doctors have
[ready too many desperate fights upon their hands
nd are unequal to them. Their outlook is too
arrow, nor with any patience will they listen to
le questions put by independent students, who
refer to walk abroad in the unlimited gardens of
hilosophy, to sitting with the few who teach in
arkened closets.
The news now comes to us that perhaps we must
write our Astronomies ! Those who sit beside
le focus of the great Lick telescope have made
iscoveries so new and startling that they tell us we
-e novices in Astral matters and our text-books all
.vry! Meanwhile they keep the secrets which
leir great reflector is revealing until with fully for-
fied position they can defy attack.
But if astronomy perchance is wrong, which men
ave fancied " fixed," why should it challenge ridi-
ile and doubt to claim that History is also far,
5tray, and that its teachers have mistaken by-ways
)r the broader paths, and missed the highway
We do not intend to waste time in controversy
ith the text-books, for the present is too precious,
id we can hardly hope to win the current genera-
tion of School-men " to our way of writing genea
But we do intend to put our case before " //
People,'' who are most concerned, and let them tal
their choice, in freedom.
It is in the ear of the literary laity that we desii
to tell the story of OUR ORIGIN, and to the Bib
reading majority, who belong rather to the humbl(
class, that its beauty and its strengthening vigor wi
And finally to Bible disbelievers, who take litt
interest in this controversy, we need only say th<
we find in a possible descent from the Patriarchs
far more pleasing prospect, than in a Darwinia
evolution, and an arduous ascent from the dust, t
which, if it be true, the spirit and the body ca
but hopelessly return.
The Jews Never Lost.
The Two-Tribed kingdom of *' Judah," still rule
over by one of the descendants of David, continue
as a monarchy in Palestine for lOO years (3306
3406 A.M.) after the Ten-Tribed Israel becam
practically " lost."
To this kingdom the priestly tribe of Lo
cleaved, and unto them, " for David's sake," th
Lord lent temporarily the tribe of Benjamin.
The latter tribe has, since then, agreeably to tw
separate and explicit prophecies (Jer. vi. I ; Lul<
xxi. 20-24), disappeared, and joined the Tei
ribed kingdom in disguise, but the two tribes,
idah and Levi, familiarly known as the "Jews,"
e still with us, with no possibility of ever losing
eir identity !
They are a marked, identified and special people,
the shew of whose countenance " is proverbial in
ery clime and crowd.
The Prophecy that " Judah " should never be lost,
as explicitly set forth in Holy Writ, as the one
at '' Israel " should be ; and the literal fulfilment
the former is a standing guarantee to each and
the other and collateral predictions.
But there was a still more pointed promise made
this section of Jacob's children, to wit : that
:he Sceptre should not depart from Judah, nor a
iV-giver from between his feet, until the Millen-
In support of this rendering, or paraphrase of
cob's blessing, we refer to Lange and other leading
mmentators. The consensus of the most learned
adents of prophecy is, that Judah will not, and
ly not, "■ come home to his rest '* (or Shilok),
itil that time arrives which we moderns have in
Tiiliar parlance denominated '* the Millennium."
It is generally agreed that our translation (King
mes' version) is at fault in making Shiloh a
oper name in this connection, so that even if
VIessiah's time ** is signified by the word, it is the
ne yet future of his second coming rather than the
st, which left a sword and not a Sceptre, and cer-
tainly has led the wandering feet of Judah far froi
"home" and "rest!" It is in this way too the
the Jews themselves, following the Targums an
the Rabbinical expositions, understand the text.
But whatever be the correct rendering of th
latter part of this blessing, neither the Jewish nc
the Christian doctors have yet explained the failui
of the first part, nor in any way satisfactorily ai
counted for the fact that long before either of thej^
Messianic- comings, be the latter or the former si^
nified, this Sceptre disappeared !
Has the promise lapsed?
The Jews must say. Not yet ; and hence the ne>
question for them to answer is : Where then is th
Sceptre now, and the Law-giver?
Upon the other hand the Christian church says
The promise was fulfilled at the Saviour's first con
But if so, we not only point to them that the
forget the learned exposition of their own teacher
but we confront them with the query: If so, fror
whom did Christ receive this Sceptre ?
His mother was not a' Queen in Judah, nor wa
the Sceptre wielded by his legal, and reputed fathe
The latter was a carpenter, not a " Law-giver,
and the former but a humble Jewish maiden.
This is not a captious question but a vital one
and we ask it in the spirit of Abijah, "■ ought y
not to know that the Lord God of Israel gave Th
[ingdom over Israel to David FOR EVER, even to
im and to his sons by a covenant oi salt ? (2 Chron.
|iii. 4.)
Several times during the five hundred years of
iicognized succession from David to Zedekiah, his
sed was threatened with extinction, and the
ceptre seemed about to depart, but God always
rovided a man to sit upon the throne and wield
le emblem of authority.
This occurred in the days of Jehoram (2 Chron.
xi. 7-17), and again even more notably in the very
ext generation (2 Chron. xx. 10-12), when Joash
as so providentially preserved for this oath's sake.
Shall we believe then that in Zedekiah's day the
ceptre was actually suffered to '* depart," and that
ehovah wearied of his promise?
How can we do so when in this same day, with
^en more explicitness than usual, God himself sent
eremiah unto this very king with the remarkable
lessage recorded in chapter xxxiii. of his prophecies?
David's Sceptre *' Lost.'*
But, nevertheless, nothing is so certain as that
le Sceptre disappeared at this particular time !
Josephus, relating the fortunes of Zedekiah,
horn he regarded as the last king of Judah, says
I Book X. 4: ''And after this manner have the
ings of David's race ended their lives, being in
umber twenty-one until the last king" (/. e, Zede-
iah !).
Thus even if we listen to the assertion that th
promise to Judah and David was fulfilled at th
time of the Saviour's first Advent, there is a Ion:
hiatus in the sceptral succession which no ingeni
ity of Bible genealogists has ever succeeded in filling
For the promise demands the perpetual existenc
of a child of David's line in true heraldic successior
and actually holding the sceptre of acknowledge(
regality over either a separated part or over all o
Judah's tribe.
It demands a Ruler as such, a crown, a sceptre
and a people!
That such a line exists we shall in due time show
a line without a single missing generation, and on
which wields a sceptre second unto none on earth.
There was a " Royal Remnant," that went out o
It was Davidic, Judaic, and Levitical, and with i
went the whole regalia of the realm, and a child o
Zedekiah so gentle as to be called '' the Tende
Twig," and for her guardian one who, chiefes
among all of Jehovah's Prophets and of Judah'
Prime Ministers, was directly commissioned '' t(
plant " the twig, and ** build " the monarchy anew
If this be so, then is Jehovah's word most won
derfully vindicated, and the History we shall relat<
most worthy of consideration in the hearts of al
mankind. While those who shall still find occasioi
to reject the truth of what we shall relate, mus
bridge the hiatus, from Zedekiah to both the Firs
THE saviour's TESTIMONY. IO9
md Second Advent, or accept the consequences of
hopeless dilemma.
Of course we are arguing upon the acknowledged
ruth of the Bible as a premise ; but our argument
s double-edged, for its logic tends both to destroy
he purely spiritual interpretation of scripture,
vhlch fills accepted Christian theology with the reduc-
w ad adsurdum, and to fortify the premises them-
elves against disbelievers, by demonstrating the
bsolute and literal fulfilment of Jehovah's promises.
Nor unto Judah, wandering aimlessly, and hoping
gainst hope, amid the long historic wreck of prom-
;es she has misunderstood, is the announcement of
Royal Remnant a matter of but small concern,
M- it means to her a full renewal of all her shattered
opes, and replaces the Day Star in her eastern skies !
The Saviour*s Testimony.
When the disciples, anxious for the restitution of
1 things, and jealous for the sovereignty of David,
iked the Saviour after his resurrection, whether he
ould at t/iat time ^'restore again the kingdom to
jrael," he rebuked them, saying: *' It is not for
Du to know the times or the seasons which the
ather hath put in his own power." (Acts i. S-y.)
Their question has a double significance. It, so
ell as the Saviour's reply, recognizes the apparent
pse in the supremacy of Judah, and both question
id answer imply the expected transfer of the
eptre to the Ten-Tribed Kingdom,
It was indeed from jealousy and fear of the mar
ifestation of this very transfer that the Jews ha(
urged the Saviour's crucifixion, and that, in earlie
days, Herod had wrought such vengeance ami*
Rachel's innocents at Ramah.
The Saviour avoided shedding any Hght upon th
fate, fortunes or whereabouts of the sceptre, or th
throne seat ; nor did he come to occupy them ther
for immediately thereafter he was caught up int
In the light of this remarkable and final convei
sation of Him who is yet to sit on David's earthl
throne, and in recognition of the integrity c
Jehovah's '* covenant of salt " with David, unde
stood, as the entire history of its succession up t
the time of Zedekiah, shows it was understood b
the chosen people themselves, it cannot but b
false policy for any believer in the Bible, to clair
that '' Shilok,'' as such, and in the meaning of th
promise, has yet come to take the sceptre of Davie
The word Shiloh occurs some thirty times in th
Bible, and, in all other cases, is translated to ind
cate Rest, or else as a Place, and as Israel has nc
yet returned into its rest, it is manifest that th
throne and sceptre of David must be yet in abe)
ance somewhere, held by a descendant, and hel
over at least a " Remnant " of Judah.
At the time of the Disciples' conversation wit
the ascending Saviour it had been safely swayin
over Israel for full 595 years. But the time for it
manifestation had not then arrived, and the disci-
ples, and all of the tribe of Benjamin, from which
they had been drawn, had other work before
They were to bear the light of the new covenant
to these lost sheep of the House of Israel, to which
kingdom they actually belonged.
Simply '' lent " to Judah, and " for David's sake,'*
the lease had now run out, and they were sent unto
their brethren.
But where to find them?
They had an unerring guide, the Holy Spirit,
and a searching light, the Gospel, and so absorbed
in its mission was this Christian section of the tribe
that it soon lost the merely material purport of its
origin, while the other section of Benjamin, the one
which was not christianized in Judea, we shall meet
anon as the last addition to the tribes that gathered
in the British Isles.
The Tribe of Benjamin.
The rediscovery of this tribe is so important
to our topic that we must anticipate somewhat of
the outcome of history at this juncture, and sketch
:he role assigned to Benjamin ere we proceed ; nor
:an we do better than use the words of Mr. Edward
Hine himself, to whose penetration the discovery
3f this and numerous other of the fundamental
' identities " of OUR RACE with LOST ISRAEL, are
chiefly due.
'' I am anxious," says Mr. Hine, in his " Flashes
of Light," " to make much importance of the Tribe
of Benjamin. A. very great deal depends upon
understanding this Tribe. Much error is in vogue
respecting it, and the meaning of many books of
the New Testament is hid from us, because of our
blindness concerning Benjamin. I have not much
space to spare, but in as few words as will be con-
venient, let me give a ' Flash of Light ' upon this
Tribe. These are my chief points, upon which I
challenge disproof. Benjamin is a tribe of Israel,
one of the ten, and not a tribe of Judah, one of the
two. The Disciples of Christ were from Benjamin,
therefore Israelites, and not Jews. Paul was an
Israelite, and not a Jew. The conversions at Pente-
cost included Israelites from Benjamin, and not Jews
from Judah. I speak plainly, it being important to
be understood.
'' The Theocracy of Israel consisted of twelve
tribes, and when Israel first became a Kingdom it
still contained twelve tribes. Of this there can be
no doubt, as also, ultimately, prior to the Second
Coming of Christ, the Nation of Israel will again
comprise twelve tribes ; but now, the House of
Israel only includes ten tribes. Saul, David, and
Solomon were kings over the whole twelve. It was
because * Solomon did evil in the sight of the
Lord* (i Kings xi. 6), that the Lord said * I will
surely REND the kingdom from thee, notwith-
standing in thy days I will not do it, for David thy
father's sake ; but I will rend it out of the hand of
thy son. Howbeit I will not REND AWAY ALL
the kingdom, but will give ONE TRIBE to thy
son, for David, my servant's sake, and for Jerusa-
lem's sake, which I have chosen.* (v. 12, 13.) The
kingdom here referred to was that of Israel, as dis-
tinct from Judah, as subsequent events clearly
prove, so that, though the twelve tribes were
under one head, it is quite certain, that, from the
very first, the divine government recognized the
two divisions.
" The kingdom of Israel was to be rent away from
Solomon's son, not the house of Judah ; yet, ONE
TRIBE, even belonging to Israel, was to remain
with Judah. Jeroboam, who was not Solomon's son,
met Ahijah the prophet ; Jeroboam being dressed
in a new garment, Ahijah caught hold of it, and
tore it into twelve pieces, saying to Jeroboam,
' take these TEN PIECES, for thus saith the Lord
the God of Israel, behold I will REND the king-
dom out of the hand of Solomon, and will give
PEN TRIBES to thee, but he shall have ONE
TRIBE, for my servant David's sake, and for
Jerusalem's sake, the city which I have chosen,
I Kings V. 31, 32.) This ONE TRIBE was to be
:aken out of the TEN, therefore, Israel would be
eft for a time with only NINE ; and for a time
fudah would possess THREE TRIBES. I say,
)nlv for a time ; because, this one tribe was not a
positive gift, but only as a loan, to serve a special
" God makes this an important point, by ex-
plaining the matter a third time in the 35th verse,
* I will take the kingdom out of his son's hand, and
will give it unto thee, even TEN TRIBES, and
unto his son will I give ONE TRIBE, that David,
my servant, may have A LIGHT ALWAY before
me in Jerusalem, the city which I have chosen me,
to put my name there.' Therefore the mission of
the one Tribe was to be 'a light '—it was to be
separated from Israel, and to serve this purpose
under Judah ; nevertheless, though with Judah, it
belonged to Israel. This tribe was Benjamin's, and
was with Judah after the revolt (aChron. xxv. 5.)
Therefore it is plain that ten tribes of the House of
Israel were not under Jeroboam— only nine tribes of
this House were under him, because, after Hoshea's
captivity, Judah, Levi, and Benjamin were left in
the land, and 122 years later, (590 B.C. •^), these
three tribes went into the Babylonish captivity for
* I have altered Mr. Hine's chronology to suit the accurate sys-
tem we are employing in this Series of Studies, the 590 B.C. being
de/ore 3996 A.M., i.e. in 3996 A.M.-590 B.C. to 3406 a.m. For further
hereon, v/de Study No. 2. In the meantime, we announce as almost
complete, " A Continued Calendar for the past 6000 years,"
reversed from the present almanacs, and by means of which the
whole chronology of the Bible and its accuracy will become apparent
at a glance. Should the present effort to spread the truth of OUF
identity with ' Israel ' meet with the encouragement it deserves, the
almanac referred to will appear as a Study in some future Series.
*jo years. These three tribes returned also from
Babylon. (Ezra i. 5 : x. 9 ; Neh. xi. 4, 7, 31 ; xii. 34.)
*' And Ezra even goes so far as to record the
mcestry of the chief men who returned, but only
nentions those of Judah, Levi, and Benjamin. It
iiust be remembered that the original inheritance
:>[ Benjamin in the land, was a slip north of Jerusa-
em, including Bethel and Jericho, but after they
-eturned from Babylon, Obadiah distinctly refers to
benjamin as possessing Gilead, a country extending
/ery considerably northwards, and near to the Sea
)f Galilee. (Obadiah 19.) It would be in these
)arts that this, the only tribe of Israel, would be
ound in the time of Christ. The Jews, or Judah,
vere then still inheriting Judea, southwards ; and
t is important to note that when Christ came, He
lid not go in quest of his disciples in Judea,
ilthough He did select Jerusalem as the city to
)lace His name there. But why should He not
lave selected His disciples from the Jews of Judea?
^his could not be ; because, having selected the city,
^e wanted 'a light.' He could not possibly get
his from the Jews, because Christ— Himself from
udah — came to His own, but His own (tribe)
eceived Him not — utterly rejected Him. (John i.
I.) How, then, could Judah supply the wanted
light,' when they had no light? ' Therefore * said
esus : ' Say I unto you, the kingdom of God shall
•e taken from you (Judah), and given to a
NATION bringing forth the fruits thereof
[Israel]. (Matt. xxi. 43.) Hence, Christ goes north
ward, to the ' country of Benjamin,' after the ONE
TRIBE OF ISRAEL whose especial mission it wa;
to be * A LIGHT ' before Him : and * by the Sej
of Galilee,' finds Peter and Andrew. (Matt. iv. 18.
" In this region were His twelve selected, all o
Benjamin, not of Judah — unless, may be, Judas repre
sented Judah, and Barnabas Levi — which is furthei
proved by his saying to Nathaniel: 'Behold, ai
Israelite indeed ' (John i. 47), meaning that he wa«
not a Jew ; and Peter, when in the hall of the High
Priest, surrounded by Jews, was known not to be
Jew by his speech. Hence, I maintain it to be
very grave mistake to speak of these disciples a<
Jews, or to hold them up as specimens of Jewish
conversions ; and though done by some ' 'cute
ministers at a recent Jews* Meeting, they have no
scripture warrant for such assertions, and simply
hold, and perpetuate a delusion. This point is
further substantiated by the fact, that, after the
days of Christ, the great Apostle, the great Light,
the mighty Paul, comes forth and avows himself,
' an Israelite of the seed of Abraham, of the tribe
of Benjamin ' (Rom. xi. i), the One Special Tribe
purposely left with Judah, until the days came
when they could hold forth the glorious light of the
Everlasting Gospel. This One Tribe was the rem-
nant of Israel left in the land, to which Joel re-
ferred, saying; 'In Jerusalem shall be deliverance,
as the Lord hath said, and in the remnant whom
the Lord shall call ' (Joel ii. 32) ; bringing us to
the day of Pentecost, when three thousand were
converted, 'and numbers were added to the
Church daily.' But Peter speaking of Pentecost,
5ays : 'This is THAT which was spoken by the
prophet Joel' (Acts ii. 16); meaning, that Pente-
:ost was but the fulfilment of Joel's prophecy :
ihat Joel had foretold of this outpouring of God's
Spirit, and which was but the foreshadowing of a
jtill more glorious outpouring yet in reserve for
is ; immediately after our Identity, which Paul
leclares shall be to us 'as life from the dead.'
" But, upon referring to Joel, it is most evident that
le does not prophesy of the Jews at all, in relation
o this great event. His prophecy of Pentecost is
lirected entirely to Israel. He has nothing to do
vith Judah, excepting in his last chapter, and then,
s chiefly referring to events yet to take place,
^is first and second chapters include Israel only,
,nd as showing their political relationship with cer-
ain Gentiles.
** Properly understood, they are in reality most
mportant chapters of pure English History ; there-
ore I maintain that the conversions at Pentecost
k^ere not Jewish, but embraced only the Seed of
srael, with a portion of the Gentile race, and that,
s Benjamin only was in the land at this time,
•elonging to Israel, so Pentecost only included this
One Tribe ; ' that, as the seven thousand men had
lot bowed the knee to Baal in Elijah's time, so
now, in Paul's then present time, this ' One Tribe '
was * a remnant according to the election of grace
(Rom. xi. 5) and who were, as Paul said, * Israelites
to whom pertained the adoption and the glory anc
the covenants* (Rom. ix. 4) ; in whose * seed shal
all the kindreds of the earth be blessed.' (Acti
iii. 25.) And, as the promises can only be realizec
in Christ, and, as the Jews have not been, and are
not yet, in Christ, therefore, they are not in ' adop
tion ; ' neither have the kindreds of the eartl:
been blessed through them. Hence, it is evident
that the Jews, as a people, had no part in the
conversion of Pentecost.
*' Lastly, we come to the fact, recorded by Jose
phus, that all the Christians of these times escapee
from Jerusalem unhurt, immediately prior to the
Siege of Jerusalem by the Romans. True it is thai
the Christians did escape ; and true it is that Jose-
phus refers to them as Christian Jews ; but the>
were not. ^ These Christians were Israelites, of the
tribe of Benjamin ; no harm was done to them
they escaped, leaving their brethren of Judal:
behind to suffer the punishment of their sins ir
rejecting their Saviour. Christ made overtures tc
them, but they resolutely denied Him. Pau
preached to them — called himself a Jew, simply ir
order to be in common with them — but they woulc
* Save as Paul styled himself a*'jEW, /5«/ of the tribe of Ben
jaminr^ That is he was a Naaman (i Chron. viii. 4), pronouncec
" Norman."
ot hear him ; some of them for a time received his
ood tidings ; but afterwards they forsook him, and
d\ back again to Judaism. Hence it was that Paul
arned his attention to the Gentiles instead,
herefore, the Jews were left behind for punish-
lent, to suffer all the horrors of the Roman siege.
" But not so with Benjamin ; they had now fulfilled
leir mission;- they had been 'a light alway *
efore Christ ; they preached the great Light of
le Gospel ; they alone were used by God to pro-
aim the good Tidings to their brethren, the ' lost
leep/ the nine tribes who were then 'scattered
leep ' (Jer. 1. 17) in the North-West region; and
ow, having accomplished the work they were given
) do, the time arrived for them to depart. So,
ist as Pentecost was fulfilling prophecy given to
>rael by Joel, so was their deliverance from Jerusa-
m the fulfilment of prophecy given to Israel by
[The Saviour, speaking of this fall of Jerusalem
) his Benjaminite disciples, repeats this very warn-
ig, but refers to Daniel rather than to Jeremiah,
id perhaps purposely ! lest by a too pointed rcfer-
ice to the latter, the philosophy of their Benjamin-
ish origin and mission should be discerned too
u'ly, and its contemporaneous Gentile object some-
hat thwarted. Matt, xxiv., 15-25.]
"This great prophet comes forth plainly to their
?scue, and says to this ' one tribe,' * O ye children
I Benjamin, gather yourselves to FLEE OUT of
the midst of Jerusalem, and blow the trumpet i
Tekoa, and set up a sign of fire in Beth-haccerer
for evil appeareth out of the north (the Roma
siege), and great destruction * (Jer. vi. i) ; froi
which, by the will of God, they, the * one tribe
were to escape. Hence, these were not Christia
Jews, as Josephus tells us they were, but Christia
Israelites, composing the one tribe of Benjamin, an
whose descendants are now numbered with us i
Britain, and to whom we are indebted for the tic
ings of the Gospel.
'' This tribe did not [wholly] escape by the Nortl
West, but [its Might bearers '] took shipping by th
Great Sea, hence, would come through Italy, by wa
of Rome ; that though possibly we might receiv
the glad tidings through the medium of Rome, ye
never through the false Church of Rome, bu
through our kindred of Benjamin. They woul
then make their way through France, through Gai
and Normandy, simply directed by the finger c
God to the one point of concentration, where, cros<
ing the English Channel, they would meet in Eng
land the other nine tribes of Israel. These tribe
had made their way to England from the Nortl
West points, where their fathers having previous!
had the Gospel proclaimed to them, were the mor
ready to receive it, via Benjamin, by way of Rome
" Hence, I say, our accepted notions of the so-calle(
Norman Conquest become a great delusion, form
ing part of the ' blindness * that was to happen t(
That these invaders were not in reality Nor-
ms, but positively our own kindred of Benjamin,
opting this means, by direction of God, to re-
ite themselves with the main body. Thus we
t, by this revelation, an entire harmony of Scrip-
re, that can alone explain our Political National
istory, and shed light on National Events, as hav-
y been accomplished in accordance with Scripture
ophecy, and which, otherwise, can never become
illy intelligible, or truly comprehensible, compell-
y us to exclaim, * O the depth of the riches, both
the wisdom and knowledge of God ! How un-
irchable are His judgments, and His ways past
ding out ! ' "
Further than this, at present, we cannot go, in an
identity" which has, since Mr. Hine's original
nouncement, been most ably supported by nu-
irous writers in our school, and all of whom
engthen the fact that in the Normans (i Chron.
i. 4), who, with wolves upon the prows of their
ps (Gen. xlix. 27) came into Israel's resting
ice and " ravened " " in the morning " of their con-
est, over the spoil, and " divided " it, in the Dooms-
y Book, in the evening of their victory, we have
^ incoming of that tribe which is always to " dwell
ely" by the Lord's anointed, and be found be-
een the remnants of Ephraim and Judah.
Let us, therefore, return from this digression, and
low the fortunes of Judah, with whom Benjamin
1 dwelt.
122 the philosophy of history.
''The Scarlet Thread."
The history of '' Judah " during the century an
a half immediately succeeding the Assyrian capti\
ity of " Israel " is now to engage our close attei
tion, and in order to pursue with unencumbere
judgment, the main thread which the philosoph
of Providence runs through it, we must strip i
recital of every subordinate detail.
This thread, to be followed logically, persistent!;
and with singleness of purpose, is the scarlet on
by means of which the blood line of Judah's see
tred seed, and of David's royal house, traverses tl
era, and to trace its course through a labyrinth ^
intricate, is essential to the vindication of Jehovah
Hitherto, this thread has been believed to tern:
nate abruptly. No effort has been made to pen
trate the myth, and with the blindest and nio
reckless inconsistency. Faith has disrobed herself (
all defensive armor, lowered her guard, and stoo
exposed and naked to the vital thrust of infidelity
well armed and standing in the vantage groun
thus abandoned.
Some rivers sink in sandy soil, yet none the le;
their waters ultimately find the sea : their curren
flow beneath the surface for a while, but down th
valley do they often reappear, and reclaim the
identity borne out by every law of deep analysis, an
by the ample evidence of concurrent circumstance
The stream we have to trace is such an one, and
lat it sinks with Zedekiah's fall, is not at all con-
iusive that it nowhere reappears.
But, on the contrary, if at this point, where every
eneration since has carelessly presumed it ended as
le Jordan does, in Sodom's lake, it actually does
3, then equally hereat must Faith forever cease to
nd a substance firm enough for bottom to its
nward flow.
It is presumed that every devout believer in the
lible regards Jacob's blessing of Judah to have
een authorized and guaranteed by God Himself.
It is also assumed as indisputable that God there-
fter voluntarily and without condition, swore to
)avid, by a covenant of salt and by other oaths,
ot the least of which was by Himself, that he,
)avid, should never want a successor upon his
irone, judging the tribes of ^'Israel,'' and made
lanifest on earth by all the regalia of Sovereignty.
These promises are as explicit as if all through
le ages we had received them in a runic parallel to
ne well knov/n in Anglo-Saxon lore : —
Unless the Prophets faithless be.
And Seer's words be vain,
Where'er is found Jehovah's throne,
Prince David's line shall reign.
Fail then these promises in a single particular,
t jot or tittle lapse in '* Moses and the Prophets,"
and with them vanishes the substance of our hopt
which is the only continent of Faith.
The human race has been endowed by its Create
with Reason as its most princely prerogative, and i
is to this faculty alone that God appeals in method
chosen by himself. In all of our deliberations ther(
fore upon the matter now between us and Jehovah
touching himself and man's salvation, we are to d(
termine the merits of the case solely upon the evi
dence and the burden of proof rests upon the Grea
It is our right as well as bounden duty t
confirm all things and to hold fast only to wha
is actually able to sustain the test. God hin
self has set the standard for the case in point, ani
the human mind is justified in repudiating any ex
planation which comes the least bit short of th
established measure.
A Crucial Test.
In order therefore to examine the subject de nov
and with as little inherited bias as possible let u
put ourselves in the position of a candid, earnest
intellectual heathen, searching after light an*
Suppose that after due examination and apprec
ation of the beauty of the Divine plan so far as it i
explained to him, he makes this as a single fins
and crucial test of the integrity of the Testaments
old and new, to wit: — that Jehovah's promise unt
udah and his consequent oath to David shall be
learly shown to have been historically fulfilled
-what answer have the Doctors, be they Jewish
abbis, or Christian Bishops ?
Literally none !
Our learned stranger, say from India, from China,
r Japan, may put his question thus concisely :
" If the sceptre, as such, as promised, as under-
ood, and as well traced till then, did not depart from
udah, and the Law-giver from between his feet, and
David did not thereafter want a successor sitting on
is throne and judging the tribes of Israel, at the
eath of Zedekiah and thenceforward, tell me, prove
) me, and show me where it'was wielded, and by
horn, of Judah's or David's seed from generation
ito generation thereafter— wielded yet— and I
'omise you unswerving faith in all the rest."
This question is but part and parcel of a host of
hers, similar thereto, and to answer it in a reason-
)le, direct and demonstrable way is to afford honest
quiry an earnest of the ability to deal with all of
em in a manner equally as satisfactory, and this it
our purpose here to undertake.
It is therefore that we must review so carefully
e history of the important era now before us, be-
use if lapse there is in this momentous sequence
Sovereigns, ruling literally by - divine right of
ings," it occurs here, and is fatal to Jehovah's
■egrity,— and if there be no such failure either in
e promise or the oath, then here alone may we
recover the missing links of a chain which promise
such ample mooring for our faith in God.
We shall still further preface the discussion wit
our '' honest infidel," by preparing him for a simih
surprise to the one involved in the rediscovery
Lost Israel.
The object of Jehovah, in his dealings with th
people, was to remove it from Palestine, obliterat
its paths, cover it with temporary loss of identit;
and then remould it into better shape to further h
And so the object now was to remove the scepti
from Palestine and replace it over this transplante
Israel in a way so' secretly as to utterly escaj
attention, even their own attention, until centuri(
had expired.
Hence a .consecutive presentation of the chi(
incidents in the history of David's line, between th
disappearance of " Israel " and the disappearance c
the *' Sceptre," is also essential to a proper unde
standing of its broader bearing upon Jehovah's {i
more general plan of universal human redemptio
and blessing— if so be there is such a plan, and on
founded upon '^ inspiration."
A Double Dilemma.
The age which led up to Judah's captivity is
remarkable one, even more so than the one just su
veyed, and which heralded the downfall of Israel
it culminated in the actual transplanting of Dc
id's throne and lineal seed, and of Judah's royal
ceptre and his tribal standard into a place so ut-
srly apart, and in a way so quietly accomplished
hat they have been effectually hidden there from
hat day down to this, although ever since we have
ved and moved and had our being as a people —
^e Anglo-Saxons — amid its far renowned and ever
ndening consequences.
Indeed, so consummately is this particular chapter
f Jehovah's Romance written in the Bible, that,
Ithough we (Israel) have held it in our hands for
Lilly 1260 years, while Judah has held it for double
lat length of time, we, both of us, have not only
)st sight of our non sequitor, but have actually al-
)wed its most prominent characters to vanish un-
lissed, and its chief heroes and heroines, to be com-
letely forgotten.
We have been wont to acknowledge them as dead
nd gone !
The broken promises to Judah and David have
lade no more impression on us than a tinkling cym-
al, and so we have continued to say, " we hope,"
mid a myriad broken trusts we could not justify.
How could we have more grossly stultified our
iason than by trying to support an irrational belief
"ter its sworn supports had tumbled in decay ?
Alas, we have only been inconsistent and human ;
e have believed because of other grounds still firm
eneath our tread ; but none the less we have been
oing open and deliberate violence to the direct and
oft repeated oath of the Almighty, and have thu
not only cut ourselves off from the original suppl
of straw but have forced ourselves to build the Ba
bel of our Faith out of bricks almost entirely devoit
of it, since we have not gathered any for ourselves
Our structure will not stand unless we build ane\
whole sections of its threatening foundations ; fo
from Alpha unto Omega, we find ourselves contin
ually having to apologize for the most literal prom
ises of Scripture, and assenting to conclusions whicl
grope in vain for premises that have been long dc
But how, in fact, even those Jews and Christian
who have most prominently asserted the absoluti
integrity of the Scriptures, and have most fearlessl)
challenged candid investigation, and have mos
broadly admitted the supremacy of human judgmeni
in weighing evidences, have been able to close theii
eyes to the fatal hiatus in the special story of David'.^
seed, his sceptre and his throne, is an example of hu
man irrationality without a parallel in religious ere
However, such has been the fact, and such i.<
still the fact, not only among the unthinking, bul
among that more confident class who claim to honoi
the logic of facts as a means whereby to justify theii
Christians can fully appreciate the dilemma of the
Jews of the present day, and freely wonder how the)
can retain any faith in any of their scriptures while
hey reject the Messiah whose arrival their own
)rophets placed at a specific time long since ex-
)ired ! And they moreover profess to understand
[uite well, the necessary growth of infidelity and
iberalism in scattered Judah's ranks.
Christians regard the Jewish position as suicidal
o faith, in that it persists in faith long after the
tanding guarantee has been withdrawn.
But they in turn must not forget that outside of
heir own ranks there is also a truth loving and con-
istent class which is relatively quite as preponderat-
ng, and who view with equal wonder the blindness
)f both Jewish and Christian ratiocination, and who
ook confidently to their certain overthrow unless
ar better bulwarks are provided.
Let us therefore strive to re-erect some of the bul-
i^arks whose foundations God himself prepared, and
aid down far too deeply upon solid rock to be longer
louded over with mere spiritual superstructures.
We have seen " Israel " pass through the fierce
Usyrian furnace, and struggle out into the wilder-
ess beyond ; if our story is to continue, we must
ause awhile to study Judah's preparation for the
till more fiery one of Nebuchadnezzar, and see if
)avid*s sceptre may not have withstood the blast.
We are pointedly told that Judah failed to profit
y the example, aye, we are even told, that " back-
iding Israel justified herself " — (and in captivity
lis must have been !) — *' more than treacherous
udah ! " In due time, therefore, Judah too was
rooted out of Palestine. This was the Babyloniai
Captors and Captives.
In order, therefore, the better to read subsequen
events, let us devote ourselves to a rather more care
ful historical survey of the scenes and actors in eacl
** Captivity."
We may not manufacture incidents, of course
but perhaps we shall be able to present them, ii
this novel light, with new significance.
In the days immediately preceding the Assyria!
Captivity, ( /. e. that of the Ten-tribed Kingdom)
there were but two important sceptres controllinj
the central part of Western Asia.
These were the Empire of Assyria and the King
dom of Babylon.
Originally they had both formed parts of a singh
dynasty, the old Nimrodic one — ruled from Nine
veh, though of varying dimensions— until the fall o
This event, brought about by the united revolt
of Arbaces, the governor of Media, and Belosis, th(
governor of Babylon, led to the division of th(
ancient dynasty, and Arbaces, the Pul of Scriptures
became king of combined Media and Assyria, whih
Belosis retained the kingdom of Babylon. (Se<
Study No. 2, page 141-172).
The latter kingdom was at this time but a smal
province, and was hemmed in and surrounded b}
he stronger northern power very much as the
imaller Hebrew Kingdom, Judah, was in the same
lay surrounded by the larger territory of the Ten-
ribed Kingdom.
These two groups of internally kindred nations,
md which by the clash of arms and mutual conquest
vere about to put into alternate operation a series
)f events that have changed the very destiny of
nan, present many contrasts and some similiarities
vhich would well repay our study, and as deeply
jxcite our admiration But time and space will not
it present permit us to turn aside from what is now
ar more demanded of us.
Contrasted Geographical Situations.
Let us therefore endeavor to obtain a clear idea
)f their geographical positions in order to appreciate
;he full import of what the deportation of the
wo Sacred Kingdoms into the two secular ones set
)n foot, for it is of primary importance to a proper
inderstanding of subsequent events, to obtain such
I conception, especially of the territory of Assyria,
A^hich initiated the sequence.
That of Palestine, and the distribution of its sev-
eral Tribes, (or states as we may call them), which
:onstituted the parts of its two kingdoms, is quite
.veil known. For the geography of the Holy Land
s plainly written in the Bible. Palestine lay north
ind south, or erect, as it were, upon the map. Split
Dy the Jordan into two natural divisions, '' Israel "
occupied all of the eastern portion and all of th
northwestern. It also stretched all along the west
ern coast, and back to the central line (Jordan), botl
north and south of the little interior kingdom o
Benjamin and Judah, thus leaving but a minimun
of territory to this latter kingdom, and no water
front to either of its states save that upon a deac
and barren inland sea.
Yet the Dead Sea was Judah's barrier to easterr
foes, until Assyria by the captivity of *' Israel," hac
left its flanks completely unprotected, and open tc
the later conquests of Babylon, which followed in
the years of her supremacy.
But the geography of Assyria, while generally
similar, was spread out upon a different scheme ; it
lay upon the map from east to west, or prone upon
it rather than erect, and bounded that of Israel upon
the east.
It was along the northern boundary of this great
empire that deported - Israel " was ultimately lo-
cated, after her removal from Palestine ; let us there
fore examine this locality more closely.
It extended nearly from the present Russian Cri-
mea (the Chersonesus) to Cabul, in Afghanistan,
and was almost an unbroken line of snow-capped
mountains. These included the Caucasus, the El-
borz and the Hindoo Koosh ranges of to-day.
Spreading from the eastern end of the Black Sea
and a short distance around its northern and south-
ern shores, it skirted in a similar way the southern
md of the Caspian Sea, and formed a natural fron-
ier of doubly military importance to such an aggres-
ive power as Assyria then was. For it not only
erved as a barrier against incursions into Media
rom the northern wilderness, but acted as a prison
vail around those whom conquest had rooted up
rom lands far off, and then spread down within its
)arren confines.
Shortly subsequent to the captivity of " Israel "
\ssyria had captured this Median territory, and the
cattered tribes who dwelt along its conquered
nountain slopes had given her no little trouble, and
vere with difficulty, only, retained in uneasy subjec-
ion to the Assyrian yoke. It was at this moment
hat the results of the conquest of Israel offered an
opportunity for a double stroke of policy rarely lost
>y the vast empires of the ancient East.
This was nothing more nor less than a partial ex-
hange of populations, or at least a displacement
nd crowding of the unruly Medians by the newly
onquered Israelites.
We resort to similar measures nowadays when we
xchange, or double up, our own Indian populations,
nd Russia has but lately accomplished this very
ling in this same Armenian or trans-Caucasus re-
ion !
The Wolf and the Fold.
But the fall of Israel was not effected at a single
low. It was the result of two separate and distinct
invasions, far apart in time, and of a final phase
whereby she was in turn, herself, supplanted, in he
own land, by strangers.
In the first invasion, circa 3263 A. M., Tiglat
Pileser descended upon the northern and easteri
parts of Israel's domain and took away the Hal
tribe of Manasseh, and the tribes of Reuben an(
Gad. At this time he also removed the small ad
venturous colony established by Dan in the remot
northwestern part of Palestine across the Jordan, a
well as the flourishing settlements of Simeon whicl
had for some time occupied the pasture lands an(
slopes of Mount Seir, just south of Reuben's terr
It is important to note that at this same time th
Assyrians also carried away most all of the smalle
Gentile and kindred nations who occupied the con
tiguous eastern borders of Israel. Among then
were the Ammonites, the Moabites, the Midianite*
the Rechabites, the Edomites and most of the Amal
ekites and Idumeans.
These captives too were eventually placed upor
the southern slopes of the mountain frontiers o
Media, particularly along the farther eastern range
of the Hindoo Koosh and Elborz mountains, an(
along the plains east of the Caspian Sea.
Now in due time all of \\\^^^ peoples escaped fron
their captivity, and became Scythians or " wander
ers," a fact which accounts for the numerous '' cen
tres " from which these many moving hordes sprang
into simultaneous existence a few generations
ater, when the migratory age was at its culmina-
Wherever ''Israel" is to-day, there, near to her
;hough quite distinct, or strewn along her pathway,
ve may expect to find the descendants of these
jentile neighbors, and among them, perhaps, the
Dutch posterity of Lot, and the Teutonic children
)f the high and low Iranians — that mixed multi-
:ude of Medes and Persians who followed soon in
'srael's wake. For in the future, if the prophets
vrote with inspiration, these peoples, too, will rise
)nce more to prominence, become fully identified,
tnd be gathered into the inheritance assigned them
jcverally in the days of Peleg, or '' division."
The Assyrian captivity was for all of them an
mabasis, but from the wilderness wherein they
A^ander still, there yet remains for each of them, as
veil as Israel, an exodus and a return.
When the Israelites were carried into captivity
:hey were located principally along the western
Dart of the Median frontier, some in Albania just
jQuth of the Caucasus, and others in the region of
jozan, also south of these mountains.
These localities have been fully identified with
:hose recorded in the Scriptures, although there is
•.ome foundation for the belief that their settlements
vere sparsely. extended eastward along the frontier
iven so far as Cabul, which takes its ancient name
rom "the city of the Tribes."
136 the philosophy of history.
An Interim.
During the generation which succeeded th
earhest deportation into Assyria, the several trib(
remaining in the Land of Israel enjoyed compan
tive quiet. These were the tribes of Asher, Naj
thali, Zebulum, Issachar, the other Half-Tribe c
Manasseh, Ephraim, and the major portions of Da
and Simeon.
Naturally no regular intercourse between ther
and the exile tribes was practicable or allowec
Nevertheless, communication was not so difficu
nor so absolutely impossible, even under the strir
gent Assyrian prohibition, but that once in a whil
reports would arrive from the distant captives, anc
return messages work their way slowly back to them
And so it came about that it was not many year
before news of the circumstances and localities o
their brethren, especially of those about the Blacl
Sea and Armenian regions, became pretty well dis
seminated through Palestine.
And among the earliest rumors came the informa
tion that the adventurous remnants of the tw(
small colonies of Dan and Simeon, which as w(
have seen had shared the fate of the Tribes witl
whom they sojourned, had already escaped fron
the Assyrian yoke to the prosperous colonies of Dar
on the Chersonesus, and to those in famous Colchis.^
. — — ■ — -^ *_
* When the Fables and Legends connected with these celebratec
Black Sea regions shall have given up their secrets, to coming
It was also intimated that a movement thence
) the " Isles of the West " was seriously contem-
lated by some of their more daring spirits. '^
News could arrive from this portion of the exiled
2ople far easier than from those who were situated
I the interior, for it came readily through the
uxine and Grecian seas, and was generally brought
irect to Joppa, the great seaport of the tribe of
•an, and by the hardy mariners and sea faring men
f this now already, almost universal people.
The Ships of Tarshish.
The day arrived in Anglo-Saxon history when
le term, an *' East Indian Ship," became synony-
lous with a *' Merchantman " of any large descrip-
on, whether it traded in the east or west, and so it
id by those days come about in Israel's parlance §{
lat a " Ship of Tarshish " called up similar ideas,
he term signified the ship, rather than any special
istination or foreign ownership, and the large, long
)yaging trading ships of Dan, and of his merchant
inces, and their colonies, primarily gave rise to »_
is distinction. I
lerations of students, it will be clearly seen that their teachings
; purely Israelitish, and their history Hebrew!
^ Note well that these were the days that led up to the celebrated
irgonautic Expedition," which set out from these very regions
i made straight for the " Western Isles." And note also that the
y name of the Pilot of this movement, Tiphis was a prophetic
•nsor for Tea Tephi, herself — David's daughter, Jeremiah's
ird — who led a later and a greater expedition to the Isles !
Now it is noticeable that these two correlativ
terms, the modern '' East-Indiaman," and the Israel
itish ''Ship of Tarshish," were generically the out
growth of the very same trade, since of all place
known in the days of Solomon as Tarshish, India hei
self (or " Eastern " Tarshish) was by far the most r
nowned, even as she is still the greatest of all the s
called '* Indian " marts attractive to the modern work
But Western Tarshish was in those days Spai
and the western Isles (i. e. England and Ireland !
So long therefore as the '' Ships of Tarshish " had i
Palestine a haven, so long the news of what too
place upon the very borders of the then known worh
was fairly current. And so while England harbor
" Merchantmen," be they of the East or West In
dian service, there will never be a dearth of infoi
mation from her colonial children.
Similar maritime incentives, navies relatively equi
in material and personal, equal enterprise, and corr
mon origin, perhaps, account for such a mutua
resort to " India " or "Tarshish" for a distinctly
appellation for Dan's ancient and modern Mei
chantmen !
The genius of a Race outlives vocabularies !
Delenda Est.
But with the/;W captivity of " Israel," Joppa be
came not only lost to Dan, but so complete!
destroyed that Palestine was thenceforth almost ii
accessible to maritime intelligence.
This, the second chapter in Israers uprooting, took
lace in 3284-5 A. M. and resulted in the complete
leportation of the remaining tribes of the North-
rn Kingdom.
It was accomplished by Sargon, who swept the
and, from the north down to the very borders of
udea, clear of all its remaining inhabitants, and
ransported them to the same localities where their
)rethren had been placed.
The Kingdom of Judah was thus left in the soli-
ary possession of Palestine, and belted in by a land
/hose depopulation was a silent warning that a sim-
ar fate awaited her unless she listened to her
But there had been two tribes in '' Israel," the
irger, richer and better part of whose population
ad esca/>ed this wholesale deportation, into Assyria,
^hese were the shipping tribes of Dan and Simeon.
Not that they had escaped the consequences of
lelonging to the doomed kingdom, but rather that
istead of waiting to be taken into captivity, they
ad been driven into self-sought exile.
They escaped into it, for it was a voluntary act
f self-expatriation upon their part.
These tribes were most advantageously situated,
s well as provided with means, and educated, for
n immediate escape from the Assyrian wolf so
3on as his approach seemed inevitable and immi-
And so they took advantage of their opportunity.
although by so doing they were quite as effectualb
''lost'' to their own land, as were their less fortu
nate brethren of the north and east.
Dan's territory lay directly west of "■ Judah's," an(
between it and the Mediterranean Sea, which wa
its western limit. Simeon's lay south of Dan's an(
also stretched along the coast toward Egypt.
They were pre-eminently the shipping tribes o
Israel. Indeed, from days that long precedec
those of Solomon, the tribe of Dan in particular
had been unequalled in commercial pursuits and ii
colonial enterprise.
In the earliest days his children had desertec
even Goshen in large numbers for the ocean':
greater freedom, and this instinct had developec
down the generations. So much so in fact that ir
the days of Israel's captivity, Dan's resting place ir
Palestine had already been nearly depleted of hi:
hardiest sons.
He had planted colonies from Colchis on th(
Black Sea to Dannia in the '' Islands of the west,'
and following a custom which he rarely omitted
had named them all from his paternal ancestor.
This was his mode of laying claim to new terri-
tory. He had left his name in Egypt (Tanais), and
no sooner had he entered into Palestine than, hav-
ing established his first small timber-hewing col-
ony in the oak and cedar country of Lebanon, he
changed its name from Laish into Dan.
It was in recognition of the colonizing and home
^pleting policy of this particular tribe that Deb-
rah had already taunted it with the question :
" Why did Dan abide in his ships? "
And it was a pointed question, for they were his
^ry castles of defence, and his constant refuge in all
mes of trouble. Whatever else he sacrificed, in
lys of crisis, he never burned theifiy and hence his
lildren never have been slaves.
So sing the children of Britannia still !
The land that rules the waves !
And Fair Columbia's daughters thrill
The echo, — " Never slaves ! "
And so it was that Dan betook himself to them
this final and most serious emergency.
It was manifest to his merchant princes that
iless they did so speedily, every hope of avoiding
e fate of the northern tribes was in vain.
The Simeonites were a people of similar spirit
d enterprise, and had long been associated with
an in maritime adventures. As their territory lay
:t further to the south, extending even to the
ast of Egypt, they were still better protected
3m the Assyrian attack, covered as they were by
idah also. Hence they .had a longer time to make
eir preparations and set at once about them.
At the first news of the return of the Assyrians to
mplete the deportation of the Khumree, and to
ar the remaining tribes into the northern wilds of
Media,* and remembering that in the opening atta
of these relentless invaders, they had each lost floi
ishing colonies, these two more favored tribes pi
ferred to try the fortunes of a Sea whose very nan
implies that it is central to all lands of freedom.
Following, therefore, an example often set
them in the history of their peoples, they sprej
their sails upon the highway of the nations, and p(
manently left the Centre of the earth for its Circui
ference !
Their ships were ready.
Almost providentially they had been gathen
there against the day of need, and bore them in
willing exile.
Now it was among these two tribes that tl
Canaanites and Philistines principally dwelt, — asse
vants and in menial positions. (Josh, ix.)
These alien peoples shared in their escape, ai
dwell with their descendants yet,— dwell with the
" to prove them,'' both to reprove and improve thei
perhaps, if that people who most seriously ha
thorned the sides and pricked the eyes of bo
ancient and modern Israel, be the Fenian Iri;
who descend from the Phoenician Canaanite
* This was of course only threatened in these days, for " Israe
was at first temporarily located on the far east borders of Assy
nor moved into Media, bodily„ until the days of Esarhaddon, t
Dan knew the policy of the conqueror, and the contemplated si
jugation of Media, and foresaw the measure in time to avoid bei
entangled in its consequences.
Hewers of wood " and " Haulers of water," for
both peoples, they disturb them still, and fulfil
prophecy to the very letter. (See 58th Identity
Dage 129, Study No. i, Our Race.)
And so it came to pass that when the Assyrians
lad worked their way, in the process of deportation,
down to the coasts of Dan, they found the land
nore empty of inhabitants than Moscow was in
ater days unto Napoleon, for Joppa even had been
lacrificed — they had reversed the usual method and
Durned their harbor rather than their ships !
Similar surprises met the invaders in the land of
Simeon, so far as they could penetrate into its
vasted interior, for all who had failed to find ship-
ping in their own country had made their way to
Egypt, where Tanais was also a favorite haven of
:he Danite ships of Tarshish ; and from thence in
iue time they also embarked, and soon were on
;heir way to join the others in the Isles.
"The Islands of the Blessed/'
Two routes, there are, from Palestine unto the
^and of Refuge which Jehovah had of old reserved
or Israel in exile : the one direct and underneath
jibraltar's frown ; the other, long and weary, the
)verland route which leads by Arsereth and through
he northern wilderness ; along them both Dan
)ioneered the way. But now we have chief interest
vith those who chose the way by water.
The two tribes which had thus taken to their
ships, had agreed beforehand that the islands of th
remote west — '* the Yarish Isles " — should be thei
refuge and objective point.
En route some of them paused a while in Spain
but others, and particularly the wealthier ones
passed through the Gates of Hercules and soones
reached the British Isles, or '' farther Tarshish."
These islands had long been known to them by in
tercourse with Dannite colonists set there by Solo
mon. Their principal commodity of trade was tin
with which the brass and bronze of the famou
Temple of Jerusalem had been made.
The mines of the Cassiterides were still famou
and the colonies of Tarshish — '* a white or preciou:
stone " (Heb.) set in a silver sea, — were rich am
It was then the Ultima Thule, far beyond th(
reach of Gentile sway, so thither they set out.
In Hebrew this sanctuary was known as BRITHA^
or " the land of the Covenant,'' and verily Jehoval
had a covenant therewith ! It has been variously
in different ages, called the Land of Souls, of Saints
of Destiny, of Urim, and of Light. It was the Sa
cred Isle, and Evergreen as Beulah is. The land o
Dan or Pridian.
Favored by the God of Abraham, who had " cu
them out," for special and important purposes ye
hidden in the unturned leaves of destiny, the)
reached their goal at the appointed time. Dan set
tied in the north of Ireland, and their Phoenician fol
3wers and companions gradually spread out in its
outh, while Simeon landed in the southern part of
In the course of a few generations the greater
lart of the Spanish Dannites again migrated, and
Dining their Milesian brethren came into Ireland ;
nd so at last all the escaped "wandered" there
nd called themselves, in general, SCOTS.
The Irish county of Meath was the principal ter-
itory of Scotia Major, and Cathair Cr'ofin (later
"ara) became their famous capital.
These colonies of Dan and Simeon grew in wealth,
nlightenment and civilization, until in later days
leir fame excited the cupidity of the Caesars. For
while the Simonii, (the Britons), fell under the
le shadow of the Roman Eagles, but never com-
etely so ; for they retired into the fastnesses of
Va.\es while the Dannan Tuaths of Ireland, in Roman
ays, always dwelt secure, for by t/iat time in the
istory of Innis Fail there had been laid in Ireland,
the Halls of Tara, a Corner Stone whereon a
Oman hand has never rested, but which was des-
ned later, as it since has done, to fall most heavily
1 Roman feet !
Lost !— " No More a People."
In a few brief generations, Dan and Simeon, far
vay in Hyperborean regions, became wholly lost
id clean forgotten to their brethren — seven of the
n tribes — who were struggling in the northern
wilds of Europe ; and to each of them the land o
Palestine became almost a myth, the stories of it;
glorious days mere fables.
It was a mutual forgetting, and a double loss o
kinship and identity; nay more, a triple one, fo
Benjamin, the last of the ''ten tribes," and Judali
left in the Holy Land, remembered them in proph
ecy alone, and each of them, so separated were the)
by the veil of Baalism from the ties of true religion
had, long before they even left the land, put Judal
out of mind.
Moreover, the final phase of the Captivity of Is
rael, or the act which sealed it as an " accomplish
ment," was its repopulation by strangers— the Sa
maritans. This took place under Esarhaddon ii
3317 A. M., and denied to the original inhabitants
even had they so desired it, every hope of repoi
session or return.
Then Babylon, not long thereafter, descendei
upon Judah in //rr turn, and the captivity of th
latter, and the resulting utter desolation of the Hoi;
Land,— from Dan to Beersheba !— increased the pal
oblivion had cast upon the scattered seed of Abra
But long ere this occurred the Median captives ha
followed in the footsteps of the small bands of Da
and Simeon who had first escaped, and all the Israe
itish tribes in Asia had passed out into the norther
wilderness of Europe through the Gate of th
What likelihood was there that, passing through
jch widely separated and contrasted exits, and each
" wanderer " upon a different element, the Tribes of
;rael should ever reunite !
What proposition so preposterous as that, though
fted, trodden down, and meted out, yet, one by
le, all should at last be gathered in a little Isle,
from all the world disjointed," — and there resume
le name, and consciousness of being " Israel," and
id the Flag, the Sceptre, and the Throne of Judah,
le line of David, and the tender mercies of Jehovah!
Unnumbered and Unsealed.
It has often been noticed with surprise that in the
snsus of Israel recorded in i Chronicles, no men-
3n at all is made of Dan, his army, navy, or his
It is equally a subject of remark that the name of
is tribe is omitted in Revelations viii. where the
ousands of Israel are " sealed." Nevertheless
zekiel, predicting the still future distribution of
e Tribal territories, upon their final return, gives
an, as if recovered, a most honorable position.
But in the light now shed upon the special history
this Tribe, the reason of these omissions is appar-
At the making of the Census, Dan was practically
^ay from Palestine; already he had spread into his
lonies or dwelt upon the sea; his census could not
taken !
Nor was there any need of " sealing " sons of Da
against the wrath of Rome. His thousands nev(
came in contact with the danger that menaced a
the other tribes, for even Simeon, the ancier
Welsh, felt need of this protection.
Eldad, an eminent Jewish writer, tells us tha
** In Jeroboam's day, 975 B.C., Dan refused to shed h
brother's blood, and rather than go to war wit
Judah (!) left the country, and went in a body t
Greece, to Javan (the British Isles) and to Dei
The learned Grotius also admits Dan's disappea
ance from the land of Canaan at an early date.
Dr. Wm. Smith, in his " History of Greece " (p. 18
says, **0f all the heroic families in Greece, none wi
more heroic than that of the Dan-ans of Argos."
Keating, in his " History of Ireland " says, " Th
Dan-ans were a people of great learning and wealtl
they left Greece (?) after a battle with the Assy
ians (!) and went to Ireland, and also to Denmarl
and called it Dan-mares, 'Dan's country.' "
In a work called the "Annals of Ireland" it i
said : *' The Dan-ans were a highly civilized people
well skilled in architecture and other arts from Ion
residence in Greece (?) and their intercourse with th
Phoenicians. Their first appearance in Ireland wa
1200 B.C., or 85 years after the great victory of Del:
orah, (Jud. v. 17).
Jeremiah refers to a voice coming from Dar
(chap. iv. 15) and Mount Ephraim, as if, at that ver
time, i. e. his own day, Dan dwelt in a '* far coun-
Dr. Latham, in his '* Ethnology of Europe " says :
* I think that the Eponymus of the Argive Danaia
ivas no other than that of the Israelitish tribe of
Dan: only we are so used to confine ourselves to
:he soil of Palestine in our consideration of the Is-
-aelites, that we treat of them as if they were
xdscripti-glcboe, and ignore the share they may have
aken in the history of the world ! '' '
Humboldt considered the Greeks as Israelites, and
s very clear that the early inhabitants of Ireland
vere pure Hebrews, and that large numbers of them
)assed through Lacedaemonia and Spain on their
vay to the Western Isles. Attest also, John Wil-
;on. Colonel Gawler, Fritz-Gerald, Giraldus, Cam-
)rensis, Rawlinson's Herodotus, Kennedy's Ethnol-
)gy, etc., etc.
''Portellus in his public lectures in Paris derives
he name of Ireland from the Jews, so that Irin is
niasi JURIN, i.e. ^' the land of the Jews." For he
ays that the Jews (forsooth !) being the most skil-
ul soothsayers, and presaging that the empire of
he world would at last settle in that strong angle
ingleland! toward the west, took possession of
hese parts, and of Ireland very early, and that the
Syrians and Tyrians also endeavored to settle them-
elves there that they might lay the foundations of a
uture &\x\^\xq'' —Camdejt s Britannia (1551-1623
Verily, all through the ages, has light brokei
through the gloom which ha3 encanopied God'
purposes, and for a moment, now and then, th(
wiser of OUR RACE have caught a ray of truth, albei
they were not permitted to perceive its full signifi
But unto us on whom ''the end of days " is draw
ing near, the unrestricted privilege is now vouchsafec
to read the story consecutively down to the preseni
day, and, if thereby we gain in wisdom, to be fore
warned of what else shortly is to follow.
The Rise of Babylon.
It was now the turn of Babylon to act as God'e
instrument in the human drama. We accordingly
find her rising into prominence amid a sequence o
events and incidents which bear the special impres?
of an overruling Providence.
No sooner had the overthrow of " Israel " been
completed, than Sennacherib the Assyrian, carrying
out the policy of his predecessors, Arbaces, Tiglath-
Pileser and Shalmaneser, turned his attention to the
people of " Judah," the remaining Hebrew kingdom.
With the intention, therefore, of destroying it
also, and likewise of eventually placing its captured
tribes in Media, whither the others were soon after
deported, he descended upon them with an over-
whelming army.
But the iniquity of " Judah " was not yet full.
This was her day of grace.
It was yet to be seen if she would profit by the
ite of " Israel," and turn unto the Lord with a
hole heart.
It was, moreover, contrary to God's purposes,
hich looked toward a complete separation of
Israel " and '' Judah," that Assyria should con-
nue her conquests. In the meanwhile, too, As-
/ria herself had been weighed and found wanting,
id her doom pronounced.
Had Sennacherib succeeded, the two Hebrew
copies would have been reunited, would soon have
^alesced, and eventually both of them would have
een equally '' Lost."
God would thus have been left with no recognized
witness " among men ; that is, there would have
sen no prominent and centrally located custodian
(" his Scriptures, and the authority with which
Moses and the Prophets " have spoken since then,
id still speak unto the present generations, would
ave lost its seal and credence.
It was necessary to preserve these writings con-
nually in the full sight of all mankind, and at the
ime time to put the several independent sequences,
f events into operation, which were destined to
ring about their complete and final vindication in
tter days.
However, it is to the actual plan of history, and
3t to what else might have been, that we must
)nfine ourselves in order to detect its bearing
3on subsequent events.
Sennacherib's army was completely overthrowi
before he reached Jerusalem (3292 A. M., 704 B. c
by the direct act of Jehovah, and both Herodotuf
and Berosus, corroborate the Bible account of th
As he groped his way back to Nineveh, dismayec
at the disaster to his arms, the very motions of th(
Sun were ominous, for 'ere he reached his Capital
the shadow had gone back upon the " Dial o
Ahaz," and all the world was, for a moment, awed
Picking up the Combination.
Upon the failure of his operations against Judea
Sennacherib returned to Nineveh, and, at length,
directing his attention to Media, completed its con-
quest. He was as much assisted by Providence in
this undertaking as he had been resisted in the
former one, for it was the subsequent transfer oj
'' IsraeV — *' the ten tribes " — into the cities of the
Medes, incident upon this conquest, and completed
by his son Esarhaddon, that prepared their way of
escape into the wilderness beyond — and thus brought
about their complete separation from '' Judah" and
eventually led to their loss.
We have already discussed the chronology of
these events in the Second Study of this Series and
have pointed out the deep significance with which
it bears not only upon secular but upon prophetic
history. To that volume we refer the reader. In
the mean time it is necessary to call particular atten-
m to the Providential way in which the events
iiich followed close upon the death of Sennacherib
^re co-ordinated, and lent themselves to further
e designs which it is now manifest God had with
ference to the major section of his chosen people.
This catastrophe was the occasion of a double set
intimately connected sequences of events which
ust, therefore, be noted ere their several rapidly
ifting scenes become again confused.
In the first place, incident upon Sennacherib's
;ath, and immediately thereafter (3316 A. M.,
o B. c), Media revolted from Assyria, and there-
ion the kingdom of the " Medes and Persians "
gan to crystallize. Secondly, as we have already
timated, and likewise consequent upon this over-
row, '' Israel " took simultaneous occasion to es-
pe from Media into the northern wilderness, and
Lis became *' lost " to records (3317 A. M., 679 B. c.)
In the mean time, the assassins of Sennacherib,
ving escaped into Armenia, the kingdom was left
their younger brother, Esarhaddon, — a king who
s destined to play a further important role in the
uble Hebrew drama. It was Esarhaddon who
'ified Isaiah's prophecy, given in 733 B. C, upon
t very spot where Sennacherib's invading army
od, that " within three score and five years shall
ihraim be broken that it be not a people " (Isa.
, compare xxxiii.) in that, in just sixty-five years
completed the exile of ''Israel" by replacing them
:h heathen colonists, the Cutheans or Samaritans.
"She is the choice one of her that hare her. Tt
daughters saiu her and blessed her; yea, the queens ai
the concubines, and they jjraised her."
Solomon's Sovaj, in. 0.
The Romance Within the Romance
The Philosophy of History.
David^s Daughter. Jeremiah's Ward.
''Her children arise up, and call her blessed; he)
husband also, and he praiseth her," Prov, xxxi. 28.
But not only did Esarhaddon thus accomplish
iie final act of '* Israel's " deportation ; it is also
nth. him that the sequence of events which led to
Judah's " eventual overthrow commences. For at
le same time that he filled up the wasting territory
" Israel " with strangers, he led Manasseh, the
oung and wicked king of " Judah " away into tem-
orary captivity to Babylon (2 Chron. xxxiii.).
This however was but a preliminary warning to
udah, for Manasseh repented, and God in due time
stored him to his kingdom, while the nation not
ipenting of their idolatry, was punished for the
ns which he had instigated (2 Kgs. xxi.).
In the mean time Esarhaddon, turning his atten-
on to matters nearer home, had conquered the city
id empire of Babylon, and had given that impetus
) its affairs which, before another century ended,
d to its golden greatness under Nebuchadnezzar.
During the 48 years following his death, two
ngs succeeded both Esarhaddon and Manasseh,
respectively; and in this interval the secon
Empire of Assyria waned in greatness, proportionall
as that of Judah became sunken in idolatry.
In 3371 A.M. 62s B.C. its last king, Bel-zaki
iskum, or Assur-ebil-ile ascended, and reigned si
years.' With him, in 3377 A.M., this '' Second Ass]
rian Empire " ended. He perished in the flames (
his palace which he fired when the Babylonians an
their allies entered Nineveh, and from this era tli
Assyrians themselves are as much a '' lost people
as the '' IsraeUtes" {vide " OUR RACE " Study No. :
page 153-4)- . „ u
The "Chaldee Babylonian Empire thus su
ceeded, under Nabopolassar, the father of Nebucha
nezza, in 3377 A.M., and the instrument for the ne:
act in the Hebrew drama was made ready. It w;
with the accession of this king that the "Times '
the Gentiles," now, thank God! so nearly run ou
began their course— the Mahis Or do S(£clor7im—l\
day of evil, EVIL, EVIL! and from it also dates tl
'' Call of Jeremiah."
It is important to bear these matters well in min
for thereby alone can we obtain a clear and compi
hensive understanding of Universal History, as c
ordinate and subordinate to that of ** Israel,"
that of " OUR RACE," from the Mosaic standpoint,
the reader will therefore turn to the Chronology
the *' Chaldee Babylonian Empire," (pages 141-1;
Study No. 2) and use it as a vade mecum in c
further investigations, we shall have no trouble
irriving at the gist of what is otherwise inextric-
We are at last writing "true history," and artic-
alating it upon the only skeleton where the ration-
lie of every event becomes self-evident at once.
The old chronologies are full of errors, since they
ire non astronomical, and of course there is no
' philosophy," nor raison d'etre, in their dependent
Jeremiah (3f Anathoth.
It is now necessary to set forth as clearly as pos-
sible, the family relations which existed between
Jeremiah and the reigning house of Judah; for
unless these relations be thoroughly understood, it
is impossible for the student to appreciate the inti-
mate nature of the guardianship he exercised over
Zedekiah's daughters.
In our brief recital we shall generally follow the
data furnished by the Rev. George Hider in his
"Life and Times of Jeremiah," but in the chronol-
ogy and genealogy submitted have adhered to the
results of our own studies and investigations, and
shall support them by sufficient references to guar-
antee their acceptance.
The birth of Jeremiah occurred during the 40th
year of Manasseh's reign, (3347 A.M.), and he seems
to have been just nine years older than Josiah, (born
3356 A.M.), in the 13th year (3377 A.M.) of whose later
reign he received his " Commission " as a prophet.
With this slight difference of years, which enabled
the former to be the tutor of the latter for a time,
these two young men grew up together, and their
constant friendship was eventually cemented by a
romantic marriage which actually made one (Jere-
miah) the father-in-law of the other !
Intoxicated by power and poisoned by Phoenician
and Babylonian flattery and idolatry, the early man-
hood of Manasseh was stained by cruelty of the
worst kind, in which Isaiah and other prophets and
saintly men and women were massacred. His first
twenty-one years of misrule were followed by his
sudden conversion while temporarily a prisoner of
war, and upon his quickly following release he insti-
tuted the final thirty-four years of wise and pious
government, of which we have but scanty records.
" At the birth of Jeremiah nearly nineteen of these
quiet years had already transpired and the ' Daughter
of Zion ' had wiped away the tears shed over the graves
of her martyred prophets, priests and bards, while
piety and wisdom were once more breathing freely.
Instead of the holy fathers who had fallen, had
come up their children, who had become honest and
faithful servants of God and the King, -and Idolatry
having concealed her brazen face, the fear of God
again became the stability of the times." |
" These godly courtiers and priests were in the
prime of youthful manhood when the young
prophet was born, and many of his near relations
were not only in the service of the throne but were
illied by blood and marriage to the royal family.
A.mong these we find Shallum, the uncle of Jere-
Tiiah, whose son, Hanameel, was probably about the .
ame age as our prophet, and another relative, Ahi-
rcam, who was afterwards the prime minister of the
kingdom, and the great champion of Jeremiah and
lis family. Neriah, another relative, must have
been somewhat older, as his sons, Baruch and Se-
riah, became subsequently the prophet's pupils."
Jeremiah of Libnah.
According to a Rabbinical tradition quoted by
Plumptre, the whole of this family circle, includ-
ing the most prominent courtiers of Josiah, were
lineally descended from the harlot Rahab, and were
therefore closely related to the princes of the house
of David ; but there is not the least worthy founda-
tion for Plumptre's unwarranted suggestion that
there were two Jeremiahs and two Hilkiahs con-
nected with the same court at the same time !*
Upon the other hand there is every reason to
conclude that the Hilkiah who was Josiah's High
Priest, and the Jeremiah of Libnah, are identical
with Hilkiah, the Priest, and Jeremiah of Ana-
In this conclusion we not only agree with Clem-
* This savors of the method of the higher criticism which as
easily finds two Isaiahs (!), and in general multiplies all the characters
of Scripture from lack of faith and patient effort to solve its riddles.
ent Alexandrinus and Jerome, among the fathers,
but with Eichhorn, Calovrus, Maldonatus, Von
Bolen, and others among later authorities, ail of
whom recognize the identity of the two Hilkiahs.
It is more usual, however, to regard Jeremiah as a
member of Abiathar's line, and to rest the matter
solely on the ground that the latter is known to
have possessed ''fields" in Anathoth (i Kgs. ii.
26), where Hilkiah for a time was simply an ordi-
nary priest (Jer. I. i). In rebuttal of this error it
is strongly argued that these properties may have
been upon the maternal side in each instance ! In
our own opinion, however, it will be eventually
established that Anathoth was in reality the /^^/^r-
nal inheritance, and fell to Shallum, Hilkiah's elder
brother, whereupon Hilkiah himself succeeded to the
maUrna/ pi'opGYty at Libnah, moved to it, and resided
there until elevated to the High Priesthood, by a
special act. At any rate it is certain that Jeremiah
himself had no legal rights in Anathoth until he
was fifty-six years old, when he purchased them
from Hanameel !
Both Libnah and Anathoth (i Chron. vi. 57, 60]
are enumerated among the thirteen cities assignee
to Eleazer's house of Priests and Levites, and Shal
lum, the father of Hilkiah, appears to have inheritec
property in each locality^ — no doubt by inter
marriage. For a while Hilkiah dwelt at Anathoth
where lay the paternal inheritance ; but, upon the
death of his father Shallum, he seems to havt
oved to Libnah, relinquishing Anathoth to his
der brother Shallum.
This was evidently after Jeremiah's birth (Jer. i. i)
hich occurred at Anathoth during the elder
lallum's High Priesthood, and while Hilkiah
mself was only an ordinary priest in course, but it
ems to have antedated Jeremiah's marriage, and
le birth of his daughter Hamutal (2 Kgs. xxiii.
;) who eventually became the second wife and
ueen-consort of Josiah !
It was not until many years later (3416 A.M.) that
r lack of heirs, Hanameel, the son of Shallum
jremiah's uncle, offered Anathoth to the prophet,
ho purchased it, and thereupon became the owner
both properties in his own right. (Jer. xxxii. 7).
In addition to the foregoing considerations, we
ust not ignore the intentional element, which,
troduced into this story by the very lack of direct
'idence, has always tended to conceal the true
lationship which actually existed between Jere-
iah and his Ward ; nor should we fail to recognize
e probability that this misinterpretation of the ree-
ds was expected to continue until the destiny of
JR RACE had been well worked out in spite of us !
or had the case been different it is almost certain
at the History we are now writing would have long
[o been fully understood, and the lapse in David's
ine have been bridged centuries ago, which would
Lve thwarted the very intentions of Jehovah !
From these relations it will be apparent that this
great prophet was born into a social circle of th(
highest eminence, and that the confusion which ha:
hitherto resulted from a misunderstanding of hi:
double domicile, is completely dissipated.
However, to complete the demonstration, and tc
settle this controversy for the future, we submit upoi
the opposite page a skeleton genealogy showing
forth the true facts as they are duly recorded ir
the Scriptures referred to.
Cemented Friendships.
The parents of Jeremiah, under inspiration o
God, separated him from his birth to the prophetic
ofifice, a calling which, particularly in those days,
demanded spiritual enthusiasm and courage of the
highest order. But the latter were supplied by
One who had foreseen his fitness long before his
parents I (Jer. i. 5.)
In the year 3359 A.M. Jeremiah married a Levite
maiden of Libnah, whither his parents had moved
upon the death of Shallum, and, at the early age of
thirteen, became the father of -Hamutal, who was
thus four years younger than Josiah, whom she
eventually married. Hamutal seems to have been
the Prophet's only child, at least the only one of
whom we have any record.
Two years later, or when Jeremiah was fifteen
years old, Manasseh died, and the kingdom fell to
Amon, the father of Josiah. For a brief period of
Terror the Sceptre of David was wielded by his
k"-k fP a o
' cr
^ ^ > ^
> p
p 9'
I. CHRON. vi. 1-15, 57, 60.
drunken hands, and in the delirium of power the
young king s excesses began to reahze the worst
days of Manasseh: but happily for the country his
violence was most bitterly felt at his own palace,
where, stung to madness by his unreasonable cruelty,
his own servants struck him to the ground.
The boy Josiah now ascended to the throne at
eight years of age, his ascension being at the com-
mencement of 3365 A.M., and the nation began once
more to settle down from the terrible alarm that
had been created by Amon's violence ; for they
knew that the real authority of the government
would be in the hands of the wise and good men
comprising the circle of Jeremiah's relatives.
These tutors under Hilkiah, the father of Jere-
miah, and who was soon promoted to the High
Priesthood, were careful in training the young king
in the paths of virtue and goodness, and from this
time we may date the growing friendship of the lat-
ter for Jeremiah.
At the age of thirteen Josiah, then in the fifth
year of his reign, married Zebudah, the daughter of
Pedaiah of Rumah. She was his first wife, and
the next year, 3370 A.M., bore to him a son, the un-
fortunate Jehoiakim (2 Kgs. xxiii. 36).
The following year the King, who from childhood
had been attracted by the beauty of his playmate
Hamutal, the grand-daughter of Hilkiah the High
Priest, sought her hand in a second marriage. She
was then a beautiful maiden just budding into
ivomanhood, and we may be confident that her
father, Jeremiah, bestowed her upon his friend most
She soon became his favorite Queen, and the
intimacy between the two families was still further
:emented, when, under the influence of these re-
newed associations, the young king '' began to seek
after the God of David his father."
The King's reformation seems to have followed
almost immediately upon this happy marriage, which
marked the seventh year of his reign ; for its public
manifestation is recorded to have occurred in his
eighth year, (2 Chron. xxxiv. 3), which also marked
the birth of Jehoahaz, Hamutal's eldest son (2 Kgs.
xxiii. 31).
In the twelfth year of his reign the King's enthu-
siasm reached its climax, and he became a public
reformer than whom few are more famous in his-
tory, for in this year " he began to purge Judah and
Jerusalem from the high places and the groves, and
the carved images and the molten " ones that testi-
fied to so many former generations of misrule.
(2 Chron. xxxiv. 3-7.)
Jeremiah Commissioned.
In the meantime, we may be sure that the young
Levite, Jeremiah, had been moved to a serious con-
templation of the higher calling to which he un-
doubtedly knew he was destined, when he should
arrive at the legal age of thirty. He was then but
twenty-nine, and no doubt had map|>ed out a care
ful line of study for the coming year.
Hut Jehovah's work was of a special nature ii
this instance, and contemplated no further tl( ' i\
So, as the thirteenth year of Josiah's reign bcgai<
the all important 3377 A..M., the startling ^um
mons was issued.— as startling, to the Prophci, a
the •• Feast of Trumpets," at the time of which
seems to have occurred !
It was. in vain (Jer. i. 6). that the prophet plea
his "youth," — that is his /<'^'w/ childhood, which a;
parently debarred him, with sevenfold string
(Num. iv. 3, 23, 30, 35, 39. 43. 47!) from exeri
any such vocation, for at least some months.
He was, indtcd. "a lad" in the sense that !*^
jamin was so designated (Gen. xliv. 31); for in
of the fact of the ten children (Gen. .xJvi. 21),
which the latter entered Flg>'pt. he was, in the
of an eastern custom, already well settled, **a .
one '* (Gen. xliv. 20). And it was undoubted
this spirit that Jeremiah himself pleaded rather f«
delay, than a release.
But the Nfaker is grcMtti tlian the Law ; .iii'
although he fulfilled it to the letter himself (I vV
iii. 23). he chose to make an exception in the
of Jeremiah, and so informed the prophet (J-
We have already called attention (Study N
pp. 155-6), to the supreme chronological import
of this date in General Histor)' and IVophecy : b*
A NEW year's gift. 1 69
perusal of the II. and several succeeding chapters
f Jeremiah's book, will bear out the statement that
is mission to '' Judah " (and tb *' Israel," in so far
s Benjamin was its representative), began at once.
A New Year's Gift.
His words appear to have been particularly heeded
ly Josiah, who prosecuted his general reformations
0 their completion (2 Chron. xxxiv. 4-7), and in his
elebrated eighteenth year was busily occupied in
estoring the temple of Jerusalem with the help of
lilkiah, his energetic High Priest.
It was while carrying out this good work, and
Toping among the treasure chests, that the keen
yes of Hilkiah discovered a cabinet, the door of
vhich had probably been unopened since the com-
nencement of the great persecution in the days of
When it was opened, it was found to contain a
reasure greater than all the thousands of gold and
lilver that were about to be expended in repairing
he ruins of the temple.
This treasure was nothing less than a complete
:opy of the Law, with the five books of Moses, the
)nly copy that had escaped the flames !
This precious discovery was handed by Jere-
niah's father to Shapan, the Secretary of State,
vho, having showed it to the king, was commanded
o gather all the cabinet ministers, and inquire of
he Lord what was to be the fate of the nation.
The Prophetess Huldah was appealed to for assist-
ance, and declared the approaching downfall of the
nation, but assured the king that it would not oc-
cur in his reign.
The result was that a solemn assembly of the
people was called, and all the words of the Law were
read in their ears, it being the season of the New
Year's festival ; and at its conclusion the king re-
newed his oath, and (with the people) made a cove-
nant upon the ancient Coronation Stone of BETHEL.
(2 Chron. xxxiv., 29-33, 2 Kgs. xxiii.,1-3), the same
that figured ''as the manner was,'' in the corona-
tion of Joash and of all his fathers (2 Kgs. xi. 14;
2 Chron. xxiii., 13) ^//^ SUCCESSORS!
"Among the rest who came to this assembly was
Jeremiah, who listened with a great heart-hunger,
and greedily devoured every word, and who, speak-
ing afterwards to the Lord of this meeting, ex-
claimed : * Thy words were found, and I did eat
them, and Thy word was unto me the joy and
rejoicing of my heart ; for I am called by Thy name,
O Lord God of hosts.' "
The Great Passover.
This great discovery was followed by the crown
ing act of the restoration of the simple and primitive
worship of God, namely : the calling of the peoph
to one of the most famous Passovers ever cele
brated (2 Chron. xxxv. 1-19). It was held in the
same eighteenth year, or about six months after the
discovery of the Law, to wit, at the beginning of
the Sacred Year, (3382 A. M.)
About the time of this Passover Jehoiakim, the
only son of Josiah by Zebudah, arrived at the age of
twelve. He was duly presented in the Temple, as
was the Hebrew custom, and, being at the espousal
age, he was soon after married.
Thenceforward the king assiduously devoted
himself to the prosecution of the task he had be-
gun. Sparing no efforts to make his work com-
plete, he even employed detectives to ferret out all
who worked any abominations in the land of Judah,
(2 Kgs. xxiii. 24) and soon succeeded in putting-
down at least all open opposition to Jehovah.
Hence it is very justly recorded of Josiah that
" like unto him was there no king before him, that
turned to the Lord with all his heart, and with all
his soul, and with all his might, according to all the
law of Moses ; neither after him arose there any
like him." (2 Kgs. xxiii. 25).
In the mean time the twenty-first year of Josiah's
reign drew near, and at its commencement Hamu-
tal gave birth to her second son, the famous Zede-
kiah, (3385 A. M.) who, in his own twenty-first
year, (3406 A. M.) the year from which we date *' the
Captivity of Judah," became the last monarch of
the Davidic Line, of whom any record is preserved
in Scripture.
However, in the year 3388 A. M. Jehoiachin, the
first and probably the only son of Jehoiakim was
born, and thus the legal chances of the sceptre
remaining in the hands of Zebudah's branch of Jo-
siah's family seemed to be insured.
During the quiet decade which followed Zede-
kiah's birth Palestine seemed to have fully recov-
ered her vitality and strength.
But after all, the reformation was only an en-
forced one, and, as all history testifies in similar cases,
the sins of Judah broke out afresh so soon as the
personal influence of Josiah was withdrawn. Nor is
there any doubt that it was on account of her
secret sins, — beyond the reach of any mere human
reformer, — that the fierceness of God's anger con-
tinued unappeased.
The Second Commandment.
The penalty for the sins of Manasseh and his
contemporaries obeyed a universal law, and in due
time was literally ''visited upon the third and
fourth generation " — upon Jehoiakim and Jehoia-
chin his son, and upon Zedekiah and his sons.
The decree of Jehovah was inevitable, for it had
been based upon the foreseen insincerity of Judah's
protestations, hence also it is recorded, in terms
that expressly recognize the continued distinction
between "the two kingdoms": — that " The Lord
said, I will remove JUDAH also out of my sight, as
I have removed Israel^' (2 Kgs. xxiii. 27.)
At the close of this decade the reign of Josiah
had attained the measure of a normal generation,
md, as the king was but thirty-eight years old,
vould probably have been much longer, had not a
atal mistake in policy, long foreseen of God,
)rought it to a sudden termination.
It was in the latter part of the next, his thirty-
irst and final year, that Pharaoh Necho came up
igainst the king of Babylon, with whom Josiah had
brmed an offensive and defensive alliance. For in
ipite of Pharaoh's disavowal of any hostile intent
Igainst Judah, Josiah espoused the side of Nabopo-
assar, the new king of Chaldea.
Probably one of the determinant causes of this
illiance was the unwarranted invasion of neutral
erritory by the Egyptians, for their armies skirted
he western borders of Palestine in order to cross it
ar above Jerusalem, and although the land lay
)eyond the actual domain of Judah, and had been
practically empty ever since the deportation of
' Israel," Josiah naturally considered it a piece of
>old effrontery.
His army, which shared in his resentment, was in
ine condition, and had long been chafing against
naction in a day when all the world was far more
amiliar with the din of arms than wedded to the
ilessings of peace, and so the king went out to meet
he Egyptians at Megiddo, with the plain inten-
ion of cutting off their retreat, and unwisely, with-
lut waiting for a junction with the troops of
It was in this short and decisive battle that the
king received his mortal wound, and died in his
chariot upon the way back to his capital.
All Jerusalem and Judah mourned for his sudden
end, and it is very naturally recorded that Jere-
miah, in particular, ''lamented for Josiah," his own
son-in-law! (2 Chron. xxxv. 25.)
Zerah versus Pharez.
We must now relate the closing act of " Judah's"
downfall, which commenced with the tragic death
of Josiah. It is divided into several subordinate
scenes, and terminates in a final episode, which, like
the one that consummated " Israel's " fate, effect
ually removed the sceptre of David from Jerusalem,
and from eastern observation.
The House of Pharez, twin to that of Zerah, had
from its birth, been threatened with a breach (Gen
xxxviii. 25-30), and the day drew near for making it
For nearly twelve hundred years, the descendants
of Pharez had successfully usurped the privilege o
Judah's regal birthright, while those of the twir
brother, Zerah, marked from his birth with tk
Scarlet-Thread — emblem of Royalty — had beer
Scythians and wanderers.
But the star of Zerah was already glowing brightl)
in the zenith, and, by a most remarkable sequence
of events, the leading descendant of this other hal
of Judah's tribe, was even then being unconsciousl}
prepared for the transfer of the Sceptre, in th(
Western Isles.
It is no part of our present purpose, however, to
attempt to harmonize Keating, Pineda, Feilden and
others, and show how probable and possible it is,
that Fenusia Farsa, Scytha, and Zerah, are one and
the same person, the son of Baal, Jupiter, or Judah,
and that Gadelas, the great Milesian progenitor of
the Irish kings, was his direct descendant, so well as
the forefather of Eochaid, the Heremon, with whom
we soon shall have so much to do.
It is sufficient merely to note this, in passings as a
strongly mooted side issue, one which possesses pe-
culiar merits and attractions for careful antiquarian
research, and one which we shall discuss in the next
Study of our series and fortify with new data.
Whether there is sufficient foundation for the
Milesian descent from Zerah or not, this line be-
came closely interwoven with the royal one of the
Tuatha de Danaans, and the twain of them, in
Heremon, were duly joined to that of David's, when
tiis Royal Remnant escaped through the breach
that Pharez suffered at the hands of Babylon, and
:ame to "■ Eron."
The Beginning of the End.
In the confusion incident upon Josiah's sudden
death, it was very natural that the influence of
feremiah should have led the people of the land to
:ake Jehoahaz, Josiah's eldest son by Hamutal, his
avorite Queen, and make him king in his father's
itead, rather than his half-brother Eliakim, although
the latter was nearly two years older (2 Kgs. xxiii.
But the new King was not worthy of this honor,
and as he did evil from the start he was visited with
swift destruction. His downfall was no doubt
brought about by the plottings of the other faction
who turned to Egypt for assistance, as the sympa-
thies of Babylon were known to be with Jeremiah's
side of the family.
The death of Josiah had re-awakened the long
slumbering jealousies which existed between the
rival Queens, and now at last, by dint of broader in-
fluence Zebudah's son secured the promise of Egyp-
tian preferment — thus the secret sins of Judah first
developed into Conspiracy. Let us therefore con-
tinue our sketch of the way in which the long threat-
ened breach descended upon the House of Pharez.
Immediately after the true meaning of the oc-
currences at Jerusalem had been reported to him,
Pharaoh Necho, diverted from his original intention
of seeking battle with the Babylonians, turned aside
to beseige Jerusalem (3395 A. M., 601 B. c), in the
interest of Zebudah's faction, for he by no means
relished the idea of again leaving so strong a city in
his rear, now that he knew its tendencies were sc
decidedly with the Chaldeans.
The city fell without resistance, and Jehoahaz,
the son and successor of Josiah, surrendered him-
self to Pharaoh within three months after his acces
sion to the throne of Judah,
Necho thereupon made Eliakim, the son of
Zebudah, the king of Judah in his half-brother's
stead, and changed his name to Jehoiakim, laid a
heavy tribute upon the land, and departed for
Egypt, carrying the captured monarch, Jehoahaz,
with him.
The latter appears to have died soon after in
Egypt without any posterity, and Jehoiakim, for the
next three years, faithfully sent annual tribute to
Pharaoh Necho. — (Josephus and the Bible.)
At the time of her overthrow, and of her son's
captivity, Hamutal herself was just thirty-five years
old, while Zedekiah, or Mattaniah as he was then
called, was in the middle of his eleventh year — '' ten
years old." For the younger Queen, therefore,
nothing but retirement remained possible, and this
she was not slow to realize. So, withdrawinor
almost immediately from public life, she soon
returned to Libnah with her only son. Here she
devoted herself to Mattaniah's education and to the
sorrows of her widowhood, occasionally, only, visited
by Jeremiah, whose time was now spent mostly in
Jerusalem, where his labors as. a prophet were daily
increasing in magnitude.
It appears that his own wife was now dead, and that
the Prophet, then forty-eight years old, was contem-
plating a second marriage with some one in Jerusa-
lem. This, however, he was immediately forbidden
to accomplish (Jer. xvi.), nor does he seem there-
after to have again entered the bonds of wedlock.
The Fall of Zebudah's Line.
But this Egyptian king returned no more against
the land of Judah, for the '* Chaldee Babylonian
Empire " had now reached its full development,
and Nebuchadnezzar, having destroyed Necho and
his power, at Carchemish, and invaded Palestine with
a powerful army, at last acquired all of its territory
that by previous conquest had pertained to Pharaoh
Necho, '' even from the river of Egypt to the river
Euphrates " (2 Kgs. xxiv. 7.)
The Babylonian conqueror now directed his own
attention to the troublesome city of Jerusalem, and
soon brought it underneath his yoke. Jehoiakim
was at this time bound in chains, and was upon the
point of being carried captive to Babylon, but he
purchased his release with money, and agreed to
pay yearly tribute to Nebuchadnezzar.
The latter contented himself with these promises,
and carried away a part of the vessels of the House
of God, and certain of the kings sons, and of the
princes of the land, who according to previous proph-
ecy (Isa. xxxix. 7) became eunuchs in his palace.
Among these were Daniel and his companions.
Jehoiakim now became a vassal of Babylon, and
paid tribute faithfully to Nebuchadnezzar during
the three succeeding years ; but in 3402 A. M., 594
B. C, upon hearing that the king of Babylon made
an expedition against the Egyptians, he turned and
rebelled against him.
During the four remaining years of his troubled
reign Babylon was too much occupied in other
locahties to attend to the minor affairs of Judah,
but in 3406 A. M. 590 B. C. Nebuchadnezzar re-
turned to mete out the long delayed punishment.
He was received with open gates and no resist-
ance, and breaking all faith with those who kept
110 covenants Josephus tells us that " he slew such
as were in the flower of their age, and such as were
of the greatest dignity, together with their king
Jehoiakim, whom he commanded to be thrown
before the walls without any burial." (See Study
No. 2, page 161.)
But a single son still remained to Jehoiakim,
namely Jehoiachin, whom Nebuchadnezzar (previ-
ous to his departure for Babylon) placed upon his
father's throne. Then taking with him three thou-
sand of the surviving principal persons, among whom
was the prophet Ezekiel, he set out for home.
Nebuchadnezzar, however, does not seem to have
gotten further than Hamath, his usual base of
operations against Palestine, before he repented of
his selection. We prefer to discern the possible
influence of Jeremiah, and of HamutaFs party in this
change of Nebuchadnezzar's mind. Josephus, how-
ever explains it as follows : " But a terror seized on
the king of Babylon who had given the kingdom to
Jehoiachin, and that immediately, for he was afraid
that he would bear him a grudge because he slew his
father, and thereupon should make the county rebel."
Therefore, Jehoiachin, or Coniah as he is else-
where called, had reigned but three months and ten
days, when another Babylonian army, under Nebu-
zar-adan, as Captain of the Host, returned to
Jerusalem, recaptured it and continuing their devas-
tations took from thence the king and his family,
and all the treasures of the House of the Lord, and
of the king's house. He carried away in fact '* all of
Jerusalem, and all the princes, and all the mighty
men of valor, even ten thousand captives, and all
the craftsmen and smiths, none remained only the
poorest sort of the people of the land." (2 Kgs.
xxiv. lO-ii.) This was the end of the hopes of
Pharez in ZebudaJis line — the sceptre of David
fell from its hand forever. The catastrophe oc-
curred in 3406 A. M. 590 B. C, and marks the full
commencement of the " 70 year captivity " of
Judah. This date is thenceforth consistently
employed by Ezekiel as an h quo in his Chronicles
and Prophecies, by Jeremiah, and by Daniel in his
calculations. (Dan. ix. 2).
But Jerusalem had yet alloted to her eleven
further years of grace ; and so, before leaving ulti-
mately for Babylon with his spoil and captives,
Nebuchadnezzar, who had now himself returned
upon the scene, sent down to Libnah for Hamutal
and her son. Upon their arrival he made Matta-
niah, the last remaining son of Josiah, that is the
uncle of Jehoiachin, the tributary king of Judah,
and changed his name to Zedekiah, and he also
"made him take an oath that he would certainly
keep the kingdom for him, and make no innovation,
nor have any league of friendship with the Egyp-
tians."— (Josephus.)
The Lofty Cedars of Lebanon.
Of Jehoiachin we read (2 Kgs. xxv. 27) that after
he had languished for full thirty-seven years (!) in
Pabylonian prisons, Evil-Merodach, then the king of
iBabylon, at last " had compassion on him, and set
pis throne above the throne of the other captive
lyings that were with him in Babylon," and that he
|iad a daily allowance given him for the remaining
^ears of his life. These probably were not many,
is he was already fifty-five years of age at the time-
-)i his release. (Compare 2 Kgs. xxiv. 8, xxv. 27.)
Jehoiachin was the eldest son of Jehoiakim, who
vas himself born 3370 A. M., and married m 3382-83
V. M. Jehoiachin was born in 3388 A. M. The
Record in 2 Chron. xxxvi. 9 is a manifest mistran-
;cription by the Scribes, the \ in n\ (\. e. 18,) having
Deen overlooked ! thus leaving n only, i. ^. 8 ! If the
atter year is chosen for Jehoiachin's age he was but
orty-five at his release, but the discrepancy remains,
md it is clearly easier to suppose the overlooking
)y omission, of the » than its deliberate addition to
he n. The full account found in the LIL chapter
)f Jeremiah concerning this transaction is as follows :
^erses 31-34.
" And it came to pass in the seven and thirtieth
year of the captivity of Jehoiachin, king of Judah,
in the twelfth month, in the five and twentieth day
of the month, (sacred oi course! as all the years of
the Captivity were) that Evil-Merodach, king of
Babylon in the first year of his reign, lifted up the
head of Jehoiachin, king of Judah, and brought
him forth out of prison. "And spake kindly unto
him, and set his throne above the thrones of the
kings that were with him in Babylon, '* And
changed his prison garments : and he did continually
eat bread before him all the days of his life. " And
for his diet, there was a continual diet given him
of the king of Babylon, every day a portion until
the day of his death, all the days of his life."
The above record is of course the work of a
scribe, the whole LII. chapter being of the nature
of a postscript to the scroll ; for every one admits
that Jeremiah himself had disappeared from Egypt
at least fourteen years before this date, and the
chapter makes no pretentions to being a prophecy !
It is also noticeable that while apparently made up
from 2 Kgs. xxv. 27, the latter record makes the
date of the month to have been the 27th. We do
not think, however, that these accounts are essen-
tially discrepant.
The order of Evil-Merodach probably bore the
date of the 25th, and the King was released, in due
course, upon the 27th. Similar cases of reprieve
are occurring daily, as our own prison records show!
Finally, from a general calculation, it seems cer-
ain to the author that Evil-Merodach's order was
;iven on the day which in later years became the
ast of Esther, and that the king's release fell, by a
imilar strange anticipation, upon the Feast of
^urim ! ^
* We must be pardoned for this digression in the midst of such
iteresting incidents, because it is really of far greater importance
ban it seems to be if our surmises, published in Study No. 2 (pp.
2, 203-16), with reference to the superlative importance of the
eriod of time comprehended in the current, Civil, and Sacred
lebrew years, Sept. 1890 to March 1892, A. D., are correct. If so
hen the very date of issue of that volume, Autumnal equinox, 1890,
lept. 15, (Lunar), and 22 (Solar), marks the actual expiration of 2445
lolar years = 2520 Lunar ones, with all the possibilities implied
efore us ! As a fact that publication du/ synchronize with most
emarkable Jewish movements, and they still continue unabated !
''or the request presented to the President upon March 5, 1891, a. d.
New Year's Day, in so far as Manasseh's or Jonathan's Adminis-
ration is concerned, — and looking towards an International
"ongress to devise means for Judah's return to Palestine is
othing else than the "Jewish Irredentalism " ^/rm^ anticipated
gainst that date, in the table opposite page 206 in Study No. 2.
'he reader is again referred to that Study in this connection ; for
le possibility that we are close upon Prophetical interpretations of
ast import, and the certainty that we are at last upon the only
RUE scale of Astro-Chronological years, are fully warranted,
lence, the table given opposite to Page 206 in the study referred to,
Dnsidered as a Prophetic Scale, (column seven), is either used in its
ccurate place (as to " shortened " Lunar time) or the 2520 Solar
ears must be slipped bodily down and count from some important
ate in Nebuchadnezzar's own reign, perhaps his 2nd year, i. e., it can-
ot be moved below the Soli-Lunar epact of September 23, 1919 a. d.,
r at any rate the whole period cannot begin later than some
ate connected with his typical insanity. Time will soon show which
osition is correct, and it may be confidently asserted that hereafter
But to return to Jehoiachin's release in the year
3443 A. M. 553 B. C. The very existence of thi?
king at a time, which was but thirty-three years be-
fore Judah's de jure release from the Babylonian
captivity of seventy years, is a point to be particu-
larly noticed, for it is direct evidence that at least
down to the year 3443 A. M. 553 B. C, that is
at the close of the "sacred " year, 3443, David stil
had a living representative — *' a man to sit upon hi?
The captured kings whom the Babylonians gath-
ered about them were frequently entrusted with
subordinate administrations as to their own co
patriots in captivity. The text and collateral con-
texts imply that at least so long as Jehoiacliir
thereafter lived, he held some such recognized posi
tion, and as a duly anointed successor of David, hif
sway, though limited, and in a foreign land, gives a1
least a color of fulfilment, which extends for twenty
six years after Zedekiali s ozvn captivity.
But this is merely of importance to us as a mean?
of spanning these very twenty-six years, durinc
no one hazards any reputation in boldly announcing the rapidly ex
piring END OF THIS AGE ! For if' they do, and if the Suns o
the Coming Century go down without reply to the question of th(
waiting ones, " How long, O Lord, How long? " then it will be surel;
said that our God himself " is sleeping," even more soundly thai
Baal was in the days of Elijah ! (i Kgs. xviii. 27.) But we live amit
fulfilments already far too startling not to know, if we be " wise,'
that " Sabbaoth " is not asleep !
vhich, as we shall show, Jehovah had regard to
David's interests in an entirely different direction.
For it is quite impossible that any of this man's,
'oniaJi s, posterity should ever after have attained
mto the liberated Sceptre of Judah !
God had already directed Jeremiah (xx. 24-30), to
i^rite him ''childless,'' and had expressly said of him
hat " no man of his seed shall prosper sitting upon
he throne of David and ruling any moi'e in Judah ^
ehoiachin, (2 Kgs. xxiv. 6-8), is variously called
econiah (i Chron. iii. 16), and Coniah (Jer. xx. 24-
;0 and xxii. 18, 19, xxxvi. 30); and in view of this
URSE upon his posterity it can scarcely be that he
s the Jeconiah referred to in Mat. i. 1 1 ! But even if
le is the one, we know, by Matthew's own account
hat Joseph — who is the one traced to him for legal
easons — was only a carpenter in Judah.
It is to Luke, who leads the genealogy via quite
mother line, and brings it down to Mary, that the
Lctual trace of David's blood descends to Christ,
)ut not his Sceptre, for Christ does not assume
he Sceptre until he comes again !
The daughters of Judah, from the earliest days,
coked forward jealously to some special favor from /
m high. It was generally known among them that
ome mother of Judah was to save the line of
David, and each maiden of this family aspired to
he distinction in her generation.
God's providence selected TWO of them, the one
—who is the Heroine of our story — to save the lit-
eral Sceptre,— and the other,— Mary,— to be still
more blessed among women !
The former maiden has almost escaped all subse-
quent notice, though her seed retains the literal
Sceptre yet, and holds it in abeyance till the Son of
Mary shall return to claim it and to fulfil all cove-
nants that shall then be still outstanding.
When Jehoiachin was led away in chains to Baby-
Ion, this earlier Daughter of the house of David
was as yet unborn, but ere a further week of years
had been numbered to the " withering realm " (Ezek.
xvii. 24), this " Tender Twig," had sprouted in the
nursery of Jehovah !
But that it ever '* took root downwards and bore
fruit upward " has strangely escaped attention till
these latter times.
Let us therefore return to the Jerusalem of Zede-
kiah's day, and walk amid the desolated patb
where David's cedars formerly had flourished, anc
see if any lofty fir-tree yet remained in Lebanon
whose topmost branches offered twigs of promise tc
a grafter's knife.
We have seen the Royal Seed of David reducec
to a last and single hope.
Josiah dead, Jehoahaz dead, Jehoiakim dead, anc
his posterity eunuchs in Babylon, Jehoiachin a fet
tered captive and his own seed weighted with i
hopeless curse. No chance for Judah's Sceptn
here, nor for the tottering throne of David !
Zedekiah and his own immediate posterity alon(
emain, — a single cedar in the garden of the Lord,
Teen, and with some few manly boughs, and also
/ith some tender shoots upon its topmost limbs.
But what were daughters in such dreadful days as
Perhaps they were the hope of Literal Israel, as
n a later day another one of David's daughters was
he hope of all mankind !
We shall therefore now consider the closing de-
lade (in so far as it is recorded !) of this unfortunate
Zedekiah and his Contemporaries.
Josephus summarizes the incidents of Zedekiah's
eign in as succinct a manner as any of the secular
uthorities thereon. The Bible account is found in
he latter parts of Kings and Chronicles, while the
»ooks of Jeremiah, Daniel and Ezekiel afford us
nost valuable emendations by the way.
These celebrated men were all contemporaries
,nd viewed the incidents from diverse standpoints,
.nd with somewhat different ends in view. And
>ne other prophet, Habakkuk, perhaps the least of
.11 the college, in the shortest of his brief histori-
o-prophetic statements, sums up its outcome as if
le were a witness to the fact. We allude to that
>ften read and opening '' sentence " in the Episco-
)al Prayer-book :
" The Lord is in His Holy Temple. Let all the
arth keep silence before Him."
It has been claimed (by Glover in his Remnai
of Judah) that this is a noticeable mistranslatioi
and that when it is read aright, and with tli
knowledge that Habakkuk was perhaps a contempt
rary witness of the secret transfer of Jacob's Pillo\
Judah's Coronation Stone, or Jehovah's Bethel, t
a distant, unknown, " Israelitish," Tabernacle in t\
West, it is a pean which epitomizes all that can 1:
said ! For truly at the bottom of the scro^
whereon the acts of Zedekiah's reign are all tra
scribed, might Habakkuk subscribe with thankfi
ness and awe : —
'* The Dream-Miracle-Stone has become tl
House of God ! Therefore let all the earth kee
silence before Him." •
The reference to Bethel is at any rate unmista
able. But we shall not attempt to follow either (
these authorities, and shall leave to others far mo
fitted for the task, the pleasure of combining the:
all into one unbroken sequence.
Our own purpose is simply to bring out in prorr
nent relief the scarlet thread oi David's line, whic
each of the ancient writers either blindly overlook
considers secondary, or else, assisted by an overri
ing Spirit, purposely conceals from too noticeab
Yet none the less the thread is there, in all i
them, and traverses the decade, and goes out b
yond it without any rupture.
Briefly the story of Zedekiah's reign is one '
)roken Covenants. Josephus says that he ** was a
lespiser of Justice and of his duty, for truly those
>f the same age with him were wicked about him,
.nd the whole multitude did whatever unjust and
nsolent things they pleased."
He kept faith neither with Nebuchadnezzar, Pha-
aoh, Jehovah, Jeremiah, nor even with his own cab-
net. Hence, naturally, he fell at last between the
nevitable circumstances, for which he himself was
lone responsible.
We cannot suppose that the prophet Jeremiah
ailed to do anything that would tend to make the
eign of his own grandson prosperous, nevertheless
le knew from the messages of God, that his good
iffices were in vain.
The records show that by exhortation and warn-
[igand by exposing himself to the imminent danger
if martyrdom, he made every effort that a wise and
latriotic statesman of his age and experience could,
o avert the calamity that was impending.
The three great prophets of Judah, above alluded
0, have left their impress upon this reign and era,
nd upon all who figured prominently therein, Eze-
iel and Daniel in Chaldea, and Jeremiah in Jeru-
The two former were favored and personal friends
f Nebuchadnezzar, to whom Daniel was a D'Israeli,
nd the latter was a Prime Minister of Judah like to
Bismarck, whose knowledge of affairs had extended
rom the earlier days of Josiah, down through all
the subsequent ones, to the very end of Zedekiah'
reign. _
These eminent men belonged to the same schoc
of OUams and were undoubtedly also known, a
least by statesmanship and reputation, to eac
Not Without Honor.
The lot of Jeremiah was the common one c
Prophets, for, save in his own country, he was ce
tainly not without honor. He was personally i
well known to Nebuchadnezzar, as were his captiv
confreres, Daniel and Ezekiel, and had so ofte
been a special recipient of Babylonian clemenc)
that he became, therefor, an object of suspicion t
his own countrymen.
Known by the king of Babylon to be a ma
of moderate counsel, and to be unswerving in h
advice to Judah's rulers that they should submit t
the Babylonian yoke, Nebuchadnezzar had met Jen
miah on each of his several descents upon Jerus;
lem, and had always suffered him to remain in h
native country. It was moreover particular!
through Jeremiah's influence with Daniel in tl"
court of Babylon that the elevation of his grani
son, Zedekiah, had been brought about.
In his private life, as we have seen, this proph(
was so closely allied to the royal family of Josiah ;
to have been almost a daily inmate of it, and ;
least to have come intimately in and out of tl
oyal palace during each of the succeeding reigns,
ivhich we have already scanned.
We can only imagine in how far he employed so
avorable an opportunity to mould the minds of
uch of its members as were at length destined to
)ecome his special Wards.
It is certain, however, that the chief steward of
vcdekiah Ebed-Melech the eunuch, was Jeremiah's
varm and personal friend, and that they mutually
)wed each other debts of supreme gratitude (Jer.
cxxviii. 7 ; xxxix. 15).
It is also more than probable that the children of
^edekiah grew up upon this prophet's knees, and
lis influence upon the younger ones, we may be
ure, was marked, and doubtless was assisted by
ehovah, acting from within their hearts,
Jeremiah was also personally known to Nebu-
ar-adan, the captain or commander-in-chief of the
Babylonian Host, and had already shared with
lim, as a prominent minister of the conquered
ews, the special adjudications which surrounded the
)verthrow of Jehoiakim and of Jehoiachin, and the
)riginal selection of Zedekiah, as the king of
But as a counsellor to Zedekiah himself, Jeremiah
vas powerless. '' While he heard the prophet [his
grandfather !] speak, he believed in him and agreed
o everything as true, and supposed it was for his
idvantage ; but then his friends perverted him,
ind dissuaded him from what the prophet advised,
and obliged him to do what they pleased/'-Qose
But Jeremiah's prophecies were just as futile t(
avert the impending disasters as were those of Eze
kiel and Daniel, which also found their way, h)
various channels, to Jerusalem.
Now it happened that while the two principa
prophets agreed with one another in what the^
said as to all other things, that the city should b.
taken, and that Zedekiah himself should also b
taken, nevertheless Ezekiel disagreed with Jeremia
in the details, for the former said that *' Zedekia
should not see Babylon," while the latter declarec
that " the king of Babylon should carry him awa;
thither in bonds."
Hence as Josephus tells us, '' because they did no
both say the same thing as to this circumstance
Zedekiah also disbelieved what they both appearei
to agree In, and he condemned them as not speal
ing the truth therein. However, all the thing
foretold him actually came to pass, and accordin
to their prophecies," as we shall see anon.
David's Daughter.
The sixth year of the captivity of Jehoiachin no^
arrived (341 1-12 A.M.) and as the civil year with th
latter half of which it commenced, drew to itsclos(
Ezekiel began to receive a remarkable series c
visions. (See page 165, Study No. 2.)
They are detailed at length in the VIII. to th
>CIX. chapters inclusive of his Prophecies and must
ill have occurred between the two dates specifically
riven in chapter viii. i and chapter xx. i. Among
hem the now famous " Riddle," propounded in his
K^VII. chapter, deserves a moment's attention as it
:oncerns Our HEROINE \
This particular vision of the sequence seems to have
iynchronized with the season of Passover, 3412 A.M.
vith which ''the seventh year of the captivity"
Degan, and from certain chronological considera-
;ions too complicated to explain without tabulation,
md too expensive to tabulate with our present
imited means, serves to fix the birth of Zedekiah's
youngest daughter, who was no doubt the last of
lis children.
The king had three sons and two daughters
ilready, and at the birth of the youngest daughter
was himself twenty-seven years old. He was just
entering upon the seventh year of his reign, which,
is shown in Study No. 2, ran with the years of " the
captivity," and with Ezekiel's chronology.
The event was a pleasure to the king and queen,
who was herself a Princess of the Royal blood, and
as the child was very beautiful, they chose for
her a well known family name Tephi, or Taphath
(i Kgs. iv. 11), and endeared it by the diminutive
The full name was Tea Tephi, and familiarly
signified " a Tender Twig."
It was particularly appropriate to '' the little girl **
which, by the way, is the literal signification of ns^
Taphath (see Cruden's Concordance), while th(
addition of the diminutive Tea intensified the sub
tie reference of the entire name to that partic
ular daughter of David referred to by Ezekie
(xvii. 22).
It is not, however, to be understood that Zede
kiah and the queen had any possible knowledge o
what, at the birth of Tephi, was transpiring, as
vision only, upon the far off banks of the rive
Their selection of the name was merely one o
those strange and overruling providences which mer
in ordinary parlance.called " coincidences," but with
out which every romance would be soulless. Indeec
our interest in the histrionic art itself would flag
did we not recognize that the essential element ii
every human life is the zest begotten out of what w(
designate as ''chance,'* while at the same time
with an inconsistency which is a glaring cbndem
nation of our plain perversity, we never fail tc
seek it and expect it, with all the earnestness o
novelists and play wrights.
The root ^, taph, of the named Tephi, or Tap
\i^\\i,'' an ornament^' signifies "an infant," and i:
the Hebrew word employed {ox '' Little ones" ii
numerous places in the Scriptures, (Gen. xxxiv. 29
xHii. 8; xlv. 19; xlvi. 5; xlvii. 24 ; 1. 8. 21 ; Exod
X. 10, 24; Num. xiv. 31 ; xxxi. 9, 17; xxxii. 16, 17
24, 26; Deut. i. 39; ii. 34; iii. 19; xx. 14
[xix. II; Josh, i, 14; viii. 35; Jud. xviii*. 21,
tc. etc. See Young's Concordance.) *
The diminutive Tea seems to be derived from
■yy-i, tsaor, tsair, *' little" as employed by Jeremiah
n similar cases, {vide Jer. xiv. 3 ; xlviii. 4, '' little
)nes,") also Zech. xiii. 7, where this same root is
ised in the form of Tsaar).
And, finally, it should be noted even though we
inticipate our tale by so doing, (for our purpose is
lot merely as a story teller to develop the Romance
vithin the Romance of our Origin and Destiny, but
0 argue out its Philosophy as we proceed) — that, in
;o far as history is concerned, the discovery of the
lame of this particular princess is a modern and a
A^estern one.
A Mirage en route.
Hence, as raconteurs, we find ourselves at this
moment in the position of voyagers who are helmed
towards some distant haven, and are suddenly en-
couraged by the looming up of ports we long to see !
* It may also be pointed out that the Greek word Taphos (Matt,
xxiii. 29) means a sepulchre, and that unless we can trace the Royal liiie
ofjjidah beyond Tea Tephi, the literal " Sceptre of David " went down
into the tomb with her ! Fortunately, however, we can, as it is the in-
tention o£ this Series of Studies to do; and, by another "strange coin-
cidence," we shall in due time find reason to expect that our best and
final proof itself will spring from the very Tomb of Tea Tephi at
Tara, where in still inviolated mystery it waits for resurrection !
In the meantime we have other and collateral data, sufficient to
prove that her posterity still sits upon the throne of " Israel."
In the mirage now before us, the hills of Tara
rise in shadowy outlines ; and her famous Halls-
impatient to respond to melodies as yet in dreams
— lift up their battlements! With that unrest
which ever quickens latent genius, the soul of
music tries her wings, and although at the present
stage of our own story, it was in visions only, which
were lost when Erin waked, the aspirations still
paint their forms upon our sympathetic sky, and
lure us into pardonable forecasts.
It is only within the present generation that a few
interested scholars, struck with the wealth of He-
brew circumstance that clusters about Tea Tephis
entrance into Irish Chronicles, and impressed with
the significant legends which connect her with the
Spain and Egypt of Nebuchadnezzar's era, have
dreamed of identifying her with the maiden whose
history we are writing.
Of course these efforts have been ridiculed and
belittled ; but at last this very treatment has
resulted, as usual in such cases, in so intensifying
the convictions of a continually growing college of
investigators, that few, except a hide bound group
of "higher critics." conservatists, and extremists of
the " spiritualizing school " have continued to treat
them with contempt.
It is, therefore, with the utmost pleasure that we
offer to these earnest searchers after truth, a con-
secutive outline of this lovely story, and are not
only enabled to show that its Chronology and Gen-
ilogy are impregnable, but to let additional light
I upon some of the hitherto unsolved Hebrew
atures of its western chapters.
The derivation of the name, Tea Tephi, of this
nental ''western princess," has always been a
esideratum, — for it is not Gaelic nor yet Celtic.
Hitherto the best students, CI mean among those,
nd they number many scholars, who have deigned
3 search the matter at all), have been convinced
bat the designation is the Phonetic spirit of a
lebrew name, and perhaps the surmise of Rev. F.
L A. Glover in his '' England the Remnant of
udah, and the Ephraim of Israel " has deserved the
lost consideration.
In a note to his chapter on the Irish Mystery he
ays: ** Tephi, again HEBREW, a pet-name, like
Violet, * denoting the beauty and fragrance of all
elicious fruits. ' Apples of gold in pictures of sil-
er' (Prov. xxv. ii ; Sol. Song. vii. 8). This word
Tephi' appears to be a cognomen — a surname.
>a Tephi was the surname ; like Eleanor the Be-
Dved ; Rosamond the Fair, etc. The word does
ot occur in Irish at all''
But this controversy, and this interest, is by no
leans merely modern, in that we must date it from
he current generation ; far from it, — for *' In the
'ear of our Lord 513, the Irish Kings and Grandees,
•ppressed by a consciousness that something mys-
erious existed in the foundation of the ancient
nonuments of Tara, assembled, with great circum-
Stance, to inquire into all that Bards and Senarchie
could declare concerning the ancient foundation an
the ancient times.
''They devoted themselves to the pious laboi
with fasting and prayer, for three days continuous!)
but, alas! such had been the destruction of record
in the confusion of the times, and the struggle
the Baalitish Priests to recover the ascendanc
which they had lost during the time of the Hebraiz
ing of their chief Stronghold— this very Tara— tha
nothing could be ascertained further on the matt(
in hand than that it was a subject shrouded in dee^
mystery, and connected in some way with the exi^
tence of a woman from over the great plain— the Se
— , * with a Royal Prosperous Smile,' and who— sucl
had been the intensity of respect of their ancestor
for this illustrious Scion of Royalty, concerning
whom, also, there was some ' mystery ' too deep ti
be uttered — was buried in a tomb sixty feet loni
and wide," a tomb which unbroken tradition assert
to be STILL " inviolated ! "
*' A Poem or Record was composed upon this occa
sion by one Amergin,* Chief Bard to King Dei
mond, monarch of Ireland in the Sixth Centur)
from information communicated to him by an ol
* Query.— " Does the word Amergin mean Chief Bard in Irish?
not, either Amergin had a very long life, or the name was comm(
among Bards." As we shall see the first Amergin was the Chief Dru
and a brother of Heremon, who married Tea !
;age called Fintan. The following verses are from
literal translation of this poem as presented to us
1 the Notes of the Annals of the Four Masters, p.
Temor of Bregia,* whence so called ?
Relate to me, O learned Sages.
When was the place called Te-mor ? f
Was it in the time of Parlothan of battles >
Or at ihe first arrival of Caesaire ? J
Tell me, in which of these invasions
Did the place obtain the name of Tea-mor?
O Tuan ! O generous P'innchadh !
O Bran ! O active Cu-alladh!
O Dublain ! Ye venerable Five
Whence was acquired the name of Te-mor ?
It appears to have once been called " Hazel-
i^ood," and three other names in succession, the
ast being Cathair Crofin.
" Until the coming of the agreeable Tea
The wife of Heremon of noble aspect."
Then was the name changed.
*The Kingdom of Bregia, subsequently the English Pale, was
lart of Leinster, parceled off to constitute the appendage of the
Teremonian-Righ, or Pentarch. Hence, doubtless, the name of the
■igdom of Bregia, possibly connected with the aspirations of
'^a7-j{cA ! (Jer. xlv. 5) who is supposed to have married Scofd, the sis-
er of Tea Tephi !
t When was Tea-mair Tea-mair ?— J/r. Petrie's Paper.
X Not Caesar, but the Queen referred to in Irish chronicles.
"A Rampart was raised around her house,
For Tea,* the daughter of Lughaidh."
God's House is Bethel, and this Jewish Prin
cess accompanied Jacob's Pillar, which was "God'i
house " (Gen. xxviii. 22) of which she was a daughtei
in an especial manner, i. e., a Representative Entity
the daughter of God's House. Log is Celtic foi
** God," and Aid/i is " a House," hence Lughaidh ii
God's House !
''We accept the fact without the parentage 0
Lughaidh assigned in this district," says Mr. Glove
in 1861; and we in 1891, can certainly endorse hi
position in so far as the literal parentage is con
cerned. Tea Tephi, no doubt, was sung into th
Poems of Ireland as the '' Daughter of God'
House," and in the sense of David's Daughter sh
most certainly was a daughter " of Zion," ''of m;
people," "of Judah," ''of my dispersed," and '' 0
the King," while with the most perfect poeti
license, and with the grander license of Propheti
Inspiration, she was indeed the special child c
" Bethel."
There were two Irish kings by the name of Lug
haidh, but not earlier than A.D. 35, and 335rLughaid
I. and Lughaidh IL, and in later Irish times Lu^
haidh seems to have been made a man's name just s
Bethel was similarly used by the Puritans, as fc
*Zedekiah's daughter, in Ezek. xvii. 22, Mr. Glover's note
stance Sir Bethel Codrington, a Christian name,
id Sir Richard Bethel, a surname.
The poem continues as follows :
" She was buried outside in her mound,
And from her it was named Tea-mur.
The seat of the Kings it was called,
The princes, descendants of the Milesians :
Five names it had ere that time.
That is from Fordruin to Temor.
I am Fintan the Bard ;
The Historian of many tribes:
In latter times I have passed my days
At the earthen fort above Temor. " *
" Such was the substance of the record concern-
ig which inquiry was made and, which was declared
1.5 1 3 A.M.), about 1082 years after the facts had
ccurred, (3431 A.M.).
'' Moreover, some 511 years later, in 1024 (Com-
lon A. D.), another celebrated bard, Cu-an O'Coch-
lin, a considerable man, and for a time, once,
.egent of Ireland, composed a similar poem upon
ara, and by means of new data, unearthed in the
iterval, gives us no little additional information
n these interesting points. But we reserve select-
ig from this latter production until farther along
I our story, as we have already adduced quite
nough to demonstrate that the interest reawakened
(* Which is Trim, or Tara !)
in these latter days concerning the story of Te
Tephi is by no means without honored precedent
all down the ages !
However, for the present purposes of the stor
we are writing, such was the birth of Tea Tephi
It was a simple, family affair, and no one coul
have then divined, perhaps not even Jeremiah hirr
self, with all his favored prescience, that the '' ter
der suckling," npjr-pjv, the yoneq yoneqeth, bor
into the line of David in the year 3412 A. M., wa
destined, in the councils of Jehovah, to become, i
later years, the mother of the Western branch c
Judah's line of kings.
In the immediate time the Eastern branch ha
reached its fated crisis, and, with every vice tha
dooms a political fabric to ruin, it took the fim
downward path.
Jerusalem Destroyed.
And thus the priceless years of grace ran on, an
Jerusalem was filled with false prophets, confu:
ing advisers, iniquity, and utter unbelief; her cu
was full, and so Jehovah bade her drink it to th
dregs. Zedekiah, vacillating in every direction, a
last made the fatal error which caused his speed
Truly whom the Gods have doomed, they fin
make mad. r ;- n ^ c ' ' '
After, therefore, Zedekiah had preserved his con
ict of mutual assistance with the Babylonians for
ght years, he deliberately broke it.*
This brought the army of Nebuchadnezzar once
ore about Jerusalem, and this time they came in-
nt upon its utter devastation.
But Egypt hastened to the assistance of its
2wly recovered ally, and invaded Judea with the
urpose of raising the siege.
Nebuchadnezzar was thus diverted from his un-
ertaking for a while. Departing therefore from
srusalem, he met the Egyptians in battle at Gaza,
tterly defeated them, and drove them out of Syria.
In this interim Jeremiah attempted to escape into
.nathoth, whose title deeds he was later on directed
) purchase, with such pointed ceremony, and to
ive to Baruch for concealment (Jer. xxxii.) ; but he
'as captured by the opposing faction, exposed a
'hile in the stocks, and then cast into prison.
The victorious and determined Babylonian army
ow returned to the attack of Jerusalem with com-
lete confidence, and renewed their lines of circum-
allation under the experienced generalship of
The story of the siege is but a dreadful counter-
art of others which have been visited upon the
loly City, and at last God shortened it.
The city fell, and Zedekiah, true to the last to
is uncertain character, leaving it to its fate, de-
erted from it, with his wives and children, a few
f his captains, and his friends.
204 thl: philosophy of history.
The Babylonians, however, pursued and overtool
him not far from Jericho, and encompassed hir
about. The account of Josephus is now so graphi
that we shall follow it.
" But as for those friends and captains of Zede
kiah who had fled out of the city with him, whei
they saw their enemies near them, they left hin
and dispersed themselves, some one way and som
another, and every one resolved to save himself; s<
the enemy took Zedekiah alive, when he was de
serted by all but a few, with his children and hi
wives, and brought him to the king [at Riblah].
'' And when he was come, Nebuchadnezzar begai
to call him ' a wicked wretch, and a covenant breakei
and one that had forgotten his former words whe:
he promised to keep the country for him. He als
reproached him for his ingratitude, that when h
had received the kingdom from him who had take
it from Jehoiachim and given it to him, he hai
made use of the power he gave him, against hir
that gave it : but, said he, ' God is great who hatet
that conduct of thine, and hath brought thee unde
us.* And when he had used these words to Zede
kiah, he commanded Jus sons and his friends to b
slain [2 Kgs. xxv. 7 : Jer. xxxix.], while Zedekia'
and the rest of the captains looked on, after whic
he put out the eyes of Zedekiah, and bound hirr
and carried him to Babylon.
'* And these things happened to him, as Jeremial
and Ezekiel had foretold to him, that he .should b
lught and brought before the king of Babylon, and
lould speak to him face to face, and should see his
^es with his own eyes ; and thus far did Jeremiah
rophecy ; but he was also made blind and brought
) Babylon, but did not see it, according to the pre-
iction of Ezekiel."
Josephus then winds the moral of the matter
lus : — which as it equally is also moral to our
roader story, we are likewise constrained to tran-
:ribe now : — " We have said thus much, because it
as sufficient to show the nature of God to such as
'e ignorant of it, that it is various, and acts many
ifferent ways, and that all events happen after a
jgular manner, in their proper season, and that it
)retells what must come to pass. It is also sufifi-
ent to show the ignorance and incredulity of men,
hereby they are not permitted to foresee anything
lat is future, and are, without any guard, exposed
) calamities, so that it is impossible for them to
/oid the experience of these calamities."
Nebuchadnezzar's army now completed the work
destruction (3416 A.M., 580 B.C.), for Nebuzar-
ian, the captain of his host, " burnt the House of
le Lord, and the king's house, and all the houses
Jerusalem, and every great man's house burnt he
ith fire. And all the army of the Chaldees, that
ere with the captain of the guard, brake^ down the
alls of Jerusalem round about."
*' Now the rest of the people that were left in the
ty, and the fugitives that fell away to the king of
Babylon, with the remnant of the multitude, die
Nebuzar-adan carry away. But the captain of the
guard left some of the poor of the land to be vine
dressers and husbandmen." (2 Kgs. xxv. 9-12.
And the gold, and the silver, and the brass withou
weight, the captain also took away. (13-17-)
" And the captain of the guard took Zeriah th*
chief priest, and Zephaniah the second priest, an(
the three keepers of the threshold, and out of th
city he took an officer that was set over the men 0
war, and five men of them that were in the king'
presence, which were found in the city, and th
principal scribe of the host, which mustered th
people of the land, and threescore men of the pec
pie of the land that were found in the city; an
Nebuzar-adan, captain of the guard took these, an
brought them to the king of Babylon in Riblah
and the king of Babylon smote them, and sle^
them at Riblah in the land of Hamath."
" So Judah was carried away out of their land.
(2 Kgs. xxv. 18-21.)
This was the consummation of the Captivit
which had begun, as we have seen above, in 34c
A. M.
''The Last King of Judah."'
And thus the threatened end had come. " Israel
had gone into obscurity, but '' Judah " had failed t
profit by the example. We are even told th<
"Backsliding Israel had justified herself" (and \
iptivity this must have been /) " more than treacher-
us Judah," so in due time she too, — " Judah," —
^as rooted out of Palestine.
After the death of all his sons, the branches of
tie lofty cedar, the royal trunk itself was felled and
ift to wither and dry up. Zedekiah, taken blind
nd bound in brazen fetters unto Babylon, at length
ied in its prisons, and with him, so far as Bible
:.ecords go, and so far as the Jews now with us, or
tiose marshalled by Josephus, can explain by un-
roken records or by any records, the Sceptre disap-
pears, for according to all adopted records ''he was
he last king of Judah !
From that day unto this there has never been a
hild of David, sceptre in hand, seated as ki,ng, and
uling as such, in Jerusalem, nor can believers in
he promise, outside the pale of those who accept
[le Anglo-Saxon identity with Israel, bridge this
iatus, in the Sceptreed line of David and Judah,
ven to the Saviour's day !
However much they may assent to the force and
erity of such moralizing as just quoted from Jose-
hus, they are utterly unable to make aught but an
pology for God !
And here too we must press the assertion that
esus Christ did not come, at that time, to rule, nor
id he take the Sceptre when he at length did
He positively refused it, although he admitted
into Pilate that it was his of right.
At his future return, however, it is universall}
predicted and believed by all the faithful that h(
will assume this Sceptre !
There is a mystery here and its solution is th(
Anglo-Saxon RiDDLE !
What became of David's Sceptre ?
Where ivas it during the " Sixty-nine weeks,'
the while the Star of Bethlehem delayed ?
Hath rest (Shiloh), yet come to *' Israel," oi
" Judah," and if not where is that Sceptre NOW?
The covenant of Salt was unconditional, th(
blessing of Judah was of grace, hath Jehovah never
theless forgotten David and repudiated his owr
eternal oath ?
Shall a man plead for the meaning of the Al
Hath He this need, forsooth, who hath disposec
the course of history?
Is Jehovah a man that he should lie? or a Son O!
Earth that one should wrench interpretation for hi<
plainest words?
May God, may even man himself so long as rea
son is retained, forbid the thought, and argue log
ically if in earnest to convince !
But Mr. Ingersoll would tell us there is no Jeho
vah, and that this oath and blessing were but the
breath of Hebrew vanity and fiction.
Mr. Ingersoll's credentials, however, have no sea
nor signature; we must go elsewhere for author
ity, and we prefer to follow in the leadership ol
"THE kingdom/' ^09
)ne* who after Mr. Ingersoll's late and most beautiful
;ulogy on President Lincoln, so pointedly reminded
lim that he had left God entirely out of that life
vhich, while it saved the integrity of Manasseh's
uiion, gave up its own, from first to last, in con-
cious trust to Providence.
As we correct the final proof for this present
tudy, there comes to hand the most succinct /r/m
)f the Origin and Destiny of Our Race which it has
)een our good fortune to have seen. It is from the
)en of Dr. Beverly O. Kinnear, and appears in the
ewish Messenger of March 20, iSQijf and is sig-
lificantly entitled " An Epistle from * Israel * to
Judah.' *'
In this concise article the doctor makes a very
trong point as to ''The Kingdom," which, as it is
lot only unique but a fresh premise in the general
irgument merits an immediate recognition, with
lue credit to the writer and the Jewish Periodical
vhich admits it into its columns.:t
* Senator Joseph R. Hawley.
t A date of note, in that it is the Vernal Equinox, or the first day
i Solar New Year (Sacred Hebrew calendar) 5651 a. m.
I In a leading editorial the Messenger refers to this letter as fol-
Dws : " Dr. Kinnear's views on the identity of Israel and the Anglo-
5axon are at least interesting from their novelty and should arouse
ome spirited debate." Verily, yes, my Jewish Brethren, " should "
md WILL, and the end of this debate will be a decision in the affirm-
tive! C. A. L. T.
The point made by Dr. Kinnear is as fol
lows :
'' David's throne was promised in perpetuity over
Israel alone; not over Judah. Judah's Sceptre
was never to depart from over ' Israel ' and Israel
alone was called ' The Kingdom: (i Kings ix. 5;
2 Chron. xiii. 5-xxi. 7.) These show perpetuity
of the throne over Israel ; and not Judah.
"I Kings ii. 11-13; xiv. 11-16, etc., demon-
strate that the Ten Tribes, or Israel, were alone
called The Kingdom. They were the larger portion
of the chosen race, and from the time of David
forward, the prophecies to Israel, are distinct from,
and entirely opposed to, those of Judah, until
* Shiloh come ; ' when the two kingdoms are to be-
come One upon the mountains of Palestine, FOR-
EVER (Ezekiel xxxvi. and xxxvii.).
** The promises given to Abraham, Isaac, and
Jacob ; the prophecies of dominion and strength,
through Jacob to Ephraim and Manasseh ; those of
the same order through Moses and the prophet
Balaam, would all seem to point to their fulfilment
in the larger nationality, viz., ' The Kingdom ' or
the Ten Tribes— and not to their realization in the
single tribe of Judah."
It is thus clear that although Judah was to hold
the Sceptre it was destined to be swayed ovei
" Israel " in particular, and so long as the uberty o
might remains in the Word of Jehovah, it is mani
fest that the mere disappearance of the sceptre fron
mong the " Jews " by no means precludes the pos-
ibility of its translation elsewhere.
Down to the overthrow of Zedekiah it was
ndeed wielded among, and over, the Jews, — but
ho over Israel by representation ! — for which ex-
tress purpose among others, Benjamin had been
eft behind the other Nine tribes of THE KrNGDOM."
It is the express purpose of our present labors to
et forth the modus operandi of this transfer.
A Prisoner of State.
Let us therefore now review a bit of the internal
)olitical history of these days of Judah's downfall,
or its ruling thread will lead us onward into the
)ath we shall have to follow.
When the Babylonians finally conquered Jerusa-
em its dungeons held a most important prisoner of
;tate. (Jer. xxxviii. 25.)
This was Jeremiah, the Chronology of whose
:areer has been already set in order in the preced-
ng Study of this Series, and of which it now re-
Tiains to point out the Philosophy.
To such as are following us in our effort to vindi-
:ate the history of ''Our Race" it is already patent
;hat its most important chapter is covered by the
ife and times of this Prophet, and that unless we
:an follow him subsequently to the events recorded
n his own writings we are faced with a dilemma
rom whose horns we cannot escape.
It is essential to the integrity of our faith in Inspi-
ration that the full mission of this prophet shall he
shown to have been literally CONSUMMATED;
and, as by far the most important clause in his com-
mission was "■ to Build and to Plant," it is certainly
not to the credit of those who long ago should have
taken the proper measures to fortify " Israel *'
against the logical outcome of so serious a lapse in
the fulfilment of prophecy, that unto this day they
have given themselves no concern as to what event-
ually became of "the Prophet of the Nations."
But failing in this they have most naturally also
failed to perceive the inconsistency of continuing to
preach, — thereafter more than ever "foolishness"
(Prov. xiv. 24) upon premises so undermined !
Fortunately the true history of *' Our Race"
comes to their relief, and with a vigor not to be
suppressed hereafter ; and although it begets but
little recognition from the pulpit, thus far, it is grati-
fying to know that the seed which we are sowing
finds a welcome soil among '* Israelites indeed," and
that the " wave sheaves " already gathered are an
earnest of the Saxon Harvest soon to tax the garn-
ers of the modern Joseph to their utmost capacity."*
* In this connection we may be pardoned for quoting at length an
editorial from Frank Leslie's Weekly, Feb. 7, 1891, in that it not
only shows how generously this topic is treated by the representa-
tive secular press, but cannot fail to encourage many who like the
author have in days gone by felt the full burden of a truth despised.
In the meanwhile it is significant that we have secured so little inter-
est from the editors of the so-called sacred press ! Perhaps they
It is around the story of Jeremiah and his. Ward,
-the ''daughter of David" — that this interest
liefly centers, and if its mystery is ever to be
)lved, as we opine it is, the latter part of Jere-
iiah's Hfe must be searched out and written.
*' His " times " begin with, and completely span
lose of " the Gentiles ; " they form the skeleton
f Prophecy ; but they also comprehend the syn-
ire not recognize the rounded beauty of a theme whose Justification
jdes no good to the recognized theology of the Pulpit and the
;igher Critics, and yet from our own experience we assure them that
fairer attitude upon this theme would interest and swell their con-
" If Professor Totten, of Yale University, has accomplished noth-
g else in his popular book entitled, * Our Race,' referred to in the
cent editorial contribution of the Rev. James H. Ross, he has at
ast succeeded in rescuing his subject from the supreme contempt
ith which all the efforts of those who for years have striven to iden-
fy our genealogy with ' Lost Israel ' have hitherto been stifled, and
is certainly forced its discussion into an arena where it can confi-
jntly expect the opportunity of a fair fight, and where an audience
vaits it that will demand fair play among the contestants.
"The subject of the identity of the Anglo-Saxon Race with the
Fen Lost Tribes of Israel ' has thus, at last, passed its probationary
age, and it is now high time to call a truce to mere ridicule, and to
imit the hearing into the sober atmosphere of calm and deliberate
ivestigation. Let us change the venue, therefore, and have no more
leers upon this matter; but if any man has facts which can be
rayed against the claims set up by this certainly growing school of
snuine students, let him duly .produce his case in the same dignified
lanner in which its adherents justify their own position, or let him
old his peace in the audience.
"No one can arise from the perusal of this present treatment with-
chronology of " the little Stone " which is to sue
ceed, as the ''fifth " and final empire, to its metalli
It is as absurd as it is futile to study Daniel'
prophecies without considering the testimony o
Jeremiah ; and to beg the question of Jeremiah'
failure to realize all that he was charged to accom
plish, is ipso facto to waive all right to credence ii
the exegesis of the writings of his collaterals in th
school of Ollams.
out according to the topic a place entitled to the respect it has nc
fairly won, and which (if wealth of historic, legendary, and genealoj
ical facts, logic, and arguments both sui generis and well-arrayed b
any criterion) it seems destined to maintain against all opposition.
" Henceforth the question of the real origin of the Anglo-Saxon:
who constitute a race indubitably destined to dominate in futur
ages, merits only the mast earnest and searching study from the be*
and ablest truth-seekers of our day, and the People whose dictum i
the premises must be the final one will no longer tolerate a sneer ui
justified by reasons to which they can accord their common credenc(
" The very possibility that we have sprung from an Arcadia so loft]
and which is so strenuously maintained by all who seem to hav
given this subject any study worthy of the name, adds a zest and
solemnity to it which but reacts upon all who have no other condeir
nation to advance except their own ipse dixits. Hence one can full
appreciate the spirit of Bishop Niles, who says concerning it that
' If the case can be fairly made out, nothing so noble has crowned a
the scientific, historic or scriptural research of these wonderful day
of ours ' and at the same time understand how so genuine a schola
as * Ik Marvel ' has caught the writer's enthusiasm.
•* We bespeak for earnest willingness, particularly among th
Pharisees, to give this full-grown school of original thinkers a chanc
to state their case before a race which is deeply concerned in th
\^%\xt''— Frank Leslie's Weekly, Feb. 7, 1891.
It is therefore necessary to resume the critical
udy of Jeremiah's life at the time of Zedekiah's
ill, and to see if we cannot recover the thread so
>ng neglected, for it is by no means our intention
1 the present Series of Studies to neglect issues of
jch vital importance.
Out of the Pit.
Hated for his fateful prophecies, and through
leir wilful misconstruction accused of secretly fa-
oring the Babylonians (Jer. xxxvii.), Jeremiah had
t last, as we have seen above, been cast into
rison, had soon after been adjudged worthy of
eath (Jer. xxxviii. AS-), and, in the furtherance of
his sentence, had been thrown into the deepest and
lost loathsome dungeon in the city.
Here, starving, and sinking into the mire up to his
eck (Josephus), he was about to perish, when Ebed-
/lelech his Ethiopian friend came to his assistance.
This steward of Zedekiah reported the facts to
lis master, and by his direction having procured
ssistance, rescued the prophet from his perilous
In return for this kindness Jehovah commissioned
he prophet to convey a message of special safety to
bed-Melech (Jer. xxxix. 15-18), on account of
^hich the Jews have a tradition that he did not die,
.nd still count him among the eight referred to in
he Tahnud, as translated !
This legend arose not only from a misunderstand-
ing of the message, but principally from coupling i
with the fact that the Eunuch's place of burial ha
always been unknown to them !
We ourselves shall probably arrive at a far diffei
ent conclusion ere we close the present recital, bu
in the mean time it is fitting here to accord due re(
ognition to this tradition by admitting that Ebec
Melech was not buried in the East !
Soon after this episode it appears that the prince
were conspiring to have Jeremiah recommitted t
the house of Jonathan, and appealed to Zedekia'
for permission. They evidently intended to d'u
pose of him. (Jer. xxxviii. 26.)
But in the mean time Zedekiah sent for Jeremial
and held an important and final interview with hin
in the principal entry of the Temple (Jer. xxxviii
14-26) after which the Prophet was recommitted t(
the court of 'the prison. (Jer. xxxviii. 28.)
The princes of the hostile faction now attempted
to investigate this interview, but were misled, an(
thereafter were too much occupied with other mat
ters, now at a crisis, to concern themselves abou
the incarcerated Prophet (Jer. xxxviii'. 27), who wa
thus left in the court of the general prison where h
abode in quiet until Jerusalem was taken, an(
where he was eventually discovered by the Bab>
lonians. (Jer. xxxix. 13-14.)
The peculiar clemency with which Zedekial
continued to treat Jeremiah throughout his loni
period of political trouble, is of course to b
rgely attributed to the close relationship existing
stween them, and as we now know that Jeremiah
as actually the grandfather of the king upon his
lother's side, no little light is shed upon the mat-
It was in vain that the Prophet's enemies con.
3ired against him under such circumstances, and
though, as we have seen, the vacillating monarch
as frequently forced to yield apparently to their
nportunities, nevertheless it is quite natural that
le stronger bonds of consanguinity always con-
Dired to save the old man's life.
However, the prophet's life was in the keeping of
ir higher powers than merely earthly ones, for he
ad himself been favored with a similar guarantee of
afety from his enemies, at the very commencement
i his career (Jer. i. 18-19), with one which ultimately
•roved to be as potent a safe-conduct *out of East-
rn affairs, as if in the legend of Ebed-Melech he
00 had been translated !
It was in these closing days of Zedekiah's reign
md while in this comparative quiet, that an impor-
ant word came to Jeremiah from the Lord. It led
o a notable transaction and to one whose pro-
)hetic significance is yet future. (Jer. xxxii.)
This was his purchase of Anathoth as a '^^oel;**
or he was the /leir at law.
He conveyed the deeds both sealed and unsealed,
0 Baruch his Scribe, for burial ''in an earthen ves-
sel," expressly stating that in later generations the
''heirs" of Israel should recover them, and imply
ino- that these documents should bear witness t"
their rights.
There is little room for doubt in the light of sul
sequent developments that these valuable paper
will yet be found in the land of the '* Goels," eve:
in " Meath," ''the little sanctuary" far in the Wesi
where their very descendants now exist, and wher
these " Goels " speak with "Gaelic" lips fulfilHn
thus another equally significant prophecy.
The Sceptre Safe!
But as the day of Judah's doom drew on, n
doubt early in the eleventh and last year of Zed(
kiah's reign, a second, final and superlatively signif
cant prophecy concerning the impending consurr
mation of the Captivity, and the eventual retur
from Babylo*n came straight from God. (Jer. xxxiii
This chapter is of vital importance in our invest
gations ; hence, for fear that some of our readei
may fail to look it up, and read it on the. spot, w
shall now transcribe it in full. It is as follows :
" Moreover the word of the Lord came unto Jeremiah the secor
time, while he was yet shut up in the court of the prison, saying,
" Thus saith the Lord the maker thereof, the Lord that formed :
to establish it ; the Lord is his name ;
"Call unto me, and I will answer thee, and shew thee great ar
mighty things, which thou knowest not.
" For thus saith the Lord, the God of Israel, concerning the hous(
of this city, and concerning the houses of the kings of Judah, whic
are thrown down by the mounts, and by the sword ;
"They come to figbt with the Chaldeans, but it is to fill them with
e dead bodies of men, whom I have slain in mine anger and in my
ry,and for all whose wickedness I have hid my face from this city.
" Behold, I will bring it health and cure, and I will cure them,
id will reveal unto them the abundance of peace and truth.
"And I will cause the captivity of Judah and the captivity of
;rael to return, and will build them, as at the first.
"And I will cleanse them from all their iniquity, whereby they
ave sinned against me; and I will pardon all their iniquities,
hereby they have sinned, and whereby they have transgressed
Tainst me.
« And it shall be to me a name of joy, a praise and an honor
efore all the nations of the earth, which shall hear all the good
lat I do unto them : and they shall fear and tremble for all the
oodness and for all the prosperity that I procure unto it.
"Thus saith the Lord ; Again there shall be heard in this place,
rhich ye say shall be desolate without man and without beast, even
1 the cities of Judah, and in the streets of Jerusalem, that are deso-
ite, without man, and without inhabitant, and without beast.
"The voice of joy, and the voice of gladness, the voice of the
ridegroom, and the voice of the bride, the voice of them that shall
ay. Praise the Lord of hosts : for the Lord is good ; for his mercy
ndureth for ever: and of them that shall bring the sacrifice of
)raise into the house of the Lord. For I will cause to return the
aptivity of the land, as at the first, saith the Lord.
"Thus saith the Lord of hosts; Again in this place, which is
lesolate without man and without beast, and in all the cities thereof,
hall be an habitation of shepherds causing their flocks to lie down.
"In the cities of the mountains, in the cities of the vale, and in the
;ities of the south, and in the land of Benjamin, and in the places
ibout Jerusalem, and in the cities of Judah, shall the flocks pass
igain under the hand of him that telleth them, saith the Lord.
" Behold, the days come, saith the Lord, that I will perform that
rood thing which I have promised unto the house of Israel and to
he house of Judah.
" In those days, and at that time, will I cause the Branch of right-
eousness to grow up unto David ; and he shall execute judgment
uid righteousness in the land.
" In those days shall Judah be saved, and Jerusalem shall dwe
safely; and this is the name wherewith she shall be called, Th
Lord our righteousness.
" For thus saith the Lord ; David shall never want a man to s
upon the throne of the house of Israel ;
" Neither shall the priests the Levites want a man before me 1
offer burnt offerings, and to kindle meat offerings, and to do saci
fice continually.
" And the word of the Lord came unto Jeremiah, saying,
" Thus saith the Lord; If ye can break my covenant of the da
and my covenant of the night, and that there should not be day an
night in their season ;
" Theji may also my covenant be broken with David my servan
that he should not have a son to reign upon his throne ; and wit
the Levites the priests, my ministers.
" As the host of heaven cannot be numbered, neither the sand (
the sea measured : so will I multiply the seed of David my servan
and the Levites that minister unto me.
" Moreover the word of the Lord came to Jeremiah, saying,
" Considerest thou not what this people have spoken, saying, Th
two families which the Lord hath chosen, he hath even cast thei
off } thus they have despised my people, that they should be n
more a nation before them.
" Thus saith the Lord ; If my covenant be not with day and nigh
and if 1 have not appointed the ordinances of heaven and earth:
" Then will I cast away the seed of Jacob, and David my servan
so that I will not take any of his seed to be rulers over the seed c
Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob; for I will cause their captivity t
return and have mercy on them.'*
It is noticeable that this prophecy was accompa
nied by a thrice repeated GUARANTEE as to th(
PERPETUITY of David's Throne, which propheq
meant naught, or else meant all that '' Anglo-Israel
ites " maintain it does as to " Our Race," and to it
line of monarchs.
At any rate it was a significant echo of Ezekiel's
'riple doom (Ezek. xxi. 25-27), pronounced upon the
;ame Sceptre {vide Our Race, No. i, pp. 200-1)
ibout three and a half years before, and it is as es-
ential to reconcile the meanings of these two
)rophecies, as it was to harmonize the apparent dis-
repancies between the fates assigned to Zedekiah
)y these same Ollams and so fully explained by
The reader is now referred to the XX., XXL,
>CXII. and XXIII. chapters of Ezekiel, which should
)e read in this connection, as a broad survey of what
jod then designed as to '' Israel," and '* Judah " and
*the Sceptre " ; thereafter he may pursue more nat-
irally the incidents which Jeremiah's prophecy re-
erred to, and whose sequence his own after-history
nitiated. In the chapters mentioned Ezekiel is re-
)lying to a commission of Elders sent to him out of
he land beyond Media (verse i, chap, xx.) where
' Israel " then was.
Those who are not utterly incapable of perceiving
he plain distinctions between " Israel " and
'Judah " will take special interest in examining the
:ontrasted answers given by this Prophet to the
lelegations of Elders, who, upon several occasions
nsited him, for instance ; in chapters viii.-xiii. the
isit of a committee of Elders from the kingdom of
^iidah is described, while in chapter xiv. a similar
M'sit is described from Israel. The latter had come
lovvn from beyond the Caucasus where the rear
guard of the Tribes was retiring westward so rapidly
into the wilderness — that after the visit described in
the XX. chapter we hear no more of them.
Nevertheless this particular prophet, and all of
the minor ones, sent many prophecies after them,
although some of these messages, probably, failed
to reach them ere they had themselves forgotten
whence they sprang ! They were soon utterly lost,
both to themselves and all concerned, in that long
sojourn wherein the bulk of them abode so long
" without a King ! "
There is something extremely pathetic in this
solicitude — God's yearnings for his wayward peo-
ple ! — when its truth begins to dawn upon the mind,
and something stirring, also, in the colors with
which it emblazons the Philosophy of History!
Jeremiah Favored.
The City of Jerusalem now fell, with Jeremiah
still incarcerated in its dungeons. But he was
quickly liberated by the Babylonians so soon as his
identity and situation were discovered, and al-
though the Sceptre of David was apparently shat-
tered we shall see in time that Jehovah had it still
in his keeping, and that Jeremiah himself was
charged with its peculiar guardianship.
The captain of the host treated him with marked
consideration, and he was allowed to go and come,
and to save and preserve, in the general wreck and
pillage, whatsoever he would, all of which was done
r the express command of Nebuchadnezzar him-
Jeremiah's own account of his liberation, and its
iplied latitude, is as follows: '' Now Nebuchadnez-
r, the king of Babylon, had given special charge
•ncerning Jeremiah to Nebuzur-adan, the captain
the guard, saying, Take him, and look well to him,
id do him no harm ; but do unto him even as he
all say unto thee.
"- So Nebuzar-adan, and the other generals, and all
e princes of Babylon, [each one of whom thus
ems to have had Jeremiah's safety a matter of
•ecial concern !] sent and took Jeremiah out of the.
►urt of the prison."
But by some misunderstanding these emissaries
ought him to Ramah, still bound in chains,
nong the other captives. Here, however, the
ror was amply rectified, and the captain of the
lard, who, like Nebuchadnezzar himself and most
1 of Babylon, under Daniel's teaching, was by this
me a firm believer in Jehovah," ''took Jeremiah
id said unto him : The Lord thy God hath pro-
Dunced this evil upon this place. Now the Lord
ith brought it, and done according as he hath
id, because ye have sinned against the Lord, and
ive not obeyed his voice, therefore this thing is
)me upon you. And now behold, I loose thee
lis day from the chains which are upon thine
mds. If it seem good unto thee to come with me
tito Babylon, come ; but if it seem ill unto thee to
come with me unto Babylon, forbear; behold, al
the land is before thee ; whither it seemeth good ani
convenient for thee to go, thither go." (Jer. xl.2-4
It seems probable, from the double account give
of this transaction, that Jeremiah's first act upo
being released, was to repair to his own ''home
(Jer. xlix. 14), Libnah, some twenty-five miles sout
of Mizpah, where his daughter Hamutal probabl
resided ; for the Prophet had no doubt already sc
cured the release of ''the king's daughters," wh
figure so prominently in the subsequent portion c
our story, and, if so, would certainly have bee
anxious to place them in the immediate hands c
their own grandmother, who at this time could nc
have been more than fifty-six years old.
This journey was made under the immediate pn
tection of Gedaliah himself (Jer. xlix. 14), but upo
Jeremiah's election to remain at Libnah the Gove
nor seems to have repaired to Mizpah and reporte
the facts to the Commander of the Guard.
At the Old Homestead.
Hamutal's residence was probably in the suburb
of the town, — not in its busy centre, — some ance«
tral estate of the house of Levi which had com
down to Hilkiah from generation to generation sine
the days of Joshua himself, and it is interesting t
note that a little place of this very character, only
few miles to the southeast of Libnah, still lit
warmly sconced upon the southwestern slopes (
he vine-clad foothills of the so-called mountains of
Its name upon the maps of Palestine is " Beth
Tappuah,'' a term that almost irresistibly suggests a
orruption from an original *' House of Taphath "
)r Tephi I and which with equal force reminds us
)f the well-known stanza so often used to ridicule
he Welsh, and beginning
" I went to Taffie*s House
And Taffie wasn't home ! "
Indeed, this good natured pleasantry, from which
:he Welsh as a people became known as '* Taphs "
)r '' Taffies is actually reputed to have owed its ori-
gin to their great veneration for the Irish Queen
Fephi herself! — for she was also theirs as well !
But in the earlier days with which our story is at
present most concerned, there did arrive, in grave
-eality, a time when " Taffie wasn't home ! " a
:ime, too, when both the " Beef " and ^' marrow
Done*' of Judah's monarchy had vanished with her!
Saxon Folk Lore.
The whole of this old folk rhythm is as follows :
" Taffie was a Welsh man I
Taffie was a thief I
Taffie came to my house,
And stole my piece of beef!
I went to Taffie's house,
But Taffie wasn't home,
For Taffie was at my house
And stole my marrow bone I "
The soubriquet " Taffie " is usually derived fron
David (Hebrew, Beloved^, one of the most coinmoi
Welsh names, and even from this western stand
point is equally significant, particularly if we bea
in mind the fact that our own little Tephi, o
" Tephi the Beloved " was herself the " daughter o
David," * and in her own generation was the ver
" marrow bone," or last hope, of 'Ithe Kingdom,'
" or Beef " of Ephraim (himself " a Heifer ") i. e. o
The Ten Lost Tribes ! t
Moreover, continuing to read the rhythm as
mediaeval and even modern myth, it has still furthei
and perhaps quite as significant teachings, in its ivesi
em applications, where the Welsh alone of all th
Tribes preserve the ancient name of Khumree, one
common to the whole Kingdom, and where in spit
of all the vicissitudes of so called theft, that hav
loaded the pages of our history, " the Sceptre " i
still David's, and "the Prince of Wales" its perpel
ual inheritor, and where, finally, the indomitabl
Ephraim, or " John Bull," in his collective capacit)
has written on the very arms of England his title t
the double honor ! (Gen. xlviii. 22.)
''Dieu et moii droit'' " God and my rights
What "right "?
My BIRTHRIGHT first! (i Chron. v. 1-2), ani
finally my "r?;^///" to all the blessings which ^o\
in with David's rule ! (2 Chron. xiii. 5.)
* The very " Beloved of the Beloved,'* or the fp of "''"'l
There is a Hebrew fitness to the Folk lore of our
A^estern Isles that has often caused a warranted
.urprise ; but perhaps when we come to read more
:learly our title to an Eastern origin, so lofty as the
me now urged, we shall perceive far more of
:ruth and history in such tales as the ** House that
fack built," and in '' Little Bo Peep," in ''Jack and
lis bag of beans," in " Jack Sprat and his Wife," in
:he " Lion and the Unicorn," in ''Jack and his
Bean-stalk," in the ''Song of a Sixpence," in '* Jack
:he Giant Killer," and in all the other Indo-
European'' legends that survive among us, than we
iream of now in our philosophy ! At any rate,
ivhether these nursery tales conceal the Saxon Myth
ar not,— and they are all older than tradition, —
they at least afford a ready means of interesting
children in our actual story, and, if properly ex-
plained, of fixing it correctly in the minds of even
Trown folks ! They will yet furnish texts for many
1 sermon to be delivered on the mountains of the
Heights of Israel, while many a sermon, preached
there nowadays, had better far have ended at the
reading of its text !
Mother Goose for Grown Folk.
For instance, the story of " Jack and Jill" ex-
actly illustrates the successive fates which befel the
" crowns" of " Israel " and " Judah."
In " Little Boy Blue," we still see "Israel" fast
asleep ! — blind to the Rock whence he is hewn — his
flocks astray. How pointed then this call from out
the Saxon past;
** Come blow your horn I **
For surely it is time to wake ! And
** Dickery dickery dock 1 "
Has not the mouse been long enough in ** Israel's"
clock? (i Sam. vi. ; Levit. xi. 29; isa. Ixvi. 17.)
Yea, verily, for it is ** one o'clock," and high time,
at last, for all the rodents to be driven out!
And again ; have we not* fumbled amid the be-
ginnings of history, and to our own discredit^ quite
sufficiently? Our Japhetic '* John-a-Nory," and his
Aryaiiic Gentiles, have monopolized the pages hith
erto. But never fear, the nursery story has only
just begun.
We Saxons are about to tell the world another^
*• About ya^>^ and his Brother T'
And when told the story's done 1
But we hear, perchance, some startled reader say ;
" does he pretend to claim that *' Mother Goose "
herself was inspired ?
Of course not ; she too is but the modern phasis
of a myth. But none the less, these tales, that form
her present repertoire, represent those which the
latent wisdom of OuR Race has deemed worthy of
survival. And I do maintain that there is Provi-
dence in it, through and through. Mother Hubbard
may be modern, the soubriquet of last century's
iitor, perhaps, but the tales are not ; they are as
d as "Punch and Judy "—-still the delight of
rabs, and indigenous to the very East, where the
modern *' ** sons of Isaac " also spent their youth !
However, in the inner sense which recognizes
lat there are no accidents in human life, — and on
lis basis do we pen these Studies, — these fables of
ur youth conceal the deepest wisdom of our ances-
Drs, and this, perchance, is why they do not die ;
ley certainly have historical applications of deep
ortent, and they have lessons to impart of the ut-
lost beauty and solemnity.
Take, for instance, as a final example, the follow-
ig well known rhyme :
" Little * Jack Horner^ t
Sat in the Corner^ \
Eating a Christmas % pie;
He put in his thumbs ||
And drew out 2i plum,^
Saying, What a big** boy am I ! "
* Dan'], ii. ; Ezek. xi. 16; Hos. i. 10, etc.
t See 31st Identity, page 97, Study No. i.
X Angleland, French Angle-terre, The corner land. The land or
sland in the Northwest Corner of the Earth, ** The Strong North-
vest Corner," etc. Deut. xxxii. 26; xxxiii. 17; Isa. xxiv. 15; xlii.
\\ xlix. 19; Hos. xi. 10; Zech. viii. 7; Jer. iii. 12, 18; xxiii. 8, etc.
§ What other nation does, or catty keep Christmastide as Saxons
II The Hand an Emblem of Might, and the thumb the strength
hereof 1
IT Matt. XV. 24, I Sam. xxv. 18, xxx. 12, 2 Sam. xvi. i, i Chron.
cii. 40.
**"Big," contracted from beichog, beichiawg, burdened, loaded,
As a matter of fact, we have in this rhyme, cori
densed into a nutshell-, the very gist and philosophy
of " Israel's " present favored circumstance amon^
the nations of the earth ! It clearly represents he
as the '' Little Stone Kingdom " of the '' Sons o
Isaac," seated in the ''angle of the earth,"— eating
in gladness ker '' Christmas pie " ; for to her ALONE ^
of all the nations, came that first and blessed Christ
mas present ; t that through her at length, in God'
good time, all other nations might be also blessed;
—and, whether intended or not (^for no prophe
writes of his own genius, nor comprehends the scop
of all he utters §), j^et none the less, the fitness am
the application will endure forever !
"The Hill House Estate."
But we must crave our reader's pardon for thi
long digression, and hasten back to Jeremiah and hi
visit to Beth Tappuah. The connection of Tepl
with Tappuah is by no means far fetched ; nor is ;
a derivation merely ferreted out in order to bolstc
up a false position ; it is just the opposite,— a fac
pregnant; Webster says, "figuratively, pregnant as with somethn
portentous ; ready to produce, etc. Its ancient meaning was full
Josephetic significance (Gen. xlviii. xlix. 22-26; Deut. xxxiii. 13-1;
It is only in these latter times that it has obtained a baser value.
* Matt. X. 26 ; xviii. 11 ; Luke xv. 4, 6, 24, 32, etc.
t Luke ii. 1-20.
\ Gen. xxii. 18.
§ I Peter i. 2.
iound without leaving our path, and one sufficiently
/erified by the map itself. In Young's Concor-
dance, Tappuah is derived from nion, a7i apple'—
:he very word from which Mr. Glover derives
Tephi. But as already set forth on page 194,
we prefer to obtain it from the stem root itself, no,
TapJi. Taff, or Teff, '' a little one." Young also
crives the signification of " Hillplace " to Tappuah,
more literally Hill House.
.As we learn from Black's Atlas it is now called
Tef-fvih: Tel Tef-fiih—stiW quite as near to the
House of Taphah, Teffie, Taffy, or Tephi, as we
should expect after the lapse of 2472 years since it
derived this especial name from having really been
the "house of refuge" of our little Heroine— then
but a child of four!
Nor can even this be regarded as a mere surmise,
or a groundless assumption, when it is fau'ly
weighed against several parallels found in the life of
this very maiden. Indeed, wherever either history or
tradition tells us that she sojourned, there they are
equally explicit in stating that the place itself was
actually named for honor of her presence. For in-
stance, we shall soon trace her from this Beth Tap-
hah, to Taphanes, still known to Arabs, only for
her sake, and shall follow her from thence to Tea-
mur, which, as already intimated (page 201) takes
its greatest honor from her residence and tomb.
She must indeed have been as fair as Solomon's de-
scription of his well Beloved :
" An apple-blossom — beautiful as gold*:
And set withal in silver,"
For her fame has never waned wherever she wai
known, and her very name has ever been a wore
most fitly spoken. (Prov. xxv. ii.)
All of these places have many names, but none o
them are *' common " ones, that is, familiar with th(
people, save those that point directly to the Princes:
Tea Tephi. So, therefore, while the doctors wran
gle, as they still do over all these names, and non(
of them agree, we are confident that the people wil
at once recognize the truth and prize it at its worth
Called Back to Ramah.
Well, straight out to Tappuah from Libnah wen
our Prophet, — either with his wards, or to them, o
at least to one of them, the sweetest of the group !—
and was greeted by Hamutal, whose retired dwelling
place had thus far been secure from every molesta
Of course, the future destiny of Tea Tephi,—
" the little Apple-blossom," — was as much beyon(
the ken of Jeremiah, as it was beyond that of he
elder sisters. She was, at this time, hardly oh
enough to be a " Cinderella," and many years wer
destined to transpire before a Prince appeared t(
claim her hand. Whether the Prophet intended t(
remain there or not we have now no means o
judging, for circumstances made his stay too shor
to furnish us with any data.
It is probable that Nebuzar-adan did not wholly
ke this extremely independent act upon the
rophet's part, for immediately upon finding out
lat he had not gone back with Gedaliah, i. e. to
lizpah, as he had expected, he seems to have sent
)r him a second time, and to have urged upon him
lis far more prudent step.
For as the land was now full of robbers, and his
wn preparations to leave for Riblah were almost
ompleted, the Babylonian Captain felt perhaps
ome natural hesitancy in leaving either Jeremiah
imself, or the elderly Queen mother, or '' the daugh-
ers of Zedekiah," so far beyond the protection of
he special military. guard that he intended to place
,t Mizpah with Gedaliah ere he departed, and subse-
uent events fully justified his wisdom.
Jeremiah's own account of this second interview
s as follows : " Now while he was not yet gone
)ack, Nebuzar-adan advised him, Go back also to
jedaliah, the son of Ahikam the son of Shaphan,
vhom the king of Babylon hath made governor over
he cities of Judah, and dwell with him among the
)eople ; or go wheresoever it seemeth convenient
into thee to go."
" So the Captain of the guard gave him food, and a
eward," ['* richpresentSy\]ost^h.\is)], and let him go.
Then went Jeremiah unto Gedaliah, the son of
\.hikam, to Mizpah, and dwelt with him among the
)eople that were left in the land." (Jer. xl. 2-6.)
Josephus, relating the same story, adds ; that Jere-
miah " desired of Nebuzar-adan that he would set a1
Hberty his disciple Baruch, the son of Neriah, ont
of a very eminent family, and exceeding skilful ir
the language of his country," which was done at hi«
request ; and it is highly probable that Jeremiah a1
the same time extended similar good ofifices in be
half of Ebed-Melech and with equal success, foi
these men had been expressly singled out by Jeho.
vah for purposes not yet apparent.
And so at any rate, it came about, that, howevei
we interpret the several accounts of his two inter-
views with Nebuzar-adan at Ramah, Jeremiah with
his party set out under Babylonian protection, anc
came to Mizpah.
And we shall keep within the bounds of ever)
Biblical and historical probability if we consider the
party to have been composed as follows: Jeremiah
himself, his daughter Hamutal, the three daughter*
of Zedekiah, Baruch, and Ebed-Melech.
Flotsam and Jetsam.
And for the further purposes of our Romance, ae
we shall see all in good time, it is important here tc
note how opportune his arrival was at Gedaliah's
It seems that the Babylonian escort, which had
preceded his, had learned of the distress of a
foreign vessel in the harbor of Joppa, had proceeded
thither, and but just returned with the unoffending
crew in chains.
The prophet seemed to be strangely exercised so
>on as he obtained the details of the matter, and
iving diligently listened to all the Babylonians
)uld impart he persuaded the officer in charge of
le prisoners to delay his return to Ramah, assuring
im that on the morrow Nebuzar-adan himself
ould arrive at Mizpah to give his final instructions
) Gedaliah previous to his approaching departure
)r the North.
In the mean time he interviewed the strangers,
ho appeared to be Merchants of Tarshish on their
omevvard way from the ports of Egypt, and assured
lem of his good offices in their behalf.
Among them was a young Tartesian of striking
nd commanding presence by whom the Prophet
eemed to be particularly attracted, and divining
hat he was probably the owner of the western
lerchantman he used his influence with the Baby-
Dnian officer to ameliorate his lot at once. Indeed,
he Babylonians themselves began to perceive their
rror and were not slow in releasing all the captives
rom their chains, although they continued to keep
he party under strict surveillance.
Upon the following day Nebuzar-adan himself
irrived upon the scene, and the circumstances
vere duly reported to him by his now somewhat
)erturbed subordinates who also related the
nanifest interest Jeremiah had taken in the
So the Captain of the Guard sent for the Prophet,
who admitted his concern, and soon explained the
situation to the satisfaction of the chief.
It seems that the ship and its crew had been
originally taken for an Egyptian cruiser, manned by]
Pharaoh Hophra's order for hostile purposes against
the Babylonians, a very natural mistake for those to
make who had no seaboard of their own. Jeremiah,
however, had at once perceived the error, and now
easily explained it to Nebuzar-adan, who, moreover,
was personally cognizant of his Monarch's ultimate
intent to visit Tarshish itself if not to spread his
conquests thither.
The strangers were now brought before them, and
singling the young Tartesian out of the group, the
Hebrew Seer surprised the latter by addressing him
in a dialect of his own language, and by evincing i
mysterious knowledge of his late disastrous voyage
In the mean time the latter disclaimed that an)
hostile intent had led him into the port of Joppa
but rather stress of weather only had forced him t(
seek shelter there ; nor had he visited Egypt, sav(
by accident, for said he, '' The ships of farther Tar
shish, whence I come, rarely trade with nations eas
of Port Getulia; we leave the commerce of thi
inner sea to the Phoenicians, and prefer to guard th
Secrets of the West."
At the further instance of the Hebrew Seer th
rest of the party were now led away, leaving in th
captain's tent only the Prophet, the Babylonia
commander and the young Norseman, Formoriar
whatever title best seems to suit the distant land
om whence he evidently hailed.
What thereafter occurred, however, was not gen-
rally divulged, but upon the close of the interview
lebuzar-adan gave orders for the immediate release
f all the prisoners, and even assisted them to com-
lete their preparations for departure.
It seems that he, Nebuzar-adan, had been fully
ersuaded not only that the success of Nebuchad-
ezzar's arms lay in the haste with which this par-
icular party of strangers was dismissed, but that his
wn personal fortunes were in some way myste-
iously wrapped up in their immediate safety.
In a few days, therefore, and to every one's re-
ief, the Babylonians who had accompanied them
>ack to Joppa returned to Mizpah, en route to
lamah, and reported that the vessel had departed
)n her way.
Plans and Preparations.
In the mean time Jeremiah and his party had set-
led down to their surroundings, and although fur-
her from his actual base of operations than he
vould have been at Libnah, still he was quite as
ree to make and complete such final preparations
is were necessary to further the far-reaching proj-
ects of Jehovah, with reference to David's Sceptre;
ind concerning which by this time he must have
)een to some extent enlightened.
Nevertheless, while there are plenty of intima-
tions scattered in Hebrew literature, which go to
show that he and Baruch were deeply involved in
affairs which concerned the future of God's people,
whatever they accomplished was done so quietly,
and with such a consummate tact and Free Ma-
sonry, as to awaken no suspicions among the unini-
tiated while they were in operation, and to leave no
trace of anything unusual behind them when they
disappeared from the stage of Palestine's affairs.
But we, who now may watch them, as it were in
spirit, going in and out among the unsuspecting
people of the land, too poor and worried with their
own misfortunes to observe them closely, we, who
know they had a secret, and were weighed down
with a deep and anxious responsibility, perchance
by closely studying their actions may detect at least
its general purport.
Granted the suspicion, even at a day so late as
this, that such a secret existed, and we may be con-
fident it will in due time be discovered and tran-
scribed upon pages which history has left blank for it.
*' It is the Glory of God to conceal a thing,
But the honor of kings is to search a matter out."
Concealed Treasures.
For instance, we read in 2 Maccabees ii. 2 that in
view of what was coming upon Jerusalem, Jeremiah
had already hidden the Ark, the Tabernacle, and
the Altar of Incense ; and probably in the same
ilace he concealed all the other evidences of regal-
ty essential to the mission he had yet to fulfil.
"he whole of this suggestive fragment is as follows :
** It is also found in the records that Jeremy the
>rophet commanded them that were carried away
o take of the sacred fire, and how that the prophet,
laving given them the law, charged them not to
orget the commandments of the Lord, and that
hey should not err in their minds, when they saw
mages of gold and silver with their ornaments.
Vnd with other such speeches exhorted he them,
hat the law should not depart from their hearts.
** It was also contained in the same writing that
he prophet, being warned of God, commanded the
abernacle and the ark to go with him, as he went
orth into the mountain where Moses climbed up
ind saw the heritage of God.
" And when Jeremy came thither, he found an hol-
ow cave, wherein he laid the Tabernacle, and the
\.rk, and the Altar of Incense, and so stopped the
'* And some of those that followed him came to
nark the way, but they could not find it. Which,
vhen 'Jeremy perceived, he blamed them, saying,
\s for that place it shall be unknown until the time
hat God gather his people again together, and re-
:eive them unto mercy.
''Then shall the Lord shew them these things,
md the glory of the Lord shall appear, and the
:loud also, as it was shewed under Moses."
We also know that Jeremiah had charged Baruch,
his scribe, with the concealment of similar instru-
ments — the title deeds of Anathoth — sealed and
authenticated with the utmost ceremony, and that
they were buried by Baruch in an earthen vessel for
the purpose of remaining hid for many days (Jer.
xxxii.), and of being brought out eventually, in the
latter times, as evidences of God's integrity. (Isa.
xli. 22, et al., xlii. 9, xliii. 9.)
Certain also of Jeremiah's writings have been sim-
ilarly missing ever since his own day, fragments of
which are referred to by Josephus, and in the Macca-
bees, and by Christ himself, and complete copies of
which are undoubtedly preserved among these valu-
able archives yet to be produced in the light of all
the world.
The learned Rabbi Schwartz, of Cologne, substan-
tiates, from the sources of Hebrew law, the state-
ment of Rev. F. R. A. Glover,* that '' Jacob's Pil-
low " had the chief place of honor in the Temple,
and was used by the High Priest as the Altar oj
Incense, upon which he placed the Censer after
using it before the Lord.
All Jewish tradition implies the express sanctity
of this Venerable Stone, and its preservation down to
the time of the Babylonian captivity.
And we further know that el Sakhrah, over which
* See " England the Remnant of Judah, and the Ephraim oi
he Mohamedans have erected the '* Dome of the
lock " (or the Mosque of Omar), originally gained
rom the Caliph Omar its chief veneration from
riving been the last known resting place of this
nuniment of Empire, Israel's ancient Coronation
We shall reserve for a special number in these
Studies, the detailed history of this stone, denomi-
lated Phail, or *' WONDERFUL ; " it being sufficient
o relate here, that it was the veritable " Coronation
3tone," or ''King's Pillar," whereon "it was the
nanner " of David's line to take their coronation
)ath (2 Kgs. xi. 14, xxiii. 3, etc.), and that it was
indoubtedly that very ''Altar of Incense," which
eremiah took such pains to conceal, against the
lay of his ultimate departure for the Western Isle
lamed by himself Eron, or Erin, from the Ark he
it that same time took to it ! (See Josephus, B.
ii. cvi. 5).
These that we know of, and all other prepara-
:ions which were necessary, did Jeremiah, and those
Arho were with him in the secret, make with all due
:are and diligence during the while they waited (or
:he occasion which was to offer them an unhindered
massage to " the Land of Destiny."
The Scarlet Thread Recovered.
But with all these preparations fully made, may we,
the modern Race of Isaac's sons, recall the anxious
question of our lofty ancestor, as faithful by the
side of still more faithful Abraham, he struggled tc
the summit of Moriah.
" Behold the fire and the wood : but where is th(
lamb for a burnt offering ?"
Behold the Throne and Sceptre, Ark, and Ar
chives, but where is the '' SEED OF David " for i
Yet, let us still go on together in the faith o
Abraham and Isaac, for God who is '' Jehova)
Jireh;' had not left a link so necessary out of calcu
tion, and if we turn and look about us we shall fine
the chosen '' Goel " * caught in the thicket by i
Saxon crown of golden locks.
A gentle maiden, beautiful and fair, appears upoi
the scene.
She is the loveliest and youngest of the severa
daughters of Zedekiah, whom, as we have seen
the Babylonian King had generously spared, a
though in deference to an inward intimation from oi
Nebuchadnezzar was not wholly unmindful of th
designs of the Almighty, as conveyed to him no
only by self consciousness, but by the darker sa>
ings of Ezekiel and Daniel.
Like Cyrus and like Alexander, who in turn su(
ceeded him in swaying the temporary Gentil
Sceptre, he was let into light enough to feel cor
vinced that of a truth *' the Most High ruleth in th
* Hebrew, heir.
THE SCARLET Thread recovered. 24^
ingdom of men, and giveth it to whomsoever he
Suffice it, however, now to reiterate that he spared
lese children, 07ily the Daughters of Zedekiah, and
lat they were the last hope of David and Pharez.
From this time onward they are frequently men-
ioned by Josephus and the Bible, until all of a
udden the records come to an abrupt termination.
They are also always coupled in connection with
eremiah and Baruch, and, indirectly, all of them
vith a chosen remnant ; and they all disappear at
)nce, together with all trace of the Royal Regalia,
md of the sacred things of Israel, so far as Jewish
ecords (Talmud), Scriptures, (the Bible), and His-
ory (Josephus et al.) afforded us any light.
Now a queen in Israel was as eligible to rule as a
V^ictoria in Britain, — there is no Salic law entailed
jpon the Saxon crown ; indeed, the earliest promise
:o the human race is curtailed by a limitation, the
/ery reverse of the Salic one, and confers the height
3f favor on the female sex.
Like then, as Mary, in a later day, was reared of
Cjod in David's line to ratify the earlier promise
Linto Eve, so now, for David's sake, and in a kin-
dred sense, this maiden was selected to save the
Royal line, and rear a man to sit upon his earthly
And so we crave continued patience of our read-
ers, while we thread once more the beads upon the
5carlet cord we have recovered.
Waiting at Mizpah.
But the affairs of the disturbed Remnant of Judah,
which Nebuchadnezzar had suffered to remain be-
hind him under Gedeliah, as Governor of the Land,
did not run smoothly save upon their surface.
Quite unbeknown to Jeremiah, there was another
scheme at work in an entirely different quarter, and
one whose dominating treachery arrived at an un-
locked for crisis just as his own more peaceful prep-
arations to plant anew the seed of David in a fertile
soil were ripening for final action.
In the disastrous outcome which resulted, all of
Jeremiah's secret plans were threatened for a while
with complete frustration. However, in the long
run, as we shall see, this contretemps reduced itself
merely to the proportions of a serious delay, and in
effect turned out to be an important and providential
disposition,which enabled their plans to beeventually
prosecuted to their consummation without any far-
ther risk of detection, although the final debarkatior
for an unknown, far off country, took place in the
most open manner.
All this has since conspired to assist in the bettei
concealment of Jeremiah's ultimate movements, anc
has so blinded research ever since, by throwing i1
entirely off of the actual scent, as to stifle even its in
These incidents, which we shall therefore no\^
consider, form a special chapter in a story alread)
) full of remarkable ones, that, were it possible to
ihance what the very spirit of interest has supple-
lented, could only add more and more to the over-
ow of its unusually romantic character.
While Jeremiah, Baruch, and Ebed-Melech were
lerefore engaged in their absorbing labors, the
aughters of Zedekiah abode quietly at Mizpah,
luggestive name !) with Hamutal and Gedeliah un-
er whose more immediate protection they had been
ft by Nebuzar-adan.
It is not at all likely that they were as yet in-
armed of Jeremiah's plans with reference to them,
Ithough they could not but have seen, with wo-
man's penetrating instinct, how solicitous these well-
eloved and venerable men were for their comfort
nd protection, and must have welcomed, in such
reary times, the somewhat rare occasions when cir-
umstances brought them all together into closer in-
ercourse in Gedeliah's house.
Entrusted with such weighty concerns one or
aore of the three had frequently to be away, but it
lad been arranged between them that at least one
f them should always remain with these children as
sort of special guardian.
This lot seems generally, and most naturally to
lave fallen upon the aged eunuch, whose constant
Dresence could not have been sufficiently obtrusive
o attract attention, since they had been used to it
rom early infancy.
In this way it came about that only Ebed-Me-
lech was personally with them during an excitinj
sequence of incidents which we are now to relate
and which took place while Jeremiah and Barucl
were temporarily away, at Anathoth perhaps, or ir
other quarters where their treasures were con
A Rival Claimant to the Throne!
So soon as the Babylonian Army of Invasion hac
departed, leaving only a small guard behind them tc
support Gedeliah in the execution of his governor
ship and the collection of the tribute, quantities ol
the Jews who had fled away into the nations border
ing upon Judea, began to come together unto him
as did also many of the scattered squads of Jewisl
soldiery under their respective captains, and whc
having been in the fields as outlying pickets, and ob
serving parties, had escaped the general surrende
and disaster.
And when the ability and humanity of Gedeliah
who was of noble qualities and family, became ap
parent to the people, he quickly won the honor an(
esteem of all about him, so that with the utmost ^i
dor they had set about preparing for the coming wir
ter, and the getting of their sorrowful affairs in bet
ter order. (Jer. xl. 7-12).
In general harmony they labored at the task of re
habilitation, and separated into bands, coUectini
wine, and summer fruits, and oil, and dwelling i;
the several cities they had taken.
But the Serpent had no pity even upon this dis-
dered Eden.
For it happened that there was a very wicked and
afty man named Ishmael, who during the siege
id fled away from Jerusalem to BaaHs, King of the
mmonites, and, having remained with him until
le days of Gedahah's governorship, now returned
ith the secret intention of slaying Gedeliah that he
light seize the kingdom over Judah.
In this design he was clandestinely supported by
aalis, who, together with Ishmael, had already at-
mpted to win over several of the Jewish captains,
mong whom were Johanan and others, but who
ad indignantly resented their propositions.
Now this Ishmael was of the so called '' Royal
eed," but simply because he was a direct descend-
nt of Pharez, and of a wealthy, and formerly most
ifluential family.
But his claim to the throne of Judah was only of
le very faintest color, he not being at all of
)avid*s line, but rather having descended from
lezron, eight ancestral generations before David,
nd even this only by a very distant and collateral
ffshoot !
Nevertheless the mere setting up of a "claim,"
ly this man, to the sceptre of Judah, is not only
,s curious an instance of " the right by reversion "
.s we have ever had, even in complicated English
listory itself, but it is thus, and also, a powerful
ndirect and circumstantial evidence that the state
of affairs with David's Seed at this critical juncture
was even as we have already represented it, to wit
that all of its male issue must have been dead, sav(
such as were then hopelessly languishing in Baby
Ionian prisons, and that Zedekiah's daughters wen
the sole remaining vital hope of David, and thus ai
object worthy of Jeremiah's most anxious solici
Ishmael's evident intention was to seize anc
marry the eldest of these daughters and so secure
his own assumed right to the sceptre of Judah b)
adding to it the sceptre of David.
Hence, although the effect of Ishmael was ulti
mately futile, it is a chapter in our story well merit
ing close attention, and one which, down to th(
present occasion, has entirely escaped the due con
sideration and analysis that it demands.
It is curious, too, to note in passing, how com
plete the genealogies of the Bible always are, dowi
to those generations which require such specia
study, as the present case suggests. Thus, in
Chronicles ii. 5, 21-41 supplemented by the thre
generations given in Jeremiah (xli. i) and whicl
enable us to make the junction, we find the con:
plete genealogy of this ancient "Pretender" Isli
mael, and though its study is a tedious diversion i
our story, which from its thrilling novelty and ir
terest is naturally impatient for the cHmax, ye
we must not fail to do it fullest justice, nor forge
the patience with which Jeremiah, interrupted i
e still more engrossing scenes of its actual prose-
tion, was forced to possess his soul, already
varied to the utmost limits !
This chapter of the Story of David's seed is suf-
red to be interpolated at this anxious era by
ihovah Himself, and breaks into the Bible account
St as it does into our far less graphic modern tale,
id it will surely occupy but moments of our time,
,mpared with the months and years of further
aiting that it caused his little Remnant, and the
inturies through which he has himself been view-
g the slow unrolling of the perfect plan of which
is so small a part.
IsHMAEL Usurps the Sceptre.
This Ishmael came twice to visit Gedaliah. Upon
le first occasion in the intucalary month of 3416
. M., he merely improved his opportunity to spy
ut the condition of affairs, and to approach some
f the subordinate captains with his treacherous
After his departure Johanan and others, who
rere exceedingly in love with Gedaliah, at once
eported the whole matter to him, and entreated
im that they might be allowed to take the initia-
ive, and slay Ishmael, before he could put his own
)rojects into operation.
But to this proposition Gedaliah would not listen,
md, following the version of Josephus he frankly
old them '' that he did not believe what they said
when they told him of such a treacherous design i
a man who had been well treated by him, becaus
it was not probable that one who, under such
want of all things, had failed of nothing that wa
necessary for him, should be found so wicked an(
uncrrateful towards his benefactor ; that when i
would be an instance of wickedness in him not t(
save him, had he been treacherously assaulted b;
others, to endeavor, and that earnestly, to kill hin
with his own hand [would be worse] ; that, how
ever, if he ought to consider this information to b
true, it was better for himself to be slain by th(
other, than to destroy a man who fled to him fo
refuge, and entrusted his own safety to him an(
committed himself to his disposal."
*'So Johanan and the rulers that were with him
not being able to persuade Gedaliah, went away
but after the interval of thirty days was over, Isl:
mael came again to Gedaliah, to the city of Mizpah
and ten men with him ; and when he had feastei
Ishmael, and those that were with him in a splendid
manner at his table, and had given them presents
he became disordered in drink, while he endeavore
to be very merry with them ; and when Ishmac
saw him in that condition and that he was drowne
in his cups to the degree of insensibility, and ha
fallen asleep, he rose up on a sudden with his te
friends, and slew Gedaliah, and those that wer
with him at the feast ; and when he had slain ther
he went out by night and slew all the Jews tha
ere in the city, and those soldiers also that were
ft therein by the Babylonians.
" Now upon the next day fourscore men came
t of the country [from Samaria], with presents to
edaliah, none of them knowing what had befallen
m ; and when Ishmael saw them he invited them
to Gedaliah, who when they were come in, he
lut up in the court and also slew them, and cast
leir bodies into a certain deep pit that they might
ot be seen, though some of them he ransomed for
"Then Ishmael took captive all the residue of
le people that were in Mizpah, and the women and
le children, among whom were the daughters of
ing Zedekiah, and the Eunuchs [among whom was
^bed-Melech] and departed to go over to the Am-
lorites." (Consult Josephus and Jer. xli. 10-17.)
In discussing the Chronology of this matter {vide
)tudy No. 2, page 195), we have already shown that
t was at the New Year's feast of 3417 A. M. that the
raitor Ishmael slew Gedaliah, in the hope that by
eizing the King's daughters he could support his
^wn pretentions to the succession by an alliance which
vould have guaranteed them !
And it was a very important new year's festival in
hat it began the new cycle of fifteen years by
vhich the Hebrew calendars were harmonized.
All of this is still further corroborated by the un-
broken custom of the Jews, who ever since the
events recounted have kept the Fast of Gedaliah
upon the third day of Tishri, which upon ever
fifteenth year (as in 1892 A. D.), falls still, as ther
upon the autumnal equinox, and the very institi
tion of this fast bears tacit evidence to this day, c
what was probably, "though now wholly lost sigh
of, the real occasion of its institution — to wit, th
risk that David's line theri ran of serious mishap !
The King's Daughters Rescued.
" But when Johanan and the rulers with hir
heard of all the evil that Ishmael had done the
took with them all their men and pursued him, wit
the intention of fighting with him ; and they ovei
took him by the great waters that are in Gibeon.
"■ And it came to pass that when all the captive
which were with Ishmael, saw Johanan and hi
forces, they cast about and deserted in a body, an
Ishmael with his eight remaining companions e
caped to Baalis."
In the meanwhile Johanan took those whom h
had rescued, even the whole residue of the peopl
and the women, and children, and KING'S DAUGI
ters, and Eunuchs, and Ebed-Melech and his me
of war, and hastened to Mandra, near Bethlehen
where they abode that day. For it was now dete
mined to fly into Egypt, for fear of the Babyl
nians, whom they believed would certainly sk
them because of all that had occurred.
Now while they were under this deliberatio
Johanan, and the rulers that were with him, can
pon Jeremiah, who, with Baruch, had apparently
ast returned from the final one of his several
Dng and secret journeys into the wilderness, and
ad learned with consternation only a part of what
ad happened in his absence.
The Prophet, delighted with the safety of his
pecial wards, over whom Ebed-Melech's charmed
fe (Jer. xxxix. 15-18) had been a talismanic guar-
ian, and confident for his own and Baruch's for
imilar reasons (Jer. xlv. and i. 17-19), and even
lore so for the safety of the chosen seed, listened
ttentively to a full account of all that had transpired
nd of their determination to escape into Egypt.
JOHANAN Revolts from Jehovah.
Jeremiah, however, was confident that no harm
^ould happen to them from the Chaldeans, for
hat so clearly was not their fault, and was equally
onvinced that he could explain the affair to Nebu-
hadnezzar's agents so that Baalis and Ishmael
^ould be speedily punished.
He was opposed to the Egyptian proposition, but
evertheless, at their earnest instance promised to
lake direct supplication to the God of Israel for
lem, and keep nothing back from them of His
And they in turn took upon themselves a solemn
ath, to obey in all respects the answer — be it what
: might.
To make now the long and interesting matter
short, which is detailed at length in Jeremiah xlii
the answer of Jehovah came to him in ten day:
and was a pointed injunction against the propos
tion to escape to Egypt, coupled with a positiv
doom pronounced upon any and all who should se
their hearts to disobey.
But in spite of all this, Johanan and the rulei
gained over the majority, and recklessly determine
to disobey the voice of the Lord.
So they took by force all those who were oi
posed, and all who were undetermined, saying unt
Jeremiah ''Thou speakest falsely," and '' Baruc
setteth thee against us."
And they seized him, and Baruch, and Ebe<
Melech, and the King's daughters, and, togeth^
with all the men, and women and children, ar
every person that Nebuzar-adan had left with Ged
liah, they set out for Egypt.
And behind them Judea was as desolate of inha
itants, and Ramah of the children of Rachel,
Samaria had been a century before. (Jer. xliii. 5,
2 Kgs. XXV. 26, Josephus et al.).
'' And so they came into the land of Egypt : f
they obeyed not the voice of the Lord ; thus car
they even to Tahpanhes."
This double wickedness which added wilful p
jury to bold defiance, was the final act that fill
their measure of persistent disobedience, and for
lone foreseen of God, the breach descended up
Pharez's house.
By it these '' children of Taphanhes broke the
)wn (Jer. iii, et al.), and as they crossed the river
Egypt, the throne of Judah began to " over-
rn " for the first of those momentous THREE
les mentioned in Ezekiel * (xxi. 26, 27).
But not all were guilty; God had reserved a Royal
jmnant for his servant David's sake.
It was by God's command that Joseph, in a later
y arose with Mary and her young child and iled
)m this same Bethlehem to Egypt, nor was it
thout his protection that Jeremiah and his friends
d special Wards were ta'ken there despite them-
• " I will overturn, overturn, overturn," etc. i. e. from Palestine
Erin, from Erin to Scotland, and from Scotland to England,
ere it waits for him whose right it is to rule the Nations 1 See
idy No. I, page 200.
Vide Page
^^ As for me, I spake in the day, and I held not :
tongue by night. In forty days they wrote mnety-fc
boohs. „ . ^ 4
And it came to pass, when the forty days were J
filled, that the Highest spaJce, saying; The first t
' thou hast written publish openly, that the toorthy c
unworthy may read it; but keep the seventy last t
thou mayest deliver them only to such as be wise am
the people; for in them is the spirit of understand,
the fountain of tvisdom, and the stream of knowlet
And I did so:' IL (IV.) Esdras, xiv. J^-Si
^' He who Jcnows not, and knows not that he knou
not, is a FOOh— shun him!
He who Jcnows not, and knows he knows not, is simpli
— TEACH hiin!
He who knows, and knoics not he knows, is ASLEEl
—WAKE him !
He who KNOWS, and KNOWS he KNOWS,
WISE ; FOLLOW him I" ^ ^
Yv lo-Ej , J. vyo-. Arabian Proverb
ERIES 1. MARCH, 1891. No. 3.
From the thoroughness with which we are en-
leavoring to discuss our present topic, we are con-
ident that the necessity of its overflow into another
^olume will be apparent. In Study No. 4 we shall
:ontinue the Story of Tea Tephi, and offer our
lolution of The Secret of History. It will deal par-
:icularly with the Flight of David's Line, and ex-
Dlain the Manner in which Empire took its West-
ward way.
We bespeak for it an immediate constituency, as
its issue must depend upon the advanced help of
the little clientele that has already gathered to our
standard. Thanking, therefore, the earnest .men
and women who have thus far upheld us with their
generous patronage, we crave a continuance of their
good offices, and in return will engage to supple-
ment their interest by conducting them, via the
next Study through one of the most intricate as
well as important chapters in the Labyrinth.
In this connection it is only fair to recall atten-
tion to the fact that while our theme has alread\
enlisted the good will of the Secular press, we have
made but few friends among the so-called Religious
periodicals; nor have we as yet succeeded in over-
coming the unnatural prejudice of the general Book
Trade, properly so called. We are thus thrown en-
tirely upon the individual support of those whom
Providence shall lead to read these Studies. Wc
depend upon them to spread the knowledge of thi^
effort among their personal friends, and to secure
orders and subscriptions for us without recourse to
intermediate agents.
In this way perhaps we may ultimately gain our
independence. In the mean time it is to be borne
in mind that although a Serial, the Quarterly parts
of this Library are believed to possess the inherent
vitality of cereals themselves, and are by no means
liable to be treated like the back numbers of a mag-
azine. It is our hope that Study No. i will be as
fresh for spreading truth in years to come as it was
in the Easter-tide a year ago that saw it launched
upon the Saxon waves. We gather this from the
fact that the demand for it is on the increase rather
than the opposite, and it is on this account that we
are anxious to float at least the first Series as soon
as possible. This, too, will be more fully appre-
ciated when the uncertainties of the Profession of
the Editor himself are taken into consideration !
Our aim is to place a working Library of Refer-
nce in the hands of fellow students, to afford them
. convenient means of spreading the truth to others,
md particularly to provide a permanent repository
or the more important facts and arguments which
vill be incident to the thorough discussion of a
pedigree so lofty as the one we are prepared to
nain'tain. But while we are treating its several
Koader sub-heads in a systematic manner we shall
3y no means abandon our original intention of en-
ibling vital Notes and Queries to receive conven-
ient attention.
The present Study is already too crowded to ad-
mit the large quantity of this material now in hand,
but in Study No. 4, with which the Series ends, wc
hope to find space for all that has thus far accumu-
We are certainly at '' the end of days ; " and, as
the eyes of all the world are being fixed once more
upon Jerusalem, as '^ many " of her children are
already thither bound, as, true to prophecy, the
hills of the Holy Land are being levelled, and her
valleys lifted up against the day of His preparation,
when, borne upon modern chariots, with steam and
electricity subdued, '' the Sons of God "are destined
to return and be at rest, it certainly behooves all
earnest Anglo-Saxons to give ear to those who can
discuss the coming issues upon the premises of
broad Philosophy.
Hitherto our labors, as a Race, have been purely
missionary, but the days of merely - witnessing " are
almost over. We have blindly given our testimony
among the ^'Goiim" of the earth, and like bread upon
the waters it obeys a general law of Providence, for
it is fast returning to our shores. It is now our
duty to gather up the fragments, and when this is
done we shall f^nd there is a basketful for every
Tribe !
The scales are falling from our eyes, the Saxon
Race is '' Israel indeed." Let us then turn our con-
templation inward during the brief remaining hours
of the present dispensation, and with well trimmed
lamps concern ourselves with matters nearer home.
The day has come when oil is priceless, and cannot be
spared, lest haply there be not enough to go around !
In no line of study is this more apparent than in
ours, and all whose hearts have been prepared for
the acceptance of the Identity of Israel and the
English Speaking Race, must have frequently expe-
rienced the hopelessness of getting into touch with
such as see no beauty in the theme. Upon the
other hand there is but one answer now to those
who manifest an interest in this matter. "Go tc
those who sell and procure this knowledge for your
selves!" That is, it is impossible to empty one'i
own heart into that of another, nor does the spiri
of truth well up into the soul, save through th(
•God-implanted springs within itself.
We have, in so far as our own efforts and publica-
tions are concerned, only limited means, but to
their full extent we are glad to sell this truth, with
out money and without price, to such as are poor m
the Coin of Caisar ; we have also to acknowledge
the generosity of many earnest co-workers who at
sundry times have added to our strength in this
particular. We need the most generous pecuniary
assistance in this field and have faith that it will
The History of Our Race is an ex post facto com-
mentary upon Prophecy, enough of which is already
fulfilled to guarantee the rest as certain. We can
well afford, therefore, to study what is yet future,
and can certainly tell spring from winter when we
see the bursting buds !
Just think of it! In a few weeks the three
American steam engines now impatient at Joppa
will be puffing their fierce breath into the streets of
Zion ! Electric lights are already beginning to dis-
pel its gloom. Out of 70,000 inhabitants, 40,000
are Jews, 20,000 of whom have arrived for perma-
nent residence during 'the past pentad. Bologna
proposes the meridian of Jerusalem as the Interna-
tional Standard one for Time and Chronology ; and
now, from far beyond the rivers of Ethiopia, the
Land of Shadowing Wings appeals unto the Nations
in behalf of Jewish Irredentalism. With multitudes
of Eastern Jews gravitating towards Christ through
264 <^UR RACE.
the Rabinowitz movement, with at least 1,500 Jews
joining the Church of England every year, with
already some 15,000 lately led to the Saviour
merely through reading Dr. Delitzsch's Hebrew
translation of the New Testament,* with the whole
Jewish population, outside of Anglo-Saxon lands,
possessed with strange unrest, how can one read
such chapters as the XVIII. of Isaiah, the XVI. of
Jeremiah, the XXXVII. of Ezekiel, the XII. of
Daniel, the VI. of Hosea, the III. of Joel, the IX. of
Amos, the VII. of Micah, the XII. of Zechariah, or
the III. of Malachi, without perceiving where we
stand ?
Alas, we do not read ! That is the very trouble,
and the fault lies at the door of the '' Higher
Critics,** whose iniquitous deductions have encour-
aged us to leave the dust upon the Word God !
Is it not time, then, for some modern Hilkiah to
search amid the rubbish that has been suffered to
accumulate in the Temple, and, having found an
authentic copy of the Law, to produce it, that it
may be read in the ears of the people ?
Indeed the time is verily at hand ; there is
another "Great Passover" just ahead of us! — the
most momentous one Our Race has ever seen ! In
reality the book of the Law has been found ; it is
the Bible, pure and simple, the unadulterated Word
stripped of all human commentary and studied in
the light it sheds upon itself! It has already been
shown to '' Huldah, the Prophetess," and her final
warning has gone forth ! Let, therefore, those who
heed it, hasten to renew their vows, for lo ! He
Cometh in the clouds !
In the mean time the constituency of this little
Quarterly have much for which to congratulate
themselves, and far more for which to return thanks
unto the Giver of all increase. This effort to spread
the TRUTH is certainly growing. Not fast enough,
perhaps, to suit us who are circumscribed by human
horizons, but none the less with a hardiness that
more than promises an answer to the L Envoy e with
ivhich we bade the first Study of this Series *' God
5peed ! " {vide page 238, Study No. i).
The first edition of that Study is now almost ex-
hausted and in spite of all adverse predictions we
already find ourselves busy at its revision, while at
the same time we are reading the final proof sheets
Df the Fourth Study with which we hope to close
this Opening Series at an early date! The effort
lias begotton a correspondence of overwhelming
proportions, so long as we are single handed, and
lias already elicited an interest that we were confi-
dent was only latent in the sleeping Giant whom we
hoped to wake !
■X- ¥:
The truth of the Anglo-Israelitish identity is the
one hopeful theme in days otherwise dark for relig-
ion. Many write that the beauty of the subject has
awakened hopes they hardly dare to entertain. Of
course it does — but why not dare to welcome sun-
light— we who have groped so hopelessly into the
miasmatic gloom of higher criticism ? It is strange
too that the most heartfelt enthusiasm is elicited
from such as have been f urtherest led astray ! Yet
not so strange after all — for most of all such have
partaken of the husks in strange places, far from the
father's house. They of all others are fain to fill the
famished vitals of their faith with what the hired
servants eat amid the scene ot easy life. The more
one's honest search for truth has been confused, the
farther one has wandered, the more certainly has
the soil of his heart been harrowed with a fitness for
the primitive belief ! It is in fallow land that crops
renew their youth — Let us go back to the old Bible
meadows. The Anglo-Israel truths are suited to
our wants, and, when duly co-ordinated, explain
what is taking place about us in a philosophical and
satisfactory manner, not to be counterparted by any
fictions of human theory ; they reach out and absorb
everything. Perhaps it is hardly time as yet for
their universal acceptance, yet " the set time " is near.
The stork knoweth her appointed season, and is
flying east, the children of the dispersed take pleasure
in the stones of Zion, and it pitieth her sons and
daughters to see her in the dust. We are bruiting
the news as witnesses anyway, and there are signs
about us to show that it is being hurtled far and
wide. The days come when wings, and flocks, and
leets, and Saxon Sails — and crusades, will be actu-
ited by souls stirred homewards, and then Israel
A^ill waken with a shout ! We are on the edge of
jreat things and days, but it may be that the
:hreshold is wide ; at any rate the open rooms be-
yond are far wider — mansions prepared and gar-
lished ; and blessed, too, are all those who are
:alled to dwell therein!
* *
In the meanwhile it is idle not to see that " the
»econd Advent " is to be a central feature in the
5cenes before us. As to its chronology we have no
neans of predicating anything at all. For the
Sect's sake we are told that the time of its first
)hase — the coming in the clouds — will be shortened,
Hit there is every reason to believe that, in the
nterval between ** the ecstacy"and *'the descent
ipon the Mount of Olives," the full ''times" of
*Judah" will run out, even as those of "Israel"
lave already done, in complete years, — Lunar let us
lope, their final " week " will be !
( To-day,
•\ 1st of Nisan, 5651 A. M.
( 5<7rr^</ (Jewish) New Year day.
Finally we submit the following ominous exegesis
)r chronological sermon, upon a text which has
leeply concerned all former generations of Chris-
:ians :
268 0\]i< RACE.
" Now WHEN these things BEGIN to come to pass,
THEN look up, and lift up your heads ; for your re-
demption draweth nigh.
" Verily I say unto you, THAT GENERATION^ ^/m//
not pass away till ALL be fulfilledy
Luke xxi, 28, 32.
(The foregoing is the correct rendering of the
Greek original. The word translated ''this'' in the
authorized version is a mistranslation as its collat-
eral use and translation elsewhere throughout the
Scripture proves).
A generation is '' three score years and ten," or 70
years; 57 generations are 3,990 years.
Hence the 58th generation began in 3991 A. M.
N. B.— When this 58th generation was
17 years gone, the Saviour, a lad of
* The proof sheets of the final pages of this Study are at this mo-
ment before us, and, this calculation having been made to-day, we
submit it as a final editorial. We reserve a full explanation ot the
matter for a later date, but in its general aspect regard the subject as
of too great moment to be denied immediate publicity. It is well
known to the regular subscribers of this Study that its plates have
been in process of materialization for some months, and have been
prosecuted as funds came in. To explain the several dates connected
with the issue we should state that the Body of the work was com-
pleted March 20, i8or. Hence the date upon the cover. The
labors of to-day (April 9, 1891), complete the editorial and miscel-
laneous matter. It is therefore to be noted, for chronological pur-
poses connected with our undertaking, that the completion of the
work has been literally consummated in the Soli-lunar Epact which
extends between these two important dates. C. A. L. T.
12, was presented in the Temple.
{Vide table opposite page 112, Study
No. 2.)
ow consult Matthew xx. 1-16 — The
hours are supposed to be '*one hun-*
dred and fifty and three *' years each
plus a small fraction.
5 X 153 + = -f-i836>^ + years
5827^ ± A. M.
dd I generation {i. e., the one re-
ferred to in our text as **THAT
generation **) 70 years
5897^^ ± A. M.
his corresponds to our March, 1899, A. D.
(To perceive the full significance of this calcula-
on vide "The end of the Age," i. e. The table op-
Dsite page 206, Study No. 2.)
Who can doubt that THE generation referred to
i"THAT generation " is THIS GENERATION?
" so, it has but eight years more to run, and the
sar ahead of us [from this day, April 9, 1891,
, D., which is the first day of the new sacred (Jew-
h) year, 5651, A. M.] is a year of the Lord, a day
\ Grace, a year of prayer! At its termination,
uesday, March 29, 1892, A. D., the final week of
.nti-Christ begins ; its final three and one-half
ears constitute the period of '' Jacob's trouble ! "
tid during its final three literal days the two wit-
270 OUK RACE. .
nesses will lie dead in the streets of Babylon!
"Whoso is wise will ponder these things." When
human calculations fail, they do so because of our
inability to catch in the net of our understanding
the smaller- fish which pass through the meshes of
the mind. If we are able to catch the "hundred
and fifty and three" Great Fishes (John xxi. i-ii)
the draught is surely ominous enough to make us
feel the nearness of One whose advent we expect,
although, like the Apostles, we may not dare to ask
him, ''Who art thou?" (John xxi. 12.) It is con-
cerning these things that we conjure Our Race to
think, for never in the history of man stood Adam's
posterity upon so ominous a threshold !
Had we the means, we would willingly give t
copy of these worJcs to every human being, hu
while this current dispensation lasts, we are un
fortunately forced to "sell the truth,'' {Matt
XXV. 1-3), to those who know its present value
(Prov. xxiii; 23) /
oir- th:e
/ Prof, a A. L. TOTTEN, {Tale Univ.): mth Introduction by
Prof. C. PIAZZI SMYTH, {late Astron. Royal, Scot.)
A Unique liiino; 288 Pages; PRICE 75 CENTS.
Phis is pre-eminently THE volume of the HOUR which is striking upon
J dial of the AGES. It treats of the Emergency questions which now lie
the Anglo-Saxcn Door, and its clarion summons should arouse our "Royal
ce" from apathy and sleep, and accelerate the consummation of its Mission.
ith significant arithmography the author has concentrated the destiny of this
minant people into an acrostic composed of the vowels of their universal
A. E. I. O. U. Y.
Angliae Est Imperare Orbi Universo Yisraelae.
It is for the Anglo-Lraelites to dominate the Universe!
liike the Race, of whose history this volume treats, the book itself has a past,
'RESENT, and a FUTURE, and we want earnest agents to put it into earnest
nds. The first edition, a limited one, is being rapidly exhausted, and almost
jry volume called for seeds down an immediate demand for numerous others.
I who have read "Our Country," by Josiah Strong, should make haste to
:ure this still more comprehensive survey of our Origin and Destiny. They
II save time and insure personal attention by ordering it directly from the
blishers. Our Company has been incorporated under the laws of Con-
:ticut for the express purpose of spreading the truth broached in this open-
; volume; the unusual incidents leading up to this step are fully set forth in
i book itself; they will be a revelation to many 1
The volume is popularly written, and its rhythm is in touch not only with its
own tnotif, but with the Zeit-Geist or " spirit of the times." From amoi g the
commerdations of the few to whom its " Advance Sheets " were submitted wc
select the following :
"It is so new, so strange, so startling."— Joseph P. Bradley (Justice IJ. S,
Supreme Court). "But Itttle short of Inspiration."— Rev. Emerson Jessup,
"I would not have believed that you could have put me— a country outsider giver
to chopping and literary excursus— Into such quick and lively rapport with tin
Issues you discuss. Tour enthusiasm Is catching, and I am sure must catch readeri
In abundance."-Donald G. Mitchell (Ik Marvel), "The most readable boo!
for the general public yet published."— Rev. Geo. W. Greenwood (late Ed
iter of The Heir of the World). " Will be widely read."— Hon. Edveard J
Phelps (Ex-Mlnl8ter to Great Britain). "I have learned sufficient to make m(
ponder and search."- Rabbi A. P. Mendes (Touro Inst., Newport, R. I.
"Nobly written and scrlpturally founded."— Prof. C. Piazzi Suiyth. "Ju8
the thing needed."— Edward Hine. " Your theme is a noble one, and one whlcl
ought to engage our reverend, careful, humble, long study. If the case canb
fairly made out, nothing so noble has crowned all the Scientific, Historic or Scrip
tural research of these wonderful dayg of ours. It would (as does the presence o
the Jews as a distinct Race, and far more, I think, than that) afford a wonderfu
confirmation of the Sacrod Writings. It would bo a proof before our very eyes."-
W. W. Niles (Bishop of New Hampshire). " When your books are ready I shal
try to spread about a score of them ; In the meantime please find $25 to render a llttl
help,"— J, W. (This is but one of many letters of a similar generous nature, and in ai
age whose mercenary motto is that " Money talks " speaks with emphasis !) " I wli
take One Hundred dollars' worth of the books ; I do not wish them sent to me ;
will go for them myself, and I shall scatter them in every direction."— C. A. G. L
" I am fascinated with the ' Romance of History.' In my opinion God 1
using you to make plain one of His grandest objects in creation."- Chas. W
Carpenter^ " I am on the second reading of your book, and It impresses m
more strongly than It did at first."- Thomas Ridgway (U. S. Army).
Such testimonials continue to pour in, now that the volume has begun it
pilgrimage, and we are convinced that they are simply the " wave bheaves " of
tremendous harvest. Help us to reap it, for we need laborers in the vineyard
The topic is one that comes home to every Anglo-Saxon, ond at this juncture, i
a special way to every patriotic American, who hereafter may truly say— "I to
am of Arcadia.'"
Send price (check, money order, or postal note), with your address to
The Our Race Publishing Company,
TRe Voice of Si5lory,
By prof. C. a. L. TOTTEN, Yale Univ.
Illustrated, Copious Tables, Antique Binding, i6mo, 256 pages.
Price, Seventy-five cents.
In this important volume Professor Totten has taken up the cause of Faith
pon "the ancient and original lines," and by the mathematics and logic of
le present age, has placed the two most doubted events in Hebrew history
pon a basis far above the reach of mere ridicule. The subject henceforth
lust be argued in the arena and with authorized weapons, — nor should
ny one take the non credo of another is so grave a matter.
The days in which we live are pregnant with import to those who are
wise in their generation," and it behooves all students of the Bible to
cquaint themselves with the facts now duly arrayed and set in order before
\e human judgment. The Mosaic Chronology is above impeachment. The
istory of Israel is founded and written in literal truth 1 This present vindi-
ition ot Moses and the Prophets, therefore, is a most timely one, since
very '" sign " upon the horizon points to events now so close at hand, that
those who continue "asleep" will find themselves even more seriously in
danger than the "fooUsh virgins."
This Volume is particularly important to all who are interested in the
present significant movements towards Palestine, in that several of the
phases of " Jewish Irredentausm " which have already transpired since its
publication, were clearly anticipated by the author's method of studying
Prophetic Chronology. Its copious tables afford valuable information to all,
and to Students of Sacred and Prophetic history are a vade mecum. To all
believers in the Anglo-Israelitish Identity, its vindication of the Chronology
of Jeremiah is of special import and the volume should be incorporated into
their library at once.
Finally there is nothing sensational in this volume, save that alone which
facts and their logical deductions certainly warrant. It is a calm and hon-
est presentation of a fair problem, and is confidently submitted to candid
men, — men who, in the search for truth, are honest, earnest, careful and
anxious. We ask them to read it, and to spr*ead its warnings, and when its
adversaries ofifer objections and denials we suggest that they be con-
fronted with two queries. First, have you read the volume? Second, how
can you disprove the arguments?
p. O. Box 1333. New HaTen, Conn,
" Regular subscribers " may have any volume of this
FIRST SERIES at 50 cents each, i. e. subscription price,
or usual Trade Discount. We will also honor " cash orders "
for one dozen " assorted," as directed, for five dollars per
dozen. We make this special and broad offer pro bono
publico^ and will mail the volumes separately or in bulk,
free of postage^ to any address. Will you not distribute
a few and help the cause ?
New Haven, Conn.
Sept. 23, 1891,
Hqw Empire Taek^lts Westward Wax #-
WUt JUght of §nvW^ ^xm.
By prof. C. a. L. TOTTEN, Yale Univ.
A Unique i6mo, Antique Binding. Price, Seventy-five cents.
'^ith this Volume the first Series of Studies closes. The style, price, size,
make-up is in keeping with the other Studies, and the four make one of
most unique and interesting sets of volumes now within reach of Biblical
Historical Students.
his Study is well named, for in it the author certainly clears up, not one
y, but several Secrets of History. The fates of Jeremiah, and of "The
g's Daughters," (in whom the Line of David was saved, and from whom
British Scepti'e descends!) are solved. But perhaps the chief surprise of
reader will be experienced when he comes to the Section dealing with
Milesians— Knights of the Scarlet Thread— into whose line Tea Tephi
rried. That from them should have sprung Phoenicia, Greece and Troy
1 indirectly Rome, Carthage, Spain, and later Ireland, is a proposition
tainly extravagant enough to beget attention, but that these Founders of
pire are literally Sons of Judah and inheritors of the Universal Sceptre
disclosure even more astounding. All this and more Professor Totten
; forth, and corroborates with telling facts and logic. In the Study he
> touches upon the secret of a still greater mystery. Of this, however,
leave the reader to his own perceptions. The secret lurks between the
s, and is set forth in suggestions merely, and for cause !
is a source of congratulation to the Publishers to have arrived at this
t resting place in their efforts to spread the actual Truth of History
3ng Our Race. Studies Number One, Two, Three and Four, Series One,
now complete. They form a comprehensive Survey of the most impor-
t Theme now before the English Speaking Race and bring the subject
m to the very limit of all that Sacred and Eastern History bear witness
In the next Series we shall have occasion to set forth the Western phase
he matter— The Renaissance of History.
New Haven, €onn.
Please Send Your Subscriptions at Once for the
($2 for the Four Quarterly Studies.)
^ Hqw Empire was Re-bailt and Re-planted.#
By prof. C. a. L. TOTTEN, U. S. Army.
A Unique i6mo, Antique Binding. Price, Seventy-live cents.
The other volumes of this Series will be announced in due order. In tl
meanwhile the Publishers solicit an immediate response from all conceme*
so that this Series may be terminated before the expiration of Professor To
ten's current detail (1890-92) at Yale University. Our present inability 1
advertise these volumes necessitates a special dependence upon those wh
have already become familiar with the topic and its novel treatment at th
author's hands. As, therefore, we are confident that the little constituenc
whom we have reached fully appreciate the grave possibilities surroundin
Human affairs at this juncture we place our cause in their keeping. It
their cause quite as much as ours, it is in fact the cause of " all the Hous
o.v Israel "; and surely those of us who are already awake, mere watchei
I Ims far, must be diligent in spreading the Alarm ! !
N. B.— To avoid mistakes subscribers will kindly specify " Second Series " i
their orders, and should caution new subscribers to the same effect unless it
the First Series that is wanted. Checks and Money Orders are the safei
means of exchange. Be sure and write carefully your address in full; Bo
and Street number; County and State. Foreign subscriptions should I
accompanied by 25 cents extra to cover special postage.
Neiv Haven, Conn.
LE Ml LI TARY LEC TURES. Selected from Series of 1 890. First
Section : National and International. I. (Introductory)
Lecture — The Military Outlook at Home and Abroad.
II. Military Economy, and the Policy of America. III.
The Military Problem of America, with Notes on Sea-
coast Defence. IV. Organization, Disorganization,
Reorganization, Mobilization. 1 Vol. With Illustra-
tions and Tables. 1890. Price 50 cts. Send orders to
Editor of "Our Race," P. O. Box 1333, New Haven, Ct.
The extra-large editions of the New-Haven Register, in which
ese lectures originally appeared, having been so quickly ex-
lusted, they are now reproduced in convenient book form.
lis is done in order to satisfy the continued demand for them,
le, no doubt, not only to the novel treatment of the topic of the
jcond Lecture, but probably more parlicularly to the Pro-
letico-Historical exegesis of "The Signs of the Times" con-
ined in the First. The whole series is written in the spirit of
nglo-Saxon Identity with Israel, and the response from all quar-
rs has shown that the topic is "in touch" with a hitherto
seply latent, but none the less real, American sentiment.
*' These lectures are valuable historically and economically,
bey deal with a vast subject, which is- of the highest import-
ice to the future welfare of this nation. They are written in a
)pular vein, and are thus brought within the easy understand-
g of all classes of readers, particularly those interested in the
)litical and social questions which concern our progress. We
commend these lectures to the people." — Editorial, New
aven Register, Jan. 13, 1890.
" The treatment of the subject of your second lecture is origi-
il, and as forcible as it is comprehensive. It is addressed to a
rger and more mature audience than those usually found in the
ass-room; and if the whole course be pitched upon the same
jy, it will be well worthy of publication in permanent form for
general circulation. "—Frank G. Smith (Capt. and Bvt. Maj
4th U. S. Arty.).
"I feel that you are doing a good work, not only for th
students, but also for the general public."— H. B. Bigelow (Ei
Gov. Conn.).
"It is no new thing to find military men interesting then
selves in studies and speculations of this nature, — witness the cas
of the late Gordon Pusha, — and so there is no real occasion fo
surprise in the circumstance that Lt. Totten ... is combinin
with his more commouplace and matter-of-fact function that o
an expounder of the prophetical writings. He looks to see th
existing governments of Europe give place to democracies, whic]
will speedily run into atheistical anarchies (such as the Pari
Commune gave us a glimpse of nineteen years ago), and fill th
Old World with bloodshed, renewing on a vaster scale, and sui
passing, the butcheries of the French Terror. One of the lesson
deduced by the lieutenant is an eminently practical and profes
sional one. He would have this country fortify its coasts ani
strengthen its navy betimes, that, when that lurid storm burst
upon the earth, it be not taken unawares and at disadvantage, "-
Editor Hartford Gouranty February 11, 1890.
STRATEGOS. To which is appended a collection of studie
upon Military Statistics as applied to war on FieL
.or Map. 2 vols. Illustrated. D. Appleton & Co. 188C
Price, $3.00.
*' A careful consideration of the statistical merits alone of thi
work will recommend the new line of investigation propose
therein as worthy of the diligent study of all concerned. "-
Alex. Ramsey, Sec. of War.
"After a thoughtful perusal of its contents, I can only ad
that this very interesting publication, based upon the most can
ful considerations, warrants the possibility of any one followin
these studies either alone or in company with comrades, from tt
very simplest tactical evolutions, combinations, manoeuvres, an
battle plans, in systematic gradations up to military operation;
and also of using the same for the prosecution of the history (
the later wars. "— G. Von Moltke (General Field Marshal).
It will do much to impart military knowledge and the sci-
. of Strategy to many who without it would never have
!ed their attention in that direction."— Garnet J. Wolseley.
Concerning your method of Kriegspiel I take pleasure in
[fying to the praiseworthy distinctness and excellent sys-
atic order of the material. It contains so many new and
jtical hmts for us, that it was very highly recommended
ady for general study in the Swiss Military Journal.' —
Bollinger (Colonel, Swiss Mil. Academy, Zurich).
IMPORTANT QUESTION. A study of the Sacred Cubit of
the Hebrews, as the undoubted origin of Anglo-Saxon
measures. 1 vol. Illustrated. John Wiley & Sons, 53
East 10th St. N.Y. 1887. Price, $2.50.
' The more I read of Lieut. Totten's writings the more I respect
learning, his ability, his mathematics, his chivalry in the
Lse, and his religion. I am abstracting just now from his
)k (Important Question) into mine, so that I may recommend
ders to purchase his, and am letting them know where to
Lte for it."— C. PiAZZi Smyth. Ast. Roy., Scotland.
'From the scientific standpoint this volume must receive wide
ention. There is something so new and startling in its method
treating physical data, that it seems as though an entire scien-
c method had been discovered at once. The volume is a bold
lUenge to President Barnard and the advocates of the metric
;tem to produce their case and put it upon the same or an
aal basis."— ^rwy and Nmy Journal.
"After perusing such a volume one can readily comprehend
3 words of wisdom (xi. 20): ' Thou hast ordered all things in
mure, number, and weight. ' It is out of the question to review
ch a work, or to give any consecutive idea of its contents. It
one that every Anglo-Saxon should study for himself."— 2%6
migelist {N. T.).
** If the facts and possibilities suggested by Lt. Totten in this
»nnection are as stated, there can be no doubt of the superiority
' our ancient and time-honored system over the one which is
riving to supplant it. "—i\r. Y. Eerald.
*'It contains new and startling scientific facts evolved in
most unexpected way from old and familiar things. " — N. Y. Ma
and Express.
" The appendix upon the * Sacred Cubit * is an extraordinar
study in geometry and algebra, while the volume as a whole j
a monument of special learning." — N. Y. limes.
"His system of metrology is cosmical ; to call it ingeniou
would be a tame meed of praise. It is the development of
genius. " — International Standard.
Illuminated by Tiffany & Co. Oblong 8vo, cloth, gi]
edges, bevelled boards. Price, $5.00. An elegant gifi
book. John Wiley & Sons, 53 East 10th St. N. Y. 1887
"This is one of the most unique and interesting volumes tha
ever came from the American press. ... It is a mosaic o
original ideas extending over the whole range of legend am
literature, filled with facts and with quaint and curious lore.
It is no ordinary birthday book, it is an ideal book of Nativitie
challenging the curiosity of the curious, and furnishing to lover
of gem-lore and sentiment an inexhaustible mine of suggestion
information, and enjoyment."— Extract from review in Education
March 8, 1888.
INSTRUCTIONS IN GUARD DUTY. Complete, and for use upoi
the spot. Prepared for the C. N. Guard. 1887. Lim
ited, Vest-Pocket Edition. Price 25 cts. Address thi
Author, 77 Mansfield Street, New Haven, Ct.
This is literally a vest-pocket companion, covers the whole sub
ject in a nut-shell, is accurate, brief, pertinent, and in conformity
with the customs of the service. It is just what the Nationa
Guardsman needs. It scans every duty, of every grade, in con
cise notes, headlines, and practical reminders, and absolutelj
suits the circumstances for which it was intended.
*' It would be a good investment for the Adj.-Gen'l to suppl}
the armories with a few copies of this little work, as it gets at tht
subject quickly and closely."— C. R. Dennis (Q. M. G. R I. M >
Gluard duty showed marked improvement at the last en-
ament, and with careful study of the valuable manual 'In-
•tions in Guard Duty,' by Lieut. Totten, U. S. A., a number
)pies of which will be shortly issued to each company, still
ter improvement should be shown at the next encampment."
lED'K E. Camp (Adj. Gen. C. N. G.).
Your book is emphatically one for the ' spot,' and in that
ect alone, besides the very thorough way in which the
ind is covered, it deserves all that has been said of it.'*—
ERT N. RoLFE (Capt. N. H. N. G.).
F LAWS OF ATHLETICS. University Edition. A
Revised Edition of the Manual lately issued by the U. S.
Government for the use of the Regular Army. Sept. 23,
1891. Price 25 cts. Our Race Publishing Company,
New Haven Conn.
1 this comprehensive little volume Professor Totten has
ected the Laws governing every species of Track Athletics,
Regulations Governing Meetings and the Rules of the
. new and valuable system of marking individual Records
ilso devised. The last halt of the volume is devoted to
nes: principally Military; and in a novel way. Foot-ball
[ The Art of War are used to mutually illustrate each other,
me of the most valuable features of the Book is that devoted
Three of the Yale Military Lectures, Series 1891. 1. Foot-
l and the Art of War ; 2. Foot-ball and the Three Arms ;
Foot-ball and the Twelve Orders of Battle. The Book is
que, and should be in the hands, not only of all University
idents, and lovers of Out-door Sports, but in those of
litary men in general.
' Every patron of Athletic Sports will commend it as one of
1 most interesting, striking, and original compilations of the
id ever printed.''— Editor Frank Leslie's Illustrated Weekly^
g. 29, 1891.
. QL\)t Baxon Jbentitji Association of America.
Joseph Wild, Bay Ridge, N. Y., President
Chas. S. Butlek, New Haven, Ct., Vice-President
Matthew Bunker, Brooklyn, N. Y., / ^.
Chas. W. Carpenter, New York City, S ^**'«c^^^*
Chas. A. L. Totten, | ^^""'T^i ^^^''««'
( and Treasure
Form a " Chapter " in your own locality.
The Saxon Identity Associatioii has been organiz
to spread the truth of the Identity of the Anglo -Saxc
with the Ten Lost Tribes of Israel. It begins its wc
with the present volume, which is merely intended
be a brief and popular summary of the truth set foi
in Prophecy and reflected in the History of the Englii
speaking peoples. It will be followed up by otl
Studies in the Series as rapidly as the means come
from interested believers. It is earnestly hoped tl
branches of the Association will spring up throughc
the length and breadth of our land, and help to spre
these rays of light to its remotest borders. It is 1
desire of the Association to spread its publications broj
cast, and to beget an earnest study of the Sacred Scr
tures upon the highest basis, and in the light of Hif=t(
and Fact, so that this topic may be canvassed in all-
pyos and cons in the full light of all concerned. I
this end funds are now sorely needed, and it is trust
that all who may be interested in so grand a theme, a
upon whom its true import shall begin to dawn, ^^
lend it their most generous support. All donations
ceived will be at once applied to the gratuitous circu
tion of " Our Race,'' and, unless other channels j
suggested by contributors, will begin with clergymen
all denominations in Israel aud Judah,
IBRIES I., No. 4. (Quart«-rly.) rRIC'E 75 CKIVXN.
Its Origin and Its Destiny.
imal ^tboUlu to i)^z Sluirg 0f tj^^ ^moxi ^ibirk.
Series I., I^Jo. 4. gept. 33, 1 89 1 .
Annual Subscription. $2.00.
How Empire Took Its Westward Way.
King's Daughters,
C. A. L. TOTTEN, U. S. A.
"TRUTH AGAINST THE WORLD" (Motto of the ancient KUMREE).
"We can do nothing against the truth" (St. Paul); "Great is Truth,
and mighty above all things" (Esdras); "Buy the Truth and sell it not"
(Solomon); "Truth is stranger than fiction" (Byron); "What is Truth?"
(Pilate); "I AM THE TRUTH" (Assertion of THE CHRIST).
Send Address and Advance Subscriptions, to
THEi Editor of^ "Our Race,"
p. O. Box 1333. New Haven, Conn.
O 3
a >-
* m
a> <
_.o.^ Mj, too, am of glrcalria/* ^.o—
Dw Empire Took its Westward Way.
IT Lieutenant Fourth Artillery, U. S. A.; Professor of Military
Science and Tactics, S. S. S. of Yale University;
Author op " Strategos; " " An Important Question; " " Facts,
Fancies, Legends, and Lore of Nativity," Etc.;
Editor of " Our Race," Etc.
waked up last of all, as one that gleaneth after the grape gatherers;
he blessing of the Lord I profited, and filled my wine press like a
erer of grapes.— Eccle. xxxiii. 16=
:N'EW haven, CONN".:
Copyrighted, 1891,
{All rights reserved.)
British and Colonial Publishers
are requested to courteously honor the integrity
of this copyright. —
de causa Fraternitatis.
''It is the glory of God to conceal a thing; hut tin
honor of Kings is to search out a matter. '' — Prov. xxv.
Study No. 4
The Our Race Series.
Tl^e Secret of history.
'' All the works of the Lord are exceeding good, and
whatsoever he commandeth shall he accomplished in due
''And none shall say what is this? Wherefore is
that ? For at convenient tifue they shall all be sought
out." Ecclesiasticus xxxix, 16-17.
f The King's Daughters,
A Sequel to Tea Tephi.
:face, xi
PART I.— The Tarry at Taphanes.
c Sojourn in Egypt, . . 3 The Facts in the Case, . 30
JE, Mene, Tekel, Uphabsin, 5 Corroboration FitbM the
ULAR Corroboration, . 7 Monuments, ... 33
Exception Taken, . . 9 Demonstrandum Est, . . 36
emiah's Mission, . . .11 Kasr el Bint el Yehudi, . 38
,LED Out of Egypt, . . 14 A Significant Contrast, . . 40
Iample, Sampled, . . .15 The Date Settled, . . 42
Arraignment, . . . 18 Jeremiah Vindicated, . . 45
c True Position, . . .23 The House of Tephi, . . 47
Israelite Indeed, . . 26
PART 11. —The Ollam's Ship.
. 53
. 57
. 62
Abma Virumque Cano,
A Contrast and a Parallel,
The Plot Within the Plot,
The Situation, ....
The Case Put,
The Escape,
The Voyage Eesumed, . . 69
In Medias res and Seas, . 70
In Converse Unrestrained, . 72
The Prophet Unburdens Him-
self, ..... 73
The Years of the Genealogies, 77
The Tetragrammaton, . , 82
The Days of God, . . .84
Startling Forecasts, . . 89
Line Upon Line, . . . .91
The Net Full of Great Fishes, 94
The Calculation on Hamutal's
Tablet, ..... 96
A Contemplative Pause,
The Broadened Vista,
A Further Explanation,
The Prophet's Visitor, .
The Secret Within the
Secret, ....
The Land of Destiny,
Comforting Assurances, .
The Isles Afar Off,
The Unconditional Promise,
The East Left in Dark-
ness, ....
A Solemn Injunction, .
The Scottish Rite Founded,
The King's Daughters,
The Harp of David,
The Echo of the Psalm, .
. 9
PART III.—" The Scaklet Thread."
An Important Discovery, . 137
Meat versus Milk, . . . 139
The Situation Reviewed, . 142
Rational Tre^ment Necessary, 144
The Need of More Light, . 146
Shadows Cast Before, . . 148
The Milesian Story, . . 150
The Meeting of Several
Streams, .... 152
The Cause of the Difficulty, 154
The Elements of the Problem, 157
A Few Objections Considered, 161
A Priceless Fragment, .
The Riddle Solved,
The Origin of the Grecian
Records, ....
The Plot Thickens, .
Sceptral Aspirations, .
Zerah Secedes, . . . ,
An Unexpected Ally, .
The God of Judah, . .
A Study of Names,
The Schools of Egypt. .
Further Explanation,
. m
RED Anachronism,
. 188
Further Harmony,
. 209
Fata Propugus— " Kismet,"
E Temple of Time,
. 193
The Voyage to Getulia,
. 214
E Wisdom op the East
ExPT,ANATioNS versus Ex-
. 195
. 217
E Valley op Achor,
Slow Progress to Spain, .
THA, King op Scythia,
. 200
Unwarranted Vandalism,
. 221
Commercial Conquest,
e: Milesian Exodus, .
. 205
MiLESius OP Spain, .
. 228
DiTioNAL Testimony,
Eochaidh the Heremon, .
TORIALS, . • .
. 261
'' Consider that I labored not for myself 07ily, hut for
all them that seek learning."— Eccles. xxxiii. 17.
Hitherto there has been but little earnest effort
)king towards the solution of the double Riddle
'rounding Jeremiah's disappearance, and the
iction of the Sceptral line of which he was the
ardian, with that of Zarah, in the Western Isles,
le chaotic confusion of the data has perhaps for-
de the undertaking, and mayhap would have
opped our own attempt had not our '' Key " been
gnetized /
But after all, we do not pretend to have em-
»yed anything more than a skeleton Key. The
;t thing in order was to get the lock open, and a
ick " has been suf^cient for the purpose. It now
nains for others to fashion a '' blank " according
the more intricate requirements of the lock itself,
1 to fit it so that every *' tumbler" in the combi-
:ion shall yield in proper order to the slightest
50 far, however, as we at present are concerned,
\ door is at last open, and we may view the gen-
1 outlines of the Secret with no little satisfaction,
t the Secret of History is one thing, that of
Prophecy quite another, and we freely admit thai
whatever of success shall hereafter be accorded tc
these pioneer efforts is in reality to be attributed tc
a rigid faith in the literal inerrancy of God's foresighi
as set forth in the inspired pages of Holy Writ itself
The problem of Our Origin and Destiny wouk
have remained unsolved forever had not the clu(
and counterpart of History been set forth before
hand in the sacred pages. And herein is vv^isdon
satisfied with its own vitality ; for while the conclu
sions of the so-called wise, who have gone every
where for light but to the Word of God, are no
only at deadly variance in their several schools, bu
are severally unsatisfactory to their own adherents
we find that the very reverse obtains within the col
lege of students who equip themselves with Faitt
ere they begin the search. Their ends are antag
onistic, for discord sitteth in the chair of the world':
philosophy, and harmony crowns the deliberation;
of those that fear the Lord.
In dealing with the records of the past from thi
standpoint, we have been bold to ferret out nev
things from old, in that by novel combinations, anc
from more novel points of view, we have been abl(
to show how even the legends of our Western ances
tors voice forth a revelation that we wot not of
But it is in the Spirit of an Editor more than ii
any other role that, in the present Study, we hav<
undertaken to arrange the material which follows.
Some of our bricks are doubtless short of straw
not wholly without it, and if so, the fault lies at
door of Modern Egypt, rather than with those
) dwell in Goshen.
)ur chief object is to force others to take up this
iderful and inexhaustible topic for themselves,
, if perchance, they point out faultly stones we
1 gladly replace them with blocks hewn at the
per quarry.
[owever, with the general architecture of our
ice, we are satisfied ; its outlines are in due pro-
;ion, and its foundations laid upon facts already
well established to be moved hereafter. The
stone and the Finials will be forthcoming in
time, and we are content to wait until ocular
lonstration shall justify our faith.
: will not be mere curiosity that shall force the
le of Saxon archaeology to dig at Tara in the
• future, and when its Royal Arches are laid
I, the Nebuchadnezzan dream of Free Masonry,
its interpretation, will be recovered at one and
same time.
C. A. L. T.
LE University,
igust 27th, 1891.
'' Surely the Isles shall wait for me, and the ships q
Tarshish first, to bring thy sons from far, their silve
and their gold with them, unto the name of the Lord th
God, and to the Holy One of Israel, because he hat
glorified thee." - I^o.- ^^- 9.
'' A7id their seed shall be known among the Gentile
and their offspring among the people ; all that see ther
shall acknowledge them, that they are the seed ivhich th
Lord hath blessed/' Isa. hi. 9.
HE early legends of Innis Fail weave them-
es into such a consecutive story as at once to
;fy direct Biblical prophecy and startle modern
ents with the probability of an unexpected but
irtheless self-evident exegesis,
is only necessary to compare the two accounts
le one Sacred and before the fact, the other
ilar and its intimate counterpart — to perceive,
itively,that the ground whereon we tread is Holy,
istinctively the reader must take off his literary
:s in presence of the truth that flashes like a
ling bush before his mental gaze, and so soon
s draws near to examine for himself he certainly
hear the voice of God.*
[le Chronicles which preserve to us these legends
of undoubted antiquity. They antedate the
)thesis to which they lend their acquiescence by
many centuries to admit the charge of modern
ision in the premises. They are corroborated
long the thread of British History by collateral
ences, and it is only within the present genera-
that their true import has been even broached.
* Exod. III.
The study already bestowed upon them has bu
increased the growing conviction as to their essen
tial authenticity, and the novelty of the testimoir
they bring to bear upon a problem, which withou
them has defied all former efforts at solution, beget
respect from every fair and candid mind.
It is only to such that we address .ourselves,— 1(
pioneers in the progress of Our Race towards th(
certain Goal of universal dominance. But if cer
tain, then surely foreordained, and if foreordained
then held within the counsels of the Almighty— a;
the Secret of History— until the fulness of its time
and when fulfilled, by any Race, then demonstrat
ing that the Race so chosen is none other than th(
one in whom God himself swore to keep his Cove
nant with Abraham !
Such, indeed; would be our logical conclusion,
even though we could, not trace the direct connec-
tion between the East and West. How much the
rriore so if, between the sinking of the cable at the
rivers of Joppa and Tanais, and its re-emergence in
the harbors of the Western Isles, we can already
locate all the principal buoys, and, by sounding,
find our bearings verified !
; The .Coronation Stone of England is an un-
doubted fact. Its remarkable history has been often
traced. But with it down the stream of time have
come an unbroken blood-descended line of rulers^
and an heraldic blazon— the Red Lion on field of
Gold — which to say the least are remarkably sugges-
^e companions to so mysterious a relic of antiq-
Tracing these material facts back to Tara, we
2 there confronted with a wealth of other Hebrew
lymarks, and our footsteps led mysteriously to
e still inviolated Mergech of Tea Tephi.
What a startling confirmation to the entire Ro-
mce would it be to find in Tara's mound the hid-
n Ark of Israel, the Title Deeds of Palestine, the
rim and the Thummim, the Tables of Stone, the
)t of Manna, and the budding, aye, at last the
litful Rod of Aaron !
Cable such a ** find " across the sea, and we would
ve news for many a day ! And such news we
all have ere many a day is added to the Chron-
es of Israel, for it is hoped that ample means will
on be forthcoming to prosecute the Tara explora-
)ns ^ I'outrance,
If the services of such an explorer as Mr. E.
inders Petrie were enlisted in this undertaking, we
ay be confident that the Secret of Tara would be
eedily unearthed, and it would be eminently fit-
ig that one to whose skill and patience we owe
e rediscovery of Taphanes — the Eastern resting-
ace of Jeremiah's Wards — should be assigned the
11 more thrilling task of locating the site of their
tie Western Sanctuary !
In the meantime one purpose in the present Study
to look forward as well as backward. The com-
g chapters in the history of the " controversy of
Zion " bid fair to engage the attention of the whol
world, and be we — Anglo-Saxons — Israelites or not
it is certain that we shall not .escape responsibilit}
in the issues, nor be absent at the final settlemen
of the Eastern Question.
Judah is already homeward bound. The tren(
of current events is shaping itself most startlingl}
upon purely Scriptural lines. Palestine has alread)
risen from the dust, and, with this Civil year tha
begins with the date of our own issue, must become
henceforth, one of the most prominent factors in in
ternational politics. These facts alone are sufifi
cient to beget renewed interest in all that bean
upon the connection of Our Race with the subject
and to suggest the verity of the claims which so lit
erally concern us.
The question soon to be discussed in Palestine i
one which concerns ''flesh and blood," and it is on(
in which the Anglo-Saxon Race has already becom(
far too deeply involved to admit of its withdrawing
even if it would. We refer particularly to Englanc
\and her inherited DTsraelian policy, though between
the lines we see even the interest of America stanc
forth, with presage of a role not yet discovered !
But if we are of merely Gentile origin, what right
have we upon the basis of the Bible, whereon with
Christians we must fairly discuss this matter, what
guarantee, to expect a literal inheritance in Lands
which by virtue of God's unconditional oath to
Abram pertain unto his seed alone?
Is it answered upon spiritual grounds, as being
hildren of the same faith, and of the second cove-
ant ?
The claim is not only unwarranted by Scripture
nd unduly arrogant, but it violates the Scriptures,
nd taxes credulity itself in its effort to maintain a
)gical foundation. There is undoubtedly a Spirit-
al Israel, but her place is in the courts, not in the
loly Place, nor in the Holy of Holies. The Bible
^cognizes no usurper after the abomination of
esolation is displaced. If Saxons have inherent
ights in Zion and her precincts, they subsist in
lets not fancies, and we may be confident that all
ur spiritual claims are merely grafted into literal
nes which run back to Abraham.
In this view only doth faith find a continent
^hereon to stand, and in a double right we may
nticipate a literal return unto the Land of Birth,
r at least an interest in her destiny ; and from the
tandpoint of our present investigations alone can
ny rational explanation be offered for the un-
oubted influence already felt and to be further
xerted by Our Race in these very premises.
We recognize both the modern facts and the
(Criptural limitations that hedge this question in ;
eparate from Judah we are yet of Israel ; Christians
1 truth, (and would that we were worthier of this
ame !) we admit the new birth whereby we have
ecome truer children by " the righteousness of
aith," yet none the less, or rather yet the more are
we still the Sons of Isaac in the flesh ; and finally
being fully persuaded that what He hath promise
he was able also to perform, we count it ahead
marvellously accomplished, in that He, of Stones re
jected and cast out, hath after all, raised up th
sons whom he foreknew.
'* Do we then make void the law through faith
God forbid : yea, we establish the law ! " For Go(
cast us out according to the Law, and we wer
sifted among the Gentiles far and wide. Yet not
kernel fell upon the earth, and when Judah turnec
her back upon the better Covenant, God turned in
deed unto the Gentiles, but he took from thena
'' the nation " he had aforetime cast into their fur
nace for that very end !
And what matters it, forsooth, if in the interirr
we lost our paths, nor knew from whence we sprung
so long as He was conversant with all our ways anc
in the day of our awakening hath touched our eyes
But some will say wherein then is the Gentile
hope, and how doth Christ attain unto the othei
sons of men? Thou blind, and dull of understand-
ing, not to know that all the Scriptures seek fulfil-
ment in their order, and that by the very process
whereby Israel was drawn out, the Gentiles, who were
left, had Christ preached to them as a witness, and
that the blessing yet to come upon all the other na-
tions of the earth will take its rise only in oui
awakening, and their own astonishment!
The King's Daughters.
The Palace of Silenceo
'' Take away the dross from the silver and there sha
come forth a vessel for the finer " — Prov, xxv, 4.
The Sojourn in Egvpt.
The story of Jeremiah's sojourn in Egypt with
the Royal Remnant is only briefly told in his own
writings, (Chapters xli. xlii. xliii.), but its eventful
character is filled up by data which have since been
gleaned from collateral and secular history.
By Pharaoh, their recent ally, and the implacable
enemy of Babylon, the refugees were heartily wel-
comed. They were treated with marked considera-
tion, and the multitude of all those who had erred
in their hearts in coming there were soon initiated
into all the mysterious idolatries of their ancient
House of Bondage. They were taught to burn
incense to the Queen of Heaven, and filled them-
selves from Egypt's flesh pots to satiety.
But Jeremiah was insistent in his warnings, and
foretold the utter destruction of the land, and of all
who willingly had sought its aegis or were reconciled
at being there. He doomed all such to die there
by the pestilence or sword, or else to be carried in
perpetual chains to Babylon. At any rate they
were never again to see the land of Judah.
He declared moreover, that Nebuchadnezzar
should certainly spread his royal pavilion and set
up his throne over certain great stones, which he
buried in their presence in the brick kiln which was
at the entry of the Palace, and that he should
'' clothe himself with the spoil of Egypt as a shep-
herd putteth on his garment."
Now Pharaoh had directed that Jeremiah and his
special party, (who, at Johanan's instance, were
perhaps quasi prisoners, nor for their Babyloniar
leaning wholly welcome in the land), should be
quartered at his own Palace, or in the citadel of Tap
hanhes, (that is they were under political surveil
lance :) and there they dwelt so long as the}
remained in Egpyt, a distinct and separated group.
These were Jeremiah, his daughter Hamutal
Baruch, Ebed-Melech, the King's Daughters, and,£
chosen few whom God had purposely reserved foi
work elsewhere and yet to come. And of thi;
remnant the contrasted prophecies are equally a<
pointed as are those directed at the other disobedi
ent section of the refugees. ~ .^ ,
They only were to ''escape" (Jer. xliv. 14) *',«
Remnant, small in number, from the sword,- anc
return out of the land of Egypt into the land o
Judah " (Jer. xliv. 28), and they, not being undei
the ban of adverse conditions, were ''.to be buiU
not pulled down, and planted not plucked up/
(Jer. xlii. 10.) Moreover Jeremiah, still their leader
was to superintend this work. (Jer. i. 10.) .;
Mene, Mene, Tfkel, Upharsin.
But a long period of time, comparatively speak-
ig, was yet to intervene ere the final eastern
lapter of this romance was to be completed, and
I the meanwhile the major part of the Jewish
Dlony, who were settled at Daphne near by the
tadel, gradually fell into the worship of Astarte.
The exodus from Palestine must have been very
Dmplete, for when a few years later Nebuzar-adan
^turned to the land to punish it for not sending
'ibute, and to wreak vengeance upon the Ammon-
:es for aiding and abetting Ishmael, he found Pales-
ine so empty that by scouring it he could secure
ut 745 Jews. (Jer. Hi. 30.) Josephus refers to this
escent as *' five years after the destruction of
erusalem," and a reference to Study No. 2, page
67, will harmonize the Chronology involved.
In the mean time the siege of Tyre went on, and
s a counter blow to Nebuzar-adan's expedition
^haraoh Hophra made a naval diversion against
sfebuchadnezzar himself, and obtained for Egypt
nuch of the booty for which the King of Babylon
lad undertaken his Phcenfecian campaign. Hophra
leld his prestige on the Mediterranean for a few (3)
ucceeding years and reached the summit of his
Soon after this he was called upon by the Lybians
o assist them against the incursions of the Greeks,
md being unable to detach his own Greek mer-
cenaries upon such an enterprise he sent the flowe
of the native Egyptian troops upon their disastrou
And so at last the thirteenth year of Tyrian obsti
nacy arrived and the city surrendered to the Baby
But the cup of Egypt was also full, and th
iniquity of Johanan's group, who found pleasure i
her flesh pots, was overflowing. The ''set time
had arrived and all the disasters came together.
At this juncture and in anticipation of what wa
now so soon to follow, Jeremia'h went to the feas
at Daphne, apparently the New Year's Feast 56
B. C, and the incidents related in his chapter xli\
took place, while to justify his prophecies and giv
them weight and credence with both sections of th
refugees, so far as fear on one and hope upon th
other could have influence, Jeremiah announced fo
an immediate sign that all these things shouL
surely come to pass, that Pharaoh-Hophra, then th
ruling king of Egypt, should be given into the hand
of his (own domestic and political) enemies, and th
hands of them who sought his life. (Jer. xliv. 30
Nothing could have been more startling, no
more unlikely. The Egyptian sky was apparentl
unclouded, and although the doomed Pharaoh wa
not without powerful enemies, no one, uninspirec
could have anticipated what was transpiring in fo
eign parts at the very moment of Jeremiah
collateral testimony. /
Secular Corroboration.
rhis was the Prophet's last appearance upon the
itten page of Eastern history. Disbeheved, no
abt ridiculed, but confident of his own mission
1 inspiration, he returned at once to the Palace
Taphanhes, and prepared for his own secret
Ddus ; for he must have known that the better
•t of his original commission was now about to
\t length, and only at the rate at which news
lid travel in that early day, the facts of Nebu-
idnezzar's success at Tyre, portending an imme-
te transfer of his long delayed attention to
ypt, and of the utter failure of Hophra's Lybian
Dedition arrived together, and in the quickly
xeeding confusion, incident upon the actual
ival of the Babylonians, and the internecine re-
lion of Ahmes, the Book of Jeremiah ends and
; prophet himself and his chosen favored remnant
appear !
rhat the final prediction of Jeremiah was ful-
ed, and to the very letter, we have the indepen-
it and collateral testimony of Herodotus, who says
it Hophra, or Apries, was slain by the Egyptians
Fhere is a slight discrepancy between him and
sephus as to who actually compassed the death of
s Egyptian king, but the weight of credibility is
;h " the Father of History " who undoubtedly
follows the facts in the case and obtained them
about a century later in Egypt itself, whose history
he was writing, while Josephus writing niore than
600 years later, merely comments in general terms
upon the Egyptian incidents, and naturally views
their outcome as due to Nebuchadnezzar's invasion,
as in effect it was.
The chronology involved in the account of Jose-
phus is sufficient to show how comprehensive he
intended this reference to be, for it covers all the
events which filled the period (13^ years) between
the fall of Jerusalem and the arrival of Nebuchad
nezzar at Daphne, the which is patent from the
following commentated extract itself in which he
says :
Now in (576-5 B.C.) *' Five years after the de-
struction of Jerusalem (580 B. c), Nebuchadnezzai
made an expedition against Celoe Syria, (Tyre,
Sidon, Phoenicia, etc.), and when he had possessed
himself of it (567 B. c), he made war against the
Ammonites (Baalis and Ishmael !), and Moabites,
and when he had brought all these nations under
subjection, (567 B. c), he fell upon Egypt (566 B. c),
to overthrow it, and he slew the King that then
reigned, [Hophra, i. e. he condoned the act ol
Ahmes, which perhaps merely anticipated his own in
tentions, and at any rate was consummated during
Nebuchadnezzar's invasion], and set up another'
{i. e. confirmed Ahmes whose name he changed tc
"And,' continues Josephus, (in reference to
atters which concern us most, and upon which he
IS actually writing, " he took those Jews that
2re there captive, and led them away to Babylon,
id such was the end of the Nation of the Hebrews
' it has been delivered down to us ! "
An Exception Taken.
But not as it hath been delivered down
) us, who in this closing decade of the nineteenth
ntury, and from a western standpoint, are begin-
ng to recover the true scheme upon which the
osaic of Hebrew History will be set in order
r our children !
The question now is, What became of " the small
imber that escaped ? "
Why have our historians had so little faith in
od's eternal word that they have made no worthy
fort to let light in upon this enigma?
Their works are indices that this is the case, and
;t the facts do not justify their negligence for the
^ns set up by Jeremiah were all verified, and the
ophecies against the disobedient section of Judah
sre fulfilled unto the letter.
Is it possible that, having thus visited for de-
ruction those for whom evil only was predicted,
od failed to visit for deliverance and to call up out
Misraim those few whom he had chosen, and
ho had rallied round the '* Daughter of His
The admission of Josephus is thus a tacit recogni-
tion of the general truth of our proposition that :
Out of the confusion of the catacylsm which sur-
rounds their final overthrow in Eygpt, — and which
is the consummating episode in Judah's downfall,
nothing definite can be gathered in the East. The
few Jewish captives who eventually dragged their
chains '* in execration and astonishment " ( Jer. xlii.
18) to Babylon, had little to relate, and to their
historians it was final.
Encanopied in this Egyptian darkness, the little
Royal Remnant, who so signally were saved from
every previous harm by Him who keepeth Israel,
disappeared as utterly, from eastern, secular, and
sacred history, as Israel herself had done a century
Did then the same fate swallow them both up ?
Undoubtedly, it did, but that fate is just the oppo-
site of what the Commentators think.
There is no doubt of the history of this Royal
Remnant down to the Palace of Taphanhes.
But this is literally " the Place of Silence !"
The exit from it opens out upon a forking path
the one of whose branches leads us into " Wonder-
land," while the other is a cul de sac and stops at
Modern unconcern.
Was Jeremiah slain in Egypt by the Jews them-
selves, for chiding them, as some maintain ? or by
Pharaoh because of his adverse prophecies, as others
say? or by the Babylonians ^his friends /) in their
lickly succeeding invasion, as yet others have de-
ired ? And did each and all of his companions
are the same relentless fate ?
No. Forever no ; and this because his life was
wrn to him as safe where ever he should be led,
was that of Simon Baruch his scribe, and that of
bed-Melech his friend, and those of "the King's
aughters " his beloved wards, and those of all who
sre his Royal Remnant — wards of Heaven, by
Dd's repeated oath !
Is it not astonishing then that those who preach
id those who trust in the integrity of God, and
ose who read and muse upon the Bible promises,
ould persist in either spiritualizing them away,
else in considering it to be of little consequence
here Jeremiah went after he left Taphanhes ? in
hat ''unknown country" he thereafter ''built and
anted " and where the descendants of this favored
mnant of Judah now are, as well as where the
;eed of David" saved in these " King's Daughters"
ill maintain the "perpetual sceptre" of Judah
^er " Israel's " kingdom ?
Jeremiah's Mission.
Only the half of Jeremiah's life-mission had thus
rbeen accomplished, and this had been the dismal
ilf ; it now remained for him to realize the better
id final part. From birth he had been chosen as
od's special prophet to the nations, and the task
signed him had been double from the start.
He was commissioned as a prophet, in a manner
remarkably more formal, than was any other mem-
ber of the sacred College, and this commission
which therefore merits special study, was as fol
lows :
" See I have this day set thee over the nations
And over the kingdoms.
To root out, and to pull down,
And to destroy and to throw down :
To Build and to Plant." Jer. i. lo.
In the prosecution of the first part of this task h(
had lived to see the four successors of Josiah com(
respectively to naught.
Jehoahaz was " rooted out," by Pharaoh Necho
Jehoiakim was *' pulled down" by Nebuchadnezzar
who also " destroyed " Jehoiachin, and " threv
down " Zedekiah.
Truly he had prophesied in evil days, and livec
to see their evil outcome ;
But was his life work therefore ended ? If so i
terminated at the moment of fruition!
At the overthrow of Egypt Jeremiah had seei
nearly forescore years of age, and disaster an(
anxiety had doubtless so told upon him that hi
was even more venerable in appearance. But wa
he therefore unfitted to complete a trust of whicl
only the light and pleasant part remained ?
If so he lost the opportunity for Statesmanshi
at just that age when it is ripest with experienc
well balanced.
Had he grown weary with his burdens, and so
amented himself into despair, that he gave up, or
hirked, or disbelieved the rest?
His writings give no signs of such decay, they
how no lack of energy, or force, down to this very
late, and if he avoided what there remained for
lim to do, then he not only belied his whole history
)ut the unwarranted supposition requires him to have
)een more potent against God than his predecessor
fonah; and moreover, Jehovah himself is then
nvolved in such a dismal failure !
Was he prevented from this final undertaking?
Then- haply those who could not ward off the evil
:onsequences of their own misdeeds were able to
jvithstand the good Jehovah had reserved for others
kvho obeyed his mandates !
Jeremiah was the custodian of the '' Ark of the
Covenant," the "title deeds of Palestine," the
Sceptre of David, the Royal Seed of Jesse, and to
enumerate no more, " the Stone of Israel."
Had God at last abandoned these?
Not if there is PHILOSOPHY to History, not if He
really meant to keep his " covenant of Salt," and
plant and build the throne of David upon soil which
ever since has lain secure, and well beyond the
Ultima Thule of Gentile dominance !
Was the story of Tea Tcphi, Zedekiah's lovely
daughter, at so miserable an end ?
Not if she is indeed " the virgin daughter of
Zion," and the Heroine of God's own Romance!
14 the secret of history.
Called Out of Eygpt.
Whether, therefore, we could explain his disap-
pearance satisfactorily or not, we should unhesitat-
ingly reject the adverse proposition that Jeremiah
gave this matter up, or failed to compass it, for
admission to the contrary is simply fatal to all
faith !
We maintain then that his mission must have
been completed somewhere, and if anywhere, then
ELSEWHERE, and as the records of the great
interior monarchies afford us no solution to the
" Riddle," it is clear he did not .lay foundation
stones within their limits.
But there certainly was world enough beyond
their widest boundaries for modest footing such as
he required.
If there was ample room for " Israel " to wander
in and lose herself, there surely was, for Bethel
and its little colony, some spot where God could
hide its small and tender vine.
There is the most positive Scriptural foundation
for the building and planting of David's rescued
Sceptre beyond the remotest reach of gentile inter-
ference, and of all who might have been entrusted
with its direct accomplishment, Jeremiah was un-
doubtedly best fitted for the task.
An unswerving minister of God, a statesman of
wide international experience, a Cabinet officer
whose acquaintance with affairs spanned the reigns
>f five successive rulers in his native land, a Prophet
ully imbued with the spirit of such a mission, and
:onsistently educated for it from his very birth,
he course of circumstances had at last conducted
lim to a point most favorable for action, and unless
le had a controlling hand in such an enterprise, the
are opportunities which were presented to him
vere culpably and sadly wasted !
No prime minister before him, and certainly
lone since, has held the destiny of David's Seed,
md Judah's Sceptre, so completely in his keeping;
lor perhaps have any since his day had reasons so
peculiarly personal to increase the weight of their
iolicitude !
Therefore, with a compact and faithful body of
nterested adherents, with a wealth of inestimable
measures prepared and situated so as to be ready
or his instant use, and without any danger of
letection or molestation in securing them, we
relieve that he took advantage of the fall of Egypt
:o escape therefrom, exactly as "Israel" had
ilready done in Media, when the Assyrian Empire
ell with the Sceptre of Sennacherib, — and we can
wth trace his course and point out his resting
')lace !
A Sample, Sampled !
But before we proceed further in our studies and
IS an example of the spirit and methods of modern
>o called '* Higher Criticism " upon Jeremiah, and
other Prophets, we cannot resist quoting here at
length from Cheyne's " Jeremiah." *
At the close of this unsatisfactory volume, which
none the less the advanced school have so heartily
welcomed into their faithless library, the author dis-
cusses these final scenes in Egypt, and takes occa-
sion to criticise Jehovah's denunciation of Judah's
idolatrous worship of Astarte as follows: —
** ' Behold, I swear by my great name, no more
shall my name be pronounced by the mouth of any
man of Judah that saith 'By the Life of the Lord
Jehovah.' (Jer. xliv. 24.)
"Such is the oracle" says Dr. Cheyne, "and it
means that all Jewish refugees shall perish but a
very small number (compare verse 28).
"Never," continues Dr. Cheyne, "did Jeremiah
(if the report be correct) commit himself more defi-
nitely to the literal fulfilment of a prediction than
now. He knows the Jewish fondness for signs, and
so, that his opponents may recognize him as a true
seer of the future, he offers them two ' signs.'
First, those few who do ultimately escape shall
know by sad experience whose words standeth,
mine or theirs (v. 28). Next, to quote the Prophet's
own words in the last section, ' Behold, I give
Pharaoh-Hophra, King of Egypt, into the hands
of his enemies, and into the hand of them that seek
* " Jeremiah, His Life and Times "; vi. vol., " Men of the Bible,"
Am. Ed., Anson D. F. Randolph & Co., 38 West Twenty-third
Street, New York. 1888.
IS life, as I gave Zedekiah, King of Judah into the
and of Nebuchadnezzar, his enemy, and that
)ught his life (v. 30).'"
The Doctor then goes on to say : " One cannot
ut be distressed, first that Jeremiah, in spite of
imself, accepted the old 'tendency argument;*
nd next that he staked his prophetic character
n the circumstantial fumiment of certain predic-
ions." (!)
''The argument was of course inconclusive; the
ircumstantial fulfilment even if it can be proved,
annot now contribute— did it ever greatly contri-
bute?—to increase the influence of Jeremiah.
"Granting that we find a prediction in Jeremiah
)f some event which actually took place, yet how
jasy it is for a prophet or his editor to manufact-
ire predictions after the event. And how difftcult
t is to prove such fulfilments.
" It appears certain that Jeremiah's and Ezekiel's
prediction of the Babylonian conquest of Tyre
Jer. XXV. 22, xxvii. 3, xlvii. 4. Ezek. xxvi. i, xxviii.
19), was not ratified by the event ; Ezekiel himself
seems to say as much (Ezek. xxix. 17-22). Is it
probable, so a rationalist might well argue, that the
conquest of a country like Egypt should have been
really foreseen in its details by Hebrew prophets?
" I think that from the highest point of view "^
prophecy neither gains nor loses by having
* If so God help the lowest !— C. A. L. T.
received a circumstantial fulfilment ; the moral
and spiritual element is that by which alone it
" Let me not then be thought biassed by the-
ology if I hold * in opposition to M. Maspero, that
in all essential points the prophetic references to a
Babylonian conquest of Egypt are accurate. Put-
ting together two cuneiform records and a hiero-
glyphic inscription it appears that in his thirty-
seventh year Neuchadnezzar penetrated into Egypt
as far as Syene. There he was met and repulsed (com-
pare Ezek. xxix. lo) by the Egyptian troops. f Two
years later the Babylonians renewed the invasion,
and by their complete success forced Egypt to pay
tribute. It has not however been shown (see Herod.
II. 169) that Hophra (the old ally of Zedekiah) was
slain by the Babylonians, though this seems almost
required if Jeremiah xliv. 30, is to have the charac-
ter of a * sign.* "
An Arraignment.
It is needless to say that we have absolutely no
sympathy with such a commentary! upon "Jere-
miah, his Life and Times," and we are satisfied that
* " See my discussion of this Question in ' The Pulpit Commen-
tary.'"—Dr. Cheyne's note.
t We dispute this; Dr. Cheyne is all mixed up! Nebuchadnez-
nar's ^rsi invasion of Egypt was in his 33d year, his second znA final
one, was in his 37th ; in each of them his success was phenomenal,
and without any military check I C. A. L. T.
e faithful yet in Israel will reject its spirit as
iphatically as do we.
It is particularly remarkable that such an irony
)on the beauty of the holiness of faith, and its in-
nuous simplicity should come from the pen of one
10 calls himself a Reverend " M. A., D. D.," and is
e " Orie/ Professor of the Interpretation of the Holy
;riptures at Oxford !" as well as a '' Canon " of
e church. Certainly there is nothing reverent in
ch a method of handling the inspiration of the
The whole tone of the quotation and indeed the
tire spirit of the book which he contributes to
e series of '' Men of the Bible" reeks with what is
[own as the " higher " or " new " criticism in its
ost insidious form, and shows the tendencies of
ose who in these closing days of disbelief under-
lie to apologize for " Moses and the Prophets "
the worshippers of Mammon.
There is absolutely no faith in this volume. It
full of slurs and unwarantable innuendoes, and
rries upon its own face a demonstration that the
ofessor is not a fair *' interpreter of the Holy
:riptures " and is certainly a masquerader in the
lair of '* Oriel ! '*
Why, for instance, should a Christian teacher, in-
ct the interrogated parenthesis — " (if the report be
Tract ?)" — into such a study ? Is not this a mani-
st avowal of doubt, and does not this spirit of in-
lelity grow even bolder when a little further on he
" distresses " himself, forsooth, that Jeremiah " in
spite of himself ( ! ) accepted the old ' tendency argu-
ment,' " and '' staked ( ! ) his prophetic character
on the circumstantial fulfilment of certain predic-
tions ? "
Oriel! Spirit of Prophecy! Defend us from thy
modern expositors if here we have indeed a worthy
and a learned leader !
And what wound, pray, could be more galling to
the spirit of scriptural integrity than the following,
(considering that it emanates from the so-called
house of friends, i. e. from an Oriel Professorship of
Scriptural, — Holy Scriptural — interpretation ! ) — to
wit : '' Yet how easy it is for a prophet, or his edi-
tor, to manufacture predictions after the event ! "
Were ever the '' Men of the Bible " so betrayed
before? did ever such a lupine spirit dare to clothe
itself in sacred sheepskin ?
Were this Oriel Professor seated in a chair of
Rationalism, as an avowed disciple of Renan and
Strauss, we might have passed by such unkind
strictures and suggestions, in silence, but they are
far too baleful, emanating from the source they do,
not to be repudiated at sight, and condemned with-
out quarter, by all who recognize the possibility of
human candor and integrity, and particularly by
those who, candid themselves, dare not dishonor
the candor of these sacred volumes until disproved
in the mouth of two or more witnesses.
And furthermore, Jeremiah surely *' staked " but
e when he spoke JeJiovaJts word ! and recked
less for his own personal reputation and " pro-
tic character" when the "Spirit of truth"
nted out the inevitable " tendency " of Egypt,
)ylon, and Judah's renegades, in "circumstantial
lie prediction was fulfilled to the letter, and
h now and then — then particularly, as was
bfly intended — contributed to increase the influ-
:e of Jeremiah.
fhis " Higher Critic " seems to have blinded
iself to the whole gist of Jeremiah's God-directed
lunciation of Johanan's followers. There was
: 07te " test " given (the Professor disingenuously
kes two), and this single " sign ". was that Pha-
h-Hophra's life should be given to those who
:ght it.
[here is not one word in Jeremiah's prediction
t necessarily implies he referred to the Baby-
ians ; a ruler can have enemies ivithin as well as
hout his house, and the event demonstrates that
iphra's life was taken by the former,
rhe ones who were to be really influenced by
5 fulfilment were the Survivors — or attestors,
. not only those who should remember it for their
't in later Babylonian bondage, but those who
re destined to escape with him (Jeremiah), and
o eventually formed the " Royal Remnant."
fhese particularly, saved at last, and for their
)d, could thereafter have needed no further
proof of Jeremiah's mission, or of his commission a
Jehovah's literal prophet — always circumstantiaib
But the Doctor imph'es in all his writings, hi
own belief that these Prophets were only so sub
jectively, i. e. in their own minds.
Of course if this were so, and if our Oriel profes
sor himself had unfortunately belonged to thei
college, they ^2^/ risk their personal reputation whei
they were too explicit, and we may be confiden
that Dr. Cheyne would have been particularly war
of such a dangerous game !
In this connection, the disavowal of " theologica
bias," by this doctor of divinity is transparentl;
disingenuous and his disagreement with M. Masper
strained of all its apparent religious candor by hi
utterly unwarranted requirement that Hophr
should have been slain by the Babylonians, and hi
consequent insinuation that the Spirit of Prophec
lied !
The meaning of Jeremiah's words cannot be thu
construed by any exercise of common sense interpn
tation. Dr. Cheyne assumes that Hophra coul
have had no others seeking his life but the Bab}
lonians, and thereby materializes his ignorance c
internal Egyptian affairs at this very time.
According to Jeremiah (xliv. 30) Hophra was /
bCy and according to Herodotus (ii. 169) Hophr
was^ " given into the hands of those who sought hi
life " ; and he lost it, even as Zedekiah lost hi
rty— 2. e., even as the latter '' was given into the
d of Nebuchadnezzar " his mortal foe.
[ophra's worst personal enemies were probably
strong political faction who incited Egypt to
sllion tong before the Babylonians conquered it,
whose fir'^st act was to put the Pharaoh into the
lbs of his dynasty.
The True Position.
/[oreover we must put ourselves into the place of
se who were the actual parties to this Jewish
itroversy in Egypt, and judge of the significance
this prediction from thence, as it has only an in-
ental bearing from our awn standpoint.
3f course the faithful would accept it, as having
m literally fulfilled, even though no papyrus of
yptian origin, nor monumental inscription, nor
scian testimony, was available for its corrobora-
rhe integrity of the Bible does not need the
cks of Babylon beneath its living rock foundation
satisfy the hearts of Israel.
Jeremiah's listeners were well aware that both he
d Ezekiel had predicted Zedekiah's deportation
the most explicit terms, and had apparently
They also knew, as Josephus testifies, that Zede-
ih himself had thereupon disbelieved both of
em, and that nevertheless each prediction was
erally fulfilled.
It was this very knowledge that made the allusioi
of Jeremiah to Zedekiah so full of weight and im
pressiveness when in his subsequent prediction o
Hophra's death he thereby guaranteed its certainty
His listeners fully understood the ominous " sign,
and we may be certain that they at least knew quit
enough of Jeremiah and Jehovah to expect its cii
cumstantial fulfilment. Nor did they have long t
Finally, there is little of " the moral and spirituc
element " (so clandestinely extolled in the volum
of " higher criticism " under consideration) left i
prophecy after the emasculation it receives fror
the hands of such as are of the Doctor's ilk, and fc
one we are free to believe that *' from the higher
point of view " prophecy can onfy '' gain " by receii
ine, and must lose all AUTHORITY by not receivin
"circumstantial fulfilment."
Surely God is not a mere approximator! nc
shall the fulfilment of the word that goeth fort
out of his mouth ever beg for jots and tittles to fi
the measure of its completeness ! For He himse
hath said that, '' It shall not return unto me voi(
but it shall accomplish that which I please, and
shall prosper (in the thing), whereto I sent it." (Is
iv. II.) If therefore men misunderstand the mai
ner of its realization, it behooves them to r
examine their data, and to recalculate the solutic
from the very beginning, rather than forsooth t
criticise, or, with presumptuous sin, condemn!
t cannot be "the God of Israel"! whom
■se " higher Critics " preach unto us, but some
■onsistent fiction of their own diseased niiagina-
ns ; and they fail to see that the more they de-
e the " articles " of their belief, the farther from
em do all sane and honest men withdraw !
This is the logic of the matter, and so much the
tter! for unwittingly they are assistmg the reap-
5 who will merely have to add the " bindmg to
e "bundles" grouped giround agnostic pulpits.
latt. xiii. 30.) ^ , ,, ^ , „ .
The God of Ancient 'and of Modern Israel is
e who " hath weighed the world in a balance,
3r hath he failed to weigh the words of his ser-
mts, the prophets ! . . j
" By measure hath he measured the times, and
y number hath he numbered the times ; and he
oth not move nor stir them, until the said measure
e fulfilled ■" (II. [IV.] Esdras iv. 37)- ^^ .
The Saviour himself has set the standard of in-
retation," and has defined the true object of literal
ulfilment far too plainly for us to dull our ears at
he dictum of a lesser teacher. " Now I tell you
efore it comes, so that, when it is come to pass, ye
my believe THAT I AM HE," (John xiii. 19); and St.
'eter (2 i. 21) assures us that "prophecy came
,ot in olden time, (or "at any time "-margin)
3y the will of man; but holy men of _God spake as
•hey were moved by the Holy Ghost."
Test therefore, my friends, these spirits who ad-
vance the definitions of a so-called ** higher" (sic!
criticism, than has come down to us from *'th(
fathers," and beware of the "• leaven " of t/ietr '* doc
trine," lest the whole lump be soured with th^
logical hopelessness of disbelief — which is INFI
For after all there remains but one passport int(
the Covenant of Israel, which is Christianity — thai
of '' FAITH," and as to the definition thereof w(
need no modern lexicographer nor new schoo
theologic sleight of words save at its expresi
peril ! '*
Let therefore all beware who would inoculati
themselves against the disease of modern doubt bj
an infusion concocted of heresies far more deadh
than the mere frailty of misunderstanding !
There is but one Gospel delivered once for al
unto the Saints, the New Testament, founded upoi
the Old, as they themselves understood it, and ;
greater than the whole college of modern teacher
grouped together has declared, by inspiration, that i
any one proclaim unto you any other Gospel thai
that sent out to the lost sheep of the House of Israe
by the disciples, " let him be accursed I "
In the face of this we accept Paul rather than Ox
ford, and with Paul all that his brother Benjamite
have brought unto us.
An Israelite Indeed.
It is refreshing after such an experience to tun
> Geikie*s " Hours with the Bible,"* and note with
hat a different spirit,— that of true scholarship and
)mmentation — he views these same matters, and
ith broad information and far broader faith, suc-
^eds in harmonizing all that Dr. Cheyne's pen so
ilfuUy betrays.
Speaking of the Siege of Tyre for instance, the
rophecy of whose destruction the ''Oriel Pro-
;ssor " says " it appears certain was not ratified,"
)r. Geikie writes as follows :
•* The Siege of Tyre by Nebuchadnezzar had be-
un very soon after the fall of Jerusalem. Unfor-
unately our information respecting it, though it
isted thirteen years, from B. C. 586 to B. C. 573
579.567 B. C. true chronology), is very scanty. It
3 thrice mentioned by Josephusf but he does not
peak of the result. The silence of the Tyrian his-
orians on this point, is however, a striking proof
hat it must have ended ingloriously for their city,
f the defence had been successful, it would assur-
jdly have been loudly proclaimed."
" But though Nebuchadnezzar took the city it
ippears from a passage in Ezekiel:f that he did not
^ive it up to pillage, and thus gravely disappointed
lis soldiery, who had counted on sacking it as a
* Or ** The Scriptures in the Light of Modern Discovery and
Knowledge," by Cunningham Geikie, D. D., Dean of St. Mary Mag-
dalene, Barnstable Devon. James Pott & Co. N. Y.
t Jos. Ant. X. ix I. C. Ap. i. 19, 21.
t Ezek. xxxix. 17-20.
compensation for the toils and danger * of the pre
longed siege."
'* Possibly a treaty may have been made securini
its being spared the horrors of storming and plun
der, in consideration of such humiliating condition
of heavy tribute as were familiar to the Phoenician
in similar conjunctures. Egypt, f indeed is said b;
Ezekiel :f to be given to the Chaldean monarch as
reward for having done against Tyre what Provi
dence had designed."
" But if Jerome be right, it is not necessary t'
suppose any compromise. ' Nebuchadnezzar ' he tell
us, when he besieged Tyre, and could not bring u]
his rams, towers, and tortoisa, because it was sui
rounded by the sea, ordered the vast multitude o
his army to carry stones and materials for a mole
and having filled up the narrow interval of sea (be
tween it and the mainland), made a continuous pat]
to the Island. The Tyrians seeing this now com
pleted, and perceiving that the foundation of th
walls was being shaken by the blows of the battel
ing rams, carried off in ships, to various islands
whatever was valuable in the shape of gold, silvei
or goods, so that when the city fell, ' Nebuchadnez
zar should find no reward for his labor.' "§
* Movers, p. 448.
t Ezk. xxix. 20.
X i. e. It is /r^w/j-<?^/ prophetically as a prey.
§ Hier. in Ezek. ad. loc. This same spirit caused Dan to destro
" There is evidence, moreover, that Tyre was
henceforth ruled by princes strictly tributary to
Babylon, some of them being even sent from the
Chaldean capital.^ "
'' But though Tyre was thus taken, as Ezekiel
.ad predicted, his prophecy that it should be razed
0 the ground till its site became a barren rock, on
^hich men should spread their nets, proved to refer
o a later period. Nor is it wonderful that this
hould be so, since the time of the fulfilment is ex-
iressly said to have been withheld from the Seers
livinely inspired to utter them.f
Coincident with the progress of the final scenes
,t Tyre (and about four years before the insular
ity fell according to the generally accepted chro-
lology, although perhaps much earlier and nearer
o the final fall of Jerusalem), Pharaoh Hophra un-
lertook " to divert the Chaldeans from the Nile
'alley." To this end he " fitted out a great fleet
)uilt on the then famous Greek model, and manned
)y lonians and Carians, and sent them to Phoeni-
ian waters to stir up, if possible, a rising against
he Chaldeans. His only measure of defence in his
)wn territory was to fortify and strongly garrison
he frontier town of Pelusium, trusting to its detain-
oppa when he fled in ships, and in modern days the Russians to
•urn Moscow.
* Frag, of Meander, quoted by Josephus. C. Ap. i. 21.
t I Pet. i. II. For the ultimate fall of Tyre, see Geikie, vol. iv.
>. 340. Rob. Pal., vol. iii. p. 670. V. de Velde, vol. i. p. 145.
ing the great Captain by the slowness of a siege,
while the Egyptian navy was busy in his rear."
'' But the Phoenician cities, demoralized by the
presence of the Chaldeans, were not disposed to in-
crease Nebuchadnezzar's anger against them,
Their fleets, therefore, instead of joining that ol
Egypt, sailed over to the neighboring Cyprus, and
united with the navies of the petty king of thai
island. Following the enemy thither, however
Hophra's ships won a great victory over the com
bined fleets, and then sailing back to the Phoeni
cian coasts took the city of Sidon by storm anc
gave it up to plunder. On this the other coasi
towns hastened to submit to Hophra and recog
nized him as their overlord, a dignity he retainec
for three years."
The Facts in the Case.
Nebuchadnezzar in the mean time had his hand:
full at Tyre. It was thus Egypt herself tha
plucked the reward out of Chaldean hands
Hophra now returned to Egypt and " elated b}
such prosperity fancied himself ' the happiest kin^
that ever lived ' and insanely vaunted that even 'th(
gods could not overthrow him.' "
But the dissipation of his dreams was terrible
Hearing of his success the Lybian shore tribes, hai
rassed by Greek colonists on their soil, appealed t(
him as their natural protector, and in his vanity h<
undertook their deliverance.
It was, probably, at this very juncture that Jere-
niah uttered his famous denunciation of Egypt,
md foretold the destruction of Hophra. The fulfii-
nent immediately followed.
As Hophra could not send his Greek mercenaries
igainst their own countrymen in Lybia he sent his
lative soldiers on the expedition, which proved an
itter failure.
The Egyptians were so disastrously defeated that
^ery few of them ever returned to Egypt. Mourn-
ng filled the land, and indignation against Hophra
jecame loud and threatening. In the mean time
Fyre had been conquered and Nebuzar-adan had
irrived at the Egyptian frontier.
The priests and remaining native soldiery who
dike hated Hophra for his partiality to Greek mer-
:enaries, whispered that he had sent the Egyptian
irmy to Lybia to get rid of it, and the sight of the
itraggling and wretched survivors at last roused a
vide and fierce revolt. This the Pharaoh sought to
[uell by sending his chief general, Ahmes, against
he rebels. The troops, however, no sooner saw
lim than they elected him king, and forced him to
narch back against Hophra. Opposing him at the
lead of 30,000 mercenaries Hophra might reason-
ibly have expected victory ; but the enthusiasm of
he foe was irresistible, and the royal army was
outed, the king himself being taken prisoner and
hut up in his palace at Sais by the conqueror,
rhis, however, would not satisfy the populace.
Clamoring to have the unfortunate monarch given
up to them, they at last gained their point, and at
once strangled him.
The account given by Josephus differs only in
that his authorities viewed the result, in its general
and external aspect, rather than in its particulars.
They did not attempt to analyze it as a harmonized
co-ordination of events internal to Egypt, but con-
tented themselves with the outcome, which was the
overthrow of Hophra and Nebuchadnezzar's recog-
nition of Ahmes as the succeeding Pharaoh.
Viewed thus, in its general aspect, Josephus informs
us that Nebuchadnezzar invaded Egypt, overthrew
and dethroned Hophra, and set up Ahmes (or Am-
asis) in his place, and when properly tmderstood this
is so.
Geikie sums up the whole matter thus : " The facts
seem to be that the native soldiers actually revolted,
and that Nebuchadnezzar was thus enabled to over-
throw Hophra (Egypt) more easily. Yet his army,
as we see from this inscription * marched as far
south as the first cataract, thus fiterally fulfilling the
prediction of Ezekiel that he should waste the land
in its whole extent from Migdol to Syene. But
the great king, not wishing to make Egypt a mere
Babylonian province, sanctioned the succession of
Ahmes to the throne, under the name of Amasis,
* Tablet now in the Louvre ; see Geikie for discussion.
ter the death of Hophra, contenting himself with
aking him his tributary."
The personal and mortal foes of Hophra were in
is own household, and they were those to whom
eremiah referred, and who circumvented the disas-
;r to his sceptre. The incidents, however, were all
ontemporary to Nebuchadnezzar's invasion, and
^hen the latter withdrew, leaving Amasis on the
irone, it is but natural that outsiders should have
ibtained a contorted vision of the means whereby
his substitution was brought about. Nor should it
trike the reader as strange that zve possess better
nformation than even Josephus upon this subject,
n its internal aspect, since the very light we mod-
rns have upon the fate of Jeremiah himself is
Iready superior to his, and bids fair to increase in
he future.
Corroboration from the Monuments.
But to return to Geikie, who goes on to say :
' The new Pharaoh was not satisfied, however, with
lis position, and speedily strove to make himself
ndependent. Taking advantage of the fine navy
eft by Hophra he sailed against Cyprus and con-
[uered it ; an act resented by Nebuchadnezzar as
ebellion and a declaration of war."
" The Babylonian army was once more, therefore,
lirected against Egypt, and invaded it in the thirty-
leventh year of the great king — three years after
he former campaign in the Nile. The contest that
now followed was bitter in the extreme, most of the
Delta being laid waste, with all its cities. At last,
however, Amasis was conquered, and though left on
the throne was again forced to become a tributary
of Babylon."
The very monuments of Egypt and Babylon
come to the condemnation of the " Higher Critics,"
and give evidence in clay to such, of earthy mind,
who prefer secular corroboration as a substance
whereupon to found their faith :
** A clay tablet in the British Museum fortunately
preserves a notice of this second Egyptian cam-
paign ; a fact specially interesting since it is the
only inscription of Nebuchadnezzar, referring to his
wars which has come down to us. It runs thus:
* In the thirty-seventh year of Nebuchadnezzar, king
of the country of Babylon, he went to Egypt (Mizr)
to make war. Amasis, king of Egypt, collected (his
army), and his soldiers marched and spread abroad.*
Then follow fragmentary lines, describing, appar-
ently, his forces of horse, chariots, and infantry, but
the tablet is unfortunately so imperfect that the
issue of the campaign is lost.*
" Mutilated as it is, however, the notice is of ex-
treme interest, since it shows the minute accuracy
of the prophecies of Jeremiah and Ezekiel, which
have been treated by the new critics as unhistorical,
* Trans. Soc, Brit. Arch., Vol. vii., pp. 210-225. Vigouroux, Vol.
iv., p. 376.
being assumed that Nebuchadnezzar never in-
.ded Egypt." *
We now refer the reader to the " Chronology of
:remiah," as set forth astronomically in Study No.
and which furnishes the skeleton of his true his-
.ry during the incidents covered by Nebuchadnez-
tr's campaigns against Jerusalem, Tyre, and
The safety of the prophet, and of his special
Remnant," was guaranteed by Jehovah ; the last
e hear of him was his denunciation of the Astarte
orshippers at Daphne.
But the Lord had said, '' Verily it shall be well
ith thy Remnant ; verily I will cause the enemy
D entreat thee well in the time of evil, and in the
me of afHiction." (Jer. xv. ii.) This cannot refer
D incidents confined to Palestine, and which we
ave already reviewed, because the promise goes on
0 state : " And I will make thee to pass with thine
nemies into a land THOU KNOWEST NOT;" (14).
slor can we be satisfied with Egypt as the desig-
lated land, since of all the countries round about
ler Judah knew the land of Egypt best, particularly
n Nebuchadnezzar's days, as it was her chosen ally
ind the very occasion of her overthrow.
Looking forward to some other and then un-
known land, " therefore, thus saith the Lord," con-
:inuing his guarantee to Jeremiah, ''if thou shalt
* Geikie, " Hours with the Bible," Vol. vi., 208.
return then will I bring thee again, and thou shal
stand before me ; and if thou take forth the pre
cious from the vile," — i. e. conduct the chosen rem
nant to their safe retreat — "■ thou shalt be as m]
mouth. Let them return to thee. But return no
thou unto them. And I will make thee unto thi
people a fenced brazen wall ; and they shall figh
gainst thee, but they shall not prevail against thee
for I am with thee to SAVE thee, and to DELIVEI
thee, saith the Lord. And I will deliver thee ou
of the hands of the wicked (Johanan) and I will re
deem thee out of the hand of the terrible " (Nebu
chadnezzar et al.) (19-21).
So long as the Bible maintains its inspirationa
authority, and so long as men are urged to plaa
their faith in the promises of personal salvation hek
out in the name of this same Jehovah, it certainly
little befits the ministers of his gospel to apologiz(
for such explicit promises as this, and so long wil
the truly faithful maintain with logical integrity
that Jeremiah and his chosen remnant were by nc
means forgotten in their day of need. This is th(
key position on the battle-field ; we have no idej
of giving it up; if needs be we shall ** cover" i
with our dead bodies, and defend it with our liber
ated souls.
Demonstrandum Est.
But our best testimony as to the detailed fulfil
ment of Jeremiah's several Egyptian prophecies i:
Lturally the latest, and in the mind of faith it re-
ts as a sufficient guarantee that his whole mission
as completed in an equally circumstantial manner.
^e refer to the recent explorations of Mr. E. Flin-
irs Petrie in the Delta. He has just unearthed
886) at Taphanhes,^ the identical Palace where
le Royal Remnant of Judah resided while in
gypt, and it now appears that the mound which
)vere'd the ruins has always been connected by the
.rabs with the missing daughters of Zedekiah !
Mr. Petrie found that its remains gave evidence
f having been visited by a very sudden destruction,
5 by fire, and from a thorough exploration of the
remises he was equally satisfied that the ruins
ave remained intact from the time of that catastro-
,he until the present day. He discovered coins
,nd pottery therein which enable us to synchronize
he date of its destruction with Jeremiah's known
:ra, and in the courtyard he laid bare the very pave-
nent upon which Nebuchadnezzar must have
ipread his royal pavilion while his army was in
:amp at Daphne. In the mean time the very
blocks, originally hidden by Jeremiah '* in the brick
kiln which was before Pharaoh's house in Taphan-
hes," and which were discovered by Nebuchadnez-
zar'and used by him as " memorial and foundation
stones" for his throne, have also come to light,
having previously been found by the Arabs beneath
*For reasons which will be apparent we prefer the spelling
Taph anhes or Tephe-nes to Tah-pan-hes.
the pavement itself where they were undoubtedl
concealed by Nebuchadnezzar's order!
Let us therefore pause a moment longer to quot
rather more at length from the best and latest moc
ern testimony— the reports oi the Egyptian Exploi
ation Society, vide Volume V. Tanis (Zoan), Part I]
—for we are now upon the vantage ground of His
tory, the right of our line of defence, and we propose
to hold the site (so providentially fortified by thi
picks and shovels of modern archaeologists) agains
the world !
The left of our line rests upon Tara's ruins, a sit(
of equal strength and to be fortified in time !
But yesterday Taphanhes was indeed '' the Palace
of Silence," to be located only as one does an en-
chanted castle in a fairy tale, for although it is *' the
only Egyptian building specifically named in the
Old Testament," we had not yet found it, nor cor-
roborated (such is the sine qua non of modern faith !)
the truth of Jeremiah— and Jehovah !
To-day the case is just reversed, and behold
ready at need, and forthcoming at ''the set time '
of ''Israel's" awakening and of " Judah's " home-
coming this palace is unearthed, " its arrangements
explaining the special description of Jeremiah ! "
Kasr el Bint el Yehudi.
There are two approaches to this most mysterious
castle of Egypt, itself well named "the Land of
Mystery,"— an eastern and a western one. Along
lat, the *' Royal Remnant** moved into its shad-
ws, and the twain were lost ; along the hither one
re strewn the waymarks by which our own Royal
Lace has been led back into the labyrinth until the
ains of the missing " House of Pharaoh " are once
lore before us, and lo ! the trail of the " Remnant "
lerges into that of the *' Race" and the reason of
ur " Royalty " is manifest !
" The first evening," says Mr. Petrie, that I ar-
ived there, I heard to my surprise (for I had only
ome with the Karian Camp in my mind) that it
^as known as the " Kasr el Bint el Yehudi!' or the
'alace of the Jew's Daughter ! "
He had literally stumbled into Daphne, for he di-
ined at once that this, " Taphanhes, was the seat
f the Greek frontier garrison," where Jeremiah and
is Wards found refuge in the days of Hophra.
So he stayed for exploration, and in demonstrat-
ig the accuracy of Jeremiah, wrought wiser than he
[reamed for the cause of Anglo-Saxon genealogy !
The result of these explorations, not far from Tal,
•r Zal, the capital of Zoan, or of Bennut, ("the
^hoenix"), as the Egyptians themselves termed the
i^hole of this fourteenth nome, was to settle beyond
iny peradventure the case at issue, so that at the
:lose of his labors Mr. Petrie writes with a satisfac-
ion that the whole world has shared : —
'' Here, if anywhere, history locates the ' Jew's
laughters ' the last remnant of the Royal Family
Mr. Petrie, however, is not responsible for the ei
phasis with which we suit this testimony to tl
broader phasis of the topic now in hand; ''and
he continues: '' Here to-day the Bedawin, the d
scendants of the very tribes who were kept in av
by that garrison, call the palace-fort aftetthe Jew
A Significant Contrast.
In view of this fortuitous and fortunate discover
the failure of the elder Petrie to discover treasun
which zuere couftterparts of these, and which lay ju:
beneath his spade while he was fumbling amid th
ruins of Tara far away upon the western flank of ol
position, is particularly noticeable ; and the two ir
stances afford a marked contrast of the ways i
which ideas associate themselves in human minds
for when the Antiquary mused upon the mounds c
Tara, reputed in traditions almost as old as those o
Tanis to cover the Palace and remains of her who i
known in the west as " the daughter of Pharaoh,
the suggestion met with no response !
But there was reason in all this, and philosophy
and fate, and fitness ; for the times were not yet full
and not only was the elder Petrie not at all " ii
touch " with things that in reality pertain to Tara':
greatness, but the people of his land were not yei
ready to appreciate the spoila opima whose discover)
is still destined to disclose so much !
It was entirely different with the younger Petrie,
^ho albeit perhaps unconsciously so, was charged
nth the magnetism of a great constituency, and
^ho was its instrument in a search for aught that
inded to defend the truth of Israelitish facts ; he
ould but gather to himself the entire mentality of
arnest' Anglo-Saxon wealth and intellect, persist-
ncy and faith, that lay beneath the exploration
lovement, and anticipate the common thought
hen he found himself perchance upon a site so
regnant with associations.
Behind the elder Petrie there was no such inspir-
ig, concentrated aim, and blind to the|rock whence
ley are truly hewn, his countrymen would hardly
et give heed to hopes that look for any good to
Dme out of such a Nazareth as Erin !
Yet none the less 'tis '' INNIS Phail," — an island
Wonderful " from eldest times, and destined to
arpass herself when her secrets are disclosed and
ain renown.
And yet this Anglo-Saxon Race is not unmindful
f the Olive into which, still deeming themselves
rst-times " wild," they now believe that they are
rafted, and so their gaze is altogether east.
And it is well, for it led them to Taphanhes, and
lus in spite of themselves has settled the eastern
hase of this Question.
Henceforth they must perforce look elsewhere,
)r although the mysterious castle has been found,
le Princess of the tale, with all her retinue, has van-
ihed !
But from now on our interest is an intense realit)
for the ''Slipper" in our hands is far too substan
tial to have fallen from a phantom, and as we inti
mated in the -Voice of History," ^^JeremiaJts dn
appearance froin Eastern and Sacred History, is th
very reason why we should look for him in the Seen
lar History of the West^'—WHEKE WE SHALL FINI
The Date Settled.
But we anticipate too much,— as raconteurs un.
used to such a role are wont to do in their anxiety
to reach the climax of their romance— for we have
by no means completed our task in Egypt.
So, though
" Fair indeed must be the foot
To wear so rare a sandal,"
We must tarry at Taphanhes some time yet ere
we may confidently seek for the royal maiden who
escaped thence in the guise of '' PharaoJis daueh-
ter ! " ^
It is important now to fix the date of this depart-
ure from ''the Palace of Flight,"— for such is
another significant rendering in its galaxy of inter-
pretations, and one whose significance perchance is
heightened if the Irish " Palace of Tarah " to which
they came derives its name from the Hebrew
Tarah (also ''Flight/''), and which was the 23d
campment of the Exodus (Numb, xxxiii. 27,
n this connection Mr. Petrie points out that the
al cessation of Greek trade before the Persian
iod is a strong confirmation of the exclusive
i^ileges of Naukratis, the brilliant Greek empo-
11 before the rise of Alexandria, and from his
:overies in the " House of Pharaoh " at Daf'neh
?. Taphanhes), concludes as follows :
There is nothing in the Greek pottery found [at
Dhanes] which obliges us to date it after the be-
ning of the reign of Amasis, [and] we may well
ept the statement of Herodotus — that all Greek
uence Aere ceased at THAT time^ and take the
e about 560 B. c.f as the extreme limit assignable
:he varieties of Greek vase painting found here."
Ve thus have the time of the beginning of the
;n of Amasis, fixed by the destruction of Taph-
.es, the very suddenness of whose disaster, inci-
t upon Nebuchadnezzar's appearance at this
ishold of Egypt, has conspired to preserve its
imony intact down to Mr. Petrie*s day !
N^ote also the name of the i6th Encampment — Libnah (Numb.
;i. 20, 21, et al.^ vide Concordance;) and compare "Jeremiah of
ah," the great-grandfather of Zedekiah's daughters (2 Kgs. xxiii.
jciv. 18, Jer. lii. i, et al,)^ and of which more anon.
Vide and compare '* Voice of History," page 167, where we have
tnomically demonstrated the accurate date B. c. to have been 566.
Petrie, of course, uses the Common b. c. dates, the error of which
;arly set forth in the volume referred to, Study No. 2, page loi,
There are no accidents in the story of the Sax
Race and no anachronisms !
The beginning of the reign of Amasis was t
end of that of Pharaoh Hophra, whom he slew
reach the throne of Egypt. The de facto accessi^
synchronizes with the year that marks the fall
Tyre, and its de jure confirmation by NebuchadiK
zar at his immediate invasion, with the next cale
dric one— as far, however, as duration was co
cerned the whole sequence of events occupied but
few months. In the mean time, and in the conf
sion incident upon these circumstances, all of whic
were equally fatal to the Grecian influence, whi(
was his safeguard, Jeremiah and the Royal Rer
nant disappear !
This is no hypothesis, but a fact, which no or
can now presume to contravene without unwarran
able arrogance,— although the mystery of Taphar
hes, which is itself the logical admission of the
disappearance, did not owe its origin to the effort
of either Mr. Petrie or the Egyptian Exploratio
Society. They have merely established the plac
and time— but in so doing they have riveted th
whole structure of our demonstration.*
* The story of Tea Tephi, Zedekiah's daughter, and the heroin
of the Davidic Romance, has been familiar to Anglo-Israelites for
score of years. Indeed it was in no small degree, to this very intei
est, already existing, in England, that Mr. Petrie owed his inspiVatior
even as his Gizeh Explorations were indirectly brought about by th
previous labors of Professor Piazzi Smyth and the interest of his fol
lowers in Pyramidology.
the memorials. 45
Jeremiah Vindicated.
^Nevertheless, as there will always be those who,
) owls in sunlight, become closed in their under-
idings proportionally as the light of truth ap-
,rs, we shall run the risk of increasing their cecity
quoting an argument of Mr. Petrie's {?wzv far
re than plausible from even an agnostic stand-
nt !), based upon an interesting '' find " which an-
ated even his.
Another discovery," he says, "which is prob-
y connected with this place occurred some years
I ; but unhappily it fell into Arab hands and eer-
ily is not to be looked for. A native sold to the
ak Museum three cylinders of terra cotta bear-
an inscription of Nebuchadnezzar, an ordinary
t referring to his constructions in Babylon, such
would be used for foundation memorials (see
f. Sayce, in "Academy," 19th Jan., 1884)."
■These were said to come from the Isthmus of
jz ; and they apparently belong to some place
^re Nebuchadnezzar had ' set up his throne and
sad his royal pavilion.'
As he onfy passed by the Syrian road, and
Dhnai would be the onfy stopping place on that
d in the region of the isthmus, all the infer-
es point to their having come from Defenneh,
being t/ie memorials of his establishment
'^e !
'That they should be now found after having
been buried is just explained by the denuded si
of the great platform."
It is within the easy bounds of possibility
future events and collateral discoveries to estab;
the identity of these very terra cotta ''memo
stones" with the -great " ones which Jeremiah i
charged to take in his hand and hide in the clay
the brick kiln (Jer. xliii. 9) which was in the en
of Pharaoh's house in Taphanhes. They, no dou
were tabula rasa, and were probably placed there
be discovered by Nebuchadnezzar, ere he could :
his throne upon them (verse 10), and thereafter
be duly engraved by his order as ''memorials," a
then reconcealed, by the Babylonian King himse
beneath the pavement over which his royal pavili
had been spread !
The eye of faith will find no insuperable diffici
ties in the foregoing proposition, nor will the min
schooled in the methods of prophetic fulfilment, ai
awakened to the infinite resources of Providence, 1
surprised by such an evolution of the incidents ov€
ruled in the entire " plot " so manifestly under tl
control of Jehovah.
Certain it is, as already pointed out, that tl
interest in the story teller's art derives its vitalit
solely from man's innate recognition of that subt
Law of " coincidence " which dominates every phas
of human experience, and next to its Philosoph
the chief delight which we derive from History i
found in its Romance,~the which appeals to us ir
ctively in proportion as its incidents are set in
urate array.
t is the Secret of History that ever questions
I's most fervent interest, and *' to search it out is
or for the King."
The House of Tephi.
juoting yet further from Mr. Petrie's Report :
will now be well to state the varieties of the
le of this place in different authors :
1 circ. 609 (Jer. H. 16, but many MSS. read as follows:
in " 588 (Jer. XLHI. 7, 8 ; XLVI. 14; Ezek. XXX. 18.)
'at " 454 (Hdt. H. 30, 107.)
m " 200 (LXX. Jer. and Ezek.)
[ines Coptic.
10 It. in Anton.
•71 Steph. Byz.
neh Modern pronunciation."
panhes, Tahapanhes, Tehaphneher.
lenes, Taphahnes, Daphne, etc., etc., etc.
^rom the purely secular standpoint there are two
positions on the origin of the name, besides
igsch's theory of Ta-benet ; one by the Rev. H.
Tomkins (see Acad. Sept. 11, 1886), and the
er by Mr. Griffith (see Chap. xiv. Tanis, Part H.
pt's. Egyp. Exp't.).
Ar. Griffith says : *' It is perhaps impossible to set-
absolutely the equivalent of Defeneh, Taphnoe,
ipanhes. There are already several plausible
ntifications. But I will offer a further suggestion ;
Ben-nu, ' the Phoenix,' was the name of the m
the fourteenth nome {Ta Bennut), and it is qi
possible that there was a Ta ha pa bennu Dap
e House of the Phoenix ') in the desert portion of
nome. To distinguish it from the Ha bennu
Hehopolis it may have sometimes been called
ha pa bennu her set—^Th^ house of the Phoenix
the desert '— Ta hapanhes."
The fact is we do not escape the deep suggesti
ness of the signification in any of its forms. Ti
for instance this latest one—- The House of t
Phcenix ! " -notable Egyptian emblem of res.
rcction !
The literal funereal pyre through which t
eternal sceptre of Judah passed to new life
the West was thus the burning Palace of Ta
Phoenix, and behold the teaching of the famous fah
Itself fully realized, and the myth repeated in
In Cruden's Concordance (written previous to 17.
and therefore more than 153 years ago, and hem
absolutely innocent of any conception of the prom
nence with which, in the studies of this generatio
of Our Race, Taphanhes would suddenly be ii
vested), we find the meaning of the word, - in it
original language," to be - secret temptation, hie
den flight, covered standard I'' and that of Taph
ENES to be '' standard, flight, temptation, secret I "
Events, at any rate, have recognized the potena
that lurks in this group of definitions, and we ma}
: assured that in the duality of things (Apoc.
:1. xlii. 24) they are in intimate agreement.
Jut perhaps more : for since it is still in contro-
sy, and the question of the true derivation and
lificance of the name of this palace is yet to be
lied, we submit a new suggestion : that it was
ply Beth Tephi, " the House of Taphah" — and
t, no matter what may have been anticipated in
phonetic fitness of its Egyptian name, it derived
2W and henceforth truer meaning, both to Ishmael
I Israel, from the refuge it afforded one who fled
t from Beth Taphah, nigh to Libnah, and from
in due time to Tea-mor !
" Thus saith the Lord, the Holy One of Israel, a
his Maker, Ask me of things to come concerning i
sons, and concerning the zuork of my hands command
me" — Isa. xlv. 2.
The King's Daughters.
Westward with "The King's Daughters."
And now Lord, why hust thou given this one people
over unto many 9 and over the one root hast thou pre-
pared other,, and why hast thou scattered thy Only One
People among many?"
* * * * *
" Now when I had spoken these loords the Anqel that
came to me the night afore was sent unto me and said
unto me, Hear me, and I will instruct thee; hearken
unto the thing that I say and I shall tell thee more
" And I said, Speak on my Lord. Then said he
unto me. Thou art sore troubled in mind for Israel's
sake; lovest thou that people better than he
//. {IV.) Esdras v. 38, 31-33.
'' Arma Virumque Cano."
It would be vain to seek for records of the found-
ing of Rome amid the ruins of Troy, for although
the former was the reputed child of the latter it was
a posthumous one of whose wanderings the parent
could have had no possible premonitions.
But upon the other hand it would be far from
fruitless to search among the early legends of the
Eternal City for references to the paternal Ilium.
In exactly the same sense, and to the same de-
gree, it is vain to search amid the ruins of Jerusalem,
and in the ruptured Chronicles of her Kings, for
traces of the Royal Remnant of Judah which went
out from Salem with the pillar of God's cloud behind
them !
It is true that we may follow the '* Daughters of
David " so far as the border-land of Egypt, but it is
just there, as in the earlier exodus, that the angel of
God, which generally goes before the camp of Israel,
removed, and went behind them for a while ; and,
pointedly, it is just as Jeremiah and his wards leave
the gates of Taphahnes— '' the Palace of Darkness "
—that the pillar of the cloud went from before their
face, and stood behind them, as an impenetrable cur-
Planted between the camp of the Egyptians and
tha of Israel s little retinue, it was a cloud and
darkness to them, although faith must forever main-
tarn that It continued, as in elder days, to give light
by night to those who fled beneath its friendly
cover. Nor did the one come near the other all the
night, and in the morning God's agents— the Hosts
of Nebuchadnezzar— overthrew perhaps even those
who dared to follow them.
Thus no man of those generations could have
known the way by which they went. Indeed the
peculiar Providence surrounding this remarkable
exodus so arranged its incidents that none were suf.
ered to remain behind who seem even to have
known that Jeremiah and his friends had fled
But how about those to whom he fled, and unto
whom he bore such spolia opima ? May there not
be some people, dwelling "in a place apart," and
upon M„, the western side of "the pillar of the
Cloud, among whose origines those who faithfully
wait for the fruition of Jehovah's promises may con-
fidently search for evidences which are manifestly
missing in the East.?
'' All things are double, the one over against the
other," and the proposition which we present is the
other side of the question, and of the two it is logi-
cally the most promising in a: /r/^rz possibilities. ""
From the very nature of the case, if such an exo-
dus took place, — and upon the broad premises of
human faith, and the inspired truth of the Bible, it
must have occurred, — then to the critical exegesis
of the history of such places as Jeremiah may have
reached, must we devote our studies if with any
justice we still hope for a solution of the Riddle.
And it certainly should not surprise us if in the ear-
liest legends of some '^seven-hilled City" far away
in the " Islands of the west," and settled safely amid
scenes congenial to a mission so momentous, there
should be found, adscriptus glebes, sufificient evi-
dences of ''a building" and "a planting" to war-
rant their further prosecution with an earnestness
commensurate with their supreme importance.
A Contrast, and a Parallel.
As the patriarch Noah stands between two worlds,
so the prophet Jeremiah is the connecting link
between two widely separated Hebrew dispensations.
His continued identity after leaving Egypt is their
sole connecting link, and its recovery is essential to
the further and satisfactory prosecution of the Bible
Like Noah he sailed away from a world whose
quickly following doom he had been forced to
prophesy, and, like him, having crossed the waste
of waters in an ark, he reared his altars upon other
shores. In their undertakings each of these right-
eous men were equally unobserved and undisturbed
by those they left behind, and each was favored
with a bow of promise and with blessings from oi
Both Noah and Jeremiah have left records whicl
connect the worlds whose stories they unite, and ii
addition, according to the consensus of persistent
traditions, each of them took pains to bury special
testimonies with which to further vindicate their
claims upon succeeding generations, when the due
time shall arrive to find them.
But just as all the credible records of Noah are to
be found solely upon the hitherside of the Flood, so
those of Jeremiah must only be sought for well
beyond the boundaries covered by the Sacred
In so far as Palestine is concerned, Jere-
miah's history and record are completed with his
sudden disappearance from the ken of Jewish writ-
ers, and from the very nature of the case it is useless
to seek for positive facts and Jeremiada among the
people from whom he disappeared.
Such a process would be like seeking for lost
^;//^-diluvian records as a sine qua non for determin-
ing where father Noah found mooring for the ark!
Both worthies sailed away from scenes that
ipso facto must have lost all trace of them, and
the task of all subsequent generations, is manifestly
reduced to the necessity of seeking for new records
amid scenes antipodal to those they left, and when,
in the case of Jeremiah, such records shall be found,'
they must be sealed with authority at least suffi-
cient to beget such credence as the consensus of
mankind considers satisfactory and siii generis.
So far as the voyage of Noah is concerned we
have always had a log book sufficiently complete,
and although we do not know the port from which
he sailed, nor aught about the course actually taken
by the ark, nor even much about the former earth,
we do know Noah's landing place, and from thence
in their several generations all the subsequent sons of
men have descended and preserved unbroken record.
The Plot within the Plot.
But the case is entirely different with Jeremiah,
not only in that his escape was a special case, but
chiefly in that its subsequent prosecution did not
involve the utter overwhelming of all former and
contemporaneous records, and, even more partic-
ularly, in that it did not necessitate the passage of
all subsequent history through the incidents of
this escape.
Of course it is but natural that the successors of
those whom Jeremiah left behind him should have
hazarded all sorts of conjectures as to his fate.
The very multiplicity of these, and their diversity
and disagreement, is a sufficient demonstration
that they are all equally disingenuous, while at
the same time they afford a subtle proof of the fact
that this very disappearance was regarded as an
inscrutable MYSTERY even by the generations which
immediately followed it.
In the mean time, as we of later generations
have as persistently as we have inconsistently,
gone only to these eastern sources for our informa-
tion concerning it, it is not to be wondered at that
all our data are devoid of logical credence, and of
genuine authority.
The disappearance of Jeremiah seems to have
providentially been associated with such a confusion
of Egyptian incidents that it was not positively
witnessed by any of the few who survived Mis-
raim's downfall and eventually joined their friends
in Babylon. That he did not turn up among this
additional group of Jewish captives must have
been considered proof conclusive that he had gone
down in some one of the phases of the general
Egyptian calamity.
But, upon the other hand, what is there incom-
patible with the circumstances which surrounded
him, in the proposition that Jeremiah did escape,
and not only left no trace behind him, but no
knowledge, even of the fact ?
Indeed, as a side act, stowed away almost behind
the scenes and withdrawn from all prominence in
the complex tragedy of Hophra's downfall, how
easily so small a party as the prophet led, might
have slipped from the " caste " and gone out
unobserved !
Constrained to go down into Egypt against his
will, and having openly denounced those who had
fallen away from Jehovah to Astarte, the prophet
and his few adherents were ostracised by the
majority of the Jews who dwelt in Eygpt. Eygpt
herself was in the throes of an internecine rebellion
whose outcome Jeremiah had himself predicted,
and which according to the '' sign " he gave them
resulted in the slaying of Hophra by his general
It is incompatible with human reason that the
Drophet himself should not have laid his own plans
n view of the incidents he was so plainly commis-
sioned to predict, and in which as a necessary part
Df whose fulfilment his own immunity was particu-
arly implied and guaranteed.
Add moreover to all the other contemporaneous
:onfusion the fact that just at this moment
Nebuchadnezzar was knocking at the gate of Mis-
aim, was friendly to Jeremiah, and soon made a
ompact with Ahmes, whom he confirmed as
i'haraoh before he left clothed in the Spoils of
iygpt as a garment, and no historic feature is
vanting in the conspiracy of circumstances which
ifforded Jeremiah his requisite opportunity.
Moreover we must remember that the world was
lot bound by rails in Jeremiah's day, nor wired by
he telegraph, and that the seas had not succumbed
o steam. It is only in these latter days of ** whirl-
ng things " that men, by travel, study, and compari-
on, have found the world so small.
In Baruch's day a barque, quietly laden at Tanais
lose at hand, and loosed from her moorings with
SO small a band of refugees, would have been lo
save to Its own crew, so soon as it had cleared t
harbor s mouth. And with the God of Israel f
pilot on that secret mission, we may be con
dent the voyage was managed with consumma
The far too patent fact of modern study of tl
1^1 ble is that we are wont to leave the Pilot out !
The Situation.
History is filled with instances where self-expatr
ated emigrants -"driven by fate "-have son
out from their native lands and left no trace behin
them as to where they ultimately set their stake.
In an mcredibly short time the memory of th
exiles has faded from the lands they left, while i,
the distant wilds they struggled to subdue, the cir
cumstances have been even more adverse to recol
lect.ons of the past. In the second generation " th<
old country has become a mere legend, and in th.
separated third or fourth, all trace of it has often
passed away.
But nevertheless when, in yet later years, still
other travellers, passing to and fro, have been so
struck by names and traits, of common import, as
to beget investigation among children come to
easier estates, how frequently have these resulted in
genealogical researches which have re-established
lost identities.
The court of Chancery teems with the records of
;uch cases, and numerous instances might be cited
n which vast inheritance has been recovered to
descendants whose claim thereto subsisted ahnost
vholly upon data found in unexpected foreign
ands and ways.
The common element in all such cases is found in
;he fact that the volume of evidence comes from
ibroad, and, even then, is only brought together
)iece-meal, after tireless labors in a thousand fields.
But, after all, the resultant mosaic into which the
acts arrange themselves is purely circumstantial,
ind, if ultimately recognized to be of genuine
luthority, the judgment must be rendered solely
ipon the principles of common sense.
This rarely errs, but quite as often leaps, regard-
ess of all rules, per saltum, to the truth.
Now it is before this august bar — the final con-
lensus of the human reason, — that we must produce
he case in hand, for there it must be eventually
ried and verified.
But time is long, the case a broad one ; it will
herefore be necessary first to establish the pos-
ibilities in the problem, and so determine whether
t is already sufficiently crystallized to awaken inter-
!st, and to enlist the necessary talent to prosecute
he search among the records. In all such matters
he preliminary hearing takes place long before the
Lssize, for even the simple legal briefs which are re-
[uired by the Court of Commons can only be for-
nulated after the most painstaking investigations
have followed out each thread of evidence whi,
seems to promise a reward.
In the present state of our investigations, ther
fore, we must put ourselves in the place of one wl
is merely telling his lawyer all he knows about h
case, stating his crude arguments, pointing out h
own surmises, and furnishing all the evidence an
" pointers " which have thus far been collected.
If, after such a statement, the mind of a le^r-
adviser is sufficiently impressed to pronounce tli'
case "a good one," and accepts his retainer, th
rest of the matter devolves upon him, and he mus
work It up according to his own genius, and pe
cuhar .nterest, and if missing links are manifest!,
needed he must see to it that they are sought for dil'
■gently, even to exploring Tara's ruins with the spado
The Case Put.
Briefly then, in anticipation, the outline of our
case IS this :
Jeremiah was commissioned "to build and to
plant_ (Jer. i. ), but so far as Eastern records go his
fate ,s an acknowledged and a hopeless mystery
Nev-ertheless upon the hypothesis of the literal
verity of Jehovah's words-whereon we fearlessly
stand-he could not have avoided this, the most
important feature of his mission.
We must therefore scan the western horizon of
these earliest ages for some trace or record of "a
builder and " a planter " there.
In the mean time there is sufficient Eastern data
to establish the fact that Jeremiah himself antici-
pated this task and prepared for it, and that pre-
vious to leaving Judea he concealed certain treasures
essential to the authority and furtherance of his yet
future undertakings in the West, and that he was
thereafter taken forcibly to Egypt, from whence in
fhe succeedant troublous times he entirely disap-
peared with all of his peculiar retinue, each member
of which was equally under the special protection of
Divine Providence.
We have discussed all this in Study No. 3, and in
the first part of this present Study have brought
the life of Jeremiah logically and legitimately down
to the fall in Hophra.
In later days, and long antedating Christianity in
their origines, indeed synchronizing therein with the
very generation of Jeremiah's disappearance from
jTaphanhes, a group of western Chronicles and
Legends consistently point to Spain as a temporary
resting place, and to Ireland as the final refuge of
just such a Remnant of Hebrew Notables as we are
seeking. And these legends further assert that
they were accompanied by all the regalia incident
to such a mission.
From those days down to this (and not only
ivithout lapse, but all along the ages, blind to the
:onclusions which we of the present generations are
It last logically forced to draw from such well estab-
lished premises), these traditions have persistently
maintained themselves, accompanied by certai
material facts which have grown into the honor an
esteem of the greatest monarchy on earth, an
jomed themselves to the reverence of all her chi
dren, even though like America they have literati
become Manasseh-ites in fact so well as name '
And finally accordant with the gist and consen
sus of these chronicles and traditions, there yet re
mam, concealed in the hitherto inviolated vaults o
1 ara s sacred precincts, the Ark of Israel itself tc
be sought for faithfully some future day, and fink
o be found as a crucial and culminating demonstra-
t.on of the truth of all this context
In view, then, of the foregoing scheme, the funda-
mental data of which we may now rega;d to have
been already, and positively fixed, and in view of
our own previous study of the life of Jeremiah
down to h,s exit through the gates of silence, we
bel.eve, briefly, that he took occasion to kave
Egypt qu.etly while she was in the throes of rebellion
witlnn, and of Babylonian conquest from without
1 hat profiting by the emptiness of Judea he
returned to Joppa, en route westward, and there
■secured the regal and the sacred treasures he had
previously concealed there. That sailing rapidly
thence with favoring winds, and piloted by God he
passed the gates of Hercules, and, rounding to the
north, delayed awhile at the " Port of Gathelas," or
i;ortuga , where Scota, the eldest daughter of Zed-
ekiah, already married to Brec, or Brecus, who (will
eventually be identified with Simon Baruch, the
famous scribe of the venerable prophet) became a
Queen in her own right. That thence they shortly
took final sail, and, stemming westward, reached the
northwest coast of Ireland by a circuitous course,
md were wrecked or at least driven into Donegal
Bay near the mouth of the river Erne.
Here leaving their dismantled barque from which
they rescued all of their treasures, they made their
way up the Erne to Lough Erne, and thence they
made their way via the upper lake down to Cathair
Crofinn, arriving just in time to interrupt the actual
coronation ceremonies of Eochaid. That there-
upon the scenes of the most remarkable chapter in
the history of Israel's banishment occurred and were
consummated in the marriage of Eochaid and Tea
Tephi, Zedekiah's youngest and remaining daugh-
ter,* and their double crowning upon the Lia Phail,
or Bethel's '' Wonderful Stone," which the Prophet
Jeremiah had brought with him, and which he
used as the corner stone, or Eben Shattyiah, of the
''building " he had been commissioned to erect.
From thence the tracing of Erin's Royal line of
Kings from " the Tender Twig " thus " planted," its
accompanying heraldry, and fated throne-seat, down
to England's Minister, is comparatively an easy task.
* What became of Hamutalwe do not know, but it is the writer's
opinion that sufiicient data already exists to trace her marriage with
the Kings of Denmark who will be found, in time, to have the male
descent to David himself 1
As when some parting mission therefore bid
farewell to native land, and in utter self-negatio
sa. s away to distant climes, intending to dwell then
not only m renewed identity, but somewhat ir
adv.sed incognito, so Jeremiah must have left the
uelta. s banks.
With the light which we now possess, let in upon
the c,rcumstances that lay along the pathway which
he should have taken, and with our knowledge
already supplemented by many way marks and coU
lateral data, either recently discovered or logically
evolved from the more satisfactory co-ordination of
all the premises, it is easy now for our imagination
to plan out the probable course taken by the prophet
in h,s exit from the stage of eastern aflairs, and to
accompany him, at least in spirit, towards his desti-
That this ultimate goal was Erin crested far awav
upon the western rim of the ancient world, we have
sufficient proof to offer in due time, and enough
comes with it to convince the searcher after truth
that his principal resting place, e„ rotae, was be!
yond the gates of Hercules, and probably in Spain
or rather Portugal.
The Escape.
Nigh to Taphanhes lay Tanais, an ancient port of
Dan in the days of the Pharaohs who favored
Joseph, and, at its moles, in Jeremiah's day full
many a ship was moored, among which was a noble
one that bore the name and trade of Tarshish. It
was quite a stranger in these waters, for during the
thirteen years in which Babylon had been laying
siege to Tyre the western trattic had almost entirely
fallen off. Nevertheless, the same Providence which
had prepared all the circumstances that favored the
prosecution of Jonah's earlier mission, had seen to it
:hat the means for carrying out the greater one of
feremiah were not wanting in their season.
We need tarry in imagination at Taphanhes no
onger than sufficient to witness the opening scenes
)f Nebuchadnezzar's occupation of the land, nor
leed we attempt to itemize too closely the proba-
)le sequence of events, between the lines of which
)ur favored party made its exit from the Egyptian
tage, and in fact vanished from the Orient.
Duly weighing all of the preparatory incidents
.nd bearing in mind the fitness of the impression .to
>e secured, it is probable that, favored by circum-
tances which, did we known them, even modern
riticism would find entirely natural, no matter how
ehovah may have actually arranged them for his
nds, and covered by his cloud, the remnant may
lave anticipated, by a few hours only, the actual ar-
^val of the Babylonians, and set out northwestward
cross the short stretch of country that separated
lie Palace of Taphanhes from the wharves of Zoan.
Perhaps -the fugitives left some transient demon-
tration of their hasty and successful flight behind
lem, to be found by Johanan and his beleagured
companions when it was too late to be of profit t
them, and to serve as an attendant sign that thei
own day of doom had positively come.
If so the message perished with those who hai
been allotted to death and to the sword, and by th
time that the hosts of Nebuchadnezzar surrounded
Hophra's burning Palace the party of Jeremial
must have been far away.
We can hardly refrain from picturing them a
they pause for a moment upon some distant van
tage ground from whence, unobserved themselves, i
final backward glance reveals the Palace now ir
flames, and surrounded by the serried tents of the
Babylonians, the white pavilion of Nebuchadnezzai
himself rising at its very entrance. All this the
Remnant that escaped may have had shown to them
in that last moment and thus nothing was wanting to
complete the consummation Jeremiah had predicted.
But we ourselves have quite as little time for
moralizing and delay as they had.
Hastily boarding their chartered craft, we can see
them drop out into the channel and vanish from the
land of Astarte just as the Babylonians entered
Zoan in pursuit.
With favoring wings we may still follow them
into another port once famous with the ships of
Dan, and there at anchor, and abreast of Joppa see
them rest awhile in full view of beloved shores.
But the land is empty and without inhabitant,
and so without constraint we may still follow those
who knew the way and see them hastily gather all
the royal treasures which had been buried there
against such need as this.
The Voyage Resumed.
At last the precious freight was safely stowed
away, and in the fading light of some soft sunset's
low they saw the last of Zion's vineclad hills, and
turned away to follow the descending orb.
Not without tears, we may be sure, for what was
once so great, nor without faith that it would rise
igain and hear Messiah speak, nor yet all hopeless,
Deering through the veil of years that dimmed their
3wn expatriation, the ship sped westward and was
sOon alone upon the waves.
But, like as once before, when out of Dagon's toils
;he Ark of God moved self-directed to its place of
'est, so now again, the strident sails obeyed the
anseen breeze, and those who heard them straining
to their task had faith in Him whose hands uphold
:he very waters of the sea.
The voyage was prosperous without precedent,
o that the very crew, hard seasoned to the sea,
were fain to marvel as even the blue waters of the
Mediterranean seemed to urge the vessel on towards
ler haven.
" Certainly these are no common passengers," was
:heir whispered comment, as the vessel sped with
jnchanged canvas to the very Ocean-gate that
jhuts the Mare claiisum from beyond.
•' But whither are we going ? "
It is but human to desire to know, and God do(
not leave men so wholly in the dark but that o
vessel fraught with such a burden some could pe(
ahead through way-marks set along the scroll c
prophecy, and dimly discern the place which H
had set apart since David's day.
So not indeed with doubt would some such quei
tion form itself in minds so taught as these, bu
rather in the hope born of the purest faith in a
that inspiration hitherto had seen fit to impart, th
thought would rise.
The question comes to us across the waves an<
years, and, although 'tis but imagination's echo o
the converse that beguiled the voyage, consider i
not rash, dear reader, if we venture somewhat neare
to the pilgrims on that earlier Mayflower, so recentl)
from Isis-land with Maias carved upon her prow, anc
catch the thread of discourse that the ears oj
Heaven alone could have actually overheard.
But only for a moment, for we may not go with
them thus closely all the way, nor tarry with them
while they pause in Spain, although that delay was
by no means so long as the enforced one they had
just experienced in Egypt.
In Medias Res and Seas.
Seated in picturesque group upon the vessel's
afterdeck are all our friends— and they form indeed
" a Royal Remnant ! "
Six of them we already know by name. Baruch
and Scota, for they are married now, Tea Tephi,
Ebed Melech, and Jeremiah himself, are the central
figures of the group, while Hamutal, the Prophet's
daughter, now a strikingly handsome and queenly
A^oman of seventy, is as easily recognized.
Near to her sits the second daughter of Zedekiah,
ler grandmother's pet and namesake, and, in addi-
ion to these, two others, also women, and appar-
ently of high degree (they are attendants upon
^edekiah's daughters), swell the little band of wan-
lerers to the same mystic number, eight, as sailed
way upon the earlier ark !
Relief is portrayed on every countenance, and
>ears perfect evidence that hope alone is dwelling
1 their hearts. The bracing air of spring and of a
irosperous voyage upon the Mediterranean, has
ffected a wondrous change in the blanched cheeks
f the three sisters, and female beauty, certainly in
lis instance, born again upon the sea, pardons even
agan legends and makes them at least plausible
The picked crew of skilled sailors form another
not around the loftier prow, and everything about
lem and their craft betokens a western origin,
beit the Phoenician stamp of all the surroundings
most easily discerned.
" Tyrian in her remote similitudes, and engaged in
le trade of western Tarshish whither she is home-
ard bound," is our natural conclusion as to the ship
herself, "a stranger in these eastern waters, bi
stanch, and of superior tonnage certainly, and we
laden with the results of a successful traffic."
Amongst our friends the converse is at perfec
ease, and as we near them the very first sentenc
that we catch tells somewhat of its drift.
In Converse Unrestrained.
''No, Scota, I have closed at last the scroll o
It is Jeremiah speaking in reply to something
that the elder daughter has said, his tones nc
longer filled with tears, his patriarchal mien imbuec
with all the bearing of a statesman confident that
now his mission has at length begun.
"Nor will," continues the Prophet, *^ the Spirit
move me ever more in that sad strain. We have
far different labor now before us which will inspire
to Paeans of Deliverance, and already doth my heart
lift up into another life."
'' Oh, yes, my Father, and even I have seen the
change come o'er thee as a new birth, in the
crowded month that dates with our escape from
Zoan," exclaims Tephi, breaking into the conversa-
Indeed," she continues, '' I saw it first come
o'er thy countenance that day in Egypt when dear
old Ebed startled us with news of Hophra's sudden
and untimely end. Nor could I understand it, for
the news so moved me with new dread of coming
ivoes that I was nigh to faint. Explain, I pray
:hee, how it was, for Pharaoh seemed not at all to
DJame for errors of Johanan, and certainly he was
nost kind to us."
'' My daughter," replied the Prophet, " thou art
ight, but you must understand that news had long
)een promised as a ' sign,' and I was weary with
"The sin of Judah and Johanan certainly had
laught to do with Hophra's fall, but the latter
vas inevitable from causes purely internal to Egypt
nd her factions. Of course the Spirit was con-
ersant with all these, for in its ken the very
ecrets of the king are written ere they come to
'' It had led me to predict this fall, and urged me
0 prepare for it in haste. It was relief thou
oticed at our own release from bondage, for at
ly age the very days have value, child."
The Prophet Unburdens Himself.
After a brief pause, during which the group of
steners settled itself so as to catch the discourse
ley perceived to be in store for them, the Seer
Dntinued :
" You must recall, my friends, the ministry of all
ly life, how many thrones I had torn down, de-
royed, and seen hewn to the ground, Josiah's and
^hoahaz', Jehoiakim's, Jehoiachin's, and lastly thy
Dor father's, Scota ; and remember, that through-
out these years, whose full duration even I was nc
permitted to foreknow, I waited for the springtim(
and I yearned 'to plant.'
''With each new reign I fancied that the da
had come. But on the morrow after every dowi
fall, the voice of Lamentations alone came to m(
portending only further rootings up.
" And then those final scenes in Palestine, I mea
the incidents which led up to the flight to Egypt
seemed the culminating sorrow of my life. I ha(
grown firmly to believe the * planting' would b
then and there, and in the quiet that succeede(
Babylon's departure all my preparations wen
towards that end.
''But our sudden loss of Gedaliah, and bole
Ishmael's craft, wrecked every hope of such a con
summation, and when, per force, Johanan broughi
us here, and severed us from treasures so essentia
to my mission, the ordinances of Jehovah were in
deed inscrutable.
''Finally, this long delay in Egypt, not at all
foreseen, even after I had recovered hope and
heard of Babylon's success at Tyre, weighing me
almost to the final straw, made Lamentations my
familiar mood. Sad vent indeed for pent up spirits
such as mine, but yet a welcome relief nor one
without its mournful pleasure as a final tribute to
that Land beloved, which from the day the Spirit
bade me utter them, I came to see that we must
leave unto its fate.
"They constitute the only heirloom I have left
behind ; for Lamentation was the strain of all I
uttered in the East, and will go down into the latter
Jewish times as but the broken and disrupted story
of my life, — a requiem to efforts that fell short of
their fruition.
" Who, pray, can know the whole of Providence,
e'en though himself a Seer ! And if I so plainly
failed to see the object of that constant wreck of
thrones, how, verily, will those who know not even
that we have escaped, and how will their descend-
ants, discern the sequence of events that God hides
from them from the start ?
" The mystery shall not be fully cleared away,
save unto us so few in numbers who are fleeing
now, until the very end of days. Then shall it
dawn on * Israel,* reborn, and gathered unto us, — to
our descendants — for the mountain of the height of
Judah's might must find its earthly empire in the
West, and those who wish to view the vista from
its summit must go thither, for the mountain can-
not come to them.
" Verily, I myself was often bidden by the Spirit
to proclaim God's word unto the North, the very
land of Israel's espousal (Jer. iii. 12-14), and so the
Spirit spake unto Ezekiel (xi. 16) and to Hosea (ii.
6, 7), and yet I wot, that, even like myself, my broth-
ers of the 011am school by no means comprehended
what they uttered. Perhaps, however, Isaiah, the
founder of the Upper College of the Prophets, per-
ceived the whole philosophy* of Israel's future his
tory. Indeed, I judge now that he did, and that he
was conversant with all of its contemporaneou.^
chapters looking towards that end.
''But certainly, to me, the most of what I utterec
was so dimly set for future acts that I failed to see
that some of \t, perforce, was actually moving on the
distant scences of history then, and was preparinj
for our sudden entrance there to complement their
'' The true significance of what one labors at, and
is prepared by Providential circumstances to control,
is not revealed until the fulness of its time— else it
would thwart the very end in view. And this is
true in all degrees of life, so that the very Seer may
find amazement in the way the Spirit's words come
''I now see that this 'planting,' even from its
first plain intimation through Nathan to the
Prophet King, was foreordained of God to be car-
ried out in lands far west and north of Palestine.
It was a /r^;/jplanting in fact, and in the scenes of
one of its grandest chapters, behold, ye are your-
selves the chiefest actors.
" Moreover, the opened eye of faith— and none
other can discern the light—can also read the orig-
inal promise hidden in the parting words of Moses,t
* Isaiah xli., xlix.
T Exod. XV. 17, Deut. xxxiii.
or even earlier in great Jacob's blessings * unto all
the Tribes, whose ultimate destinies still lie covered
in Jehovah's counsels.
'' For Abraham's sake alone, surely not for ours,
since now both kingdoms are undone, the promises
of God are certain to bear fruit. Jacob's children
have proved themselves unworthy to serve Isaac's
God in the central land of blessing, so God has
sworn by all his prophets they shall serve him in
another !
They will gather in the West to us when years
roll on, but, blind unto the rock whence they are
hewn, must toil at the erection of the building
we shall found, uncomforted by knowledge of their
lofty origin until it is complete.
'' But enough of what the days, of God, which are
a thousand years apiece, have plainly yet in store,
and of what we as agents are to see and do.
''The Years of the Genealogies."
*' We make this voyage, my children, in a year
fraught with peculiar arithmetical significance.
As you know we are in the 3431st year of the
Genealogies of the Sons of Adam, or as we reckon
it chronologically, it is the year 3430 of the world.
Hence as Solomon's Temple was dedicated in the
year 3000, we are just 430 years thereafter.
But if you recall the careful chronology of Moses
* Gen. xlviii. and xlix.
you will remember that he makes this Very perioc
430 years, even to * the self-same day,' the term c
years that extended between the Exodus an(
Abram's Call.
Bear now in mind that Solomon with equal ex
plicitness records the 480 years that extended be
tween the Exodus and the founding of his temple
and the seven expended in its erection, that is unti
its final dedication."
Here the Prophet turned to the younger Ham
utal, who, beneath her grandmother's tuition, de
lighted in all the intricacies of Genealogy, and witha
was probably the quickest at figures in the group,
and bade her take the style and tablet that was pen-
dant from her waist, and put these figures down ;
then, continuing his discourse, he went on as fol-
lows : *
" Down to the death of Terah the patriarchal count,
by genealogy alone, is without a break. He died at
the age of 205, and therefore at the end of the yeai
2082 — set this number down first, Hamutal, and
note against it that Abraham at this time was ' sev-
enty-five years old.'
* See Table, Page 96. At this point it is earnestly suggested thai
each reader provide himself with paper and pencil, and (from now
on until the table itself is duly reached) endeavor to follow Jeremi-
ah's instructions to Hamutal. The result will be " new light," and
an education into the elementary principle of the True Chroonlogy;
the comparison of the results will also afford each one a means oil
testing his own personal " equation of accuracy."
"It was in reality the middle of his seventy-fifth
year, for he was 'called ' upon his birthday, the ist
of Nisan, and employed the next two weeks to
settle his affairs in Ur. He left that city, as you
know, upon Tuesday, the 15th day of the month,
the self same day of the week and month which
marked the Mosaic Exodus.
'' Moses, my children, was a perfect chronologist,
and his mentor, the Spirit of the Great Creator,
overruled the very jots upon the Pentateuch.
" How little do they dream who put their trust
in Baal, of the infinite accuracy of Him who was
and is, and ever will be named ' Palmoni ! ' and how
little do they comprehend that He is Wisdom itself,
and hath created all things by his 'Word,' or NAME,
in measure, number, and in weight !
'' Now add, Hamutal, 430 years to reach the year
of the Exodus, but also add another year, that is, put
I beneath it, because, without explaining further, it
was at the endoi this year that the Exodus took place.
Add now the 480 years to Solomon's Foundation of
the Temple, and 7 more to reach its Dedication, and
you have just 3000."
Hamutal assented, and the Seer continued,
"You will perceive, by way of explanation, that
this new term of 480 years is in reality the same
dominant factor of our Chronology, to wit : 430
years, increased by fifty years, which is the 'Jubilee
Period,' and it is interesting to note that as ' the
Land was divided by Lot' in the year 2561 of
Adam's Generations, 430 + i years more, again thi
notable period, brings us to the end of the yea
2992, and thus to the beginning of 2993 which sav
the Temple founded I *
" However, returning to the year of the Dedica
tion or 3000 of the genealogies : - Four hundred anc
thirty years more brings us to the present time, 3430
But It is the number 430 that has particularh
impressed me.
*' It is a very powerful Soli-limar factor, and is a
third of 1290 years, a period of great dominance in
our Ancient System of Chronology, and one
occultly hidden in a 'Sveek of Times."
I shall not attempt to explain its former use in
our calendar further than to say that half a - week
of times," or 1260 years, are 66 lunar cycles + 6
years, and that the increment of 5 X 6 or 10 years
which raises it to 1290 years, is a soli-lunar cycle'
in which the solar and lunar years agree within a
This, you know, was very important to our High
Priests, for intercalary purposes, and all of the'^se
* The year 2561 a. m., .-. .. chronological or ^^ past ,n-n.r was of
course 25^2 Astronomical, or of " duration." Now 2562 is 366 times
7. Hence the land was divided in a " Sabbatic Year," the entire se-
quence of which dates from the Creation of Adam ! 2561 a m w.s
thus the first Sabbatic year in the new cycle of ses-luch 'cvcles !
alt ". Kl 1- ''':''''''''' y^^' ^f^- the division of the Land was
also Sabbatic," u e., 2568 a m., and 43^ years more brin, us to
-999 A. M., the year in which Solomon's Masonic workmen finished
their labors.
remarkable cycles are valuable as affording checks
upon chronology in general.
'' For instance, the period in solar years, neces-
sary to cover an ''epact," or soli-lunar difference, of
just looo Sabbaths is the peculiar number 1335.
Now all of our calculators remember this from the
fact that if it is added to 3 X 430 or 1290 years, it
gives us 2625 years, or just one generation, (70
years,) more than 2555 solar years ; a very important
number, for as a " week of Solar years," that is 7 X
365 years, it was the foundation of the Antedilu-
vian Calendar, and was first completed in the days
of Joshua.
Thus it also marks that great dividing year of
time itself, the year 2555 a. m., in which both
Solar and Lunar timxC kept silence at Beth Horon,
and since when there has always been some secret
in the times that none of the Ollams have yet
"This, however," said the Prophet," is enough
to impress upon you the importance of the cycle of
430 years. "
" But let us now resume our summary." So,
turning to Hamutal, Jeremiah continued as fol-
lows :
" Another unit added, as in the case of the
Mosaic count, will bring us, as it were, ' to the end of
the 430 years,' still some months hence, reckoning
from our own exodus out of Taphanhes, and it will
fall in the next year, 3431, of the genealogies.
'' Now as I interpret the Ollam books, and I ar
confident my insight has been quickened in thi
particular case, next year, or ' the end of ^Aese 43
years, will be of Messianic import.
" The Naros is 600 years, the lesser Naros 60 an.
the least is 6. The sum of all is a mystic 666, am
in SIX of these, the Ollams say, Messiah will appear
that IS, in the year 3996 of the genealogies.
''Subtract now, Hamutal, your final number
3431, from this Messianic one and tell us the result.'
The young woman had already performed the
simple problem, and immediately replied in a sin-
gle Hebrew word :
'' HoVaH," (•■'>-), that is 565.
To which, as quickly, and with star^/in^ import
to his little audience, the Prophet echoed with the
Incommuniable Name.
'' Je-Hovah! "
The Tetragrammaton.
It must be remembered that, like the Greeks and
Latins, the Hebrews had no figures in their lan-
guage; these three Nations employed their /eUers
tor the double purpose of sound and numeration ;
the Arabs alone resorted to sj>ecza/ characters
(whence our digits) to express numbers. It should
also be explained tnat as each letter had its peculiar
numerical value, so a combination of them had a
resultant one, and that it was quite common among
the Hebrews to pronounce a word and still mean
the number it expressed, or else its sequence of
alphabetical figures.
A Roman would have written the " remainder "
found upon Hamutal's Slate as follows : DLXV.
She herself had performed the operation letter by
etter (which to her of course was figure by figure),
md had written her result by separate letters, H,
V, H, as naturally as a modern child would do
asing 5, 6, 5, and it was as much to her, as in our
Tiethod it would have been to us.
She pronounced the word Hovah "absently,"
Derhaps, but nevertheless because of an association
5f ideas which is literally imbedded in the Hebrew
ore, and was in fact a common means of expression.
The word itself means " Eve," and she knew her
isteners were familiar with the numerical sequence
)f its letters. They were the same as her result
md she could not have chosen a more familiar way
)f announcing it.
But it was Jeremiah's immediate reply that filled
:he measure of its vast significance and consum-
nated its association. The true chronological
Aalue of this name was hidden from them however,
or they could not have foreseen the ''day" (our
)wn), when its literal sequence of figures, 5, 6, 5,.^'^,
which suggested both 5651, and 5660) would form
I startling feature of " the Mid-night Cry."
It is questionable, even whether Jeremiah himself
perceived its /u// chronological significance. He
nust have seen however that there was deepest
Cabbalism lurking in the Name and his impulse
pronounce the mystic word had been instincti^
ana oi (jrod.
Strange as it may seem, though familiar with
written form, they had never heard this mys,
JNAME pronounced before! It was the Teti
grammaton, always avoided, even in reading tl
Scnptures. and for which the teachers themselv
habitually substituted the word Adonai
It .s needless to say that they were awed in evei
sense, and that (perceiving the Prophet spoke wit
careful y weighed authority), the arithmetical an
chronological import of his answer made the dee,
est kmd of an impression upon them.
"The Days of God."
The Prophet now repeated, after an impressiv
pause, the remark which had suggested his diffre<
But, as I said before, enough of what the day
of God, which are a thousand years apiece, have ye
m store, and of what we, as agents, are to see and do
-save th,s:-Hosea has prophesied-' after two
days he will revive us ; in the third day he will raise
us up, and we shall live in his sight.' * He spoke
particularly to ' Israel,' but as you will see in the
same connection included ' Judah ' in the final har-
* Hos. vi. I, 2. . TT .
T Hos. VI. II.
" Let now my explanation sink into your hearts, but
ever again mention it, even among yourselves ; for
le part we have to play is grand enough. 565 years
ring us to 3996 and FOUR years more will make
le term an even 4000.
" These four ' odd ' years are necessarily added to
lable us to reach the even 4000th year, and they
ave always been a fruitful source of 'mystery'
Tiong the Ollams. Indeed unto the very end of
jentile times ' they will certainly be prolific of
0 end of chronological controversy."
[It is here important that we should break into
eremiah's discourse in order to elucidate his mean-
ig, for though plain to those who understand,
the wise," it is so filled with hidden beauties that
i^en the latter may converse upon it to advan-
These very four years are the ones of all others
mong which chronologists have set their various
nd conflicting dates of '' the Nativity." They
ave been the battle ground of all former systems,
nd will continue to be so until the correct A. M.
:ale, of the '' years of the Generations of Adam,"
recognized by historians. To show how simply
le true chronology moves through them, the
^ader is referred to the table opposite page 112,
tudy No. 2, Current Our Race Series. There the
^veral more often quoted systems are completely
armonized and the apparent hiatus closed — that
;, the straight sequence of years *' from Adam,"
passes as systematically through them, as it dd
through all the rest.
But Jeremiah was right in stating that the P,
phetic cycles, or the '' doubles" of Hebrew chron
ogy are literally balanced about them. This
explains later on, but in the mean time it devolv
upon us to offer an interpretation of its special si
nificance. It may be briefly summed up as follow
The author of these studies believes that the Spii
(foreseeing the chronological controversy which w
to arise concerning the date of the Nativity, an
hence the various a quos and ab quos of our conflic
ing systems) chose to skip these forty-eight month
or to '' suspend " the key cycles, which lead ?// i
them, and down from them. They are treated as
they were a single year, and the result is very sii
nificant. Placed in regular order they stand a
follows :
3996] 3997 (3998) 3999 [4000
Now it is the central year, 3998, that solves th
mystery. It was the year of the " Slaughter of th(
Innocents," of the eclipse recorded by Josephus
and of Herod's death (see Appendix F. Study No
2,) and it is the writer's belief that during this entire
period, from sometime in 3996 to a corresponding
time in 4000, the Saviour was not in Judea— HE
WAS IN EGYPT! He was hurried down into
that land, strangely then one of Refuge, early in
3996, after the visit of the Magi, and was not
''called out" of Egypt, until 4000. Hence the
ause in the hidde^i cycles — although Chronology,
id the Astronomic years, kept on their certain way.]
Return we now to Jeremiah's discourse on these
silent " years.
" But while the astronomic cycles run through
lem, and thus demand their recognition, still the
ore secret wisdom of the Ollams requires us to
iss over them. The fact is, they form a sort of
liatus ' in the scale, and the times which precede
id follow them are harmoniously disposed with
fere nee to their beginning and end. But I will
xplain this at some future time, so we will now
)mmence with this 4000th year of the genealogies :
" You have added the four years, have you not,
amutal ? " said the Prophet. The Princess as-
nted, and Jeremiah continued as follows :
'^ Four hundred and thirty years more, the same
gnificant period to which I have already so often
ferred, will end the first ' day ' — a thousand years
om now.
'* It will be marked by many signs among the
mpires, and those who scan the chart of history in
ill later days, will easily perceive that the confu-
on among all the peoples of the earth was really
aused by Samson thrashing in his dreams — for in
lose days the Sons of Isaac will do mighty deeds,
ut only as one does them in his sleep.*
''The second day," continued the Seer, '' will be
* These were the days of " toppling Rome," of the Pictic invasion
: England, of the beginnings of the Saxon immigration, of Attila,
notable for the re-organization among the sons
Adam, and, at its close, the year 5430 of the crene
ogies^ will find Israel's stupor ended, and the si-
of her revival will gradually begin to appear.
" They will increase as the day proceeds to i
meridian !
" Soon after its dawn, another Ship, like this, w
satisfy, again, the ancient oracles, and New Woih
shall be found ; for the old ones will be soon tc
strait for ^ Israel's ' children, and they will sprea
abroad on Eagle's wings !
"In those times Jacob's Zodiac shall have ii
dozen Signs complete, and every one of them sha
float above a Tribe grown to an Empire. Ther
shall be a Nation, and a Company of Nations, an,
when another term of this same period of 430 year
is added, 586o,t Manasseh's shame shall pass away
and in exactly 360 months, 5890,^ she^ shall knov
the ' Rock ' whence she is hewn ! "
The prophet, here, seems to have dimly referrec
to the American Rebellion and to our current
decade. .No doubt like all the prophets he compre-
hended very little of the details he was thus im-
pelled to sweep into this broader survey. But none
the less his forecast was exact. He spoke not only
a,id of the Huns and Vandals. To get a grand idea of what occurred
the reader ,s referred to Adams' Synchronological Chart of History.
* Circa our common 1431 a. D.
t Circa 186 1-2 a, d.
t Circa 189 1-2 a. d.
s an ''011am," skilled in a peculiar lore, but with
confidence that sprang from deeply founded Faith,
lis was a God indeed, and of Him he already knew
nough to realize that one could not err, even in
isual converse, when he handled the dominant
yxles of Divine chronology.
Startling Forecasts.
" Those, be '' the latter days,* my children, for a
eek of years will end the efforts, of all who hate
UR Race, in 5897 ; and in 5898, a Blessed Era will
egin to dawn ; the next year, 5899, will be even
righter, but the glorious one is 5900.
" I can explain some of these matters so that
^en you can share my hopes, anxl understand
part my reasons.
''A moment ago I referred to the peculiar number
535 ; if you subtract it from 5900, you obtain 4565,
lat is, just 565 — the significant Hovetic factors —
ter the year 4000.
'* In the same way subtracting 565, from 3996, the
:her edge of the ' silent ' four years, brings us to
1.3 1, the year just ahead of us, and one which is
so to be fraught with events of great significance
the seed of Woman. It is an Hovetic year. Fur-
lermore, if we add 1335, to the 4565, or subtract it
om the 3431, we reach respectively the years 5900?
id 2096. Now the latter is the culminating year
the test of Abram's Faith, for it was at the crisis
Sarai's disbelief consequent upon the Hagar inci-
dent. It was just 1900 years before the Messia
3996, while the former year, 5900, is just 1900 ye
after the year 4000. This year 5900 will see 1
substance of things hoped for fully realized."
Here the Prophet, borrowing Hamutal's style a
tablet, wrote upon its reverse side the followi
table, to elucidate his meaning:
A. M.
1260 ) ^y^"^^^' 2096 )
7c; M335 3431 M 900.
^^' 565 3996)
(4) \ — 4. hSo4
565 4565 y 1900. 1
1335 5900) J
3996] 3997 (3998) 3999 [4000^
The Process Varied.
'* But," he continued, after having passed tli
tablet around for examination, and resuming
again, "let us start the figuring from the birth c
Ishmael— the eldest son of Abram, who was bor
when his father was eighty-six years old (Gen. xv
16), that is in the year 2093.
Mf we add 1335 to this year as an origin, w
arrive at the year 3428, which witnessed the fina
efforts of Nebuchadnezzar at Tyre, and Hophra'
expedition to Lybia— both of which conspired t(
the initiation of our own undertaking. Adding nov
565 years more we reach the year 3993, and four
years further land us into the first year of the
Messianic age, i. e.-3997; for, as I have already
intimated, the Ollams say the *' World of Adam "
ends in 3996.
'' Using, now the very same periods in reversed
order we must add 565 to 3997, which brings us to
*' In this year the emblem of a Dove takes rest
upon the Stone of Bethel. I know not what the
emblem signifies but it has reference to our mission's
prosecution in those far off days. *
"Finally, 1335 years more, fetch us to 5897,
and blessed is he who sees the age beyond ! "
Here the Prophet remarked that " From this dia-
gram," which he sketched upon the tablet as fol-
ows, "you can perceive some of the chronological
ymmetry centred about the year 3996."
3993] 3994, 3995, (399^) 3997 399^ [3999-
And stated, as his audience passed it around for
examination, that " By adding to it or subtracting
rem it 1901 years, you will reach the respective
beginnings of the years 5897 and 2096."
Line upon Line.
" The whole matter can be shown in another way,
♦4562 A. M. Columba Celtic missionary of Ionian fame. "The
uardian of Bethel " upon which, at the close of his labors, he
ested his head, and passed into eternity! See Dean Stanley's
Annals of Westminster."
as follows," said the Seer, again arranging a line ,
chronological years upon the back of the tabl.
with this result :
^''^'"i<= Messianic
3993] 3994, 3995, 399^) (3997, 3998, 3999 [40QD
"Old World" uj^g^ World."
" Here you will perceive that 3996 is the end of th
old age and 3997 the beginning of another. The
are respectively 1900 years in duration, and as '
double' extend from 2096 to 5897, while b
going, in each way, four years further from th
centre, we come again to 2093 and 5900.
'' But to conclude this explanation (which ha
made so lengthy a break into our original calcula
tion upon the other side of the tablet) I will sum i
all up in a still simpler manner.
2093 (Ishmael)
+ 1335
3428 (Tyre and Lybia)
+ 565
3993 (Signs in the Heavens)
3996 j '^^^ Chronological Knot.
1399/ '
3997 (The New Beginning)
+ 565 ^^
4562 (The Dove)
+ 1335
5897 (The End)
" Note now, my friends, that the year 5898 would
be the year 5660 should we count, as Oilams some-
times do, from that time of Enos, in which men first
began to ca// upon the Jehovetic NAME, as Moses
has recorded. Enos, you know, was born in the
/ear 235, and as our 011am records show, the reck-
oning begins with the third year thereafter.
" Let me now set down a short calculation and
explain it afterwards :
Solar Lunar Solar Lunar
2445; 2520: 15898: 6078.920
- 72
6078.920 +
- 75.
- 2445
6003.920 +
- 2520.
3483.920 4-
'* It is the year 3381," said Jeremiah, as the group
xamined the tablet, *' that is remarkable. It is
eferred to by Ezekiel in one of his latest epistles to
fie, and was the year from which his labors were
ccultly dated. This will be understood by reading
is very first sentence.*
'' Reckoning, down the stream of time, from this
* See Ezek. i. i, also examine the explanatory note against the
^ar 3381 on pages 1 56-7 in Study No. 2, Our Race. To understand
ow eighteen months cover 5660 upon Jewish scale, vn/e table oppo-
te page 206 in same Study.
year, 2520 lunar years (equal to 2445 solar year
bring us to the solar year 5826 at which tin
' Israel's punishment ' ends,* and seventy-five lun^
years further, or seventy-two solar years, brings i
to 5898, which is fully Jehovetic.
" There is no escape from these conclusions ; the
are weighed, measured and numbered."
The Net Full of *' Great Fishes."
" Finally, my children, you three * Daughters o
David,' represent the 50th personal generatioi
from Adam. In one hundred more, which is just <
double jubilee of souls, a daughter of David wil
arise and men shall shout Victoria ! Twice upor
' Bethel 'shall she renew her oath, and a great Jubile(
her reign shall see. Into the week of years beyond
her reign shall still progress, and the eighth yeai
shall be marked with startling events. Her children
shall be many, and her grandchildren ; aye, upon
her knees the hundred and fifty and third genera-
tion from Adam shall also lisp Victoria!
" The Davidic term is forty years and an hundred
and fifty and two such terms are to be counted to
close the era and span into the better days of
* Strictly ; 5826^ + H = 1828^ common a. d. This date marked
an Annunciation of the deepest Moment to mankind, and " Jerusa-
lem which is the Mother of us all " was tabernacled " among men !
Whoso hath Wisdom, will perceive my meaning, for upon the
>//.7..;.^« Christmas day," Dec. 25, 1828, was A) (12 made manifest
once more.
Shiloh and of Peace. Short by one year to make
the last but 39, we have (151 x 40) + 39= 6079,
which in general terms is the Lunar value of 5898
solar years, and reaches the Jehovetic year — 5660
solar years from that earliest cry raised among men
far back in the days of Enos.*
* Note now that 69 X 7 = 483, and that 483 X 7 = 3381 ! Also
note that 49 X 69 = 3381 or (50— i) X (70—1). To 2513A. m., the
year of the Exodus, now add 3381, fetching us to 5894, i. e. entirely
through 5893 A. M., which is the last Sabbatic year in Gentile Times
(vide Table, page 206, Study No. 2). Note now that Moses, the
XVL High Priest, " after the order of Melchizedec," became so in
his thirtieth year, i. e. in 2463 A. M. ; or ten years before he fled to
Midian. 5893—2463 = 3430 = 7 X 49° ! or 7 X 70 X 7 years ! or in
another form 70 X 49 years. But, for this very reason, the year 5893
A. M. is the sixty-ninth *' week " of Sabbatic years (7 X 7 = 49 years),
from 2512 A. M., the last year of Bondage.
The year 5894 a. m. is thus the sixty-ninth Jubilee since the Ex-
odus, and the seventieth since the elevation of Moses ; it is also the
sixty-ninth solar yea7- after the one, 1828 A. D. (5826 A. m.), in which
the Motherhood of God began to be " present " in a special degree, the
significance of which is only just dawning upon the very wisest of
the wise !
Let no one think that I here refer to ** Mariolatry " in any phase
or form, or to anything, even dreamed of among men, save perhaps
by Solomon in his Song of Songs, previous to 1872-77 a. d. ; or,
furthermore, to anything that shall ever alter a single word or
sentiment contained in the Lord's prayer unto OUR FATHER.
Yet, let it also be perceived, by those whose spiritual eyes shall
be opened to the fact; — that the name of This Father — which we
have in heaven, — even "Jehovah " — has always concealed the name
of '• Eve "— Hovah— who is " the Mother of all Living," and that the
mvstery of this fact is revealed, in our day, for a purpose of momen-
tous import.
There is no other name under heaven whereby we may be saved
than that of " Jesus," the Christ, the Son of the Livmg Jehovah, the
The Caigulation on Hamulai's Tablet.
No reader of these
volumes need henceforth
plead ignorance as to the
years of the genealogies of
48c J
"After two
days He
will revive
The First
j Second
»- "Day."
day He will I
■>-aise us 7<p; j
and we shall J
live in His '
" Day "
growing J
A. M.
12 A. D.
Isa. XVII.
Abraham leaves Ur in middle
year, Tuesday, 15th day, 7th mont
Gen. V XI: 10; Xll:
The chronological years 430 aft,
the "call" begin: the first year, (as:
reckoning ages) counting as zero.
ExoD. XII: 4(
The 430 years End. ExoD. XII: 4:
The Exodus in Middle of the yeai
Tuesday, 15th day, 7th month.
ExoD. XII: 41.51
The Temple Founded. 1 Kgs. VI
I. 2Ch. Ill: 2.
The Temple Dedicated, i Kgs VI
Jeremiah, in the OUam Ship, ex-
plains thegenealogiestohislittleparty.
The end of the 430 '' Chrono-
logicar' years, after the finishing of
the Temple, and thus 565 years be-
fore Messias, as intimated by Jere-
\^ miah.
Messias born at Bethlehem.
The IVth Millennary ends.
j Judah'syfrj/ " day " of sleep ends
( with this period.
A time of signs axnon^ the empires
( and peoples of the earth, begins.
One of God's days.
Judahs' Second day terminates.
The first period in " Judah's" third
day ends.
A "month of years" longer, dur-
ing which the Anglo- Israel theory
becomes more and more generally
recognized as a FACT.
"Three days of Grace," March-
April, 1890, to March-April, 1892,
3 X 8-24 "working" months.
only begotten, before all worlds, and by whom, as "Logos" were all
things made that are made ; even so, amen.
It is in full consent to this, which is the essence of all Apostolic
faith, that we proclaim the presence of a Mystery and, with others,
who have, be it to a greater or less degree, been let into its manifes-
tation, whether by faith or Light, we recognize it as already here.
The " Sealing " of God's chosen ones is being rapidly consum-
mated, even as rapidly as the " fulness of the times " is rising to the
brim, hence it behooves us to be willing in the day of the Lord, to trim
the " wicks " of our perception, and to replenish our lamps with as
generous a supply of " Oil," from Moses and the Prophets and from
Christ and his Apostles, as they will hold.
The Light will then shine in dark places and perchance the veil of
our understanding will be gradually drawn aside. But we must
expect a surprise ; for it hath not entered into the heart of man to
conceive of what God hath yet in store for those who wait upon him.
Finally, let such as have eyes to see, use them to comprehend the
MYSTERIES involved in the parallels of the ^^ first man Adam," of the
earth earthy, and the "second man," who is the Lord from Heaven (i
Cor. XV. 45-58), and let him diligently ponder over what the Spirit
shall suggest after reading prayerfully the command to Adam while
he was yet alone (Gen. ii. 16-17); the circumstances of the subse-
quent creation of Eve (Gen. ii. 18-25), ^^^ testimony of John the
Baptist (John iii. 25-36), of John, the Beloved disciple (Rev. xxi.),
and of Christ Himself (Rev. xxii.), — and let him " Worship God"
(Rev. xxii. 9).
But further than this we are not permitted, either by knowledge or
by our judgment, to discuss these deeper mysteries — lest doing so a
single pearl risk being trampled under careless feet, to say nothing
of the cloven " shoon " of devils.
It need only be mentioned then as to this last Sabbatic year, 5893
A. M., that it is the (8 X 666) + 565th year of the world, in which
form its Messianic and Hovetic (H. V. H. = 5.6.5) significance is
plainly crystallized!
From the year 3381 a. M. (equal to 69 X 49 years), to the year
5826 A. M., there extend 2445 solar (equal to 2 z^20 hi nar) years. The
supreme importance of this year, 3381 A. m., has already been hinted
at in Study No. 2, page 156.
Erased !
The Prophet paused, no doubt, surprised himsel
at the unwonted freedom of his converse an
Baruch having reached to Hamutal for her sty"
and tablet, added a number of references to th
Scnptures concerned, and then in silence the table
passed from hand to hand. It was examined upo
both s,des. but, as may be imagined, the origfnal
work of Hamutal was the easiest to comprehen!
Of course the work was all in Hebrew, in which
he figures themselves possessed a double significance
to those who examined them. We can giv'e no dea
of th.s to modern readers, and our own translation
of the work upon the tablet, to which we have also
taken the l.berty of adding other notes, is hardly to
wl ^! *".^^^^* reproduction of the original.
When the ,vory tablet had been returned to
Hamutal, by the Prophet, whom it had reached las^
in the party, ,t was blank, for having glanced sie
n.ficantly around the group he had erasfd the chlr-
_Then, returning tojh^^cene^j^^^Eevpt and
aL ,W r. ' ' "' ^""y-nine Jubilees less two Sabbatic years
and that the secon. Sabbath year, counting from ,880 ad (Lu '
Solar-Equmox), is of TREMENDOUS import I
"day-falls wen .ii'i„.tl'°bba.h'd7y rood-,"- ^"'' "'"^''^'
in answer to Tephi's original question, he ab-
ruptly changed the thread of the discourse, as fol-
** Pharaoh was indeed friendly to us, and for the
compact's sake which long ago he made with
Judah's line, he gave to us his palace in the Delta
for a refuge. Nevertheless he was merely Jehovah's
instrument in shielding us from the growing hos-
tility of Johanan's faction. They sought to do us
fatal harm, and would have openly made the at-
tempt had we not been favored, and thus dwelt
apart from them.
" It was Pharaoh himself who placed our little
party at Taphanhes, and assigned to them a dwell-
ing place at Daphne, far enough away to render
their hostility inert. He had great worldly states-
manship, but also many reckless tendencies, and be-
sides inheriting all the heinous sins of his ancestry,
he erred, from the merely human standpoint, in
trying to force his generation far beyond its proper
pace and day. But the real occasion of his down-
fall was the natural result of his foreign policy ; for
the marked favor which he bestowed upon his Gre-
cian armies gave the native priests, whom he con-
stantly offended, the very opportunity they wanted
and were quick to use."
A Contemplative Pause.
Never before had the Prophet seemed to be in so
communicative a mood, nor had he ever so com-
pletely unburdened himself, as it were, to his con
With deep attention they had, therefore, closel
followed this long discourse, which Tea's quer
had drawn forth, and its candid, human strain spon
taneously forged new bonds of sympathy betweei
them all.
It was a surprising insight into the real char
acter of Jeremiah, which even his companions ha(
not anticipated, and hence it was with well de-
fined relief they recognized at last that the Priest
of Anathoth was subject to all the common-place
emotions of the rest of men.
Nor should this surprise us, who have the testi-
mony of James (v. 17) that even Elias, " the Prophet
as fire," whose ''word burned like a lamp," (Eccle-
siasticus xviii. i), was but a man subject to like
passions as we are."
The fact is we have much to learn concerning the
ways of the Almighty, and the methods of his
Spirit ; and quite as much to con, as to our own
personal relations, as functions, in the problem of
There are no ** accidents " at all ; the term '* coin-
cidence " blasphemes every law in the Universe ; it
is repugnant to our inner sense ; and this we know.
But we live double lives, and flagrante delicto in
every nobler recognition of the truth, are ever prone
to deny the very promptings which would make us
honest in the sight of God and men.
These grander Hebrews viewed existence from its
truthful standpoint, — the which, solely, made them
Great, and enabled them to be both recipients and
dispensers, in a sense apart, of Inspiration.
They walked with God in all the paths of life,
and, like Daniel, went about the King's business,
albeit frequently perplexed as to the purport of
some startling vision.
Even the Saviour, who was One with God, "was
subject " to his earthly parents till his ministry
began, nor failed to share his last thoughts with his
mother's welfare, — They were men, the whole of
them, and to the last degree ; and were '' in all
points tempted like as we ; yet without sin," but
ONE of them passed through the furnace.
But to return to Jeremiah and the group upon
the Ollam's Ship.
The Broadened Vista.
Hitherto, always austere and silent, a man of woe,
a prophet of contentions, he had rarely raised his
voice save when uncontrollably driven by the Spirit
to annunciate some coming evil, nor had he, in his
mere character of a man, disclosed at all the inner
current of his human personality.
It was clear to all his listeners that Jeremiah's
life was broadening with its new surroundings, that
at least the sense ^of freedom, which they all experi-
enced, had also wrought its magic change in him.
And as a fact the pent up longings of his heart
were indeed awakening into a speech wliich was tl
outcome of a faith that had at last descried tl
nrm continent of promise.
The Prophet had begun to realize the travail .
his soul, and hope renewed had touched his lips
" Oh, that I had, in the wilderness, a lodging plac
of wayfaring men," he had once exclaimed, " that
might leave my people, and go from them " (le
IX. 2.) ' ^■'
Twenty weary years had been crowded with th
disasters of Judea since Jeremiah had formulate,
this desire into a set, deliberate utterance. Th,
wish had burst forth into words, out of the con
tmued bitterness of his surroundings, and th,
transient exclamation now came back into th(
minds of his companions, who were, of course
familiar with the prophet's utterances,-and cam.
back with a new and startling significance to them
wayfaring remnant that they were, and speedino
under such Providential auspices towards just such
a lodging place in the wilderness afar off '
Instinctively the minds of all had 'been busied
with a similar train of thought, and, out of ideas
long latent but now suddenly associated into a con'
Crete group, the glowing possibilities of the future at
once began to take the tangible form of certainties
Yes, a New World-and a World towards which
the hopes of all the faithful of former generations
had but darkly groped-lay in their own immedi-
ate western future !
It was then and there that Jeremiah found in his
heart a conviction that the old world, which had
already faded from their gaze, was henceforth better
[eft beneath the eastern horizon, even as Noah had
seen it best to leave so much as possible of former
things beneath the Flood.
A Further Explanation.
At length, however, Baruch, reverting once more
:o the final scenes in Egypt, broke the continued
Dause as follows :
'' Still, Master, Javan's troops certainly stood us
n good stead, when, upon hearing of the rebellion
n Upper Egypt, and the death of Hophra, the little
Grecian guard of Taphanhes afforded us the timely
:over of their own retreat to Zoan, whence they
ilso effected their escape."
" True," replied the Prophet, " but these Incidents
were after all merely elements in the plan foreseen
from the beginning by the God of Shem.
'' But to answer Tea's original question even
more concisely and at once," continued the Prophet,
" when the death of Hophra followed so suddenly
upon my denunciation of those who persisted in
worshipping ' the Queen of Heaven ' at Daphne, I
knew it was the summons longed for. It was the
promised ' sign ' to all concerned. Naturally I had
looked for it from week to week after my return
to Pharaoh's House, and indeed had immediately,
thereupon, warned the captain of the Grecian band,
who at once made all the preparations for that secre
departure from the Palace so well named.
" His emissaries had no sooner returned fror
Zoan with the tardy news of their success, tha
the startling tidings of the revolt of Ahmes reachec
us, and the next day came the news that the Pha
raoh was dead. The reports showed that his deatl
had fallen even upon the self-same day that the
Spirit gave the fatal ' sign ' at Daphne, and the ver>
Greeks were awed at its minute fulfilment.
"The sign was indeed our summons out of
Egypt, the delay required in getting the report was
our day of Grace, and the sudden appearance of the
Babylonian advance guard on the borders of the
Delta only served to hasten the Greeks in their flight."
Here Baruch, again breaking the thread of the
discourse for a moment, could not refrain from ex-
claiming: ''And this flight was like to that of the
Captorim centuries ago, from these very shores, by
sea, and straight to Joppa, was it not ?"
" Yes, Simon ; " said the venerable Priest, " as thou
hast so often transcribed the records you naturally
recall the earliest exodus. But it was also like to
Israel's flight, and the smoke of Tahpanhes, taken
by the westward winds, was a veritable pillar of
cloud in our wake, between us and all prying eyes,
until none of those we feared were left.
" And ever since that memorable day hast thou
not felt the presence of God's Pillar moving on
before us .'^
THE prophet's VISITOR. I05
" As for myself, since the day of Astarte's im-
pious feast at Daphne I had been waiting for the
Pillar to lift up, for all my prophecies were over,
and even thou, my faithful Scribe, had no more
empty scrolls."
The Prophet's Visitor.
** But, Rabbi," exclaimed Scota, " tell us about that
Stranger who returned with you from Daphne upon
the evening of Astarte's feast. He seemed to be
the Master of some Ishmaelitish Caravan, yet cer-
tainly his bales must have contained much more
than oriental spices, from the interest you took in
them ? "
'* He was indeed a rich Ishmaelite, my daughter,
and had come to Daphne's New Year celebration to
dispose of his wares," replied the Prophet ; " but he
was also the bearer of secret messages from the
Babylonian general, even then upon his way to
Egypt !
*' As you know, I have always had the good will
of Nebuzaradan and his king, and through this
friendship have often gotten scrolls from Daniel
and Ezekiel. In fact, whatever they have uttered
concerning the fate of all the empires of the East
has come to me by Babylonian courtesy.
''This Ishmaelite," continued Jeremiah, "brought
me such a scroll, and it is now stored away among
the sacred records in the Ark. It is placed there,
not so much for present use as for a witness at some
future day when what we go 'to build and plant
shall have attained full stature, and God's time
have run.
''But the Merchant was also commissioned to as
sure me personally that when the Babylonian-
arrived the favors of the king should be continuec
to our little group.
'' Ever since our arrival,' he continued, '' I have
been in direct communication with this great rulei
who fully recognizes the only God of Heaven, and
who, being Daniel's friend, and patron, is the chosen
agent of Jehovah in the hewing down and destruc-
tion now in progress all over the East.
"The outcome of it all will be that Nebuchadnez-
zar's Empire will soon embrace the whole region of
the earth which we have left, and thus the begin-
ning of the Gentile domain clearly set forth by Dan-
iel will be consummated.
'' Indeed," continued the Prophet, '' the Arms of
Babylon will follow close upon the course cut in
these very waters by the keel that bears us west-
"The King of Babylon is a mighty Captain, and
ambition is his chiefest sin. He now has fleets
at his command, and will find more in Egypt. His
empire will expand, and, for a moment, compre-
hend the utmost bounds that Gentile sway will ever
''Even the land of New Heshbon, which Hes
directly opposite to Palestine, will not long hence
behold the winged lions of Babylon upon its shores,
and many of our Jewish brethren, already driven
there by him, will come again beneath his tempo-
rary sway.
'* But we, my friends, will never more be com-
passed in the lands thus dominated, nor will the
Ten-Tribes now beyond Euphrates. The place se-
lected for Israel's new beginnings, and for her future
mountain heights, is expressly indicated as * a place
apart,' and one in which they shall ' not be num-
bered among the nations ' of the Image of Empire
[!) when God comes in might to seal the faithful of
Our Race, and mete out to the rest, and to the
Gentiles, a foretaste of their final doom.
The Secret within the Secret.
" However there was a strange circumstance con-
nected with the visit of the Ishmaelite which I have
lot revealed, but I may do so now that your con-
victions may be sealed yet further, and your faith in
Providence encouraged.
*' As you know we have lived entirely upon the
gratuity of Pharaoh, and had it not been for the
nerchant our only means of flight would have
Deen to accompany the Grecian Band to Samos.
>Jote now how consummately the plans of Provi-
ience are laid.
•' That Ishmaelite was the bearer of a talent of
jold sent by direction of the Babylonian king him-
jelf. This rendered us entirely independent of the
Greeks, who, while they helped us to secure ou
present craft, did not dream but that our funds wer
stamped with Pharaoh's seal.
'' The Ishmaelite was also commissioned by Nebi
zaradan to inform me, that by the wish of the Kini
of Babylon we should anticipate his coming, and se
cretly return to Zion, there to await his own returi
from Egypt when his further pleasure would be sig
I gathered from the merchant's converse tha
Nebuchadnezzar then intended to reinstate th(
Throne of David in some subordinate way, and thu«
build up again the fallen fortunes of the empt>
" This, however, was not to be. It was not in ac-
cord with the ultimate designs of God, although it
strangely fitted their preliminary phase.
'' The Babylonian plan miscarried from the start ,
for while it was necessary to secure the assistance
of the Greeks, who were fully persuaded that a re-
bellion would drive them from Egypt, nevertheless
they could not be induced to desert Hophra's cause
until ' the sign ' which I had so boldly given was
fully verified.
'' We thus lost a whole month. But at last the
news of Pharaoh's downfall, and the arrival of
the Babylonians synchronized, and the Greeks, hav-
ing secured the outer barriers, fired the Palace as
you know, and we escaped with them by the secret
exit towards the northwest. All things conspired
in such a way that there is now no trace behind us.
The absence of the garrison was not perceived until
the flames broke forth, and then we were upon that
final outlook and quite near to Zoan.
'' Undoubtedly the Babylonians think our own
party was murdered by the Greeks before they
fired the castle and escaped ; this was why they pur-
sued so closely after them to Zoan. But they were
too late to overtake us, and the Spirit constrained
me to go forward.
" After we had parted from the Greeks I had a
vision of their total shipwreck nigh to Cyprus, so
tliat no one now remains to give any intimation of
our fate. Of course the Babylonians have the for-
orn hope that we escaped before the Greeks
ilthough Johanan knows we were at Pharaoh's
House a week before the Babylonians came.
" In the mean time when we reached Joppa, and
lad finally secured the buried treasures and the re-
alia of the Realm, I was moved by God to leave
:he land at once, not waiting for the King's return.
" Thus all the lines were laid by Providence alone,
md when the Babylonians do not find us in Pales-
:ine they too will be convinced that we have per-
'' Only this crew have any idea of the truth, and
IS I have had to employ the Babylonian money
reely among them, and have since shown the Mas-
:er of the ship the letter of Nebuzaradan, he is con-
nnced that we are fleeing under Nebuchadnezzar's
special favor, and such will be the common repoi
in the land of Gathelas.
" There we shall have to fit out yet another shi
with gold that bears this eastern monarch's name
However, that will be upon the further northeri
coast, beyond the western gates, and our real identity
will scarcely be discovered— no not for centuries U
come ! "
The Land of Destiny.
''But, Ollam Folia," interjected Ebed, ''tell uj
whither we are led ? "
'' The land, my friend, I only know," said Jere-
miah, ''by Jehovah's promises, which mention it in
general terms alone, and purposely in disconnected
scrolls. 'Tis West, and North, and Insular, and
holds the strongest angle of the orb which Abram's
Race must some day belt.
" We do not go directly thither, but the ship
master has some freight to leave at Abda,* and will
thence pass through the gates of the West. We
shall continue our passage with him to his ultimate
destination, Gathel's Port, a place in Western Tar-
shish. This is her haven, and upon her arrival
* Later called AMera, and now Adra. The ancient port of
Abda was founded by Adoniram, who was " over the tribute "in the
days of Solomon. This minister named it after his father. He was
originally over the levy (i Kgs. v. 14) but later superintended the
building of Solomon's great Merchant Navy and accompanied it to
foreign parts, where he died.
there her freight must be discharged and her crew
go to their homes while she refits.
" Her next voyage is to be a long one, even
around the southern capes to Ophir, and to Eastern
Tarshish, and about as far the other way in fact,
from Egypt, as we shall be. In the meanwhile we
shall delay awhile at Gathel's port, at least long
enough to purchase, out and out, another vessel
which will then be subject to our own commands.
This, we must transfer our precious freight,
and go boldly out upon the unknown deep, and so
lose sight of every land assigned to Gentile domi-
''This is the last ship," continued the Prophet,
*' that will leave Tanais till the latter times, for
even now hath Babylon destroyed that ancient
port. Naucratis will, no doubt, come up in Com-
merce and take Zoan's place.
'' Nor shall western ships," continued the Seer,
" again retrace our course for centuries. The
rumors which this crew bear with them, and which
will be widely disseminated, of Joppa's desolation,
of Tyre's great final fall, and of Zoan's ruin, will
deter the Merchants of the West from risking car-
goes into empty lands.
" But, Simon," said the Prophet, turning to his
Scribe, " thou didst but lately mark with thy scar-
let style the words of God which bear upon our
ultimate abode ; hast thou the roll near by?"
'' Yes, Rabbi," answered Baruch, " even in the
Ark. It is with the Title Deeds and other lo,
thou didst command me to deposit there, but I ca
well recall the sequence, and even the very wore
which are of chiefest moment."
At an assent from the Seer, the Scribe continue
as follows :
"Moses gives the first intimation of such
land, and implies that it lies far awav from Pale«
tine, even at the very ends of the eardi as we nov
know It. But Nathan, acting as God's- agent
plainly says to David thus : ' Moreover, I will appoin
a place for my people Israel, and I will plant then
that they may dwell in a place of their own anc
move no more.' And unto thee, my Master, die
the Spirit similarly speak, and to Isaiah, and tc
nearly all the Ollams of the Minor College."
"This land o{ planting, and of hiilding upr said
Jeremiah, now himself assuming the explanatory
role, -IS to expand from but ' a little stone' into a
mountain, till it fills the earth. So Daniel shows it
plainly on the Scrolls, that Nebuzaradan gave to us
long ago from Babel's King, and from thence the
vine, planted thereon, will overspread the whole
earth, as the last letter we received from Ezekiel,
while in Jerusalem, doth plainly indicate.
That Vision, by the way. Dear Tephi," said the
Prophet, now using her full name. Tea Tephi
which bore out this more endearing signification,'
" IS strangely dated on your birthday ! I remember
noticing the fact when I received it from Ezekiel
nearly seventeen years ago. You were then not
quite a year old, and the date upon the Scroll was
so boldly written that it caught my eye at once,
while you, near by, * crowed ' out so loudly at that
very moment, and almost jumped from your nurse's
arms in the vain endeavor to get the parchment as a
plaything, that a most natural association of ideas
at once recalled the date as noticQahly j^ours / *
*' Well, it belongs to all of us, my friends, and
Ezekiel's prescience points closely to this western
land where we must plant.
'* All of Joseph's blessings will be centered in it,"
said the Seer, pursuing the strain, '' and the multi-
tudes of Israel, now scattered beyond Euphrates,
will be gathered there when famine drives from
them the Gentile lands.
'' Methinks, indeed, that the story of him who
saved his father's house will certainly be counter-
parted, scene by scene, in the yet distant days of
Israel's archetypal might !
" Oh, what a vision dawns upon my soul," — here
exclaimed the Prophet, with an emotion that
awakened its response in all his listeners, — " of the
Scene when Joseph as a Nation, no longer able to
refrain himself, shall cause all the Egyptians to go
out from before him, and shall then disclose his
identity to his recovered brethren !
''This disclosure," said the Prophet, recovering
* Vide Study Number 3, pages 192-195.
himself after a pause, - will not occur until after th(
end of the Second of the final Seven years, witl
which the entire 'Seven Times' of Judah's short
ened punishment shall terminate.
^'The land to which we journey," continued the
Prophet, -is also called the Mand of Beulah ' foi
there the marriage, pictured by Hosea, must'take
place, in the still future Messianic times ; and per-
haps 'tis therefore that Isaiah doth refer to it as
Britham, or the land of ' the Covenant.' "
There shall the King find his Elect and Precious
Bride, and there the Song of Solomon receive fulfil-
" Methinks," said Tea, now wholly carried away
with interest in the theme, her lovely face flushed
with the sea air, and with the excitement of her an-
ticipations, " that if the half of what is written shall
be ours to see, this Island must be ' Wonderland ! ' "
"And so it is, or will be, Tephi," said the
Prophet, smiling at his favorite ward, " and some
will call it by that very name. Have you forgotten.
Child, that the new name of Bethel, itself, is ' Won'
derful,' and where and why this name was bestowed
upon it, in the days of Solomon ? Well, just so
certainly as Phail goes with us, so will its resting
place receive a new name from it. And it will take
another name from Eron,* which we also carry
thither, and yet another like thy sister Scota's from
* The Ark — see Josephus.
the name our Race of Wanderers has inherited from
Jacob. It will also be famous, Hamutal," ^ said the
Prophet, playing on her name in turn, " for the pre-
cious things brought forth by the dew. ' God is
fresh life,' he will renevy ours in that happy land, and
there he will be as the dew unto Israel."
Comforting Assurances.
" But shall not this latter name," said Ebed,
speaking at the same time, and breaking into the
Prophet's discourse at the mention of Scota's name,
"shall not this latter name— Scota — lose its weary
significance if we are to be placed there, and no
more rooted up? "
*' No, Steward," answered Jeremiah, ''we are
Scots ourselves, and that alone will always furnish
ample reason for the name of any land where we
shall settle. But henceforth there will be in it no
longer any sting of curse for Israel when gathered
" Our Race, of its own restless nature, will always
love to wander to and fro ; but it will nevermore be
driven, under foreign yokes ! Moreover its own turn
is coming down the vistas of the latter days, and its
mission is to put more peaceful yokes on other
" If indeed I read the Spirit of the Prophets
* Hamutal—" the heat of the dew," Cruden's Concordance, "God
is fresh life," "kin to the dew," Young's Concordance.
clearly, upon points like this, I fancy that Our Rac
will grow to might and stature, in this place apart i
ways unprecedented even in the golden days^
Solomon. Tlje promised land of Israel is in realit
the earth, and the boundaries of all the other son
0 Noah are actually laid off with the measuring ro<
of Jacob. "
" But all of this is far beyond my powers at pres
ent to explain. In fact I read but faintly of tha:
tar ott future, and in very general terms. However
1 am well content, for the present will demand of u'
our full attention and content."
The Prophet said no more, but fixed his gaze for
a while attentively on Tephi, then out upon the
West as if studying to formulate some sudden
thread of thought, and in the silence which ensued
the rest of the party, more conveniently arranged to
watch the vessel's wake, looked backwards and be-
thought themselves of Zion, now so far beneath the
Orient, and seemed to realize how truly they
were wanderers yet, upon the surface of the
At length Tephi herself broke the long silence
and continuing in the original strain, which after all
was of chief concern to the little band of voyagers
addressed the Prophet pointedly as follows :
"But, Rabbi, as it is certainly thou who art the
chosen 'planter' in Israel, and as we must be rap-
id y moving towards this vineyard so long ago
selected, what seed is there, forsooth, in company
SO small from which to hope for such a harvest as
pertains to Israel's expectations? "
'' Verily, my daughter," replied Jeremiah, ''there
shall be sufficient seed for every present need.
Jehovah Jireh, who is manifestly guiding us upon
the deep with such solicitude, can provide himself
with seed upon the far off Isles as readily as in the
lands which we have left, and for the Building
which we are to rear, " Stones " will be found to
stand around the Chief " Corner stone " this vessel
** Be not impatient therefore to understand the
whole significance of this transplanting, nor be slow
of faith, my child, for thou thyself shalt realize the
very fulness of God's providence. The jewel thou
hast always worn is certainly an emblem and an ear-
nest of the fartherest West."
The Prophet here referred to a peculiar trinket
of no little value that was hanging to a chain upon
her neck, and which we shall consider later in our
story ; and concluded his remarks as follows :
'* However, each of us shall find a fitting place in
the mission now so plainly favored from on high."
The Isles Afar Off.
" But is this land so * Yarish ' — far away ? " said
Scota, lifting up her eyes, and letting them wander
also westward with the vessel's course.
As the Prophet did not at once reply the answer
came from Baruch, ever ready with whatever infor-
mation he possessed, and particularly so where hi
beloved Scota was concerned.
"Indeed, O Princess," said the Levite, for a
though she had lost this title by her marriage int^
Aaron s tribe, the aspirations of the able scribe ha(
never been quite hopeless, nor did he ever lose ;
proper chance to gratify his double satisfaction a
the love match he had made. - Indeed, O Princess
It IS so far away from fair Judea that the ancient'
call It Yarin and its people Yarish, using the ver>
root m which you couch your question. It is stil
known unto us as 'the end of the earth.' Thou
hast read of Tarshish in the histories of Solomon.
Well, It IS for Western Tarshish that our present
sails are set, and out beyond it we must go still far-
ther in search of the Isles which form its very out-
skirts and gave their own earlier name unto the con-
tinental land of Traffic."
"But," interrupted Tephi, yet again, and this
time appealing to the Prophet himself, -are these
' Isles of Tarshish ' then inhabited already, Father,
and will its merchants suffer us to land, or will we
have to struggle against arms forever?"
'' V^es, Tea, or rather, child, both yes and no," re-
plied the Prophet in assuring tones : and then,' as if
suddenly resolved to allay at once the nervous
dread which so persistently lingered in the heart of
this the youngest of his party, he added :
"The land is already peopled, but with kinsmen
who have gone before us. It pertains unto the
tribe of Dan, who living in their ships from earliest
days, discovered it in Javan's time. They sought its
refuge in Deborah's day, and eventually the entire
remnant of the tribe went thither rather than sub-
mit to the Assyrian's yoke.
" Put their children have long ago utterly forgotten
the Rock whence they were hewn, and will scarcely
understand us or the sweeping import of our mis-
'' However, do not fear. They will entreat us well.
Vou know we go to build and plant, and God
u^ho has provided such a fruitful field, will certainly
jive us peace wherein to do it in our generation."
" This Remnant," continued the Seer, ''will, in
fact, be welcomed, and will experience no more
A^ars. But future generations will have much to do
vith swords and spears before He comes for whom
ve save the sceptre now."
The Unconditional Promise.
'' However," said the Prophet, turning once again
o Baruch, " repeat what Nathan said to David of
he freight we bear."
Thereupon the Scribe, continuing his interrupted
ecollection of the words recorded in Samuel, said :
'After promising this place of planting, Nathan
hus continued, 'Also the Lord telleth thee that he
v^ill make for thee an house. And when thy days
)e fulfilled, and thou shalt sleep with thy fathers, I
^ill set up thy seed after thee, which shall proceed
out of thy bowels, and I will establish his kingdom
He shall build a house for my name, and I will es
tablish the throne of his kingdom forever. I will b(
his father and he shall be my son. If he commi
iniquity I will chastise him with the rod of men
and with the stripes of the children of men, but m)
mercy shall not depart away from him as I took ii
from Saul whom I put away before thee. Anc
thy house, and thy kingdom shall be establishec
before thee. Thy Throne shall be established forj
*' Yes, Baruch," said the Prophet, '* thou hast
quoted the promise correctly, and it is an uncon-
ditional one in so far as the perpetuity of that
throne, and the succession of David's line are con-
cerned. It cannot lapse any more than Jehovah's
word itself can fail in its support of the Universe by
which it was created, and timed, and by which it
clings together.
'* Time and again have evil powers conspired
against it, but to no avail, and even now three cap-
tive kings preserve the Divine right in abeyance
until God shall provide a better means to keep the
sequence in its own integrity.
"■ In the mean time we have with us all of the
Regalia! — Sceptre, Throne, Heraldic Blazonry, and
Ark, and these three Daughters, sole remaining
heirs of David's realm."
The Prophet's words, which so manifestly in-
cluded Scota in the royal group, caused the elder
Princess to flush slightly, for the lovely woman had
no thought of crowns, and in her pure affection for
the Son of Aaron, had long ago put all Davidic as-
pirations out of sight. She was a perfect type of
Judah's loveliest womanhood, and had no regrets
for the step which, with the Prophet's sanction,
long ago had weighed them all as naught against
her love.
To Baruch, however, the words were peculiarly
gratifying, though he said nothing, and continued
to gaze westward ; while to the rest of the party the
little favor passed entirely unnoticed ; for, in fact,
there was but little regal pride surviving in this
triple band of Sisters, and they were chiefly glad at
the prospect of a peaceful resting place. The elder
Hamutal, however, had been indeed a Queen ! and
her father's words had served at least to reawaken
the glorious memories of her youth. — Josiah's reign
lad been the grandest of the latter kings, and for a
noment the eyes of the aged woman, who had
Deen his favorite consort, filled with tears, as she re-
:alled her glorious wedding at that dawn of years so
"amous and so happy, but with all so brief !
The East left in Darkness.
After a short pause, in which the Prophet prob-
ibly paid deference to the thoughts which he may
lave divined his words awoke in the minds of
onie of his listeners, he continued as follows :
' God's scroll is filled with this same theme, nor
unto me the last shall it be mentioned by the Spiri
of Jehovah.
" But men will blindly miss all of its deeper mear
mg until the centuries have run, and the Gentilej
and their times, be full.
"Our wonderful escape from Egypt, our re
turn to Zion, and the preservation of these granc
and royal proofs of the succession, are not dreamec
of among the remnant of Johanan's fettered grou{
who are at this moment toiling on to Babylon."
"As you all well know, it has been permittee
me to Prophesy the duration of Judah's present
captivity. It will last a full ' generation,' or three
score )^ears and ten.
" But while the rigor of expatriation will expire at
that time, 3476, the first phase of the return to Pal-
estine will be abortive, nor for full another ' genera-
tion,' seventy years, will the Sons of Judah seriously
bethink themselves of Jordan and the Central
" However, in thirteen years more, or one for all
the scattered Tribes, the Return will be accom-
"Three Jubilees, in fact, which cover 150 full
years and extend from 3406 way down to 3556 must
pass before the heart of Babel's Ruler shall have
been thoroughly prepared to do God's destined
"In the following year, 3557, a most important
edict will be issued full of Messianic import, for
then the breaches in the walls of Zion will be really
"The Lord will conduct the man.*
" In the next year 3558, the Book will be read in
'elevated places,' and finally, in 3559 the whole
matter will have been accomplished.
'' I know all this ' by books,' and by the rhythm of
:he Cycles; for the entire period thus compre-
lended is exactly one hundred and fifty and three
jreat years, or solar ones, which term is of great
mport in Chronology.
"Thus from 3406, when Jehoiachin was led in
gnominy to the Golden City, there extend 153
^ears to 3559 upon the Ollam Scale, and at the end
)f one more decalogue of years (10 + i) the ' Seal '
vill be placed upon the Scroll of Prophecy, (begin-
ning of 3570.)t " Then will he whom the Lord con-
lucted at the first go back unto the city.
" As I have already said the Ollams place the
dvent of Messiah at the year 3996, but we also
ecognize it as an event which is always imminent.
?he distinction is a subtle one, but it is accurate;
nd though He should appear to us from out the belly
f a Fish at this moment the Cycles would agree.
" Taking however 3996 as the generally received
ate, and allowing him the legal period of thirty
ears to complement his age, we arrive at 4026 ;
nd deducting from this the date I just referred to
* Nehemiah! Such his name!
t Malachi— the " Seal of the Prophets."
as Messianic, i. e. 2>SS7%y we have 468^ sola
years as the remainder.
'' Now the value of this latter period of Sola:
time, is 483 Lunar years, or sixty-nine weeks : anc
another week (7) of lunar years, completes a ' genera
tion ' (70) of such weeks ! That ' seventieth week
will be of moment to Our Race, and at its N007.
the first act in the Drama of Redemption will have
been accomplished.
" But enough of what we leave behind us in the
East, and of its ' future times.' We go to westerr
scenes of far different character, and shall heai
anon of all that transpires in the lands we leave.
'' Meanwhile our converse in the Isles, towards
which we are heading must be from day to day, and
amid facts ^ whose good and evil is sufficient in theii
A Solemn Injunction.
''And now," concluded the Prophet, with a
solemnity never forgotten to their dying day,
"attend unto the words of Authority!" and as he
spake he stood erect, his flowing vestments, and his
sacred mien, betokening Command !
^ " I am the Master Mason, and the Lodge we go
to dedicate in the vast western wilderness, will have
the 'Throne of David,' whereon Jacob slept, for its
eternal corner stone, a * rough ashlar,' but indeed
the very ' Gate to Heaven. '
^^ Jehovah Jireh Tara-lah f
** The Lord will provide, and the POWER of God
shall do it /
" In ' the Meath Sanctuary,* whither we are has-
tening, we shall dwell in peace, and in anticipation
I shall name its tabernacle, ' tara,' for in due
time it shall show forth the POWER OF GOD !
Aye! from its very Stones and Tombs the truth
hall spring to life !
" But it is for me alone to plant the sprig of ever-
''I am the High Priest by descent, and by
due and lawful rites I have received the full
knowledge of the Wisdom set in order by Iram,
Hiram and Solomon !
'' But from ANOTHER do I hold Superior creden-
tials, and I have the *' Lost Word " by which all
that is, originally was.
'' Its initials are the anagranri of the great founders
)f the craft, and it will be doiiUe, ere the world
iiscerns the I. H. S., and * seven times,* from its
beginning, must transpire before the *' Stone of
Vlajesty,' which Joshua set up shall have '' eyes " to
•ecognize the Rightful One, and ere the King
hat stood upon it first, shall descend upon it with a
*' This is the Stone that followed Israel and gave
hem water in a thirsty land !
'' It is the Rock which Moses smote when speak-
ng had been all sufficient, for it hath ears so well as
yes, and is the House of God."
126 the secret of history.
The Scottish Rite Founded.
" It is the ' Altar of Abel.' Upon it smoked the
earliest sacrifice acceptable to God, and with the life
blood of its Priest was it further sanctified !
" It came with Noah across the flood, and landed
upon Ararat. There it was the capstone of the
faith renewed, and over it Jehovah set the bow of
promise, even the token of the Everlasting Coven-
" Once more it goes across the waves with us, and
soon will land upon a mountain that reverses the
elder one both in name and deep significance — even
upon Tara-Ra, — the Rock of the power of God !
" Around it, when he came from Haran, obedient
to Faith, our father Abram, built anew the Altar of
our Cult, and over it he called again upon the
Name Eternal.
"Unto it, although they knew it not, 'all Israel*
was drawn, while yet they were in Jacob's loins ; and
then they were afraid, and vowed a vow to which it
'' Thereat, when he was come again with children
and possessions, did God talk with him, and changed
his name to Israel indeed, while grouped around
this very altar, stood the Patriarchs themselves, for
even Benjamin was there !
*' Down into Egypt with its keepers was it borne,
and thence came it up in tabernacled glory.
*' Upon it Moses sat while Joshua fought with
Amalek, and meanwhile Hur and Aaron stayed his
hands until the sun was set, and even there did it
become Jehovah-nissi !
"All through its pilgrimage it has always been the
Altar of our faith, and its place has ever been the
Temple. For though Solomon rejected it at the
Foundation, it became the Chief Stone at the Dedi-
cation— which was wonderful to all !
" Nor shall it ever leave the shrine. In vision do
I see its Min'stered future. It is the Mountain's
Seed, the very Lode Stone of Our Race, and to it,
as a cynosure, they surely shall be gathered !
'' Adown the ages do I hear renewed, their ancient
battle cry ; for by this Ra ! — this Ra ! of Tara !—
shall the Hosts of Israel shout in victory through-
out their generations.
" This Rock has ever been the throne seat of our
rulers, and the fullness of their generations is the
root of all chronology — even an hundred and fifty
and three* till Shiloh come !
" As the manner was, since the days of Joash, so
shall it even be, until once more the waters gush
from it restored to Zion's Seat. Then shall it be in-
deed El-Beth-El-— a Bethelf upon Bethel i,— and on
it shall Messiah take the crown forever.
* N. B. — Victoria is the 150th "descendant " in direct line from
Adam, as will be shown in due time in these Studies. Her little
great-granddaughter just born, is the 153d — probably the last of the
" Great Fishes " to be gathered into the net !
t Gen. xxviii, xxxv.
t I. Chron. xxi-xxii.
128 the secret of history.
The King's Daughters.
The Prophet now seated himself and continue(
in impressive tones :
" When we reach our ultimate destination let i
be understood that the pledge of silence whicl
ye have individually taken upon ' Bethel ' mus'
be kept inviolate in spirit, and in word, and deed
" So far as each one of you is concerned thi*
secret is forever binding.
'' I, personally, shall reveal enough to satisfy oui
case, but ye must ' conceal and never reveal ' an)'
knowledge of our Eastern history, even to those
who may divine it.
" Ye are therefore Chesed, and * Chesedim,* hence-
forth, and an ancient Rite must be founded in the
West to keep the secret of the Ark, and whatever
shall be placed within it, when, in due time, we shall
find the place of safety which Jehovah shall reveal.
'' It is enough to say that we come from Egypt,
by the way of Heshbon (Spain), and that our
Daughters come from Pharaoh's House, for so they
do, even from Taphanhes, whose name itself is
" What we bury not within the Meregech, wherein
the Royal Arch will cover all that David's
Line can spare, must be more deeply buried in our
" Only that which I shall find it right to tell may
ye allow — without the least addition or detortion.
"And finally to you, O daughters of Judah, who,
first and last among women, shall have stood upon
the threshold of the Lodge, hear now the special
word that binds. Until Messiah shall have come,
the desire of each of Judah's daughters, to be chosen
for the blessing, may still remain among you, even
in the far off lands to which we sail.
" Quench not the faith, be silent and discreet, ye
go unto a land where every mother of Israel may
bear Sons of God'."
''The land shall verily be called the MOTHER-
Land and this for many reasons, but chiefly in a
mystic sense ; for her daughters shall be mothers of
THE Mother of us all— even of Jerusalem indeed !
(Jer. xxiii. 4-6.)
The Harp of David.
A solemn silence fell upon the group, and, ere it
ended. Peace in each heart, had found its constant
dwelling place.
At length the Prophet, turning to the youngest
Princess, addressed her quietly, as follows :
" Tephi, play for us awhile ; I fain would hear a
^salm of Zion, and you touch the harp with all the
>kill of thy great ancestor.
''No sad one. Daughter, but let it rather be
I song of Victory, of Blessing, or of Joy unto
he God of Israel whose mercy shall endure for
One of the Ladies in Waiting now handed Tea
the small and exquisitely fashioned harp which wi
near at hand.
The maiden sought the chords awhile, and thei
in elder Hebrew melody, she richly caught th
Spirit of the Psalm suggested by the Prophet
closing words— that one in whose grand, and quae
ruple refrain the King of Psalmists, and himself
Prophet, calls upon all to praise God for his goodnesi
and for his wondrous works towards the sons of mer
The canticle thus selected was the cvii., and a
the group joined in its chorus ; nor was there on
of them but felt that David's spirit had foreseei
their day, and put their very thoughts to words ! "
While listening to the Psaltry's strains, and t(
the rich tones of this lovely '' Daughter of th(
King," methought once more, the very Halls o
Tara loomed out of the West and they must hav(
/eU the spell, and thrilled anticipative to the trea
in store and speeding towards them. Perhaps
indeed, the silent Harps on willows hung beside
the distant banks of Babylon, responded, too, ir
sympathy not wholly mute, yet certainly not
As the song went on, now recitative, now pro.
phetic, always beautiful in measure, the Spirit
breathed upon the souls of all, and the birth of
Peace was consummated.
Meanwhile the soothing melody spread forward
with the breeze, and held the very crew entranced,
and ere we woke into the gradual silence which
ensued, the vision of the OUam's Ship was wafted
westward from our gaze.*
The Echo
The Psalm that Tephi Sang.
O GIVE thanks unto the Lord, for he is good :
For his mercy endiireth for ever.
Let the redeemed of the Lord say so^
Whom he hath redeemed from the hand of the enemy;
And gathered them out of the lands,
From the east, and from the west,
From the north, and from the sea.
They wandered in the wilderness in a solitary way ;
They found no city to dwell in.
Hungry and thirsty,
Their soul fainted in them.
Then they cried unto the Lord in their trouble,
And he delivered them out of their distresses.
And he led them forth by the right way.
That they might go to a city of habitation.
Oh that men would praise the LoRD/^r his goodness,
Andyj?^ his wonderful works to the children of men I
For he satisfieth the longing soul,
And filleth the hungry soul with goodness.
Such as sit in darkness and in the shadow of death,
Being bound in affliction and iron ;
Because they rebelled against the words of God,
And contemned the counsel of the Most High :
Therefore he brought down their heart with labor ;
They fell down, and there was none to help.
* For information concerning the conclusion of this Study, see notice upon
page 239, relative to the Second Series of the " Our Race " publications.
Then they cried unto the Lord in their trouble,
A7id he saved them out of their distresses.
He brought them out of darkness and the shadow of death,
And brake their bands in sunder.
Oh that 7?ien would praise the 'Lord, for his goodness,
Andfo?' his wonderful works to the children of men I
For he hath broken the gates of brass,
And cut the bars of iron in sunder.
Fools because of their transgression,
And because of their iniquities, are afflicted.
Their soul abhorreth all manner of meat ;
And they draw near unto the gates of death.
Then they cry unto the Lord in their trouble,
And he saveth them out of their distresses.
He sent his word, and healed them,
And delivered ^Aem from their destructions.
Oh that f/ien would praise the L,ORD/or his goodness,
And/or his wonderful works to the children of men I
And let them sacrifice the sacrifices of thanksgiving,
And declare his works with singing.
They that go down to the sea in ships,
That do business in great waters ;
These see the works of the Lord,
And his wonders in the deep.
For he commandeth and the storm comes forth.
Which lifteth up the waves thereof.
They mount up to the heaven,
They go down again to the depths :
Their soul is melted because of trouble.
They reel to and fro, and stagger like a drunken man,
And swallow all their wisdom.
Then they cry unto the Lord in their trouble,
And he bringeth them out of their distresses.
He maketh the storm a calm,
So that the waves thereof are still.
Then are they glad because they be quiet;
So he bringeth them unto their desired haven.
Oh that men would praise the LoRD/^r his goodness,
And/^r his wonderful works to the children of men !
Let them exalt him also in the congregation of the people.
And praise him in the assembly of the elders.
He turneth rivers into a wilderness,
And the watersprings into dry ground ;
A fruitful land into barrenness,
For the wickedness of them that dwell therein.
He turneth the wilderness into a standing water,
And dry ground into watersprings.
And there he maketh the hungry to dwell,
That they may prepare a city for habitation ;
And sow the fields, and plant vineyards,
Which may yield fruits of increase.
He blesseth them also, so that they are multiplied greatly;
And suffereth not their cattle to decrease.
Again, they are minished and brought low
Through oppression, affliction, and sorrow.
He poureth contempt upon princes,
And causeth them to wander in the wilderness, w/z^r^if/^(?r^/j noway,
Yet setteth he the poor on high after affliction.
And maketh him families like a flock.
The righteous shall see zV, and rejoice :
And all iniquity shall stop her mouth.
Whoso is wise, and will observe these things.
Even they shall understand the loving kindness of the Lord.
^^ Ethan the Ezrahite and Heman and Chalcol ana
Darda, the sons of Mahol. '^
I. Kings iv, 31.
The King's Daughters.
The Knights of The Scarlet Thread.
Westward with the Milesians.
^* And it came to pass in the time of her travail, that
behold, twins were in her woml),
" And it came to pass, when she travailed, that th
one put out his hand: and the niidivife took and bouni
upon his hand a scarlet thread, saying, This came on
^^ And it came to pass, as he dreio back his hand
that, behold, his brother came out: and she said: Where
fore hast thou brought this breach upon thee f therefor
his name ivas called Pharez, {i. e. A Breach!)
^^ And after ID ard came out his brother, that had th
SCARLET THREAD upon his hand: and his nam^
was called Zarah. (i. e. The SEED I) Gen. xxxviii.
An Important Discovery.
If in the prosecution of his present Egyptian ex-
plorations Mr. E. Flinders Petrie should discover in
the Delta of the Nile a stone of undoubted antiq-
uity, marked with the cartouche, say of Seti I., or
Rameses II., and bearing the inscription that " Dar-
danus, Cecrops, and Agenon, the three sons of
Scytha, the son of Zeus, were the wisest men and
statesmen of this era," the brilliant torch of Fame
herself could not cast upon it a sufficient glare.
And although the '' find" might reduce the fab-
ulous eras of Phoenicia, Greece and Troy to the
somewhat modest limits of \.\i^ sJwrter Chronology,
nevertheless we doubt not that, so soon as the
genuineness of the fragment was fully established,
the younger and progressive college of historians
would go hard to work at revising the synchronolog-
ical chart of history to correspond.
And we may be sure, no matter what those whose
prejudices were already committed might say or do
to the contrary, that future ages would revere the
fact and value of the discovery, and place the tablet
by the side of the Rosetta Stone in the temple
of Clio. Every nation, almost every wealthy library
would obtain " squeezes " of it, and the noise of the
discovery would never die away.
But what shall we say if such a record actually
occurs upon the homely and familiar pages of the
Bible, always hitherto misunderstood perhaps, but
none the less plainly there, and with all the neces-
sary marks to fix its era beyond any peradventure,
and with collateral contexts which fully guarantee
and corroborate the pedigree by which the famous
Milesians have always claimed that they derived
their unbroken Royal Genealogy ?
What shall we say if by means of such a frag-*
ment we shall be enabled to correct the descent of
Gadelas as recorded in our modern glosses, and
trace him, — instead of to Magog, the son of Japheth,
a mere dweller in the tents of Shem (Gen. xiv. 27) —
to Mahol, the son of Zerah, who was the very
prince of Shem, since he was marked with the
" scarlet thread " of Judah at his birth ? (Gen.
xxxviii. 27-30.)
And what shall we say if by means of such a
strand we shall be able to thread in one unbroken
line, — twined with that of Pharez through Tea
Tephi, the princess of Jeremiah's Royal Remnant,
— the generations of Victoria, one by one, back to
David, or, even more directly via the Milesian line,
back to Judah himself, or still on to Shem, aye lit-
erally on to Adam, and, along the journey, point
out the offshoots, which founded, not only Troja's
fated throne, and Grecia's diadems, but even Rome's
imperial sceptre, Phcenicia's helms, and Scythia's
swathing scythes !
If such a claim shall be advanced, shall we belittle
it unheard, decline to entertain it fairly on its merits,
and pronounce it an imposture or impossible, and so
pass by it upon the other side ?
There may, alas, be many who will treat it thus,
yet there are others, many too, who will pause to
examine such a startling pretension, and of them
not a few will rise up from its perusal and say,
"Blessed be the Lord, the God of Shem ! "
To such therefore in particular we announce this
discovery, and to the world do we proclaim the
actual existence of just such a passage, having all
the import we ascribe to it.
Should we fail to prove our case it will in nowise
jeopardize the reliability of the data already woven
into these Studies, and if by this new discovery we
are not successful in bridging the hiatus between
the Male Judiac line (Zerah's) and that of Scotia's
famous kings, yet none the less shall we hereafter
trace that of Pharez thither, and splice it on to that
of Heremon from whencesoever, it shall in due time
be proved that the Milesians sprung.
Meat versus Milk.
We are searchers after Truth, and we believe
that, in the matter now to be enlarged upon, we
have discovered one of its most important threads
— a " Scarlet " one in fact, and one that opens up a
short cut in the Labyrinth of history, not lightly to
be shunned.
The importance of the fragment to which we
allude, and by which we are able to effect a junction
between the Milesian Story of Ireland, and that of
Judah's royal line is not to be overestimated, yet
we opine that the full significance of the light thus
shed upon the history of Our Race, will, during the
present wayward generation, be patent to " the
wise " alone.
For, as in all the other chapters of our wonderful
story, the solution it affords is so novel and unlooked
for, and withal so contrary to the whole library of
accepted histoiy — i. e. to the accepted ** interpreta-
tions " of the self-styled wise, that we expect for it
only a repetition of the ruthless condemnation, and
condign contempt, with which they have received
the rest.
Had we been deterred in our former efforts to
arrive at the truth of our Origin and Destiny by the
lack of Pharasaical support, we certainly should
hesitate to open up a new lode in a mine so golden.
But we are satisfied that our justification does not
depend upon the good will of the self-constituted
Leaders, and we are content to leave this matter
with the Laity, who already have declared their in-
dependence, and who, by asserting the right to use
their common sense in all the premises of knowl-
edge, have long ago grown weary of the skimmed
milk,— drawn from the teats of mere ''Professors,''
swollen with pride and puffed up with their own
vain imaginations—and who are famishing for the
unadulterated meat of truth.
'' The fool hath said in his heart, there is no God,"
and many of them have dared not only to speak
their secret thoughts, but deeming it the part of
wisdom to anticipate the coming wreck of every
form of faith, have hastened to disseminate their
fateful teachings in their numerous printed tomes
and text-books. It is high time therefore that
those who are still faithful to the traditions which
have come down to us from the fathers, awake unto
the exigencies of the hour, and, coming out boldly
for the cause of Truth, array themselves upon their
own side of the case, and take up their line of de-
fence beside the ancient landmarks.
To do this, as it should be done, may perhaps be
perilous from the calculating and short-sighted hu-
man standpoint, but there are other heights from
which to view the regions over which the Coming
Conflict is to rage, and the point of view we occupy
is Pisgah, — albeit it may prove a grave. Certain it
is, however, that those who gather there to see
the Promised Land, will have the vision granted
them, and, if so be they must meet temporary death
thereon, it will be as useless for the powers of evil
to contend thereafter for their bodies as to expect
to wrench their spirits from God's keeping.
142 the secret of history.
The Situation Reviewed.
We have already traced Israel's main body to
the Islands of the West via Media and the northern
wilds of Europe ; we have also followed Dan and
Simeon thither by the way of the Sea ; later on we
have seen how Benjamin, bearing the light of
Christianity to all the scattered tribes, some al-
ready settled in the Isles, and some still seeking
them, came in at last, and by the Norman Con-
quest, complemented the national caste ; and we
have but just left Jeremiah and his Royal Rem-
nant seeking this same western bourne, — borne
thither by a living faith in promises that God has
sworn shall not return unto Him void.
It is now in order to take up another thread of
universal history, and follow it with all the care at
our command, for before we can possibly under-
stand the true import of Jeremiah's final enterprise
there is at least one other chapter in the Romance
of History which demands attention and will repay
our scrutiny.
There was a SECRET exodus from Egypt in the
days of Moses, and the story of its westward flight
is closely related to the universal sceptre promised
to the tribe of Judah. It required some twenty-
two long generations ere the descendants of this
movement, so withdrawn was it from all intelligent
human observation, reached the Isles, and even
then they were but just in time to get there first,
and to be able to extend a literally royal and be-
fitting welcome to Jeremiah's little band of equally
royal refugees.
These were the Milesians, and we opine that if
we close this Study, and this Opening Series, with a
survey of their history it will be found in its appro-
priate place.
In spite of the countless ages, which the school of
modern doubt delights in heaping up against the
Hebrew Genesis, it is a notable fact that 'not a
single authentic record of legitimate history, monu-
mental or otherwise, antedates the era assigned in
the Bible to man's post-diluvian existence, and,
while without exception the fabulous histories of
all mankind grope backwards to the Deluge as a
common era, the stories of each of the great central
nations of the old world are circumstantial in their
corroboratory testimony to the Mosaic record.
It may be demonstrated, moreover, that wher-
ever the legendary history of any prominent cen-
tral nation of the earth actually begins, there we
may find direct and sufficient evidence of an origi-
nal connection with the patriarchal generations.
Indeed, if we look deeply enough, and with the
unbiased scrutiny of willing searchers after truth,
there too, wherever the beginnings seem to war-
rant an heroic origin, we may find positive and
parallel traces in the Sacred records of the out-
casting of seeds sufficiently vital to account for the
origin under consideration.
But we must try each case by evidence that is
sui generis y and be fair unto our own reason, as ap-
plied to similar matters in our own day, in all such
Rational Treatment Necessary.
For instance : It is contrary to universal history
to expect that every ancient colony, which ever
grew from small beginnings into ultimate prom-
inence, should have anticipated a remote desidera-
tum, and taken with it, and treasured during its
chaotic eras, such manifest records as should serve
to identify it, in later generations, with its parent
It is equally unreasonable for us, of a hypercritical
and sceptic modern day, to demand such unequivo-
cal evidences of connection as a sine qua non of our
In every such case the marks of kinship and
origin are sufficient for the purpose, and should be
fairly weighed in balances adjusted to the circum-
stances, and we should accord to all such as supple-
ment the Bible genealogies by purely independent
and outside evidences, at least as much authority as
we are wont to demand for the "bridges" and
* Nevertheless in the case of the Milesian Story we find all these
desiderata. The modern query is fully anticipated, and, lo ! ready at
need, not only are the Western Chronicles complete, but their point
of junction with the Eastern parent trunk, is capable of being estab-
lished with a certainty sufficient to astonish the objector.
''missing links" which modern ''doctors" never
hesitate to stretch over the chasms of their scien-
tific hypotheses.
While, therefore, the acorn seedling may preserve
none of its immediate parent's ancestral rings of
growth, nevertheless its own development is suffi-
cient evidence of origin and genus, and the flavor,
size, and genital peculiarities of its fruit may be as
clear a proof of parentage as if one plucked the
seed and planted it himself.- But, upon the other
hand, the oak from which it fell may perhaps bear
the frond-mark of its LOSS, forever !
In the same way it matters little that the numer-
ous offshoots of Israel may have individually lost
many of their special marks of identity in passing
out from the light afforded by Jehovah to the
^ parent stock alone, if so be there shall have re-
mained behind them some contemporaneous in-
dications whereby their legends may sufficiently
attain to a reasonable foundation of reality in later
days when children's children shall have at last be-
gun to take due pleasure in their genealogy.
In the present state of historical research, there-
fore, all that perhaps is possible may be to trace
the story of the various offshoots back to their own
earliest days and incidents, and then to direct our
studies across the chart to the parallel Hebrew
records for contemporary and corresponding evi-
dence by means of which to bridge the gap, and
mount still further along the line of authentic history.
Of course such evidence is chiefly circumstantial,
but it is generally equal to its task, and must be
weighed upon its own merits.
But after all it is within the individual heart
that judgment ultimately sits upon the general
credibility of the Bible story, and whenever there
may be given a fair presumption of fact it will be
hard thereafter to storm the works which faith will
occupy in force and proceed to fortify by further in-
vestigation and discovery !
As a case in point we shall now invite attention
to one of the most remarkable passages in Sacred
history, — particularly remarkable because its im-
mense value and true significance seem to have es-
caped the notice of all historians and chronologists
down to this present time, although it is a veritable
frond-mark upon the parent Hebrew trunk, and
one which promises to corroborate the prefaces to
some of the most renowned volumes of secular his-
tory !
The Need of More Light.
It is but an isolated passage employed incident-
ally in the sacred text, but by means of it an abso-
lute junction may be established between the royal
lines and origines of Scythia, Phoenicia, Greece, Troy,
Rome, the Milesian settlement of Ireland, and that
of Judah's royal remnant.
It furnishes the key to the secret history of the
sceptred Tribe of Israel, and unlocks a chapter,
which, though lost before the Exodus, was not missed
until thus discovered in our own and final genera-
tion !
The Biblical passage to which we allude gains its
supreme importance by being taken in connection
with the independent, extraneous and collateral
testimony of the secular nations above mentioned,
and, together with the general circumstances of
internal harmony and chronological synchronism in-
herent to itself, its discovery will in due time prove
itself to be equally as valuable as any of the treas-
ured inscriptions which our museums owe to the
more hard-working, out-of-door archaeologists.
But that even upon the actual surface of God's
Word there should have lain, so long unvalued at its
worth, the waymarks by means of which such not-
able synchronisms may be established, need not be
at all surprising to such as may have followed
appreciatively the novel course of revelation which
surrounds a subject such as ours.
Those who shall have thus far pursued with us
these explorations into the regions of True History,
must already have been fully prepared for any fur-
ther surprises. The whole pathway we have trod
has been through Wonderland itself, and every step
has revealed its own mystery — a new one can but shed
fresh lustre on the scenes about us, and lend further
interest to the onward journey. Indeed, the one in
hand is calculated to awaken such a startling antici-
pation in the heart, that we opine the effect of this
additional clue upon our story will simply create
new impatience to attain its climax.
'^ Shadows Cast Before."
Although for some years it has been surmised b
Identity students, that the Milesian Story of Irelani
was connected in some way or other with that 0
Israel during her original sojourn in Egypt, the^
have nevertheless been constrained to rest those par
ticular arguments which concern this separate sec
tion of the Identity upon data drawn entirely frorr
the Irish chronicles themselves, for they have failed
hitherto in establishing for them any direct point oj
junction with the sacred record.
Thus, while mainly correct in their conclusions,
they have not yet been able to meet the objections
of those who viewed the matter from its eastern
standpoint only.
The latter have most naturally demanded some
other warrant for their faith than the unsupported
claims of the Milesians, while the investigations of
the former have thus far led to little more than
a somewhat better understanding of the Western
features of this complex problem.
The Milesian case has been entirely different from
that concerned with Jeremiah and his Wards ; for in
the latter premises we not only have the undoubted
signs of his arrival and settlement in Ireland, but the
Bible itself bears the plain frond-marks of his disap-
pearance from the ken of Eastern Chronicles, and
he times and places, East and West, and Sacred and
lecular, agree with circumstantial harmony to the
»hilosophy which upholds the treatment and en-
ourages further investigation.
Thus, while we must confess our inability to un-
erstand the logical bent of those who find it possi-
le to reject both chapters, we can easily perceive
lie necessity of discovering an Eastern point d'appui
'hereon to guarantee our credence in the former.
We therefore esteem it a privilege to supply this
Tiportant chapter with its anxiously sought bond
f union with the Holy Writ, and to point out its
idependent bearing upon the Secret of Our History
3 well as the dominant part which this Milesian
tory itself plays in the Romance of the Romance,
e are briefly scanning.
But it is only fair to all concerned in the establish-
lent of such a claim as herein set forth, that we
lould preface what we have to bring forward with
brief resume of the present situation. We do this
liefly to disarm the objections of such as shall
ideavor hereafter to belittle our argument by claim-
g that we have suited the theorem to the demon-
Those who are familiar with the history of
le Anglo-Israelite Question will not offer any
ich unjust objection, but to such as are not ac-
jainted with its chronological evolution it is
'oper to explain just where our own discovery
ands in the general sequence.
The Milesian Story.
In the first place the Milesian Chronicles the
selves antedate even the theoretical discovery of o
origin by more than twenty-five centuries. Th
are not ex post facto fabrications, and if they lei
themselves to our argument they can only do
from inherent strength.
In fact, the Identity of Our Race with the '' Lc
Tribes of Israel " was not seriously broached un
John Wilson published his thesis some forty-fi
years ago, nor was the possible bearing of the Mil
sian Records upon the hypothesis pointed oi
(1881) until long after Edward Hine had narrows
Wilson's original arguments down to the Angl
Saxon Race alone (1873).
Hence, it is manifest that, if we have new dal
to offer in the premises, it comes to them with add
tional weight, and as the result of careful investig
tion fairly begotten by the controversy itself.
Historically, we first meet the Milesian Story i
Ascending the stream from the present day, w
eventually reach the Halls of Tara, where we mee
Eochaidh, the son of Gallam, the Milesian, or c
William the Conqueror of Ireland.
Thence, via Spain, Carthage, Syria, Cyprus, am
Crete, we follow it eastward to Egypt's XlXth Dy
nasty, and find ourselves in the generation of Gath
elus, a reputed contemporary of Moses, and following
t still further back we come to Fenesia Farsa, and
0 the halcyon days of the XVIIIth Dynasty.
Here the record loses its threads amid the scenes
amiliar to Joseph, Judah and Jacob, and fades into
he common genealogical cradle.
The authenticity of this Western Story, with such
, lofty pedigree, has been fully canvassed, and it is
low conceded that it is a genuine, pre-Christian,
rish antique — founded upon Chronicles which are
lot to be explained away by the disingenuous innu-
ndoes of prejudice, nor turned from its current by
ny literary ingenuity or historic barriers.
It contains the waymarks of the Milesian Pilgrim-
ge and conducts us to the central localities of Hu-
nan origin as unerringly as the records of China,
hrough Foy, do to Ararat, or those of Greece
hrough Deucalion, do to the Deluge, or those of the
Norsemen through Wodin, do to Palestine.
So far as the Milesian story itself is concerned, it
5 a complete mosaic, and admits of no wholesale
Iteration ; it must be explained, as it stands, and if
: and the Biblical story have any points of tan-
ency, they must meet without violence and run
ito each other without apology.
That they would eventually be found to do so we
ave believed since our first perusal of the Irish
tory ; indeed, no student fairly interested in the
ffort to arrive at the truth involved in the Anglo-
faxon Riddle has ever failed to be impressed with
similar conviction, and we doubt not that the
light which our own researches shall shed upon th
particular phase of the matter will add new zest t
those of others who may undertake to fill them in
for in the present Study we shall not attempt mor
than an outline of this most important chapter.
The Meeting of Several Streams.
There are thus two distinct phases to the Hebrew
story of Ireland, the one concerned with Jeremia!
and his Wards, and the other with Milesius.
From the modern standpoint they are liable t(
be confused, and hence have been so, more or less
from very natural causes.
The solution of the difficulty lies in the recogni
tion of the parts played by each, and in the de
termination of their point of chronological junction
For after their union they form, of course, bui
one and the same story, a story which we can trac(
back from the present time (1891 A.D.) in unbroker
sequence for some twenty-four hundred and fifty-sis
years (5890 A. M.-3434 a. m.).
Here the marriage of Eochaidh and Tea Tephi
occurred, it being immediately incident upon Jere-
miah's arrival in Ireland.
The renown and romance of this particular event
have so beclouded the previous history of Erin that
former students of the Identity have been apt
to follow the stream of Jeremiada only, and have
fancied that the history of '' ISRAEL," in the Isles,
began with him, and so contented themselves with
:racing his own story back to its junction with the
Royal line of Pharez.
Essential as this chapter of the romance is, and
vhile we may congratulate ourselves upon the im-
nense amount of evidence already brought to its
lupport, there is another line of no less importance
vhich demands our careful consideration ere we can
ully comprehend the deep significance of Israel's
A^estern history.
From the very earliest times Erin was occupied
)y Dan, the pioneer of Israel. We are already
amiliar with this phase of the question. It is now
mportant to notice that just one generation before
he arrival of Jeremiah, the Tuatha de Daanans
/ere conquered by the Milesians, coming in from
These latter were in reality the Sons of
udah through the Scythian line of Zerah, and
nited with the royal house of Dan. All this took
lace before the fall of Tyre ; indeed in the days of
be Milesian conquest * of Ireland the Empire of the
rentiles had but recently acquired its famous
Head of Gold," and the destined downfall of the
louse of Pharez was still a secret in the councils
f Jehovah.
We have, also, watched the crash of Eastern
*We refer to the commercial and diplomatic conquest which long
eceded that of Arms, and to which later on we shall have occasion
thrones, and stood amazed at the general loss (
sceptres before the onward march of Babylonia
But while the world at large has inconsistent!
gone on in utter unconcern at the apparent failui
of Jehovah's oath to David, we, at least, have n
covered faith enough to see that the oath of th
Almighty is without revocation, and have alread
anticipated the healing of the breach in Pharez'
line by the arrival in Ireland of David's exiles
The Cause of the Difficulty.
While, therefore, we pause to wait the coming o
the Ollam's Ship, let us proceed to Ireland and be
come better acquainted with her story ere it blend;
with even more confusing details.
We are undoubtedly indebted to the Milesian-
themselves for the record of their pilgrimage anc
genealogy previous to landing in Ireland.
They came from Spain and brought their Rec
ords with them.
Antedating the Christian Era by some eighteen
centuries, and older than Irish Christianity {i. e. of
Saint Patrick's) by at least three or four more, it is
manifest that these chronicles cannot have owed their
Biblical tangencies to the mere imagination of the
Christian scribes and monks, and still less to collu-
sion among the ancient heathen bards— not even to
those who became Christians under actual Apostolic
influence, for we can show that Paul and John
carried the Light in person to their Western Breth-
ren as they were bidden by the Master ! ^
Our knowledge of the situation precludes either
of these possibilities, for the hostility of the fol-
lowers of Saint Patrick against the already recog-
nized, contemporary, and time-honored influence of
Tara and her Chronicles was so great that they
eventually compassed her destruction and the loss
of such records ^.s, fell into their hands.
It was clearly in the interest of Rome to cast dis-
credit upon all that antedated her arrival in Ireland,
and her admitted history there,— penned by her
own priests— is demonstration that she did so.
But this very fact supports the claims of Tara's
prior Chronicles, while at the same time it forces us
to ascribe the knowledge of the Bards to earlier
sources than those which marked the advent of an
unscrupulous form of Christianity.
* We shall reserve for future studies the discussion of this funda-
mentally important fact ; Christianity in Ireland was a solid fact 400
years before Patricus landed in Erin, and it is a f^rrible error to
suppose that the Providence of God allowed the Royal Ancestors of
A Chosen Race to receive their religion from any city but Jerusalem
itself ! In this connection it is well to nail another common error in
the head. Not only some Roman Catholic writers but many
** modern sceptics claim that the Irish did not know the use of letters
until the landing of St. Patrick. But if this apostle first introduced
letters into Ireland they must undoubtedly have been Roman. The
sufficient answer is that the structure of the Irish alphabet, its number
of letters, their form and arrangement is Cadmean ! " vide O'Hallo-
If, then, we are ever to arrive at the actual truth
we must solve the problem without eliminating the
conditions which govern it, and chiefly recognize
the distinct Hebrew coloring of the whole arrange-
But here the difficulties begin, and while they are
insupe rable to those who reject the fundamental
truth which we proclaim, they tax the judgment
of its willing students to the utmost.
It requires an exercise of the closest discrimina-
tion to follow the thread of the Milesian Chronicle
at either its Eastern or Western terminus, for at each
of them the student finds himself bewildered by
other threads which seem themselves to be inextri-
cably meshed, and spread upon it as a garment of
Thus not only do we meet it first as it sinks into
If Rome gave Letters, Arts and Sciences to Ireland, why is it that
she withheld them from other lands? And if she gave them (God
save the gift !) how is it that to Ireland the gift was so diverse as to
be unlike, in genus, from the peculiar degree she conferred upon
others, and finally how shall we account for the common proverb ol
the earliest days — Admantus est ad discipliiiatn in Hibernia — He has
gone for knowledge to Ireland ! — which was anciently applied to
account for the absence of lettered men from Britain and the Con-
tinent ? Even Caesar testified that the Gaulish youth were sent to
the British Isles to complete their education,*
Moreover we have the direct testimony of Tacitus that in his day
the ports of Ireland were better known and more resorted to by
foreign merchants than those of Britain, f
* De Bello GalHco Lib. V, Cap 13, 14.
t Vita Jul. Agris col.
the bosom of a Western labyrinth, already confused
with independent Hebrew entanglements, but the
fibres of its far off Eastern origin rise out of similar
but deeper Hebrew surroundings.
Nevertheless the fascination of the mystery can-
not be overcome, and our interest is only heightened
when, on penetrating ever so slightly beneath the
lines, we find ourselves confronted, whether in
the East or West, by contrasted phases of the
struggle for supremacy between the rival factions
of the Tribe of Judah !
It is simply impossible to resist the conviction
that the chain, whose termini are so consummately
sunk, cannot have its anchors held by fraud and
fable only, and the impulse to unravel the riddle is
merely enhanced by the difficulties which surround
the student.
The Elements of the Problem.
Encouraged therefore by the success which has
already crowned our efforts at analyzing the inci-
dents which conspired both for the escape of Jere-
miah from Egypt, and for the concealment of the
fact of his flight, let us direct our investigations to
the localities whither he is headed so that we may
the better welcome his arrival.
The Milesian story took its rise amid the cradle
scenes of Israel in Egypt, and its pioneers departed
upon their independent quest of Empire before the
Books of Moses were compiled.
It is no cause for wonder, therefore, that th(
references contained in the Pentateuch are few anc
cursory, and have always been misunderstood ; no
should it occasion surprise that the Chronicles o
Judah's eastern line of kings should contain so litth
concerning a rival branch which disappeared lone
before the sceptre of even the line of Pharez begai
to materialize.
Indeed, we shall find still less occasion for aston.
ishment at these omissions if it shall ultimatel>
appear that the part to be played by Zerah's line ir
the Philosophy of History was intentionally over
shadowed by the spirit of Inspiration — was in fact
one of the ''chief" secrets of its SECRET— and its
discovery reserved for the last of the latter days.
The case is similar to that of Israel's disappear-
ance, and the vanishment of Jeremiah, and all of its
subordinate phases are in perfect keeping with
Jehovah's methods.
As a fact then, now to be re-announced, and
maintained with new evidence, the Origines of
those who conquered the Tuatha de Daanans of
Ireland in the generation preceding Jeremiah's own
arrival there, can be fairly traced back to Egypt
itself, and rooted down among the scenes of the
famous XVIIIth and XlXth Dynasties (!) there to
be duly identified in time !
In the mean while the centuries passed on, and in
the same strange way, but now with not a solitary
missing strand, the thread of the Milesian Story can
be traced Westward, and becomes prominently in-
terwoven with the Heroic generations of Erin's
history— but only after "Israel's" Eastern Story
has been closed, and that of " Judah " been appar-
ently bereft forever of its temporal sceptre.
Then into the common grave of temporary West-
ern oblivion, the Milesian Story sinks, together
with that of the disguised remnant of those who
fled to this same distant stage of action upon Zede-
kiah's fall, and also together with that of the
Tuathade Daanans themselves — the representatives
of Israel herself !
But here again we have no special cause of won-
der at the eventual loss of Identity which succeeded
each of these exits from the only scenes calculated
to foster it — the exit of the earlier generations of
the Milesians from Egypt having preceded any
national existence of Abraham's seed, and that of
Jeremiah's remnant, so far as could have been then
and there apparent, having succeeded its complete
destruction !
Nor should we wonder that the problem which
devolves on us — that of extricating the several
threads of such a complex story so as to resurrect
and preserve their separate identities, while at the
same time we keep in view their mutual and chrono-
logical relations — should be so difficult. Nor, finally,
should we demand in Eastern history corroborative
references to this triple sequence of events, each
line of which not only passed beyond its sunset
horizon, but all of which took their rise only in the
conditions which rendered further records in the
East impossible !
However, with that irony of evidence consum-
mately anticipated, and always ultimately furnished
by the Inspired writers in such cases, we are able at
last to confront the captious objectors to the Mile-
sian Story with sufficient testimony to place it upon
the same foundation laid beneath the re-identifica-
tions of the descendants of Jeremiah's remnant, and
of the Ten Lost Tribes of Israel, and to force upon
them the onus of rejecting it anew upon the very
conditions which they themselves have hitherto
demanded !
We are not only tracing the plot of a Romance
indeed, but of one which is peculiarly /^//^z/^/zV/—
the story of His '' chosen people," written so con-
summately in facts, and labyrinthed amid such mas-
terly situations, the wonder is that even now He
has permitted us to catch the thread thereof ; yet
such is the fact. The time has come when Israel
must awake, and now is when, staggered at such
startling surprises, she is to have her last chance to
accept the God of Abraham, of Isaac and of Jacob.
For, surely, failing amid scenes like these, to realize
the tender mercies of Him who watcheth over all
our ways, nor recognizing Him, now as He stands
at the dividing of the path — those who obstinately
select the left hand can but stumble speedily into
the pit of His displeasure ! We are a miracle unto
ourselves — a Resurrected Race — and if we see it not
our " second " death will certainly be final !
A Few Objections Considered.
But : " If so important a chapter in Irish history
as that of the Milesians takes its origin in Israel,"
say the objectors, *' there certainly should be found
in Israel's Chronicles some indication of their exit ;
this has not been produced, nor can it be.
''Hence," the adverse argument continues, ''in
leaning upon the unsupported chronicles of the Mile-
sians the Identity Students have attempted to prove
too much and thus have pierced their own hands.
" For, if Chronicles so distinctly Hebrew, and by
their acceptance now made so essential to the Irish
chapters of the Identity, be shown to rest upon a
broken reed, then it is more than probable that all
the phases of the Irish Story will eventually come
to grief.
" At any rate, granting that the Bible Story
recognizes the loss of Israel, and the disappearance
of Jeremiah, and that an ingenious argument re-dis-
covers them in the legends of the Western Isles, it
now becomes equally imperative to find some Bibli-
cal foundation for the Milesian story: — W/w were
they then, and wherefore did they leave the East ? "
The answer is they were the sons of Zerah, and
they left Egypt in the days of the XVIIIth and
XlXth Dynasties because their claims to precedence
in Judah, the Sceptral tribe of Israel, were rejected.
*' But if SO important a section of Judah's Royal
Tribe as the Sons of Zerah seceded from the Hosts
of Israel in a body, where is the proof either in Secu-
lar or Biblical History, for surely such a claim but
makes the matter worse for the affirmative, in that it
introduces even more extravagant assertions than
ever ? ' '
The answer is," Ye do err, not knowing the Script-
ures nor the power of God." Secular History rec-
ognizes that the XVHIth Dynasty of Egypt was
the Cradle of Nations, and that the XlXth cast its
foster children out, and Sacred History shows that
out of this very Egypt — and from generation unto
generation — God has always called his sons, whom
he foreknew, to their appointed tasks.
These were the days that led not only to the Exo-
dus of Israel, but also saw the founding of Athens
by Cecrops, of Troy by his brother Dardanus, of
Scythia by their father Scytha, and of Tyre by Age-
non, his other son. And they are the days to which
the Milesian records reverse without any missing
generations since they terminate i?t these very
'* Sons of Renown " themselves !
For, finally, these were the Sons of Judah —
'* Knights of the Scarlet Thread " — of the line of
Zerah ; and we owe it partly to the very jealousy
of the rival line of Pharez that the records of his
line of kings supply the very proof which knots the
genealogies of all these royal lines together.
a priceless fragment, 163
Biblical Archeology.
In the first Book of Kings, Chapter IV., verses 30
and 31, it is said, apparently in terms quite well
understood in its day, that " Solomon's wisdom ex-
ceeded the wisdom of all the children of the East
country, and all the wisdom of Egypt. For he was
wiser than all men, THAN Ethan the Zerahite,
SONS OF Mahol, and his fame was in all the nations
round about."
The above incidental reference ** to Heman, Chalcol
and Darda," who are elsewhere casually enumerated
among the sons, or descendants of Zerah (i Chron.
ii. 6), is one of the few isolated fragments concern-
ing this family that are preserved in the Sacred
Canon, and their situation both in Kings and Chron-
icles, in connection with Ethan, — whose own and
only son was A-Zariah (i Chron. ii. 8), and with
Zarah, whose immediate son Ethan undoubtedly
was, — seems to imply and justify the gloss, that
while all were ''sons" of Zarah, they were more
immediately grandsons of Ethan, by Azariah, his
son, called also Mahol, rather than that Mahol was
a third son of Zarah himself, as is sometimes offered
in explanation.
The fact is, all the branches of Zerah's family
became Scythians, or '' wanderers " at such an early
date, even in the generations to which the Bible
story traces them, that without any appeal to num-
berless other instances of similar glosses, double anc
triple names, etc., we may attribute no little of th(
confusion surrounding this special case to actua
ignorance in so far as the Scribes themselves wen
concerned, and to permitted omission, in so far as it
contributed to the purposes of Divine Providence.
In the days when the Books of Kings and Chron-
icles were written (in the sole interest, as was then
supposed, of the Pharez branch of Judah's line),
nothing positive could have been actually known
concerning the fortunes of the collateral and rival
line of Zerah, which had apparently given up the
struggle for sceptral supremacy in Egypt centuries
before, that is before even Moses had began to
formulate * the Pentateuch.
But,. strangely enough, where the Sacred Canon
(purposely, as we believe) allows the records of Ze-
* I here use the word for?milate advisedly, because (while abso-
lutely satisfied, from their unique chronology alone, that the Books
of Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy are Mo-
saic, and for every reason satisfied that they are Inspired) I wish to
cover every legitimate theory as to the origin of Genesis as a literary
It matters little, to fair minded men, whether Moses compiled this
particular book from former accurate records handed down the
patriarchal line, as he probably did, or wrote the whole matter out
ab initio under direct revelation. If perhaps he acted as a mere
editor,— as modern hypercriticism claims with dishonest purpose
— he none the less was overruled and guided in his judgment and
selection, and the Book, as it stands, is as much the first inspired
" word " in the Word of God as is the inviolable volume with which
St. John closed the Sacred Scroll at Patmos.
rah's line to lapse, there they are blindly taken up
and continued by no less than three, perhaps more,
independent and widely separated secular colleges
of history.
The Riddle Solved.
For if Darda, the Egyptian, son of Zarah, was
Dardanus, the Egyptian founder of Troy, and if
Chalcol was the Egyptian Cecrops or Niul and the con-
temporary founder of Athens and Thebes, and if
Heman, the brother of Niul, was the likewise contem-
porary Egyptian Agenon who inherited Phcenicia, and
if Mahol, the son of Zerah and the father of these
famous Egyptians, was Scytha or Fenesia Farsa,
the Egyptian ancestor of the Milesians, whose records,
full and complete, enable us to blend the whole into one
continuous recital down to the present day, surely we
have means at hand in Trojan, Grecian and Mile-
sian sources, to continue out the record of the Sacred
Chronicles, and lend them greater reverence as we
come to understand and prize them at their worth !
And it is just this claim that we now advance,
for by rescuing this fragmentary reference to Ze-
rah's line, found in i Kings (iv. 30-31), from the
ignorance and misconception with which all former
generations seem to have treated it, and by reading
in it a clear and intentional reference to the famous
Heroes of Secular History, to the founders of
Phoenicia, Grecia, Troy, and the Milesians, and indi-
rectly to Rome, the child of Troy, to Carthage and to
the Brigantes of Hispania, we place in the hands of
Our Race, and before their opened eyes the peer of
the Rosetta Stone itself,— in that all men who
are '' wise " may read the conclusion in their own
language between the lines of Sacred History
itself !
" It is a point universally agreed upon that the
very early Greeks were in a state of savage barbarity,
in the most extensive meaning of the word, for a
considerable time, until a set of people from Egypt
came to settle among them.
'' With these strangers came arts, agriculture, let-
ters, legislation and religion. But though these
luminaries came from Egypt, yet it is agreed that
they were not an Egyptian but a Phcenician col-
ony. There is no fact better ascertained than that
the first polishers of Greece were these Phoenicians,
and that the alphabet communicated to them con-
sisted of no more than sixteen letters. But
though this is universally admitted, yet the Grecian
historians are by no means in unison as to the time
of this reformation." The substance of what the
Greek historians have delivered to us may be re-
duced to this.
** Agenor and Belus, whose antiquity is so remote
that according to their fabulous manner of writing,
they have made them the sons of Neptune or the
sea, early agreed to separate. Belus resided in
Egypt and married the daughter of Nilus, by whom
he had children. Agenor settled in Phoenice, and
became the father of a numerous race, among whom
were Cadmus, Phoenix and Cilix.
" Cadmus emigrated to Asia Minor, Crete, Greece
and Lybia, with a numerous retinue of Phoenician
followers, in all of which places he founded colonies,
and introduced among them letters, music, poetry
and other sciences.
Origin of the Grecian Records.
|k " Here we see a great number of facts collected
in one point of view ; but for want of proper atten-
tion to Chronology, of which the early Greeks were
grossly ignorant, they are so confounded and jum-
bled together that no writer has been found hardy
enough to attempt to reduce them to any historical
order. Indeed, Josephus treats their pretences to
history and antiquity with the highest contempt ;
for though (says he) ' it is acknowledged that they
received their first letters from the Phoenician Cad-
mus, yet, for want of public registers, they are not
able to produce any testimonials of this, or indeed,
of any other point of high antiquity, which might
be depended on. Not so (he continues) with the
Phoenicians, the Chaldeans, and with us (the Jews),
who have from remote antiquity, by means of reg-is-
ters, and the care of persons particularly appointed
to this office, preserved our histories beyond all
other nations.'
*' It is, then, manifest that this relation of the pol-
ishing of the first Greeks must have been, through
the neglect of these public registers, preserved by
tradition 07ily : and that in after periods, when the
Greeks, in imitation of other polite nations of an-
tiquity, began to cultivate history, they committed
these relations such as they found them to writing ;
but unable to trace the precise periods of these
transactions, they gave them the best form they
'' Irish history will, however, I think, to universal
satisfaction, clear up these difficulties, and prove
that even tradition itself in history is not to be de-
** We see two brothers, Agenor and Belus, agree
to separate ; Belus marries the king of Egypt's
daughter, and settles there, while Agenor remains
in Phoenice. Can anything come nearer to the rela-
tions by Irish historians of Niulus, the second son
of Phaenius, settling in Egypt and marrying the
daughter of Pharaoh, and of his elder brother's rul-
ing in Phoenicia? We even see the names of Phae-
nius and Niulus preserved also by them, though
misplaced by gross anachronism ! Cadmus, too, is
made brother to Phaenius, ^ though it is manifest that
he flourished near three hundred years after! Thus
the traditions of the remote Greeks are in the main
founded in truth, and the glory of illustrating them
reserved for Irish historians."
* He was the son of Sru and the brother of Heber Scot, in the
seventh generation from Zarah.
1^ Thus wrote O'Halloran, in 1778, flushed with the
conviction that in the Milesian chronicles lay the
means of completely harmonizing Egyptian, Greek
and Phoenician histories, while we, writing one hun-
dred and thirteen years later, and therefore in still
clearer light as to the several secular histories in-
volved, as well as in the full understanding of this
remarkable sacred fragment now at last put to its
proper use, can maintain that the more lasting
glory of concealing the clue for explaining all secu-
lar history at once, belongs to God Himself, and
that the honor of its discovery was reserved for this
latter generation of Our Race, to us, who are the
lineal outcome of a chosen People, never lost to
Him, and now, thank God ! at last awakening to
the Rock whence we are hewn.
By means of O'Halloran's investigations a com-
mon chapter in the histories of Egypt, Phoenicia,
Greece and Ireland was indubitably established.
Nevertheless, he failed to perceive the full import
of his deductions, and assigned to the incidents
themselves a date far too remote, since the con-
sensus of modern study locates the origines of them
all at a period certainly not earlier than the XlXth
Dynasty of Egypt — and therefore makes them con-
temporaneous with the very scenes and generations
just introduced into the general historical exegesis
by the fragment to which we are now calling the
tardy attention of historians.
Without the Milesian Chronicles we could not
have fully harmonized those of Greece, Phcenicia
and Egypt, and now it is equally manifest that
without the Sacred Chronicles we could not have
placed the group thus duly synchronized into
proper chronological relation with universal history.
The Plot Thickens.
It is on account of the foregoing considerations,
therefore, that, among the many astonishing chap-
ters which our topic opens up, it would be difficult
to cite another which affords a more remarkable ex-
ample of unlooked for denouements than the one
which is concerned with the fortunes of the house
of Zarah. For although the descendants of this
Royal son of Judah constituted, from the very first,
one of the most notable families of Israel, never-
theless their story seems to have been no sooner
commenced in the sacred records than to have
been dropped, and this apparently without the
slightest attempt at completion ; nor is any direct
intimation given to us where to look for its resump-
The result has been that with their almost imme-
diate disappearance from the pages of the sacred
chronicles, all further interest in their fate seems to
have ceased among Bible readers.
For, as in the case of Jeremiah and his Royal
Remnant, who vanished through the same Egyptian
door of Mystery, we have continued to watch the
progress of the human drama as if those actors
only who continued on the Eastern stage were prin-
cipals, and as if those who went behind the scenes
were never to return, a/dei^ their characters may have
necessarily presaged the future resumption of their
role !
The circumstances amid which the exodus of
Zarah's posterity took place, and those surrounding
the after history of Israel in Egypt and the wildeit
ness, have so effectually absorbed attention, that
every subsequent thought has been as completely
diverted from this family, as it has been from the
seed of Cainan, and the land of Nod ; all of which
has so conspired to preserve the secret of their after
fortunes, that, down to our own day, but few, if
any, have realized how prominent a part its several
elements have since then played in general history,
although they have figured there wholly in disguise.
But while the Bible has preserved for us only a
few meagre details of the very earliest generations
of Zerah's posterity, they are important ones, and
are amply sufficient to guide the mental spade of
modern times in its efforts to unearth the buried
indentities of their successors.
Moreover, the disclosures which are brought to
light in the resulting investigation, are sufficient to
establish the universal impress of Judah's Sceptre
all along the ages, even in the most unexpected
quarters, and to point out its particular dominance
over God's chosen people, now once more made
manifest in the Anglo-Saxon Race.
ScEPTRAL Aspirations.
It is patent from the sacred chronicles that Zarah
had as yet no children when he went down into
Egypt with his grandfather Jacob (Gen. xlvi. 12),
although his twin brother, Pharez, was accompanied
by two, Hezron and Hamul, who are accordingly
enumerated among ''the seventy souls" that, ** be-
sides his son's wives" (v. 26), settled in the land of
Goshen with the Patriarch.
But afterwards, and while he dwelt there with his
brethren, that is up to the time of Judah's death,
there were born unto Zerah himself two sons,
Ethan and Zimri.
Like Daniel, Joseph seems to have been the
prime minister, or certainly to have continued high
in repute, during several successive reigns, that is
during at least four of those which succeeded that
of Thothmes III., the Pharaoh who had raised him
out of prison. These were those of Amenophis II.,
Thothmes IV., and Amenophis III. and IV.; indeed
perhaps his influence may have extended into the
era of the three Heritics and Horus, or up to the
very time of his death, which was early in the latter
Now the births of Ethan and Zimri probably oc-
* With reference to these reigns we follow Kellogg's " Stone Lec-
tures " before Princeton, the latest and best authority. (Randolph,)
as modified by the researches of the British Chronological Society,
'curred soon after the entrance into Goshen, al-
though Ethan's own son, Mahol or Azariah,'^" as he
is elsewhere called, could hardly have attained to
full manhood by the time of Judah's death.
This latter event is generally admitted to have
antedated the death of Joseph by some twenty
years, and it seems particularly Providential that
the Prime Minister should have survived all his
brothers, even perhaps Levi, and thus not only have
been able to secure the status of Israel in Egypt,
but more particularly have been able to adjudicate
upon its own internal affairs well into the succeed-
ing generations.
In the mean time ''the children of Israel were
* In tracing the history of this family we shall use indiscriminately
the various spellings common to the several records, and which are
often found to be different even in the same record. There is noth-
ing odd in Wi^fact of these numerous names for each of these cele-
brated individuals, for we find numberless parallels in modern times.
As to the matter of variety in spelling, as for instance Chalcol, Cal-
col, Dara, Darda, Mahol, Mohul, etc., it was a common thing among
the Hebrews ; we find a notable case in Abraham and Abram, Bram
and Brahma, and as instances of several names for the same individ-
ual we need only refer to the cases of Jacob, Joseph and Daniel.
Different circumstances gave them different names, and with the
change of ventie as they wandered from land to land (we refer now
particularly to the sons of Zerah or Zarah) they naturally appear
with different names without loss of identity. Thus Chalcol or Cal-
col became Calchis to the Phoenicians, Cecrops to the Greeks and
Niul, Niulus, or Nilus to the Egyptians, while his father Mahol was
the Scytha and Phoenius of the Phoenicians, and the Fanesia Farsa
of the Irish. The reader will understand the matter as he proceeds.
fruitful, and increased abundantly, and multiplied,
and waxed exceeding mighty; and the land was
filled with them" (Ex. i. 7). These were the
halcyon days of their sojourn in Goshen, a long
period during which, with no let or hindrance im-
posed over their native genius, and with every in-
fluence in their favor (Gen. xlvii. 5-6, and Gen. 1.
15-26), they not only formed the highest alliances
with the best blood of the realm, but rose to the
very summit of excellence along every avenue of
advancement in that favored land.
That we have entirely misunderstood the magni-
tude of these fostering influences is no doubt due
to the simplicity with which the whole subject is
treated in the story of Joseph, but that in the ex-
traneous light of modern discoveries its true import
is constantly widening no deep student of universal
history will now deny except at the peril of his
reputation. Nor in studying the particular phase
of it which concerns our present topic, must we
lose sight of the special bonds of friendship which,
from the incidents of Joseph's own story, must have
therefore more closely united the tribe of Judah
and his own. That Ethan personally profited by
such brilliant opportunities, and that his son Mahol
enjoyed the same advantages to the full, is manifest
from the fame which they and their successors won
(i Kings iv. 30-31), and that this family aspired to
the sceptral honors of Judah's house is not to be
A Scythian.
But that Zerah's branch failed to reach the im-
mediate goal of their natural ambition is equally
Whatever may have been the special circum-
stances of Judah's death, and of the distribution of
his '' blessing " between Pharez and Zerah, it is
clear that the dominant influence of Joseph effect-
ually prevented any open struggle between the
twin sons, and that, so far as the mere sceptral
supremacy among the Hebrews was concerned, this
influence secured at least a tacit recognition of the
purely accidental claims of Pharez to priority.
But that there was no question of priority raised
by one, and by the sons of one, who had been
marked at his birth with the '' scarlet thread " of
Royalty, is certainly improbable in the light of the
struggle of Jacob and Esau,— twins in the previous
And this probability is only heightened when we
remember the jealousy of Joseph himself for his
own firstborn, when Ephraim and Manasseh became
as it were /wins by a single act of adoption at the
bedside of Jacob !
It may have been this very sentiment of rigid
justice to the actual firstborn, so marked in Joseph's
character (Gen. xlviii. 1 8), which finally threw the bal-
ance into the scale in favor of Pharez. For upon the
principle that the '* last shall be first and the first
last," which had certainly governed the selection of
both Jacob (Gen. xxvii.) and Ephraim (Gen. xlviii.
14), Zerah must have had a constant ground of hope
until his father's death ; while owing to the peculiar
circumstances of his own nativity, he may have
been really doubtful of Joseph's actual bias until
the proper occasion gave it a decisive utterance.
Finally, in view of the subsequent and almost
immediate disappearance of Ethan's branch of Ze-
rah's descendants from the ken of Bible history, we
may rest assured that some such struggle had either
actually occurred, or was imminent ; or, at any rate,
that a natural jealousy, such as had lead Esau and
Jacob to separate at once, and such as eventually
brought about a similar separation between the sons
of Ephraim and Manasseh,* also operated to lead
the main and elder stem of Zerah's line, the house
of Ethan, to seek empire elsewhere, and at length
to realize it in the Islands of the West.
An Unexpected Ally.
The proposition here made, therefore, in order to
harmonize the various elements in the case, is as
follows :
A very natural controversy arose at the death of
Judah, between his twin sons Pharez and Zerah,
relative to their prospective sceptral priority among
the Hebrews. This seems to have been perempto-
* Although for special purposes delayed even to 1776 A. D I
rily settled by the personal influence of Joseph, who
was then supreme in Egypt, and who decided in
favor of Pharez. In this decision Zerah and his
sons acquiesced, perforce, until the death of Joseph
himself, when they seceded from the body politic of
Israel, and allied themselves to the Egyptian Party
of Opposition which a generation later became the
XlXth Dynasty. The significance of this secession
is rendered even more apparent when it is remem-
bered that the XlXth Dynasty of Egypt was itself
an alien one and dominated by the family of Esau !
Thus Chalcol, or Cecrops (who was the Niul of the
Egyptians), was the father of Gadhol, and one of
them is known to have married the daughter of
Meneptha. Now Meneptha was " Darem," the son
of Rameses IL, who was '' Riyan " the son of Seti
I., who was ^*Walid" the son of Rameses I., in
whom the XlXth Dynasty began. But " Thardan,"
who was Rameses I., was the son of '' Duke Ame-
lek," the son of Eliphaz, the son of ESAU, the son
of Isaac and Rebecca !
|i The XVIIIth Dynasty of Egypt was indeed a
kindly cradle, but when Edom in the XlXth got
the temporary dominion, the process of shaking the
yoke from off his own neck drove forth the nations
to their destinies !
All of the sons of Isaac had been driven into
Egypt by the same famine that brought the sons of
Jacob thither. But Esau's sons seem to have set-
tled- far away from Goshen. They grew mighty
under parallel circumstances to those which favored
the development of '' Israel," but never lost sight of
the hope held out to Esau in the sop that Isaac was
constrained to cast into the bitter mess of pottage
for which he had sold his birthright, and so at last
this day of realization came ! But after all,
although they used their opportunity with such
cruel rigor, they were but agents in the hands of
God, and brought about still later circumstances,
whereby Our Race is ultimately to be both blessed
and be a blessing to all others.
It is submitted, also, that the sun worship which
arose in Egypt soon after the death of Joseph, and
which seems to have constituted the Heresy incident
to the downfall of the XVIIIth Dynasty, is a signifi-
cant hint to Zarah's name — *' east," '* brightness," or
** Son of the Sun " according to Sharp and others !
This, taken with the outside arguments that in
"Judah the Prince" we have the lost origin of
Jupiter, since also Scytha who is the Fenesia Farsa
of the Milesian Chronicles, was, says Lempriere " a
Son of Jupiter by a daughter of Tellus," — is enough
to warrant our hypothesis.
It is also noted by Lempriere that Cecrops
(the reputed grandson of Jupiter, Ammon, Baal,
or Osiris) led a colony from Egypt to Attica circa
2448 A. M. This Cecrops was thus a contemporary
with Moses (2433-2553 A. M.), and hence his grand-
father must have been the contemporary of Zerah !
^ Jupiter.
Nor in this connection should we lose sight of
another significant event which antedated the death
of Joseph by less than a span of years. This was
the death of Levi himself, in whose posterity the
priestly office was entailed by Jacob.
In such a priesthood Zerah's seceded line would
naturally have had no further interest, but rather
would have felt fully justified in establishing a sys-
tern for itself ! Hence what became eventually the
deification of Judah, in whose blessing the sons of
Zerah constantly trusted as the ultimate goal of their
destiny !
Carried by this family, so famous for their pe-
culiar wisdom, into all the more polished nations
that they visited, the worship of Jupiter, ^' the God
of Judah," soon became almost universal. He was
the Ammon of the Africans, who were indebted to
the frequent going in and out among them of Ma-
hol's posterity, for the gift ; the Belus of the Baby-
lonians from the teachings of Mahol himself, who
spent twenty-two years at Babel as the president of
the. seventy influential universities which he founded
there, according to the Milesian Story; and the
Osiris of Egypt, due to the quasi schismatic teach-
ings of his three sons themselves.
Of course his worship was carried to Phoenicia by
Mahol or Scytha when he left Babel to assume the
Sceptre of Syria, and we have an equally consistent
explanation for the Grecian veneration of Jove,
Jupiter, Optimus, and Olympus in the fact that
Cecrops, Calcol^or Nial, was the founder of Athens,
while his brother Dardamus carried the religion on
to Troy. Thence came it with ^neas even to
Rome, from whence in subtle form it still is domi-
nant !
It is not to be supposed that in its original purity
the Cult established by these men of wisdom was
^;2//-Jehovetic; indeed we believe the very opposite
to have been the fact. What it became is no more
to be charged against them than is the outcome ol
Christianity, — as it is nominally dressed and ad-
dressed among us, — to be charged to Christ and
his Apostles !
" His altars were not, like those of Saturn and
Diana, stained with the blood of human victims,
but like Jehovah he was delighted with the sacrifice
of goats, sheep and white bulls." The oak was as
sacred to him as it was to Abraham, and he is gen-
erally represented as sitting upon a golden or ivory
throne, holding thunderbolts in one hand and a
sceptre of cypress in the other.
The religion established by the family of Zerah
was a typical one: they originally worshipped the
God of Judah, that was all ! but their Eastern
branches soon lost the antitype, and as in due time
all of its mystic significance faded out, gross erroi
took the vacant place. Not so the Western or
Druidic school, who preserved the antitype — One
Great Eternal God — although they lost in time all
knowledge of the type itself. But they, alas so
human is it e'er to err, stained their dread groves
with human blood !
p But it was the establishment of this religion, or
this schismatic branch thereof, that constituted the
folly even of men so wise as the sons of Zerah, and
if Solomon himself, as the sons of Pharez boasted,
was wiser than they — then too his folly was also far
greater in that the less excusable sins of his latter
days, and which displeased God more than ever
theirs had, were certainly far more in direct oppo-
sition to the Law of the Pentateuch which Zerah's
children did not have !
A Study of Names.
Again, in connection with the Origin and Destiny
of Zerah's posterity viewed through the Milesian
Story we must not ignore the deep significance
of the names of this particular family group ; for
there is, without exception, a direct correspondence,
and literal prediction of future fate, in all the names
of Abraham's early descendants.
Zerah's own name signified ''Brightness''' "-Star
of the East,'' or ''Son of the Sim'' The Seed, Branch;
but according to Young it signifies a Sprout — even
more significant if it was into Zarah's line that the
Tender Twig of Pharez was eventually grafted !
That of his first-born son, Ethan, meant '' The
Gift of the Island" (Cruden), a name which wc may
justly take to be indicative of a direct promise from
Judah to Zarah. And when we bear in mind the
persistence with which, all through their progress
Westward, the Milesians sought for the '' Island of
Destiny," this, the name of one of their earliest He-
brew progenitors, is perhaps as remarkable as any in
the group.
Azariah, Ethan's son, signifies ''Assistance;' or
'' Whom the Lord helpsr His other name Mahol
signifies ''Musicr '' Rhythm r ''Measure as applied
to cadence."
Chalcol, the next in the Milesian line, means
'' The Sustainer of All;' while the name given to
his son, by Moses, according to the Milesian chron.
icles, was Ghadol, " Great; the third name of
But we may not expatiate at greater length upon
this branch of our topic, for although it is replete
with striking correspondencies sufficient to support
the interest of ''Gaels," " Waels," and " An-Gaels,"
all "Sons of God," and who are ruled by Ghadol's
sceptre, still it is far more important to devote our
present limited space to the unravelling of the early
chapters of their history.
The Schools of Egypt.
To return then to the incidents of Zarah's day:
Zimri's branch of the family seems to have contin-
*'?^'^^, Mai. i. u.
ued as an integral part of Judah's tribe, at least
until the entrance into Canaan, and as we shall re-
vert to theip anon, it is at present only necessary to
note that as an undoubtedly younger branch they
could have had no special concern in the inheritance
of Judah's sceptre.
Upon the occasion, therefore, of the definite
selection of the Pharez branch for these sceptral
honors, Ethan's entire household, as the representa-
tives of Zarah's branch, seem to have moved bodily
out of Goshen, and to have settled in some distinc-
tively learned locality of Egypt. It was in some
such famous centre that Ethan's own education had
been previously completed, and that of Mahol
(Azariah) was now prosecuted. Here, amid the re-
sulting circle of personal friends and literati, the
same advantages were ultimately enjoyed by
*' Heman, Calcol, and Darda" in the succeeding
Now it requires but the slightest examination to
show that these three sons of Mahol must have
been contemporaries of Moses himself, and that
they probably arose to fame and reputation in the
very same schools which he himself attended !
(Acts vii. 22, and i Kgs. iv. 30, 31.) Nor does it
necessitate any violation of Israel's condition under
the Pharaohs that " knew not Joseph," to bring
them — '' Heman, Calcol and Dara," * and Moses, all
* Or Darda.
together as actual companions and intimates under
this influence.
For Ethan's long previous withdrawal from
Goshen, then under the close protect'ion of the
XVIIIth Dynasty, and the resulting closer identi-
fication of his own family with Egypt's XlXth
Dynasty, as yet only the Party of Opposition, and
the special circumstances surrounding the withdrawal
of Moses from Hebrew connections in his early
years to be a foster child of this same XlXth Dy-
nasty, then come into full power, color all the
requisite possibilities favorably !
But in the mean time, we must account for Ma-
hol's own disappearance from Egypt at an early
date after the original move of Zerah's family from
Goshen. For we find in i Chron. ii. 6 that Zarah's
sons are enumerated as '' Ethan and Zimri ; and
Heman and Calcol and Dara : five of them in all,"
thus strangely omitting Mahol or Azariah, Ethan's
son, and who was certainly the father of the latter
three (i Kgs. iv. 30, 31).
It is upon just such points as this that our mod-
ern " Synchronological charts of History,"* with
their special facilities for scanning across its various
lines, placed parallel to each other, and portrayed
in graphic contrast, come to our assistance. For
not until the present generation has any historical
* Such as that of Adams ; Jay Andrews, Chicago, 111., Publisher,
and others of similar value in comparative research.
vade meciini reached such a degree of perfection as
to enable comparative research to move ahnost
per saltum in its solution of Chronological and
other difificulties ; and although they are still in
a very crude and elementary state, nevertheless
they are of immense and growing value to the
In the course of a careful investigation with one
of these " helps," and bearing in mind the Milesian
Story, and that of Zerah's line, which we maintain
to have been identical, it will plainly appear that
this omission was either intentional upon the part
of Moses, to whom we owe the original records, or
else that it was a tacit recognition of the fact that
Mahol had previously become a *' Scythian " or
For if he was no less a personage than Baath,
Scytha, or Fenesia Farsa, to whom the Milesians
trace their royal origin, he was the very '' King of
the Scythians," and should have dropped out of
both Hebrew and Egyptian history in just this
manner, and in the generation preceding not only
the exodus of Israel, but the exodi of Cecrops,
Neanuil, and Dardanus, i. e. of his sons '' Calcol,
Heman, and Darda."
Further Explanation.
Now a plausible explanation of the matter is as
loIIows, and as a solution it is peculiarly satisfactory
:o all of the several secular histories so closely in-
volved, to wit : those of Greece, Phoenicia, Troy
Rome and the Milesians.
When Zarah's elder branch, i. e. Ethan and hi«
son, Mahol, seceded, as it were, from Goshen, the
three sons of the latter were as yet unborn ; foi
Mahol or Azariah was himself but a young man at
the time. While therefore Azariah is duly enumer-
ated in the Chronicles in one place (i Chron. ii. 8),
in order to complete the genealogy, his sons are
mentioned in another, the proper place (v. 6), and
for quite a different reason. For in the interim, the
death of Joseph occurred, the short reigns of the
three Heretics and Horus succeeded, and then
Rameses I., the first king of the new Dynasty
(XIX.) and Seti I., with whom Israel's oppression
commenced, came to the throne, and Rameses
II., closely allied to Zarah's line, soon fol-
It was early in the commencement of this se-
quence of events, perhaps closely after the death of
Seti I., that the exodus of Azariah, Mahol, or
Fenesia Farsa took place.
But while he appears to have personally aban-
doned both Egypt and Israel, it is certain that he
left his three sons, born by this time, but mere
youths, in Egypt, with their grandfather Ethan.
In the household of the latter, they grew up as
actual sons, while Mahol himself pursued his Scy-
thian adventures.
He was allowed to go, and no record even made
of his departure! In this there was consummate
irony poured out on all concerned I
But what the East lost, nor missed so far as
Pharez was concerned, the West was in due time
destined to recover!
We first find him, according to the Milesian Story,
in the neighborhood of Babel ; not certainly, by a
ridiculous anachronism, to help build it! but most
naturally, as one of Egypt's wisest scholars to in-
crease his wisdom ''in the east country" (i Kgs. iv.
30), among the learned Chaldeans who dwelt in its
locality, and which was ancestrally his own land !
The omission of Mahol's generation in i Chron. ii.
6, is thus of peculiar significance; a tacit recognition,
as it were, of his total secession, both from Goshen
and even Egypt. For purposes of its own, but
now apparent, the Record seems to treat him as a
disinherited son, to ignore him altogether. We find
an exact parallel in later Hebrew history when the
Ten Tribes drop out of sight and it is remarked of
them " Ephraim is joined to idols, let him alone ! "
But who can wander from his Maker's sieht?
We may perhaps lose our own paths, and in bold
defiance strike out as Scythians in every sense; in-
deed the ways of Providence are so arranged that
ivery circumstance assists our act, and thus our will
s ever suffered to become the father of a fact. We
dig a pit and fall into it, and for purposes beyond
3ur ken, God leaves us there until His ends have
?een accomplished — then though our place of ban-
ishment were "in the uttermost . parts of the Sea,"
behold his right hand lays hold upon us and leadeth
us into the light. Be not deceived therefore, God
is not mocked, but holds us in derision when we
seem most safely hidden from his sight.
Inbred Anachronism.
A diligent comparison of verse 6, Chapter ii.,
I Chronicles (where the sons of Zerah are enumer-
ated as, '' Zimri, and Ethan, and Heman, and Chal-
col, and Dara (or Darda, see margin): five of them
in all,") and verse 8, same chapter, where '' the sons
of Ethan" are limited to " Azariah," will, in the
light shed upon these remarkable men in ist Kings
(Chap. iv. 30-31) solve the true relationship involved,
and will bear out our own position.
The supposition of Young, expressed under
Mahol (see his Concordance), that he was '' the father
of certain men renowned for their wisdom in Solo-
mon s time!' is absolutely unwarranted if he (Young)
means thereby that these men actually lived in the
days of Solomon I Young makes a similar mistake
under Ethan (q. v.) whom he calls '* a sage renowned
in the time of Solomon."
The Anachronism thus introduced by Young is
exactly parallel to the one found in the Milesian
chronicles themselves, which confuse Mahol (or
Mohul, i. e. Azariah) with Magog, and Jiidah with
Japheth !
In the one case (Young's), the confusion arose
from a fancy that Solomon must have been com-
pared with men of his own generation ; but this
error is apparent so soon as the genealogy of the
sons of Zarah is critically examined in Chronicles
and in the strict light of True Chronology !
The case is entirely different from that of Ezekiel
xxviii. 3, where the King of Tyre is iroiiically com-
pared with Daniel, who was indeed his contemporary,
and, as the prime minister of Nebuchadnezzar
(whom the entire context shows was to compass
Tyre's destruction), had already prophesied the suc-
cess of Babylonian arms.
Upon the other hand the confusion of Mahol
with Magog, (!) found in all of the current glosses
of ''the Milesian Story," arose, no doubt, from the
fact that Phenesia Pharsa studied in the Chaldean
schools, travelled all through the land of Japheth,
lived at Babel, and is reputed to have dwelt finally
in Scythia (really ancient Palestine !). .
This error was introduced by Keating, who, in
his effort to make Irish records subservient to his
own preconceived opinions states that Niul, one
of the great Milesian patriarchs, was descended from
Japheth instead of JUDAH. But even Keating
{vide his '* History of Ireland " p. 35) finds it neces-
sary to qualify this monstrous anachronism by a
long and illogical argument upon Chronology of
which he knew nothing ! It is in fact unsafe
to follow him, unless we have Pineda, Boethius and
other Irish historians at our side, and it is equally
unsafe to follow any of them alone because they
were all biased by preconceptions.
We do not feel it necessary to apologize for the
numerous digressions in these Studies, because, as
we are endeavoring to lay the foundations of the
acairate history of OUR Race, it is essential that
we show up the errors of former writers on the spot
and as we come to them. The majority of our
readers are no doubt unfamiliar with the authorities
that we ourselves have diligently compared, and as
their interest increases they will be led to consult
these authorities for themselves. This it is their
manifest duty to do as searchers for the TRUTH.
In the mean while it is our purpose to forewarn
them as to the conflicting accounts which they will
certainly discover, and to provide them with the
true solution of the several difficulties.*
While it would be appropriate for us to chisel the
names of Washington, Lincoln, and Grant, upon a
monument dedicated to the Genius of America, how
* The curious student is referred to Boethius, Pineda, Keating,
O'Halloran, Lavoisine, Haverty, and the host of others who have
discussed this matter, and while his attention is called to the mass of
corroboratory evidence collected by each, yet it is certain he will not
fail to note how confused and undigested is the story, even when
best told, for want of the sole key that fits the lock, the which now
in his own possession will enable him to pick up new combinations
which we have neither the time nor present space to enlarge upon.
greatly would the generations of the remote future
err should they consider them as strict successors,
and claim they were descendants of Columbus !
And here we have the gist of the matter under
discussion, and begin to realize the task before the
New School of History.
The primary cause of all previous error in history
has arisen from the complete ignorance of its vota-
ries of the principles of CHRONOLOGY. Men have
not appreciated this science and have wrenched it
in vain, for their works cannot withstand its adverse
verdict. Chronology is the rigid foundation, or
Skeleton of History, and it is inviolably bound to
the cycles of Astronomy.
This must be fully recognized before we can hope
to erect a consecutive chronicle which shall be
worthy of the name of Universal History. The
displacement of a single event, an anachronism as
to a single generation, will manifestly lead to inex-
tricable confusion, nor is there any hope whatever
for the Philosophy of History until its true Mosaic
shall have been set in accurate order, and every
circumstance squared into its actual place. The
only standard scale by which to measure the result
is thus Chronology itself, which is the science of All
Past Time, which is in turn the only begotten child
of Astrono^Tiy, the which finally is the inerrant
voice of the spheres set in the heavens by the Cre-
ator himself, '' for times, for seasons, and for days
and for years."
While therefore we are studying in this Series, to
rearrange the data of history so as to satisfy the
logic of God's Word — without which it is certain
no work of man shall stand secure — it must be
fairly admitted that we are merely presenting a sort
of trial balance sheet, and that by no means do we
pretend to speak with ex cathedral authority. We
present things both new and old merely as we see
them, but also as the result of a closer analysis than
has heretofore been applied to the subject. At the
same time we are fully satisfied that our chronolog-
ical measuring rod is the most accurate one that
has ever been used to measure the temple, and the
affairs of Our Race, who are the principal worship-
pers therein. To this metron all the more essential
dimensions have yielded with absolute accuracy,
and we are confident that the minor ones will yield
to it so soon as men shall have determined its more
delicate subdivisions.*
* Even the common version of Universal History places Helen,
"the mytliical ancestor of all the Greeks" (whose generation suc-
ceeded that of Dardanus ! and who is generally believed to have
been the contemporary of Sesostris or Rameses H.), in the same gen-
eration with Moses. Now chronologists place the taking of Trov
about three centuries after Sesostris, and therefore in the century of
Samuel, than whom even Homer himself (who is the great historian
of this Trojan War) is yet another century and a half later. There
is thus a substratum of the most solid Chronological Rock whereon
the evidence in favor of the New and True History stands fearlessly.
It is no part of our present purpose to attempt the Herculean task
of straightening out the minor chapters of this History; in this we
the shrine of clio. i93
The Temple of Time.
It is a significant fact that the Milesian Records,
as they mount the stream of Time to their original
generations, culminate in that of Phoenicia Pharsa.
This great scholar became the very Prince of the
Scythians, or '' Wanderers," or *' Syrians," as even
Jacob denominated himself. After his abandon-
ment of his people in Egypt he moved "to Magh
Leanair, which was near the place where Hebrew
was the common language of the people;" that is
he returned to the ancient land of Heber himself
and dwelt for twenty years, where he presided over
the schools of Universal Knowledge which he had
erected. The records tell he was regarded as the
wisest man of his day. Returning to Scythia (Pales-
tine or rather Phoenicia) he immediately erected
other schools and reigned twenty-two years, and the
records further tell us that upon his death the charge
must have whole Colleges of assistants, each schooled in some spe-
cial Chapter, but we have stretched the catenary of Chronology
across the Chasm of Time and are satisfied to have others build the
roadway. And there are moreover certain marks upon the Cable to
which they must conform. These dates are fixed and are as follows.
Adam o A. M., the Flood 1656-7 a. m., Birth of Abraham 2007 A. M.,
The Exodus 2513 a. m., Joshua's Long Day 2555 A. M., The First
Jubilee after the Completed Occupation 261 1 a.m., Dedication of
Solomon's Temple 3000 A. M., Nabopolasar's Accession 3377 A. m..
Marriage of Heremon and Tea Tephi 3434 a. M., Birth of Jesus
Christ 3996 A. M., Omar's Conquest of Jerusalem 463? a. m., date of
present volume 5890 a. m. {z. e. Sept. 23, 1891, Common a. d.)
of these schools devolved upon Niul, who is the Bib-
lical " Chalcol." It is equally significant that the
Phoenician, Greek and Egyptian legends concerning
these several characters (i. e. the whole family, for
they were all related in the several accounts) make
them not only contemporary but attribute to them
the very kind of wisdom that the Biblical fragment
already quoted recognizes as peculiar to Zerah's pos-
terity, while the latter account, taken in conjunction
with the collateral data also already cited, enables
us to fix the era of these generations with little if
any error.
We have been wont to follow our '' doctors " too
closely, even as they have been prone to follow
their own vain imaginations and to do violence to
every principle of faithful investigation. The result
has been that History, as it is written, is now in
such hopeless confusion that the only means of re-
covering the actual truth is to reject every system
that does not afford chronological evidence of its
own integrity, and endeavor to rearrange the facts
upon a scientific scheme. It will require scholars of
the highest order to compass even the elementary
parts of this stupendous task, and not until the sev-
eral blocks shall have been squared and proved at
their own quarry may they be brought together and
fitted without sound of hammer into the lasting
temple of Time.
But already there are faithful quarrymen at work,
men who are fearlessly hewing the rough ashlars into
stones fit for the building which we must erect
such men as Professor Sayce, whose deep researches
always honor God because the very animus of all
they undertake is to his Glory.
A single quotation from this earnest student will
demonstrate how fully the results of his life-long
labors are found to corroborate the facts which we
are here presenting, and will serve at the same time
to show that we do not stand alone, nor presumpt-
uously, in arraying ourselves against the more pop-
ular views upon the antiquity of man.
The Wisdom of the East Country.
'' In the fifteenth ^ century before our' era — a
century before the Exodus," says Professor Sayce,
'' active literary intercourse was going on through-
out the civilized world of Western Asia, between
Babylon and Egypt and the smaller states of Pales-
tine, of Syria, of Mesopotamia, and even of Eastern
Kappadokia. And this intercourse was carried on
by means of the Babylonian language and the com-
plicated Babylonian script. This implies that all
over the civilized East there were libraries and
schools where the Babylonian language and litera-
ture were taught and learned. Babylonian, in fact,
was as much the language of diplomacy and culti-
* 3996 A. M. — 1 500 = 2496 A. M. Moses was at this time seventy-
five years old and still in Midian. Mahol was asleep in Scythia,
Ethan was embalmed in Egypt, but Heman, Chalcol, and Darda, the
quondam schoolmates of Moses, were at the height of their fame.
vated society as French has been in modern times,
with the difference that, whereas it does not take
long to learn to read French, the cuneiform sylla-
bary required years of hard labor and attention be-
fore it could be acquired. We can now under-
stand the meaning of the name of the Canaanitish
city which stood near Hebron, and which seems to
have been one of the most important of the towns
of Southern Palestine. Kirjath-Sepher, or * Book-
town,' must have been the seat of a famous library,
consisting mainly, if not altogether, as the Tel el-
Amarna tablets inform us, of clay tables inscribed
with cuneiform characters. As the city also bore
the name of Debir, or ' Sanctuary,' we may conclude
thart the tablets were stored in its chief temple, like
the libraries of Assyria and Babylonia. It may be
that they are still lying under the soil, awaiting the
day when the spade of the excavator shall restore
them to the light."*
* "The literary influence of Babylonia in the age of the Israelitish
conquest of Palestine explains the occurrence of the names of Baby-
lonian deities among the inhabitants of the West. Moses died on
the summit of Mount Nebo, which received its name from the Baby-
lonian god of literature, to whom the great temple of Borsippa was
dedicated; and Sinai itself, the mountain 'of Sin,' testifies to a
worship of the Babylonian Moon-god, Sin, amid the solitudes of the
desert. Moloch, or Malik, was a Babylonian divinity, like Rimmon,
the Air-god, after whom more than one locality in Palestine was
named, and Anat, the wife of Anu, the Sky-god, gave her name to
the Palestinian Anab, as well as to Anathoth, the city of * the Anat-
goddesses ! "
So too "Herodotus tells us the Egyptians derived
he knowledge of letters, geometry, astronomy, etc.,
rom the Babylonians," * and we maintain that it
vas only in the days of Ethan, and Heman and
3halcol and Darda, the sons of Mahol, or if you
dsh in those of Cecrops and Dardanus, and Moses,
hat this knowledge attained the stature of beino-
)olite or almost universal. And it is to be noted
hat this was the very time selected for its dissemi-
Viewed liberally, and from the proper stand-
loint, there are in fact no anachronisms in the
/lilesian Story save such as have been ignorantly
itroduced into it as later glosses; and before
re close our hasty survey we trust it will be mani-
2st how naturally it moves in the original story,
athout the least stumbling over impossibilities,
'om generation to generation, and from diverse
:ene to scene, but ever Westward in the track of
le Sun, towards the ''Island of Destiny" be-
ueathed to Ethan's posterity by Zarah, who named
The Valley of Achor. •
But to continue the recital : Shortly afterwards
tid, in turn, each of the three sons of Mahol followed
le example of their father, and eventually every
ther prominent descendant of Mahol, t. e. of
* Euterpe, see Lib. II.
Zarah's elder line, seems to have left Israel, eith
in Egypt, or in Canaan, to swell the Scythian rani
This was perhaps the fate of even Zimri's branc
itself, which clung the longest to the Tribe of Juda
For, to anticipate, and close at once their sectic
of the story, we find it recorded later on (Joshi
viii.), that Achan, the Son of Carmi, the Son of Zabc
of the family of Zarhites, a branch of Zimri, the sc
of Zerah, " trespassed in the thing accursed " imm
diately after the entrance into Palestine ; and th;
he, with all of his sons and daughters, were stone
to death, and that thereafter their bodies with a
of their effects were burned with fire in the valley (
Now as this Zimri branch of Zarah's family wj
clearly the only one that shared the Exodus (
Israel, and as after the affair of Achor we hear litt
further mention of any member of it, it is almo:
certain that no longer with any interests in Juda!
and now full of bad savor throughout all Israel, the
were among the earliest of its numerous emigratin
sections, to drift away from it, after the occupatic
of Palestine. They probably went direct to Tyr
and joined the elder branch of Ethan's family whic
in due time we shall trace to Phoenicia before then
Those who are best versed in Hebrew Histor
that is in its primitive chapters, will recall man
parallel instances of emigration. Indeed in som
instances whole tribes, as for example that of Dai
are known to have cut loose from the rest and t
[ave sought their fortunes beyond the narrow
onfines of Palestine. The case of Simeon is another
xample, while of Naphtali and Asher we know
ttle or nothing so early were they mixed among
he Gentiles. They all became Scythians — in fact
he whole Hebrew race has since become so — nor
sast of all the ** wandering Jews," although their
xile grew out of different and less voluntary
Nevertheless, although this eventual dereliction
f almost the whole of Zarah's descendants from
srael seems to have been a well known and fully
^cognized fact, we find a remarkable allusion to one
f its closing scenes in Hosea (chap. ii. v. 15),
^here ''the Valley of Achor'' is darkly promised as
a door of hope'' to "the Ten Tribes" at the last
loment before they were themselves about to be
riven out as Scythians.
The covert significance of this promise has only
ecome apparent after centuries have transpired,
or the riddle now yields its solution in the mani-
istation of their posterity as actually ruled over by
arah's line, the last of whose kindred had appar-
ntly vanished forever soon after the tragedy in
ichor ! ^
*Excepting that of i Kings iv. 30-31, there are but two later refer-
ices to Zarah's family ; First, that of i Chron. ix. 6, where the **six
indred and ninety " refers to the sum of all connected with the
nsus covered by verses i-6, and not solely to Reuel's group, just as
e summation in verse 9 covers the census of Benjamin, verses 7-9.
ScYTHA, King of Scythia.
But to return to the family of Mahol :— At th^
death of Ethan, which did not occur until sonn
time had elapsed after Mahol's departure fron
Egypt, his three grandsons, then companions of th(
young prince Moses, inherited his wealth, and, ii
the continued absence of their father, naturally sue
ceeded to Ethan's affairs in every sense of the word
In the mean time Mahol, leaving Chaldea and fol
lowing in the trail of Abraham, is traced to Syria
then synonymous with Scythia,* for in those dayj
all who dwelt in these regions so styled themselves
(Deut. xxvi. 5, etc.).
Here in Phoenicia, f in quasi anticipation of Isra-
Second, the reference to Pethahiah (in Neh. xi. 24), who seems to
have attained the highest honors ever reached by any of the family
under the patronage of Pharez. A consultation of Young's Concord-
ance will show that none of the other " Zerahs " mentioned in the
Bible were descendants of Judah.
* O'Halloran, Book II. Chap. i. p. 19-21. Josephus, Antiq., Lib.
I. chap. 6.
t A designation also derived from one of Mahol's many names, Phe-
nius! We should expect some corroboration of the Milesian story hi
Phoenicia, and there we find it ; for according to Porphyry, Sanconia-
thon and Eusebius, Phoenix was the second in the list of the ancient
Phoenician kings. If he was Phenius, the son of Baath, the Milesian
ancestor, we thus have independent testimony as to the correctness of
the Irish Chronicles, and we are satisfied that the common sense of
all laymen will willingly follow O'Halloran, who maintains the iden-
tity. As to Chronology, the times and generations absolutely syn-
chronize, while the several Chronicles agree as to the localities and
characters !
el's arrival, he seems to have finally settled and
assumed the name of Scytha.*
It was at this time that his sons Heman and
Chalcol, or Neanuil and Niul, as they are known in
the story of Phenesia Pharsa, joined him ; Dardanus
still remaining in Egypt, Rameses II. being at about
the summit of his power, and Moses having not yet
fled to Midian.
Chalcol seems to have gone in the special charac-
ter of High Priest, and to have taken up his abode
at Chalybon, upon the sacred river Chalcis, whose
names, taken from his own Hebrew one, now lend
their additional corroboration to the Milesian and
Phoenician stories.
Upon the death of Mahol (/. e. Scytha, Phcenius,
or Fenesia Farsa as he is variously called) his eldest
son Heman, or Neanuil, succeeded him, and was
proclaimed the King of Scythia or Phoenicia.
Soon after this, Moses having slain the Egyptian
and fled to Midian, we find Pharaoh sending an em-
bassy to Phoenicia and requesting Chalcol or Niul,
to return to Egypt. This summons was obeyed,
and upon his arrival, Rameses bestowed upon him
* "In our histories," says O'Halloran upon page 19, History of
Ireland, "this Phoenius is styled the king of Scythia j but from the
expanded settlements of the Scythians in the interior of Asia, in
times anterior to this, moderns have looked for his residence there
( — i. e. in Asia). Every circumstance," however, continues O'Hallo-
ran, "and every fact that can be collected, unite in fixing it (Scythia)
on the Syrian coast bordering the Mediterranean, and to be the_ an-
cient Phoenicia so renowned in history."
his daughter Scota in marriage,* and in some ver-
sions of the Milesian story it is supposed that, jpr a
while, he succeeded to the chief command of the
Egyptian armies, left vacant by the flight of Moses.
Cecrops and Dardanus.
" If," says O'Halloran in this connection, "from
this we recur to the history of Egypt, however ob-
scured by fable, we shall see further evidences in
support of our history. There w^e may behold
among their first princes a Nilus or Niulus regis-
tered, and only one of the name. We learn that the
ancient name of the Nile was Abantri, or '' the father
of waters ; " and ad in old Irish, as well as in some
oriental tongues, is father, and ouen a river. We
also read that this name was changed for that of
Nilus,t in honor of this prince, who by canals and
aqueducts conveyed its waters to distant parts of
the kingdom. Now the name Nilus was, and still
is, peculiar to. the Irish nation ; by it many of our
princes were formerly called, and, to commemorate
* This Scota is not to be mistaken for the one who appeared in
Irish history twenty-two generations later, and whom we have just
left in the Ollam Ship, in order to retrace our steps and pick up the
thread of Milesian history ere she arrives. Some of the Irish Chron-
icles make the present Scota to have been the wife of Gadhol, the
son of Niul, rather than of Chalcol himself. It is immaterial, how-
ever, to the present issue which version is correct since both estab-
lish the friendly relations between Zarah's house and the rulers of
the XlXth Dynasty.
t Sharp says that this name was given to the river by the Hebrews.
this great ancestry, the chiefs of the Heremonian
line glory in the name of O'Neil at this day.^ But
besides these, which are something more than pre-
sumptive proof, we find a memory of those early,
and some subsequent events, preserved by tlie
Egyptians themselves, though shamefully defaced
by exaggerations and anachronisms."
Upon the death of Rameses, Calcol led a strong
colony out of Egypt to Attica, his brother Dar-
danus accompanying him. His following seems to
have been largely recruited from Israel itself, and
with representatives from each of its tribes he com-
menced the Danaian settlements of Greece in
twelve distinctive villages ! f
The movement was undoubtedly favored by the
new Pharaoh (Darem, or Meneptah), not only from
* The editor of these Studies has received much valuable mate-
rial in this connection, from correspondents, and in particular re-
calls a letter from Bishop Niles, of New Hampshire, who alludes to
the fact that the genealogical chronicles of his own family run back
:o '* Nials of the Hundred Hostages," two or three generations be-
fore St. Patrick's day. This is but one of many similar testimonies,
md is an evidence of the persistency with which such truths are
landed down from generation to generation, and will in time be
forthcoming to demonstrate to the echo each feature of our topic.
t The Census of Judah at the Exodus was almost wholly com-
posed of the Pharez Section, and in the ist Chapter of Numbers
[verses 26-27) we find enumerated 74,600 who were men, and "from
zo years old and upward all that were able to go forth to war " !
rhis upon the general basis of Military Statistics enables us to assign
:o them a total census of at least 500,000 — an equivalent of which
nay be safely involved in Zerah's colonizing efforts.
purposes friendly to the Sons of Mahol, but as well
from those of policy, in that it helped somewhat
to relieve Egypt of its now fully dreaded Hebrew
Such was the foundation of Attica, hardly equal
in dimensions to a moderately sized county, yet a
state whose glory has eclipsed that of the greatest
kingdoms, for its inhabitants became the most emi-
nent of the Greeks, at which we need no longer
wonder in that such wise men were its founders as
the Sons of Mahol !
But Calcol, who is known to the Greeks as Ce-
crops, and his famous brother Dardanus, remained
in Greece only long enough to give the original
savor to its *' Attic Salt ; " for in the course of a few
years the former returned to Egypt, and, resuming
the name ofNilus, settled permanently at Thebes,
while Darda soon left the Attic settlements with a
branch colony, and founded the famous Trojan
It was also in this era that the Grecian Islands
were first formally occupied by kindred colonies
sent out from Cecropia and Phoenicia ; and thus it
is that Crete and Thrace come to figure so naturally
* In all of their Migrations we are justified in considering the leaders
to stand as representatives for a far more numerous following. Thus
we speak of the Exodus of Moses but the mind integrates a vast
horde into the movement, and so, in our reflections concerning
these colonizing efforts of Zerah's family, we should not forget that
his descendants and followers must have numbered quite as many as
did those of Pharez, his twin brother !
in the annals of the succeeding generations of Cal-
col (or Nilus Cecrops, etc.).
The Milesian Exodus.
It was towards the end of Calcol's life that Moses
returned to Egypt, in the character of Israel's de-
liverer, and that the scenes of the Exodus took
place (2513 A. M.). In this connection the Milesians
relate that Moses with his wand, saved the life of the
son, Gathelas, of his friend and former schoolmate
Calcol, and that in commemoration of this event the
famous Lawgiver conferred upon this son the new
name of Ghadol-Glas. It is not improbable that
Moses may have been fully convinced as to the
future greatness of Zarah's line, and in order not to
prejudice the immediate supremacy of Pharez, may
have purposely left the subject only darkly treated
in the open records. Nor is it too extravagant a
supposition for serious consideration, that the parts
of the Milesian Story which relate the explicit
prophecy of Moses, that the descendants of Gadhol *
*" This prince Gadel Glas, I conceive, was highly renowned in his
days, because, as from his grandfather we have retained the name of
Phaenians (Fenians!), so from him we are called Gadelians (Gaels,
Gallileans, etc.) and from his mother, Scots. All this is confirmed
by the following ancient raun or verse :
Phoeni o Phenius ad hearta, brig' gan dochta,
Gavidhel o Gavidhel-glas garta, Scuit o Scota.
That is, beyond question we are called Phaenians from Phasnius,
Gadelians from Gadel Glas, and Scots from Scota." O'Halloran, p.
should inherit the " Sacred Islands of the West,"
and be favored with an immunity from serpents as
a '"sign," may have been founded upon an intimate
understanding of the relative parts fated to be
played by Pharez and Zarah, in the course of
Judah's Sceptral history.
Certainly if the facts are in accordance with the
Milesian Story, and there seems to be every probabil-
ity that they are, Moses must have known and
appreciated them, and they are worthy of as careful
a formulation as we can give them ; for if Ethan's
House went out to possess an Empire whose mani-
festation was reserved to latter times, it was in the
days of these very generations that the final exodus
took place.
And so it came about, for in the confusion of
Egypt's affairs incident upon the Hebrew Exodus,
^ the land soon became intolerant of any who were
colored even by the Shepherd blood. Gadhol
(Gadelas or Gathelus) was more or less famous in
Egypt, but his son Esru's generation seems to have
synchronized with the unsettled reigns that closed
the XlXth Dynasty, and with the fall of which their
presence in Egypt became, of course precarious. In
corroboration of this, Keating quotes from Wal-
singham's Hypodigma as follows:
''The Egyptians being overwhelmed by the Red
Sea, those that renaained ^ drove out a Scythian
* Pharaoh an Tuir (probably Amenmes, first king of the XXth
Dynasty) is given as the name of the Egyptian sovereign who com-
Prince who resided among them, lest he should
take advantage of the weakness of the government
and make an attempt upon the crown. When he
was expelled the country, with all his followers, he
came to Spain where he and his people lived many
years and became numerous, and from thence they
came into Ireland."*
Additional Testimony.
Alluding to the same events O'Halioran's account
is as follows :
" Easru succeeded his father, Gadel-Glas, and
after a reign of thirty years made way for his son
''In the administration of Sru were great commo-
tions and revolutions in Egypt. Another Pharaoh
arose who knew not the children of Gadel-Glas.
'* Unable to oppose so great a power Sru prepared
his ships to escape from this land of bondage ; but
so closely was he pursued that four ships only could
be collected. In these were embarked his principal
pelled this flight. He ascended in 2558 a. m., /. e. in the fifth year
after Joshua crossed the Jordan. Exodus 2513 ; XlXth Dynasty ends
in 2558; i. e. 45 years after, allowing 15 years to Gadelas and 30 to
Esru, leaving Sru to come into power early in the days of the
XXth Dynasty.
* Properly understood this general survey of the Milesian Emigra-
tion is correct, but the reader is cautioned against taking it literally,
for some twenty generations were in reality occupied in the progress
to Ireland. Similar caution is advised in the study of all such frag-
nobility with their ladies and most valuable effects,
and with these he proceeded to sea and directed his
course to Crete." It is also recorded that both
" Sru and his son Heber Scot were the conductors of
this colony."
Accordingly, in the reign of Sru, the son of Es-
rue, the Milesian records agree that the descend-
ants of Fenesia Farsa, then known as the Ciiretes
(or children of the Red Branch — or of the " Scarlet
Thread ! ") left the land of Egypt, and with the cele-
brated Cadmus as their high priest settled tempo-
rarily in Crete.
This famous island, already occupied by their
kinsmen, as we have seen above, was named from
them Curettim,^ diXxd from them in due time the Mi-
lesians, or '' CiLraithe ?ia Cruabh ruadh'' ^ lineally
It is now out of the question to follow the fort-
unes of these people, from generation to generation,
and from place to place, with any regard to detail.
To do so, stopping to note all the generic place-
names, and waymarks, and to synchronize their
chronicles with those of other nations along the
* Virgil says : " Crete ora Curetum ; " and again, '* Et tandem an-
tequis Ctiretum allabimur oris."
t " Knights of the Red Branch ! " The hereditary order of Mileso-
Irish Chivalry : Curat is Irish for Knight (Gen. xxxviii. 27-30).
The term Milesian is derived from the medieval title of Gallam the
conqueror of Ireland, who was called Milesius, or the Milesian, /. e.
the soldier, a term derived from the Latin miles whence we derive our
word militia.
journey, would require us to abandon the special
thread of our studies, to which they are only inci-
dental. The naain purpose has been accomplished
in pointing out that the characters and localities
brought into the Milesian story in the period we
have already glanced over, occur there naturally,
and without any lack of synchronism, and that the
chief features are undoubtedly founded upon literal
facts. For we must not forget that the story of the
Milesians is ethnic, and entirely irresponsible for
the use we are now making of it to supplement
the sacred chronicles.
Further Harmony.
In his History of Ireland (Book II. Chap. i. p.
19), O'Halloran has in fact enunciated the text which
we have followed. He says : " A certainty of chro-
nology is of the utmost consequence to history: and
as the history of almost every other nation of the
world has been broken in upon, and interrupted by
new invaders, ours should be looked upon as a kind of
polar star to direct future chronologists in their pur-
suits. Our annalists count twenty-three generations
from Phenius to his lineal successors, the sons of
Milesius, landing in Ireland."
Having now seen that the friendship of Niul
{i. e, Calcol or the son of Phenius) and Moses — com-
panions in youth and fellow students in Egyptian
mysteries and wisdom, — is a most natural possibility,
it is clear that either Moses or Aaron may, Avith
equal likelihood, have figured in the adventure of
Gadelas with the serpent related in Irish chronicles.
Certain it is that with more pertinacity than to any
other feature of these early sections of their story
did the Milesians cling forever after to this incident
in the life of Gadelas, and bear the " Rod and Ser-
pent " upon their Royal Banner westward to its ac-
complishment and destiny. We have also traced
the descendants of Mahol (upon the hypothesis
that he was Phenius or Scytha, the son of Ethan,
the son of Zarah) down to their exit from Egypt
with Sru, or four generations into the twenty-three
assigned them in which to enter Erin.
It now remains hastily to scan the remaining
nineteen generations, and to show that they not
only run parallel to those in Pharez's line, butactu-
ally pre-arrive in Ireland, at the very time required,
in order to welcome the remnant of that line itself
— saved by a woman — and to form the astonishing
junction which finishes so romantic a chapter in the
story of our Sceptred Race!
Sru's generation was contemporary with that of
Boaz : their respective descents are : Judah, Pharez,
Esrom, Aram, Aminadab, Nahshan, ''the prince of
Judah," Salmon, Boaz; and Judah, Zarah, Ethan,
Mahol, Calcol I., Gadhol II., Easru III., Sru IV.*
Now the son of Boaz was Obed, and the son of
*The Roman numerals now introduced after the several names
denote the generation to which they belong, reckoning from Mahoi
or Fenesia Farsa.
21 1
Sru was Heber Scot V., whose brother was Cad
mus-Heber Scot thus being the fifth generation
from the biblical Mahol or the Milesian Fenesia
The Gadelians remained in Crete until the death
of Sru, after which Heber Scot V. and his followers
repaired to Scythia, or northern Phoenicia, where
they were kindly received by the fraternal kingdom
descended from Heman or Agenor, the brother of
Calcol,or rather from the father of them all, Mahol,
or Fenesia Farsa himself.
Cadmus, who was the son of Sru and brother of
Heber Scot, accompanied them to Phoenicia, but
eventually went to Greece, and having thus allied
himself with the kingdom which Cecrops had
founded, transmitted his fame to posterity by an
entirely accidental channel.
In the mean time three generations succeeded
Heber Scot in Scythia, that of his son Boamhain
VI., of his grandson Aghaimhain VII., and of his
great-grandson Tait VIII., who was a contemporary
of David.
At this time serious dissensions arose between the
Gadhelians and their Scythian hosts resulting in a
seven years war, in one of the battles of which Ag-
henoin IX., the son of Tait VIII., slew his cousin
Reffleoir, the king of Scythia, in a hand to hand con-
* Vide Keating, History of Ireland, p. 39, where an extract from
the Chronicles of Giolla Caomhan, an ancient Irish poet, adds fur-
Thereupon, Nenual and Riffil, the sons of
Reffleoir, collected an army with the intention of
driving out the Gadelians.
" Fata Profugus " — " Kismet ! "
" Foreseeing the impossibility of protecting them-
selves from the approaching storm, in a solemn coun-
cil they agreed to quit forever this country of their
ancestors (Scythia), and having armed and fitted
up their ships, they proceeded to sea under the
command of Aghnoin IX. and his brother Heber,
who presided as high-priest. Aghnoin had three
sons, Ealloid, Laimh-fionn and Laimh-glas ; and
Heber had Caicer and Cine-"
For a considerable time their fleet was tossed up and
down. They landed upon one island after another,
refreshing themselves, refitting their ships and again
proceeding to sea ; and so at length, they came to
the Island of Cherena or Cyprus, being driven there
by a violent storm. During this period of voyag-
ing, Aghnoin died and was succeeded by his eldest
son Laimh-fionn X., under whom the Gadhelians
remained in Cyprus for some time. In this interval
Heber, the high-priest, and Laimh-glas, his nephew,
also died, and were buried with great funeral pomp.
ther testimony to the antiquity of the legend. The poem in ques-
tion begins thus ; Gaodhal glas otaid Gaoidhil :
" For seven long years the Scythian war continued,
Till Reffleoir (engaged with valiant Agnon)
Was slain."
"FATA PROFUGUS"—'' kismet!" 213
Caicer was now appointed to fill his father's place
as arch-druid.
Much of the discredit into which the Milesian
Story has fallen has been due to the mistakes of
some of the Irish antiquaries themselves, since by
false reasoning upon false geography, they have
attempted to trace the Gadhelians into Europe by
ways clearly impassable.
Thus we read that the children of Niul passed
over the Red Sea, via India and Asia, to Scythia ;
thence, via the Caspian Sea to Coronis, and after
some time to Ceylon (!) and finally to Gothia, en
route to Spain.* And among the later writers not
a few, as for instance Dr. Keating, have taken un-
common pains to prove the practicability of these
wonderful travels ! This has created a tendency to
reject the Milesian Chronicles, whereas it should
have led to a more critical examination of the original
story and a rejection of its modern exegesis.\
* Vide Haverty, Hist, of Ireland, citing Maelmura of Othain, in
the Duaii Eireaiinach.
t It was the House of Pharez only that took this latter Red Sea
route, and the very confusion into which the later commentators
have fallen as to the Milesian Story is significant in that it clearly
recognizes the whole movement to have been bound up in some way
with the Hebrew Exodus itself. Some avow that the separation
between the descendants of Pharez and Zerah took place in the wil-
derness of Sinai, and that the Zerah branch passed down the Red Sea
to Ceylon, thence to Asiatic Scythia, northwest of Babylon, thence
via the Caspian Sea to the Northern Wilderness and so across to the
Baltic, down the coast to European Gothland, on to Spain, from
whence they came to Ireland.
214 the secret of history.
The Voyage to Getulia.
*' But while these historians have so grossly mis-
taken the voyages which the Gadelelian emigrants
pursued, it is very singular that they never once at-
tempted to alter or corrupt the names of the dif-
ferent places at which the earlier and better informed
writers tell us their ancestors landed in their passage
towards Spain, and by this means have enabled us
to determine them with precision at this latter day.*"
For instance, after leaving the land of Scythia —
i. e. Phoenicia, the Land of Scytha or Phenius ! —
we trace them under Aghenoin IX. and Laimh-fionn
X. to an island which has been the vantage ground of
medieval and modern error, whereas its geographi-
cal location admits of the most accurate definition.
The Milesian records call this island Cherena, and
we find from Josephus f and other ancient writers,
that the old name of Cyprus was Cherine, which of
course proves that their passage was through the
Mediterranean rather than the Red Sea!
* The whole of this explanation is a forced construction founded
upon an original error. Instead of by the Red Sea they went by the
Great Sea, instead of to Ceylon, to Cyprus, instead of to European
Gothland, to African Getulia as we shall see. In the one case we
have a natural geographical sequence harmonious to the Chronicles,
the Generations, and Chronology ; in the other the whole account is
as confused as the language of Shinah over whose ruined Babel it
would have us understand they passed. The chances are that some
over zealous annalist conceived the thought of having the entire
family graduate at the schools established by their ancestor, Mahol. —
C. A. L. T- t Lib. I. Cap. 6.
But from now on more proofs follow, and we ac-
cept O'Halloran's explanation without question *
The emigrants were dissatisfied with Cyprus and
determined to quit it and the East forever. Con-
vinced by their Chronicles and traditions, that the
course of Empire was Westward, and impressed with
the desire to anticipate its arrival in those parts ;
believing also that this future sceptre was in some
way reserved for them and their posterity they set
about to seek the Land of Destiny.
At length, having prepared everything necessary
for a long voyage, and sacrificed to the gods, par-
ticularly to Neptune, Caicer was consulted as to
what the fates had decreed with respect to them,
and whither they should direct their course? He
answered they were to steer to the Westward ; that
the land reserved for their posterity was the most
Western island in the zvorld, but that neither they
nor their issue for some generations should possess
it. Nor did they, in fact, ever set foot in that coun-
try, for Caicer was only the twelfth generation from
Zerah, w^ho had originally promised this Sacred
Ireland to his son Ethan, and it was not until dur-
ing the twelfth generation after Caicer, that the
sarliest Milesian expedition actually set sail for it
is a permanent abode.
Overawed by this prophecy, however, they now
5et sail from Cyprus, and soon after this we are sur-
* Vide Chap. VII., History of Ireland.
prised with the relation of a dangerous passage
occasioned by the artful notes of syrens and sea-
nymphs, which by lulling the people to sleep
endangered the safety of the whole fleet, and to pre-
vent the effects of which, by the advice of Caicer
their ears were stuffed close with wax. This clearly
alludes to their sailing near Sicily, a passage by the
consent of all the ancients deemed highly danger-
ous, although O'Halloran pointedly notes that
the Syrtes on the African coast were considered
equally formidable by the ancients."^
After clearing these dangerous seas, the colony
landed safely in Getulia on the African coasts.
This country, called in all the ancient Irish Mss.
Gaothulaigh-Meadhonacha, has been fully identi-
fied by O'Halloran with Getulia Metagonitis in the
neighborhood of Carthage.
Here they returned solemn thanks to the gods,
and then proceeded to form a regular and perma-
nent settlement among kindred and friendly people,
for previous colonies of the Phoenicians had already
anticipated them, and Cadmus himself had visited
these settlements !
* The introduction of this incident into the accounts is an evidence
of its genuineness rather than the contrary as some would maintain.
Were there no mention of these dreaded spots of ancient navigation
it would be a presumptive proof of later fabrication, since in the
accounts of nine voyages out of ten written in these early days, we
meet with the similar recital, just as in modern days we are familiar
with the introduction of references to the passage of " Hell-gate,"
from most all voyagers who leave New York and pass up the Sound.
Explanations versus Explanations.
It is to be noticed that the, Carthaginians
(Cathair-ginians*), who were confessedly a Phoeni-
cian colony, were, like the Irish, called also Pceni.
That they spoke Phoenician is not to be doubted,
and if it should appear that the Bearla-Pheni, or
Irish, is the same with the Carthaginian, demonstra-
tion can go no further! This Valiancy has proved
beyond a doubt in his collation of the Irish and the
Punic languages, f
O'Halloran also shows how close a connection
and correspondence was constantly kept up between
the two states, and the question of language, and
its written mode, is, in our opinion, one of the most
potent in its promises of assistance to such Philolo-
gists as shall be led hereafter to re-examine the
whole matter, ab ovo, and unbiased by any precon-
ceived opinions.
The fact that the original alphabet of Greece and
Phoenicia was one of but sixteen letters has been
held to indicate the very great antiquity of the
Cadmean era; but this does not follow /^r se, any
more than Ireland's present retention of this very
* Note the correspondence of this name with the ancient name of
Para, Cathair-Crofinu. The reappearance of Place names, genera-
ion after generation, as for instance London, in its multitudes of
"^evv Londons scattered all over the world beside new rivers which
ecall the ancient Thames, are waymarks not to be lightly valued in
L topic such as this !
t Vide his " Essay on the Antiquities of the Irish Language,"
Dublin, 1772.
same short alphabet should be held to make our
own day classic with antiquity !
Relatively to us Cadmus is, of course, ancient,
but, so far as his alphabet only is concerned, not
necessarily earlier than Moses, any more than Cad-
mus or even Milesius, who used the same language,
should be held to be so ! There is in fact no
earthly reason why Mahol should not have left
Egypt with an alphabet of sixteen letters, and
Moses, a generation later, with a different one, or
even with the same ! Nor, if with the latter, need
it tax our opinion of Mosaic wisdom to suppose
that he himself increased this Hebrew alphabet by
its six new letters. Indeed it is far stranger in
these premises, that Eg)'pt, the very land from
which these diverse alphabets confessedly sprang,
continued to do without any alphabet, strictly so
called, for many centuries after the Exodus. Yet,
after all, it is ridiculous to make mysteries of his-
toric facts, and to build up theories to account for
what we find in counterpart wherever colonies of
diverse nations live together in our own day.
Slow Progress to Spain.
But to return to Getulia, now rescued from its
confusion with the Gothland of Northern Europe,
and pursue our study of the Milesian Story from its
African base of operations.*
* For a fuller discussion of this geographical question vide O'Hal-
loran, Chapter vii., and note that Virgil's testimony also adds color
Why, disregarding Caicer's reiteration of their an-
cient prophecy, the Gadelian colony remained in
Getulia for eight generations we are not informed,
but of the fact the Milesian record is positive.
Soon after their arrival at this emporium of
ancient commerce, Heber XI. succeeded his father
Laimh-fionn X., in the days of Abijah, and became
the first of the eight complete generations passed
by the Milesians in Africa. These were Heber XL,
Adhnoin Fionn XII., Feablar Glas XIII., Nean-
uail XIV., Nuagh-adh XV., Alloid XVI., Earchada*
XVII., and Deaghfatha XVIII. who was the con-
temporary of Hezekiah.
Now the son of Deaghtfatha was Bratha XIX.,
under whom the Milesian family left Getulia in four
transports, and so came to Spain where they started
to build Brigantia, a city which was completed by
Breoghan XX., the son of Bratha.
It is clear that these were commercial efforts of gi-
gantic proportions, and that the family whose fortunes
we are following was one composed of Merchant
to the Carthaginian promixity of the resting place to which the
Sons of Zerah had now come, Hinc Gehilce gentes genus insuperabile
Bella — which was the land of Dido !
* Earchada, the same as Eochaidh, This is also a very common
name for Heremon, or the Mileso-Daanan Prince who married Tea
Tephi six generations later. We note the fact to fix the reader's
attention, and to suggest ideas. The name " Heremon " itself is
perhaps only a title, like " Pharaoh," and means Crowned Horse-
man, or Ard-Re, Chief King, etc. Thus we say : " Lughaidh was the
Heremon of Ireland."
Princes of both untold wealth and power. The Tor
Briogan, or Pharos, was in fact only a lighthouse on
the way of their ships to Erin. It was from thence,
as tradition tells us, that Ith, the son of Breoghan,
looking northward one starry night, discovered by
means of a miraculous telescope the Isle to which
they were destined.
But reading liberally between the lines of all
these legendary remnants of the truth, and enlight-
ening our judgment by what collateral history
plainly tells us of Phoenician commerce in these
very ages and localities, the train of circumstances
by means of which the descendants of Ethan ulti-
mately attained unto the promise hidden in his
name is far too logical and natural to admit of any
The fact is the evidence corroborating the funda-
mental truth of the Milesian Chronicles would fill
many volumes, and that their Story has been doubted
at all will be seen upon investigation to be attribut-
able chiefly to ignorance, but also to party prejudice
and personal bias.
The truth cannot be reached by perusing any
single modern history of Ireland ; the comparison
of a few will be likely to convince us that confusion
only can be the outcome of our pains, but the
diligent comparison of all that we can reach weighed
honestly against the general features of the Milesian
Story itself, will satisfy any man of reasonable parts
that their very interdisagreement is one of the
Strongest arguments in favor of the truth and au
thenticity of the Chronicles themselves. The vary-
ing accounts and gratuitous surmises of later histo
rians are direct evidence of their own ignorance only
and of their utter inability to solve a problem whose
sole key lay in the Bible itself, and whose only sol-
vent is the fact of Anglo Israel Identity !
The case is similar to that of modern Christianity
and the New Testament. Thus the Confessions of
the sects all disagree in their special statements of
the truth, and were it not for the Gospels them-
selves interpreted by the Epistles here and there, it
ivould be impossible to formulate what Jesus taught
From the perusal of any single creed. Nevertheless
A^e doubt not that were the New Testament lost
md all the creeds preserved, a liberal compendium
)f what was common to the broadly arranged and
permuted groups, would yield to us quite accurately
he gist of the original Gospel.
Unwarranted Vandalism.
As to the falsification of the more ancient Irish
Chronicles, and their deliberate destruction by sev-
ral groups of vandals there can be no doubt. It is
o this in particular that we owe our present confu-
ion, and w^hile the followers of St. Patrick are
esponsible for the initiation of this unwarranted
:onoclasm, the sin lies equally close to the Anglo-
'axon door itself, in that, for other reasons quite
s reprehensible, our own forefathers continued the
wanton process almost to its consummation. In
the results we are justly now the principal losers,
for in our own generation, when we are beginning in
earnest to bethink ourselves of these ancient stories,
and to grope around with real anxiety to find the
pathways of our fathers these very records would be
of priceless value.
Francis Plowden, an English writer of early days,
discusses this matter as follows :
" The ill-judged policy of misrepresenting the
Irish history, for party or corrupt purposes, began
almost as early as our connections with that country ;
and, it is to be larnented, that it has been kept up
almost uniformly to the present day. Gerald Barry,
commonly called Giraldus Cambrensis, was sent
over by Henry II. for the avowed purpose of pub-
lishing whatever he could collect, that was disad-
vantageous to the Irish. Williamson, the bishop of
Derry, says : '' Wonderful, indeed, are many of the
tales which he picked up, ' of the natural, moral and
political state of this nation.' " (Ir. Hist. lib. 2.)
Sir James Ware, who published his antiquities of
Ireland Under Queen Anne, * admires that some men
of his age, otherwise grave and learned, should
obtrude those fictions of Giraldus upon the world
for truths.' '* The Bishop of Derry, who published
his Irish Historical Library in 1724, assures us, p. 3,
that 'a. very learned person, Mr. Josiah Lynch,
Tutelar Archbishop of Tuam. to whom Mr. Flaherty
prefaces his Ogygia, wrote a particular detection of
this man's mistakes and slanders, which he called
Cambrensis Eversus, and published under the name
of Gratianus Lucius. This writer accuses Cambren-
sis of maliciously destroying a great many of the
old Irish annals, whereof he had the perusal ; and it
is thence justly observed by Bishop Stillingfleet,
that (if so) he had better advantages and more
authorities than Keating.' Candor however must
admit, that if Cambrensis be fairly charged with
wilful misrepresentation of facts, suppression of
truth, and publication of falsehood, the motive for
destroying those annals, which he had so perverted
and abused, cannot be doubtful. No impartial
writer has ever attempted to justify the groundless
and incredible fables of Cambrensis. Mr. Pincker-
ton, as lately as 1789, has remarked, that he shows
the greatest ignorance in his account of Irish His-
tory. (Pinck. Scot. London, 1789)."*
In the same strain, O'Halloran writes as follows :
" The depredations of the Danes highly injured,
but did not destroy letters among us. They could
not, because the entire kingdom was at no time
under their absolute sway. Certain it is, that,
among other excesses, many valuable works were
destroyed by them, and others carried away. Ap-
plication was made, in the late king's reign, to the
court of Denmark, for Irish manuscripts, but none
could be found , and Dr. Warner thinks none were
* (Hist. Rev. State of Ireland, pp. 5 and 6. Francis Plowden,
ever carried there. But we have strong proofs to
the contrary, for Lombard, Archbishop of Armagh,
who flourished in the days of EHzabeth and James
I., tells us, that many volumes of Irish MSS. were
then in the royal library at Copenhagen : that the
king of Denmark was so solicitous to have some of
them translated, that by his ambassador, he applied
to Elizabeth to procure him some able Irishman for
that purpose. Donatus O'Daly, a learned antiqua-
rian, confined at that time for his religion in the
King's-Bench prison, was pitched upon for this
business ; but, on a council being called, political
reasons determined them to forbid it.
" Here we see a prelate of great learning and
sanctity speak of this as a public action well known
to have happened in his own days. He also accuses
English governors of laboring to destroy, or carry
away, every monument of antiquity they were able,
and he particularly names Lord Grey, in the reign
of Henry VIII., Sir Henry Sidney, Sir George
Carew, etc. He also laments the vast numbers of
Irish MSS., so long shut up in the Tower of Lon-
don, and consigned to oblivion : ' Works ' (says he),
* that if translated, would throw new and interesting
lights on religion and letters ! ' Whatever outrages
were committed by the Danes, whatever injuries
they had done to letters, were soon remedied by the
attention and munificence of the immortal Brian
Boirumhe, and by subsequent princes.
"• But to explore the true cause of the destruction
of our annals, and the shameful neglect of our his-
tory, we must look nearer home. From the first
landing of Henry II., the English adopted a shame-
ful policy, which was steadily pursued for many
centuries. They labored to represent the Irish
nation to all Europe as a most barbarous and savage
race of mortals ; and, at the same time, they left
nothing unattempted to get possession of as many
of their records as they could, which they either
destroyed or conveyed to Britain. From age to
age quantities of vellum MSS. were sent out
of the kingdom. They still lie scattered in their
different public libraries ; but no attempt has ever
been made to inform the public of their contents !
In the reign of Elizabeth, of James I., of Charles L,
and Charles II., and even to the Revolution, hered-
itary antiquarians, poets, lawyers, and physicians,
were everywhere to be found well versed in their
different professions, and highly capable of translat-
ing into Latin the works in their different depart-
ments, yet no measure was taken to further these
good ends ! On the contrary, to write in favor of
Ireland, or Irish affairs, was deemed a proof of
enmity to Britain ; and this is the reason that all
the works which were published in her favor during
that period, were printed in foreign countries.
" Yet it evidently appears that the early history
and antiquities of Britain, can only be satisfactorily
explained, by recurring to the history and antiqui-
ties of Ireland. I have, in a former work, taken
uncommon pains to elucidate this matter, and I
flatter myself that the present one will prove to
demonstration, how deeply interested British anti-
quarians and historians are, in the preservation of
our scattered annals. In what light they will con-
sider my laborious researches I am only to conjec-
ture ; but I think, that I may with some confidence
afiirm, that few have taken more trouble, and no
one has been more successful in investigating the
early history and antiquities of Britain than my-
Enough however has survived the several waves
of literary depredation that have swept over this
Sacred Land to reset the story in its general aspect,
and by arranging the fragments in their logical order,
we can fill in the Mosaic with data culled from other
sources. This is particularly the case concerning
Bratha's generation, which marked the transfer of
Zarah's Commercial Centre from Carthage and its
environs, to Spain. The object was to command the
Western traffic at a closer range, and we may be sure
that every adjunct familiar to modern methods lent
their influence in the operation.
Commercial Conquest.
At this juncture it is in course to allude to Tailte,
the Spanish princess who married the Fir Bolgian,
Prince of Ireland, just previous to the Daanan Con-
* (Hist, of Ireland, pp. 24 and 25, O'Halloran.)
quest. A careful analysis of the Chronology and
generations involved lends weight to the conclusion
that she was none other than the daughter of Bratha
himself, and the sister of the famous Breoean XX.
Practically Ireland was already conquered by the
Milesians, although nominally ruled by the Fir
We here refer to the peaceful phase which has
been lost to view. Commercial intercourse never
ceased between the Phoenicians and this Western
Isle. It was the increasing importance of this com-
merce that led the Milesian Merchant Princes to
leave the neighborhood of Carthage and move to
Spain in order to be nearer to their source of wealth.
Brought thus nearer, they were enabled by personal
inspection and more constant traffic to perceive the
importance of even closer alliances. This we find in
the frequent marriages, and intermarriages between
the royal lines of Spain and Ireland, and of both
with the likewise important Danish lines ruling kin-
dred colonies far up the coast. As an instance, we
may refer to the marriage between Tailte, the
daughter of Bratha, (consummated soon after the
arrival of the Milesians in Spain) and the then Fir
Bolgian ruler of Ireland.
But this marriage had scarcely borne its fruit be-
fore the brief reign of the Fir Bolgs was succeeded
by that of the Tuatha de Daanans themselves, and
we find this same Tailte, (whose renown in his-
tory, is second only to that of Tea Tephi herself)
subsequently married to Deocha-Gharbh, one of the
conquering Daanan chiefs. Indeed, immediately
upon the Daanan conquest, the Milesian influence
was transferred to this new dynasty, and so fully
recognized that Luigha, then an infant, but later
the third Daanan King, was placed under the special
guardianship of this very Princess.
Being a lady of great wisdom she acquitted her-
self of her charge to universal satisfaction, and to
commemorate her name and his gratitude, Luigha
instituted the celebrated Tailtean Games and
Tournaments. They were held upon the first of
August, being the day of her death, at Tailtean in
Meath, the place of her interment.
The reader is therefore cautioned in advance not
to confuse the commercial and diplomatic conquest
of Ireland, by the Milesians, with the later Military
one, nor to conform to the general and erroneous
opinion that the intercourse was of a limited descrip-
tion. Spain was the Irish emporium, and Ireland
was the Spanish Market, and the trade was con-
ducted upon the gigantic Phoenician basis, Milesian
policy was quietly conquering it a century before
the arms of Heremon were forged.
MiLESius OF Spain.
Breoghan XX. the brother of Tailte, was a prince
of great bravery. He led the Gadelians in many
battles against the Spaniards {z. e. their Celtic pred-
ecessors in loco)y and always with success.
This prince had ten sons, and from him and his
commercial colonies in Northern England (the Brio-,
antes) some derive its very name of Britain, the
land of Breoghan.* The chronicles of the Douglass
family run back to these Brigantes, and the whole
matter is discussed by Pineda, Fielden, Keating and
others. We have better derivation for the name of
Britain, but admit the facts involved.
* In his chronicles and History of Scotland (Scotorum Historic)
published in 1526, Hector Boece (Bcetius) remarks, " Some men
hold that Brigance was the same region of England that is now
called Wales * * but the opinion is vain ; for the Roman authors say
that the Isle of Man lieth over against Brigance and is midway
between it and Ireland, as it is in fact. Galloway has the same polar
elevation that Ptolemy assigns to Brigance. Moreover by the testi-
mony of sundry authors we learn that out of Brigance, the town of
Spain now called Compostella, there came a company of people to
Ireland who were named Spanyeartis ; and out of Ireland came a
great company of the same people with King Fergus to Albion; and
in memory of the City of Brigance, which was aforetime inhabited
by them in Spain, they were all called Brigandis.
To this opinion doth Tacitus assent, saying, " The Brigandis were
descended from the Spanyeartis, and dwelt in the remote and farth-
erest boundaries of Britain." In the foregoing quotation we have
freely changed the quaint old English of his original translator (1536)
into its modern outgrowth. The History of Boece is a work of
great scarcity, and has long been prized by collectors. It is not
always accurate, but the critical student of these days will readily
pick out the anachronisms of this ancient author, who confuses
Gallam with Gadelus (probably because both married Scotas !) and
introduces sundi-y other pardonable errors of judgment into the
Milesian Story. Should the' Movement, represented by this modest
Quarterly, looking towards a new " Revival of Learning," ever attain
the financial independence to which it aspires, it is the intention of
the Editor to incorporate into its library a complete collection of all
the elder authors, whose labors afford any light upon our origin: in
the mean time a few quotations in the form of notes exhaust our
spaGO and means.
" Ten were the sons of Beoghan, their names
Breagha, Fuad, Muirtheimhne, Sula,
Cuailgne, Blath, Aibhle, Nar, Ith and Bille." *
Although Bille XXI., the son of Breoghan XX., is
named last in this list, nevertheless the most authen-
tic records of the kingdom allow him to have been
the eldest son, and all agree that he succeeded to
the Milesian Sceptre. During his reign the House
of Zerah devoted itself to the spread of its commer-
cial conquests, and the special quest of knowledge
in the far East. His sons conducted these affairs in
their several capacities, and active intercourse be-
tween Spain (as the Western Centre) and all other
lands known to Phoenician sailors culminated.
Among these outlying trading ports we not only
include the whole Mediterranean region, but the
parts now represented by Belgium and Denmark,
and particularly the Brigantian colonies in Northern
Britian and the Ancient Markets of Ireland. Their
influence was predominant, and as the Rulers of the
Seas their impress was a parallel to that of Britain
in these modern days.
The chief and eldest among the sons of Bille was
the famous Gallam XXII., who was called the Mile-
sius of Spain, and in his day the commercial con-
quest of all the Western Islands was consummated.
But he did not confine his extraordinary talents to
such peaceful matters only. He was an Admiral of
* Old " Chronicle," Keating.
the greatest skill and a General of many renowned
battles. His fleets carried subjection far to the re-
gions of the North, along the coast of Europe, and
by their frequent presence in the British and Irish
ports secured a tacit recognition. But in these latter
regions the Balance of Power was merely nominal
until the next generation.
Meanwhile Gallam formed personal alliances with
the ruling families in these parts. He had at least
three wives and many concubines, and among the
wives was one whom he undoubtedly married in the
West, and probably before his Eastern adventures
The story of these adventures and of their out-
come we must perforce, reserve for the succeeding
Study. They form the most prominent chapter in
the Milesian Records and prepared the final way for
Jeremiah's own expedition to the Western Regions.
Heremon XXHL, the son of Milesius, was born
in Spain. Most accounts make him to have been
the youngest of the three more famous sons of Gal-
lam (Heber, Amergin and Heremon), and not to
have been born until his father's return from Egypt ;
they are obscure as to his motlier, whom we take to
have been the Western Queen, and a daughter of
McGreive, a Daanan prince of Ireland.
This McGreive was the son of Carmada and was
himself the last king of the Daanans. There is a
subtle connection between the Milesian and Daanan
lines lurking in the traditions concerning Heremon
himself which cannot be overlooked. He is often
called the Prince of the Daanans, but was the un-
doubted son of Milesius, and at least a half-brother
to the other sons. We do not pretend to have
solved this particular mystery, and so far as the out-
come of our study is concerned his unchallenged
Milesian and paternal parentage is quite sufficient
in the strictly historical premises.
Whether he shall be proved the son of Scota, the
daughter of Pharaoh, whom, as we shall see, Milesius
married in Egypt, or shall be eventually traced, as
we believe he will be, to Daanan blood through his
mother, the '* scarlet thread " of Zerah's line is un-
broken. For reasons, however, good and sufficient,
the chief of which are to enable us to harmonize the
story of this Mileso-Daanan King (Heremon) we are
content at present to rest the introduction of this
princess into our recital, upon conjecture, and shall
call her name Muiream."^
This character is a necessary flux or blend in the
chapter of the Milesian story which marks its transi-
tion from Spain to Ireland, and, if it accomplishes no
other purpose its introduction into the Romance
will enable us to tell the early history of Ireland
from the standpoint of that particular generation in
a more interesting manner.
* The equivalent of Miriam, and similarly pronounced, with the
addition of the softer sound of u — /. e. Muir'-e-am,
Having accomplished this task, in such familiar
anguage as a mother would employ to a bright boy
seated at her footstool, the reader may suffer her
:o pass out of the romance.
But there will remain thereafter at least a consecu-
;ive sketch of Erin's History up to the Daanan
Conquest, and through it to that of the Milesians;
md whether Muiream herself shall thereafter be
'elegated to the regions of imagination or not, our
snds will have been gained.
In following with us the thread of this line of
'esearch the reader must not forget that we are
Tierely telling the Story of Our Race as it has
Decome formulated from our studies. We are aim-
ng to be understood, to interest, suggest, explain
md teach ; we are also desirous of inclining the
Tiinds of those whom we may reach to think as we
do ; for even the colloquial style has method in its
intention, and we are confident that all who shall
lave opportunity and means to search among the
Driginal records for themselves, will, ere they cease,
ind ample reason to agree that for the present the
system here adopted is the best. The generality of
'eaders have no time for mere scholastic work, and
ire impatient for the climax. They form the bulk
Df those to whom we write, and having sprung from
them ourselves we feel that we could choose no bet-
:er means of being understood nor of presenting
kvhat we have to say than that which we pursue.
Heremon, the son of Milesius, no matter who his
mother actually was, conquered Ireland, subdued
the Daanans, became their most famous prince, and
eventually married Tea Tephi. In this union the
Royal lines of Zerah and PJiarez were made ONE,
and we can trace their descendants without any
break, down to little Victoria Duff, the grand-
daughter of Queen Victoria, and the ONE HUNDRED
AND FIFTY AND THIRD descendant from Adam
In our next Study, therefore, we shall set in order
the Conclusion of this beautiful chapter in the Ro-
mance of History. It commences with a detailed
recital of the fortunes of Gallam or Milesius, cen-
tres in the adventures of Heremon himself, con-
siders the circumstances surrounding the incoming
of Jeremiah and his Wards, and with rapid sketch
scans down the ages to the present time.
Vide Page
^' But thou, Bethlehem Ephratah, though thou be little
among the thousajids of Judah, yet out of thee Shall
He come forth unto me that is to he Ruler in Isra^el;
whose goings forth have heen from of old, from everlast-
ing." Micah V. 2.
" Tlierefore ivill he give them up, until the time that
SHE luhich travaileth hath brought forth ; (^Compare
Revel, xii. I) THEN the Remnant of His brethren
(Jetvs) shall return unto the childre7i of Israel."
Micah V. 3, et ah
Query. Which " Advent " 9
Answer. BOTH!
ITS 03RIG-m ii.l^I> 1073 I>3SSa7I}Sr'Y-.
With this Study the Current Series closes, and as
we owe its completion, under God's blessing, to the
generous help of numerous friends we heartily
thank them in the Name of Truth. The immediate
response to the circular lately issued put it in our
power not only to secure this New Year's date
(Sept. 23, 1891, A. D., or Autumnal Equinox 5890
A. M.), but enabled us to issue new editions of the
former Studies which were being exhausted just at
the moment when the increasing demand made them
necessary, and when the lack of funds made it im-
possible to prosecute the work even upon this
already promised and closing volume.
Those who have followed this effort during the
past eighteen months will fully appreciate the diffi-
culties we have contended with, and we ourselves
cannot but acknowledge the patience with which
they have borne the inevitable delays incident to
such an undertaking. It has literally been a travail,
but at last the child is born, and the truth set free !
The mites have helped as well as the talents, and
no man can tell what increase God will give unto
the seed already sown.
Judging from our correspondence we estimate
that the volumes now in hand have been perused
by at least 100,000 people. And this suggests the
prosecution of a plan which has already been set on
foot to help the cause.
It seems to be the consensus of our readers that
Study Number One is the best fitted for general
seed-sowing, and to this end funds are coming in to
enable us to send out quite a number of ''Circula-
ting Copies" of that Study. Each volume has a
short notice pasted on the fly leaf to the effect that
*' This Book is to be Circulated in the Cause of
Truth — please read and pass to your NEIGHBOR."
The volumes are all labeled and serially numbered,
and the several readers are requested to send their
names and addresses here in order that our lists may
be completed, and that they may receive circulars
of future works. The volume receiving the largest
circulation will be announced in due time.
It is our firm belief that we are hurrying into The
Crisis of History, and it is manifest that the sooner
we, who have now laid hold upon so inspiring a
Truth as our Identity with Israel, disseminate it
among the rest of Our Race, the better IT will be
prepared to stand in its own lot at the end of days !
We therefore earnestly recommend this promising
method of spreading the Truth to our friends and
ask them to start a few of these Circulating Vol-
umes in their own locality.
* ^
This particular Study brings the Story of Our
Race down to the threshold over which its Sceptre
disappeared. We have followed several of its more
prominent threads as far as the actual chronicles of
Eastern events permitted, and have picked up some
of the more important Western clues whereby its
sequel is to be still further prosecuted.
If the effort comes to an end here we shall have
shown that down to this point at least there is 110
halting in the Drama, and we are confident that no
sane man can doubt it has an outcome proportion-
ate to the vitality with which the '' Cast " was moving
when the curtain fell ! As we have already ex-
ceeded our limits we are forced to run the Story
over into another volume, in which, however, we
hope to reach the conclusion of this particular sur-
vey. There will then be several other very impor-
tant lines upon which to invite continued study, for
our topic, by its very nature, is inexhaustible.
Subscriptions for this Second Series should be
sent at once, and as we actually need 1000 to insure
success, we trust that every one of the 475 names
now on our original books will form the nucleus of
our second undertaking.
In renewing their Subscriptions our Correspon-
dents are requested to write their full address as
plainly as possible, giving P. O. Box, and Street
Number: we should also like the County mentioned.
As we are short of hands we crave the fullest exer-
cise of patience on the part of those who help us.
The press of work at this Centre is often too great
to admit of any reply whatever, even to important
letters; as a rule, however, we intend to intimate
the reception of a letter by the immediate return of
a circular. Finally, in all future orders for books
be careful to state explicitly what Series is required,
tor as we are about to commence the Second Series
there is danger of no little confusion unless the
instructions sent are carefully worded.
We ask no man to believe the propositions set
forth in this little Series, upon the unsupporte<
merits of our own ipsi dixit, for our chief object ij
to beget independent investigation all along th<
line. Truth has no fear of Light, nor has it an]
controversy save with Darkness.
In our own estimation the chief value of oui
labors resides in the true Chronology which we an
incorporating into these Studies, and in the logical
order in which the several threads of the general
topic are woven into one consecutive recital.
Our task has been chiefly Editorial ; it owes it*
material to a vast library of predecessors, and w<
reserve the right to correct our judgment as th(
field expands.
The subject however is no longer a matter oi
theory, for its foundation is established ; but we ad-
mit the want of many details and a'wait them quite
as anxiously as any of our readers.
In the mean time we have not hesitated to pre-
sent the facts and connecting surmises in the se-
quence in which they have irresistibly arranged
themselves in our own mind. We have been study-
ing this matter for years and have found no fatal
Indeed we have defied the world to present an
inconsistency anywhere along the line of surmise,
fact, or argument, and to our challenge no man has
The conclusion is inevitable, and in it we are con-
fident that our constantly growing constituency may
take absolute courage and press forward to a cer-
tain and a glorious victory.
It is God's truth for which we are fighting, a
truth which honors Him as a " Covenant Keeper"
to the final jot and tittle, nor is there any other
God, nor hath He any other nature.
He is the God of " Our Fathers," and by virtue
of their faith, and His Grace, solely, do we stand
to-day upon the threshold of a dispensation that
shall be, indeed, the long expected Shiloh.
Of course we cannot '' demonstrate," as yet, each
of our positions, nor can we present a tithe of the
arguments that go to swell the probability of some
of our conclusions. Morally the case is already
proved, specifically there are numerous ** missing
links." It is for this very reason that we are inves-
tigating ! Yet after all the missing links in the
Anglo-Israelite Identity have far more vitality than
those which, via the Darwinian chain, would
anchor us to earth, in that, although the cable sinks
beneath the waves, we have the ENDS and know
they are "■ alive f "
However, as we are personally human, we may
have erred in some of our incidental deductions.
Hence speaking for ourselves, and in behalf of every
other earnest searcher after truth, we trust that all
who have additional light, upon the topics under
investigation, will let it shine into our Study in
order that we may reflect it to the rest.
In this connection we particularly request our
friends to send us *' fragments," bearing upon any
feature of the topic, which they may come across in
general reading, and to supply references and au-
thorities to such quotations as they may cull for us.
Such material will be carefully assorted in our scrap
books, and by means of it a weighty mass of testi-
mony may be speedily collected. Numerous heads
are better than one, and if many pens will help us
to take " Notes," both pro and con, we shall not
only effect a great saving of time, but all will be
partakers in the general result. The most promis-
ing fields are the numerous Chronicles and Histories
of Spain, Ireland, Scotland and Wales. Brief ex-
tracts, accurately quoted, bearing upon the Corona-
tion Stone, the Heraldry and Genealogy of the Scots
and Milesians, significant place-names, suggestive
customs, laws and manners, notable traditions, etc.,
etc., are particularly valuable. We leave' this
matter to the collector's judgment, which will be
sharpened in so pleasant and so profitable a
The fact is our labors should be mutual in a mat-
ter of such vast importance to Our Race, and the
advantages which will result from the collection of
such a valuable array of data at some central point
is manifest. We also ask our readers to clip such
Reviews and Notices of these Studies and our Col-
lateral Labors as may pass before them in the press
of their locality, and forward them to us. In this
way we shall be able to keep the public pulse in
touch and anticipate many of the local wants inci-
dent to the work we have in hand.
In the mean time we request our constituency to
discredit all newspaper reports of interviews with us
unless they are signed in full by ourselves. It is
unfortunate that the average reporter cannot, or
else will not be accurate. In Chronology we have
been misquoted, as making the most outrageous
anachronism, while in matters of Faith and Biblical
knowledge our work and aims have been thoroughly
misunderstood. We hope, however, that all who
shall have followed the efforts we are making in
these brief Studies will be able to judge for them-
selves as to what we would have said under
reported circumstances, and that they will give us
the benefit of the doubt whenever its necessity is
In the text of the current Study we have endeav-
ored to convey as many answers as possible to the
numerous Queries sent us by our correspondents.
We do not intend to avoid explicit replies, but
hope to publish them in due time, although at pres-
ent we are still forced to economize our space and
keep to the main issue for obvious reasons. There
is one query however which has come from so many
quarters that we deem it wise to give a general an-
swer here.
The question is as to the bearing of our Chrono-
logical Studies upon *' the Seventh day." There is
a manifest quandary in many honest quarters as to
whether Saturday or Sunday should be kept as ** the
Day of Rest."
In our opinion both"Judah*' and ** Israel " are
right in keeping the days they do. They have the
same unbroken scale ; for the sequence of twenty-
four hours, separately designated, and arranged in
groups of seven to a week, has never been broken.
But right here comes a '* consequence " of thej
Joshua calculation, in all its force. The Long Da]
of Joshua was counted by the Chronologists of the]
time as two "days" of twenty-four hours each;]
they were the "third" and "fourth" days of the]
week respectively, i. e., our Tuesday and Wednesday.]
Wednesday's sunset marked the beginning of
Thursday, or the *' fifth " day of t/iat current week.
It is, however, to be critically noticed that in so far
as Sunsets are concerned, by which the days are As-
tronomically measured, this Thursday Sunset-begin-
ning was, by the very fact of the prodigy, made the
fourth sunset of that week instead of the fifth !
In other words the Chronological, count, by
twenty-four hours each, is one ahead of the Astro-
nomical, which to this day is by sunsets only!
Note now that the names of the week days
(whether by the old Hebrew mode of First, Second,
etc., or by the modern Sunday, Monday, etc.) run
with the Chronological, or 24-hour system.
Now as a matter of fact when the Apostles (no
doubt moved by inspiration) met together upon
" the First day of the week,", i. e. upon our Sunday,
which they called "the Lord's Day," they met
upon the original Sabbath in so far as its Sunset se-
quence is concerned !
A hundred years ago our forefathers kept their
Sunday in the true Apostolic method — i. e. from
Saturday's sunset to the following one, and the
writer was familiar with the custom down to 1865.
'' Judah " keeps " Saturday " — i. e. from Friday's
sunset to that of Saturday. They are '' Chronolog-
ically " correct.
" Israel " keeps " Sunday " (we should keep it
from Saturday eve to Sunday eve as did the Apos-
tles and our Pilgrim ancestors !) We are, therefore,
not only '* Astronomically " correct, hut follow the
example of the Apostles themselves, who must
have had positive reasons for their selection !
We doubt whether they perceived the mathemat-
ical import of the custom thus instituted, but the
fitness of the selection is all the more significant.
This is particularly so to the writer, who did not
dream of this consequence of his calculations until
a Canadian Student pointed it out long after the
publication of the Joshua Calculation.
Finally, in this connection, the Saviour is Lord
not only of the "Seventh" but of everjy day. We
believe that Man and Beast and Nature need a Sab-
bath rest. It is very significant that dating from a
year ago, a strong movement began in Judah look-
ing towards the keeping of Sunday, if not instead
of, at least in addition, to Saturday. We do not
doubt that the Apostles kept (perhaps in different
ways) dot/i Saturday and Sunday. But as a strict
constructionist we are satisfied that the change to
Sunday in so far as *' Israel " is concerned, was not
only made by ** authority " but is now singularly
shown to have put us back upon the original sunset
sequence as instituted in Eden. The Sabbath Law
was the first one promulgated !
The date of this issue is New Year's day. The
Ancient Civil Year began at Autumnal Equinox,
and the present one with which we synchronize
marks 5890 full So/ar years since the Creation of
Adam, no more no less. The Jewish New Year's
day is October 3d, and marks the 5652d civil year
since the time of Enos, no more no less.
It must be remembered thsit ^/lejy keep Lunar
time, and intercalate it once in three years, and in
cycles of fifteen years, by dropping a series of
weeks, so as to reconnect with solar time at regular
For instance in exactly a year from now, Sept.
22, 1892, the Solar and Lunar years will agree in a
very significant manner, considering the certain im-
portance of the next twelve months in the affairs of
Now if we convert 5890 Solar years into Lunar
time, just as we would change gold into its silver
equivalent, we shall find that we are more than half
way through the 6071st Lunar year since creation ;
the ratio is about 252O Lunar to 2445 Solar years.
The years 1895-6 A. D. will thus bring us into the
6075th Lunar year from creation, or 2520 + 75
Lunar years from 3377 A. M. the solar year in which
the '' Times of the Gentiles " began !
Only the deeper students of Prophecy will per-
ceive the full significance of these Chronological,
Astronomical and Mathematical harmonies. The
combination rings but once.
But such of our readers as shall have followed the
Millennium discussion in Frank Leslie's Illustrated
Weekly, wherein, since May 9th, week by week,
there have been ample explanations and discussions
of our views, will have no difficulty* in reading well
between these narrow lines.
We believe, however, that every man has light
enough to see the truth if he has willingness within
his heart. Though it is not a Biblical quotation it
is none the less true, that, ** God tempers the wind to
the shorn lamb," and to every one His name is
" Jehovah Jireh."
As to our own little constituency, whether they
have followed the Millennium Articles or not, we
have little fear that they misunderstand the *' Times "
in which we live. The truth of the Anglo-Israelite
Identity has placed within their hands the most po-
tent key there is, and if they employ it wisely (by
which we mean concurrently with faithful ** Lamp-
trimming," or Bible reading) it will open up the true
philosophy of all that is taking place among the
nations. The way to study .current events is to
view them through this lense. It will adjust Per-
spective without Mathematics, and solve Chronol-
ogy without Astronomy. The Prophets were in-
spired !
In this connection we re-irrvite the attention of
our readers to the general Prophetical Exegesis op-
posite page 206 in Study Number Two. The six
months beginning at the present time, and extend-
ing to March 29, 1892, A. D., form the last half of
the Sacred Hebrew year denominated in Current
Jewish Almanacs by the Jehovetic number,
At their termination the final ''seven years" of
the ''Times of the Gentiles" begin, their first
" half-week of years " ending somewhere between
the Luni-Solar Equinox of 1895 A. D., and the Vernal
Equinox of 1896 A. D., or as our Studies lead us to
believe, marking the critical period of the 6075th
Lunar year from creation.
From now on, the whole period, extending to the
close of this Century, no matter upon what scale of
time we measure it, will be crowded with startling
events of every description. It is useless to specify.
All we can say, and that with due solemnity, is :
"Watch!" for none but watchers can be "pre-
pared," and even they will be taken unaware, by
the Great Event whose actual date no man on earth
can possibly foresee.
Let it be remembered, however, that the teaching
of the parable of the Wise and Foolish virgins im-
plies that the coming of the Bridegroom takes place
some time during this brief period of lamp-trimming,
now already as we believe begun. Our lamps are our
Bibles, even the two Testaments ; for unless God's
Word be a Lamp unto our feet, how shall we haste
to Him whose name is verily " The Word of God ! "
The " oil " is in itself. It is Faith, and is of Grace.
It only saves !
But the day of Faith draws near its close, for
when that of Fact begins even the " Higher Critics,"
and the nominal Christian world, will fain procure a
modicum of what they now contemn. They are
the Foolish Virgins and while they go ** to buy,"
the Wise ones go to meet their Lord.
It is a noticeable fact, my friends, that there is no
mention af the Bride in this parable! Nevertheless
the Spirit and the Bride say, Come ! and we may
be confident that when the Lord appears the Lady
will be here to meet him ! For herein is the Mys-
tery of Mysteries, and the chief surprise of the five
Virgins who are to be her Bridesmaids !
" All things are double one against another ; and
he hath made nothing imperfect," * " So look
upon all the works of the Most High ; for there are
two and two, one against another." f
It is the proper understanding of this momentous
fact that equips Faith with the fundamental princi-
ple of Knowledge, nor can we attain to Wisdom,
properly so called, until we grasp and master all
that it implies.
As one of the highest illustrations, it is impossi-
ble to contemplate the fulness of Christ without
taking into due consideration His Bride and Coun-
terpart ; and as one of the most familiar, it is hope-
less to attempt the solution of the problem of Hu-
manity by limiting ourselves to the analysis of Man-
hood only.
Before the creation of Eve not even angels could
* Eccl. xlii. 24.
t Eccl. xxxiii. 15.
have formed any conception of the Divine inten-
tions. It was the creation of Womanhood that
completed the equation, which even yet we have
not fully solved.
But all things, from the least unto the greatest,
partake of this essential characteristic, and the only
door of approach folds back in two leaves which
are twain apiece.
For instance History is the exact counterpart of
Prophecy and vice versa, and each is double, even
Sacred and Secular, the inner and the outer.
They mutually illuminate each other and it is
only in the recognition of their necessary agree-
ment as a result of the duality of all things that the
Student can arrive at truth itself.
He must stand between them in receptive mood,
and compare impressions. The inevitable result of
thus placing one's self betwixt this double influence
is a new mental h\x\.\i~\.\\Q conception of the Oneness
of Truth.
Now in studying the traits and features of a child
we must explore those of both parents, and in the
case in hand we shall find they mutually supple-
ment each other.
The Philosophy of Facts finds its exact counter-
part in the Spirit of Prophecy, and where either
seems but rudimentary, the other will afford the
needed counterpart.
For want of terms we shall denominate the new
power the Spirit of Interpretation. It is akin to
Inspiration, and Fulfilment, in the same degree
which marks the relationship between a child and
its parents, partaking of each and blending the at-
tributes of both.
But as before stated each leaf of the door is twain.
We must supplement Sacred History with Secular
in order to arrive at the primary raison d'etre, and
according as the leaves are folded on either hand
we must fold those of the companion over against
The New School of History must accept Proph-
ecy in its integrity ; there can be no compromise, nor
can it tolerate the least displacement of the Mosaic
found upon the right hand or the left. The ruth-
less fingers of the ''Higher Criticism" will be
jammed in the complicated hinges, and no one will
regret the lopping off of members that blaspheme
design, and would presume to displace jots and
tittles of whose import their possessors have not a
remote conception.
The novitiate in the ancient mysteries of Egypt
was taught the lesson of duality as he entered the
temple of On ; he had to pass between two Obe-
lisks that guarded its entrance. The same two
stand to-day, the one over against the other upon
either side of the Atlantic. In the days of Joseph
they stood on either hand as little Ephraim and
Manasseh (our ancestors !) went in and out of the sa-
cred precincts, presided over by their grandfather.
In the earlier mysteries of the Shepherd Kings
the same truth was taught by the companion blocks
upon either side of the entrance passage to the
Great Pyramid, and, in the later days of Solomon, by
" Jachin " and " Boaz," the pillars of Strength and
Beauty, between which the representative of all
Israel drew near to God.
In their plainest literal sense, and in a far deeper
spiritual one, these double types are always male
and female, part and counterpart. Lord and Lady,
Bride and Groom. They have been joined of God
from the beginning, and it is certain that no man
may put them asunder. This is not a question of
marrying and giving in marriage, for it pertains to
matters superior to all possibility of permanent
divorce, and all who are accounted worthy to attain
unto the Dispensation now at hand will be Two in
One by virtue of the very Philosophy of Creation.
But we may pass beyond the Gates of Eden and
penetrate to its central precincts without losing
this supreme conception. When, at his creation,
Adam stood alone, a dual being though he knew it
not ! — in the midst of the garden, behold two Trees,
the one of Life, the other of Knowledge.
The fruit of the latter, however, was not for that
Dispensation, and we may be sure its prohibition
was a blessing, even as the trespass of our progeni-
tors hath wrought persistent harm.
Nevertheless there was a significant fitness even
in the way whereby this trespass came about. For
of the two trees, the fruit of the forbidden one was
the promise of *' Beauty " rather than of " Strength,"
and it was Eve, the type thereof, who plucked its
The immediate consequence was their expulsion.
They were excluded from access to both trees, and
began at once to die. Yet at the fall of Eden the
Cherubims were placed as living witnesses of what
they left behind, and between them, still, doth God
meet those who seek Him in their hearts.
But by no means does this special interpretation
exhaust the mystery concealed from the Beginning
in the Cherubim that stood on either hand of Eden's
gate, and between which we must pass if we are
ever to regain the Paradise which lies beyond !
In every form of the type the same interior signi-
fication is concealed, but there are an indefinite
number of outward phases, while, veiled no matter
how, they all look up to God who is the antitype of
all that is.
For even when the High Priest reached the Holiest
of Holies and stood between the Cherubim that over-
shadowed the Shekinah, behold the type in purest
gold, and beaten out of one piece, even as Adam
and Eve, the *' image " and the ** likeness " of Jeho-
vah, were originally made together, and, though
cloven thereafter in twain, are still " one flesh for-
ever !
The Strength and Beauty of this fundamental
Mystery is deeply concealed in Manhood and its
better Counterpart ; but the pearl of its chief inter-
pretation is far too precious for exposure in the
common market place of this Dispensation ! whoso
hath eyes, therefore, to see this, let him see; and if a
voice speaks, let him who hath ears, wherewith to
hear, perceive, and be discreet.
With light enough in these dark days to see
somewhat Beyond, we have ventured in these pages
to cast a seed-YQ2s\ at the feet of those who prize
gems at their worth, we speak purposely in para-
bles, and address ourselves chiefly to " The Daugh-
ters of the King" and ''The Mothers of
Instant in Prayer, and Constant in Sacrifice, they
find pleasure, as did Anna, in the Service of the
Temple, and await the consummation of God's Mys-
tery, even the Second Advent.
It is Here — if thou canst bear it — but, in a manner
that we wot not, hath it come; and even as Eve was
a surprise to Adam, when he awoke and found the
'' Likeness " of what he was but an '' Image," at his
side, so we, the sons of Adam, have a greater won-
der in our store when we awake, and see the Bride-
groom and the Bride !
The Woman clothed in the Sun has been revealed
in Heaven, and, if upon the Earth, is still veiled as a
gem is in its matrix until set and fashioned by the
Master hand.
She is the Anti-type of our Better, and the Glory
of our Dual Nature, and will be found by those who
seek her. Her name is Beauty, and She is Wisdom,
the Companion of Strength ; She is the Song of
Solomon and the Daughter of the King !
But where may she be found?
Neither in the wilderness nor in the secret cham-
bers though she has been in both and goeth thither,
that is into the wilderness yet once again, foretime,
times, and a half a time."
Seek her in spirit and who shall say but that Her
spirit shall seek thee ! Yet know this that the day
of her manifestation hasteth, and that when the
opened eyes of all Mankind behold Her they will
see HUn whom they pierced ; for she is One with
Him even as He is One with God.